After the ascent failed

Chapter 112 One Sword Slash

Chapter 112
"Just now... did you feel it? It seems that there is a strong spiritual power coming from somewhere?"

"Of course I heard it. With the strength of the vibration, if someone really casts a spell, this person must be a person with profound Taoism."

"Currently the disciples of various factions have entered the Alchemy Valley, there must be no mistakes, we need to find this person as soon as possible!"


The elders of the six sects unanimously rode a cloud into the air, and while speaking, released their spiritual sense to investigate.

"No, look!"

While searching, the old woman from Xuanyimen suddenly pointed to a place in the valley and exclaimed.

The other people's expressions changed, and they moved closer to him.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that besides the one they jointly opened, there was another gap in the forbidden light curtain covering the valley.

Judging from the aftermath of the spiritual power left above, it was obvious that it was the vibration they had just heard.

The elders of the six sects showed shock, and hurriedly fell towards the gap.

"This Immortal Refining Valley is a place jointly controlled by our six sects. Who is so bold as to break the ban without permission?"

The faces of the six elders of the Spirit Transformation Realm turned ugly.

Although they found a gap in the restriction, they searched left and right, but they couldn't find the person who broke the restriction.

And when they landed here, the gap had already closed again.

"The restriction of Immortal Refining Valley is from ancient times. Only when we reach the level of you and me can we break through the restriction with mana. Is this person also a master of the spirit transformation?" Jin Yun asked gloomyly.


"As we all know, this restriction can only be opened by external force, and it cannot be completely lifted. Moreover, once a cultivator at the Spirit Transformation Realm enters, he will be repelled immediately. If the person breaking the ban is a cultivator at the Spirit Transformation Realm, it is impossible to enter."

Taoist Huanglong sneered.

"That's right." Fairy Xiuyun nodded.

"Then what do you mean, this person is only at the Dao base stage, or at the Qi refining stage?"

"If this person's cultivation base is low-level, how did he break through the restriction?"

Everyone was a little dumbfounded.

If you can break through the ban and break into the Dao base realm and the Qi refining stage, then it's hell.

"The gap has healed now, and he has probably gone in. It is impossible for us to find out his identity."

Taoist Huanglong pondered, "However, the restriction of Immortal Alchemy Valley can only be opened from the outside, and cannot be broken from the inside. If that person wants to come out, he must come from the place we jointly opened. Let's go back and guard it. After a month, we will know."

"Alright, I'd like to see, who is it that doesn't take our six sects seriously?" Jin Yun's eyes were cold, he took a last look at the healing gap, and flew back.

The others didn't hesitate, and also unanimously went back the same way.

Just when the six elders were startled by this thunderous sound, a handsome young man wearing a dark black robe slowly descended from midair at the edge of the entrance of Immortal Alchemy Valley.

"The restriction here has indeed been opened. It seems that the disciples of the six sects have entered the valley."

The handsome man looked at Guzhong, then glanced at the black hole-like deep restriction gap, and murmured softly.

This person was Ye Chunyang who spent several days arriving here after leaving Liangzhou City.

But this time he had a clear destination, so he didn't call out the clone to explore the way, and directly used the exercises to fit them together.

"According to the people of the Zhao family, there are quite a few rare spiritual herbs in the Immortal Refining Valley, and I just happened to collect some to ripen them."

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered a few times, and suddenly he raised the perishing sword.

With a sound of "whoosh", the two figures disappeared into the restriction gap.


Also at this time, the six elders turned back, and the old monster Jin Yun who was walking in front felt as if a black shadow flashed before his eyes, and he couldn't help but pause.

"Did you see anything just now?" Old Monster Jin Yun asked.

"Someone? Why didn't we see it?"

Both the goatee and the middle-aged Confucian scholar looked puzzled.

Fairy Xiuyun and the others also frowned slightly.

"Didn't you guys see it?" Old Monster Jin Yun was a little suspicious.

"The old man didn't even see a ghost, it's probably because of your old monster Jinyun's old eyes!" Taoist Huanglong snorted angrily.

The others ignored Jin Yun's paranoia, and returned to their original places with their eyes closed.

"Strange, just now I clearly saw two figures, but there seemed to be no breath fluctuations, and they didn't even notice it. What's going on?"

Old monster Jin Yun stared at the restriction gap, his eyes half-closed.

First, someone forcibly broke the ban, and now such a strange scene appeared, he had a vague premonition that something might happen this time.

And when the elders of the six sects had different thoughts, Ye Chunyang, who passed through the forbidden gap, saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, and suddenly felt an icy chill rushing towards his face.

At his feet was a towering glacier surrounded by pines and cypresses covered in snow and ice.

"I didn't expect the Alchemy Valley to be an iceberg wasteland, but the aura here is indeed much purer than that outside."

Ye Chunyang stood in mid-air with his flying sword, looking down, he could see the scene in the glacier at a glance.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Chunyang urged the sword art, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

After about half an hour, he reappeared in the glacier.

