After the ascent failed

Chapter 110 Six Cases in the Northern Territory

Chapter 110 Six Sects of the Northern Territory
Under the jealous eyes of all the male disciples, the little boy ran towards Nie Xin and Chen Xue with a smile on his face.

Both of them are beauties with extraordinary temperament, and they are beautiful and beautiful, especially Nie Xin. Since he came to Cangyuan Sect three years ago, countless men have admired her. Now I don't know how many people want to join them in the Immortal Refining Valley, but they are all rejected. Refused.

This little boy with a big fart actually succeeded.

"It's just relying on his relationship with the Grand Elder!"

"So what if the background is strong, this little brat dares to enter the Immortal Alchemy Valley even at the fifth level of Qi Refining, so he should not die in it."

Someone hummed.

The eyes of the others were also red. If they hadn't seen that even Daoist Huang Long treated the little boy politely, he would have been thrown out by now.

"Hehe, Senior Sister, you are so beautiful. It would be great if you could be with my father. Speaking of which, he is a bachelor who has been around for ten thousand years, so he should find me a stepmother."

The little boy couldn't stop talking endlessly.

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence.

When Nie Xin and Chen Xue heard the words, the corners of their mouths twitched, and Nie Ying, who was next to him, looked even more ugly.

"Junior brother, is your father really the Supreme Elder?"

Nie Xin was silent, but Chen Xue couldn't help asking.

"Of course, my father is the most powerful person in this sect."

The little boy nodded calmly.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone knows that Elder Qingmu is the most powerful person in this sect, which shows that this little boy is indeed his child, this reason really makes them feel overwhelmed.

Nie Xin's complexion also changed, but she remained silent and did not speak.

"It turns out that Junior Brother is really the son of the Grand Elder. I'm Nie Ying. Don't worry, Junior Brother. After entering the Immortal Alchemy Valley, I will protect you well." Nie Ying put on a smiling face.

This person has such a high status, if he can make a good impression on him, he might have a chance to rise to the top in the future.

"Hey, easy to talk, easy to talk." The little boy waved his hands, old-fashioned.

"Chen Xue, this is Nie Xin, little junior brother, what's your name?" Chen Xue blinked, feeling that this handsome little boy was very lovable, but she kept her distance from him because of his background.

The little boy rolled his eyes, grinned and said, "Just call me Junior Brother."

He said this, but the little boy thought in his heart: "Hmph, I can't tell you my real name when I sneak down the mountain this time, or if my father finds out, I will have to be confined in the cave in the future."

"Uh, that's... that's fine, that's fine."

Chen Xue nodded awkwardly.

The other party obviously didn't want to tell, and she didn't want to ask more.

When the other disciples heard that the little boy had personally admitted his identity as the son of the Grand Elder, the jealousy on their faces suddenly became kind and friendly, and they came up to show their favor one by one, even those disciples at the Dao base level were extremely polite to him.

The little boy didn't have any airs, and politely responded to these disciples' overtures.

But it seemed that he was determined to accompany Nie Xin and his party, and he refused the invitation of others without thinking.

In this regard, everyone had no choice but to return in resentment.

Seeing that he came from an extraordinary background, but he was lively and cute, Chen Xue's affection for him rose, and he made fun of him from time to time, and Nie Xin's expression softened a bit.

At this time, Taoist Huanglong cleared his throat and said: "Since my nephew has chosen a team, I will not stop me, but my nephew must remember that after entering the Immortal Alchemy Valley, you must be careful."

"Don't worry, if I encounter a monster that I can't beat, I will definitely run away." The little boy said seriously.

Taoist Huanglong laughed dryly, and secretly hoped that you, the little devil king, would come out safely, otherwise, he would be blamed for this crime.

"Alright, the other five masters haven't arrived yet, and we alone can't break the ban, so we'll wait here." Taoist Huanglong said nothing more after giving instructions, and immediately sat down cross-legged.

Dozens of disciples also meditated and rested to keep themselves in peak condition.

But that little boy, who didn't know whether he was confident that he could cope with the next experience or for other reasons, didn't meditate like other disciples, but looked around boredly.

"Hey, junior brother, your flying sword looks familiar, as if you've seen it somewhere before." Chen Xue suddenly looked at him.

To be exact, he was staring at the big sword behind the little boy, feeling a little surprised.

"Senior Sister Chen Xue has seen this sword?" the little boy asked.

"I'm not sure. It's just that it looks familiar from the appearance. Maybe I misread it."

Chen Xue nodded, then shook her head again.

"However, junior brother, your flying sword seems to have weak aura. It should be just a low-level magic weapon. It is said that the monsters in the Immortal Refining Valley are very fierce. Can this sword handle it?"

"A lower-level magic weapon?" The little boy touched the hilt of his sword, and looked back at Chen Xue strangely.

Nie Xin also looked over upon hearing this, looking at the flying sword, which was taller than the little boy, with a suspicious look on his face.

After a long time, she asked: "Dare to ask my junior brother, does your flying sword have a sword name?"

"The name of the sword? I don't know either."

"I secretly took this sword out of Dad's treasury. Speaking of which, the sword didn't look like this before. Dad re-sacrificed it."

"But it's probably because the sword is too low-grade, so my father didn't like it, so he just threw it away. I saw it as useless, so I took it out for self-defense."

The little boy patted the scabbard and made a crackling sound.

Nie Xin and Chen Xue looked at each other, both a little surprised.

This flying sword did give them a sense of familiarity, but after careful thought, they had never seen it before.

But since the little boy said so, they didn't ask any more questions.

During the conversation, there was a sharp neighing in the air.

Everyone was startled and raised their heads one after another, only to see the clouds on the valley split, and a spirit beast no smaller than the flying snake mount of Taoist Huanglong was coming through the air.

This beast looks like a big fish with wings on its back and thick black scales all over its body.

As soon as they approached, everyone felt a strong water-attribute aura, which turned out to be a flying spirit kun.

"Hai Yunkun is from the Water Sect."

Taoist Huanglong raised his eyebrows and recognized the person at a glance.

All the disciples also looked over unanimously.

Sure enough, there were dozens of monks standing on the giant kun. After it fell, a middle-aged Taoist nun with a minor accomplishment in the spiritual realm came over with her hands behind her back.

"I don't know who it is. It turns out to be Taoist Huanglong from the Cangyuan Sect. Your Excellency came here quite early." The middle-aged Taoist greeted Taoist Huanglong casually when she saw Taoist Huanglong.

She is dressed in a sea-blue Taoist robe, her hair is rolled up, and she is tied with a simple ancient hairpin. Although she is middle-aged, she has fair skin and a graceful figure, which shows that she must be the most beautiful beauty when she was young.

But at this time, all the disciples of the Cangyuan Sect discovered that all the disciples who followed the Taoist nun were all female disciples, all of them were beautiful and enchanting, which aroused the enthusiasm of all the male disciples.

"It is said that the Water Sect specializes in water-based exercises, and their mana is feminine, so most of the recruits are female disciples, and the formulas they practice are also the most healing among all sects."

"That's right. I've heard that the Water Sect is a gathering place for beauties. If one day I can marry a Water Sect disciple as a couple of dual cultivators, I will have no regrets in this life."


All the animals whispered.

Many female disciples of the Water Sect were also looking at it curiously, some had cold faces, some looked disdainful, and some covered their mouths and chuckled lightly, which made the men of Cangyuan look a little crazy.

But the middle-aged Taoist nun and Huanglong Taoist didn't seem to deal with it very much. After saying hello, they coldly led the disciples to find a place to meditate.

"Hey, the old Taoist nun is still so arrogant." Taoist Huanglong rubbed his nose and sneered to himself.

"Uncle, do you recognize this senior of the Water Sect?"

A Daoist youth next to him asked.

"Hehe, of course I recognize it. This old Taoist girl is called Fairy Xiuyun. She once had a relationship with Senior Brother Yuan Hai. The two were supposed to become Taoist couples, but they separated for some reason. The old Taoist girl seems to be very concerned about this matter." Yu Huai, from now on, he has always disliked our Cangyuan faction."

Taoist Huanglong laughed strangely.

"Master Yuan Hai?"

"How come we haven't heard of this?"

Daojijing young people are very interested.

Unexpectedly, the well-known Elder Yuan Hai has such a past.

"This happened more than 200 years ago, how could you juniors know?" Taoist Huanglong rolled his eyes.

He didn't want to say any more, so he just waved his hands away.

At the same time, another streamer appeared in the sky.

Two groups of figures fell into the valley one after another, and both sides were powerful and overwhelming.

The first thing that landed was a cloud-white flying boat, with a brilliant aura. At first glance, it was dotted with stars, and it was extremely majestic.

There were a dozen or so monks sitting on the flying boat.

There are not many people, but all of them have a strong breath, and most of them are above the eighth level of Qi Refining, and there are also a few masters of the Dao Foundation.

The rest of the party didn't ride any magical artifacts or spirit beasts, and they all flew alone with their swords. The old man in the front was even more exaggerated, with his hands behind his back, stepping on an auspicious cloud and flying away.

It seems that there are still several miles away, but it has fallen into the field in the blink of an eye.

Soaring through the clouds and riding the fog, this is a supernatural power that can only be used by monks who have completed the Lingling Realm.

"Flying Starship."

"Old Monster Jinyun."

"It seems to be Tianxingzong and Luoyanzong."

Taoist Huanglong scanned the air slightly and recognized the person coming.

Almost at the same time, there were movements from two other directions.

There was only a loud rumbling sound, like thunder, and then the ground trembled wildly, and a large number of spirit beasts appeared in sight.

These spirit beasts have different shapes, some flying at low altitude, some crawling on the ground, and what's more, they are shaped like cheetahs and swoop towards them.

What is shocking is that there is a monk riding on these spirit beasts, no matter male or female, the lowest level of cultivation is the eighth level of Qi Refining, which is more powerful than the Flying Star Boat of the Tianxing Sect.

"Beast Mastery! It's a member of the Spirit Controlling Sect!"

This time, before Taoist Huanglong opened his mouth, some disciples already recognized the person who came.

Yulingzong is famous for controlling beasts, which is too iconic.

"People from Xuanyi Sect are here too!"

At this moment, someone exclaimed again.

On the opposite side, a vast green glow swept over, like turbulent waves. Wherever it went, the vegetation in the mountains and forests seemed to be injected with vitality and glow with vitality.

With the appearance of this green light, twenty or thirty figures stepped onto the field and stepped on the magic weapon, exuding a strong wood attribute aura all over their bodies.

Looking at the world of cultivating immortals, only the Xuanyi sect can have such pure wood-type exercises.

Cangyuan Sect, Water Sect, Tianxing Sect, Luoyan Sect, Yuling Sect, Xuanyi Sect, the six Northern Territory Sects gathered here!
(End of this chapter)

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