At this time, he raised his head and looked at the sky, only to see misty clouds covering all directions, endless.

"It seems that my guess is correct. The Lianxian Valley has a very wide terrain, and the glacier here is just a corner of the entire valley."

Ye Chunyang stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"And through the feedback of spiritual thoughts, in addition to some natural fog barriers in the valley, there are many artificial restrictions, which should be left by ancient monks, and the deeper you go, the stronger the restrictions seem."

Just now Ye Chunyang probed with his divine sense, and found that there are many more restrictions in the Immortal Refining Valley than he expected, and they are also more complicated. There will be a restriction almost every few miles.

But these restrictions are obviously man-made formations, or spells, so it can be guessed that this Immortal Alchemy Valley may have once been a place where monks concentrated.

"I don't know where the soul cultivation clues pointed to on the copper plate are. It seems that I can only search slowly in the valley."

"However, based on the results of my investigation just now, the barrier in the valley can only barely open the entrance from the outside to the inside, and it will last for about a month at most. In this case, I have to hurry up."

Ye Chunyang carefully stroked the results and purpose of this investigation.

According to his eyesight, when he entered, he felt that the entrance could not be maintained for a long time. Once he surpassed it, he would end up trapped here.

After thinking for a while, he flew forward.

Just as he was about to leave this glacier, suddenly there were several roars from the bottom of the mountain, which caught his attention.

Ye Chunyang was about to stop when a figure Yu Jian flew into the air.

This person is a young man in his thirties, with several bulging cloth bags on his back, and his cultivation is at the eighth level of Qi refining.

I saw that his movements were disordered, and he seemed a little panicked, but after he flew out, a black awn followed him closely, and when he approached, he saw that it turned out to be a monster with the ability to fly.

Judging from the breath, this monster should still be in its infancy, and has not yet reached the first level.

Even so, the young cultivator was still being chased in a panic, stepping on the flying sword and dangling, as if he was about to fall down at any time and become a delicacy surrounded by monsters.

Ye Chunyang didn't want to look too much, turned around and walked away with his sword.

The young man saw him, but hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Daoist, help!"

While shouting, he ran towards Ye Chunyang madly.

Ye Chunyang's eyes turned cold.

This person shouted for help, but in reality he wanted to attract the monster to him.

So he stopped where he was, and looked at each other coldly with his arms folded.

Seeing Ye Chunyang stopped, the young man was overjoyed.

Seeing Ye Chunyang calmly controlling his sword, at least he is at the eighth level of Qi Refining!

As long as he can attract the monster's attention together, he can escape this disaster.

Thinking of this, the young man ran towards Ye Chunyang even faster.

His monster who was chasing after him saw another person in mid-air, his greedy and bloodthirsty eyes immediately lingered on Ye Chunyang.

Soon, the young man at the eighth level of Qi Refining came a few feet away from Ye Chunyang, and the flying monster also flapped its fan, and pulled into the distance instantly.

According to this posture, the next moment, the two of them will end up buried in the belly of the demon.

The young man looked terrified.

He looked at Ye Chunyang with burning eyes, and was about to say something when the young man saw a shocking scene.

The figure on the opposite side raised his arm lightly, and a large rainbow of shock shot out from his sleeve. The speed was as fast as thunder and lightning, and then the rainbow dispersed and turned into a huge sword array, densely suspended in the air.

"Puff puff!"

The young man was amazed by the power of the sword formation, only heard the sound of rain hitting plantains, and the sword formation circled and then galloped down.

He snapped back to his senses, a mournful howl resounded in the air, the sword array twisted in the air, and the flying monster turned into a cloud of blood and exploded before it got close.

And the group of swords screamed a few times, and then flew back to the sleeve of the black-clothed monk in front, as if they had never appeared before.

There was silence in the air.

The young man stared at the rain of blood slowly falling in the air, dumbfounded.

This monster is already close to the first level, that is, the ninth level of qi refining, and even the masters of the tenth level may not be able to handle it here.

"Could he be a senior in the Dao-based realm?"

The young man's heart skipped a beat.

Although most of the people who came in this time were in the Qi refining period, there were also quite a few Daoist monks.

But looking carefully, this person did not have the aura that a Daoist master should have, which made him puzzled.

"Dao... Fellow Daoist, thank you for saving your life."

The young man broke into a cold sweat, clasped his fists again and again and said, the original idea of ​​using Ye Chunyang to attract monsters has long been extinguished.

No matter what the opponent's cultivation level is, it is definitely not an ordinary person who can kill this flying monster with a single sword.

"Didn't you plan to lure the monster to deal with me just now? Why are you bowing your head now." Ye Chunyang was expressionless.

The young man's face froze, and he waved his hand with a wry smile: "You are joking, fellow daoist, but I have never thought of this before."

"is it?"

"If I didn't have the ability to slash that monster with a single sword, I'm afraid I would be a dead person by now?"

Ye Chunyang's eyes were cold.

(End of this chapter)

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