After the ascent failed

Chapter 114 Crisis from Qi Fei?

Chapter 114 Crisis from Qi Fei?
In a certain dense wild jungle, a figure suddenly descended from a high altitude.

There was only a muffled "plop", and the figure suddenly fell into the forest, causing a flock of birds to fly wildly.

"Bah! Bah!"

"Those old guys don't know how to restrain themselves when refining the lightning-drawing talisman. They made it so powerful that the old man was shocked by the aftermath. They must be repaired after returning home!"

The figure spat out two mouthfuls of mud, brushed the weeds on its head, and gritted its teeth viciously.

The man who fell from the sky was Baifeng.

"Hey, the cultivation base of the seventh level of Qi Refining can't even be achieved by Yu Baofei. It seems that you have to pay attention to cultivation in the future."

Rubbing his butt that hurt from the fall, Bai Feng muttered to himself.

His white clothes were covered in mud, and he quickly cast a water spell.

"However, although cultivating immortals is boring, these spells are quite useful. Water-type spells can take a bath, and fire-type spells can roast a spiritual turkey. Well, they are very practical."

Seeing that the dirt on his body was cleaned up, he shook his white paper fan with "immortal style bones" in satisfaction.

"Speaking of which, this Immortal Refining Valley seems to have been a place where monks gathered in the ancient Northern Territory. Later, when the human race and the monster race fought, it fell here. I want to leave a lot of treasures. I will explore it first, and I will come to it in the future. When Cang Yuan sent to meet Ye Shizun, he brought some greetings."

Bai Feng glanced around, then threw a flying talisman, turned into a beam of light and rushed out of the forest.


When Bai Feng left with a grumble, a group of four people were also flying away hundreds of miles away.

There were two women and one man among the pedestrians, and the voice of a simple and honest boy could be heard from time to time.

It was Nie Xin, that mysterious junior brother and others.

Along the way, the little boy kept looking at the surroundings, his face was full of curiosity, and he chatted with Chen Xue from time to time, his simple and honest personality made Chen Xue laugh again and again.

Nie Xin is cold and indifferent, only occasionally stopping when she finds something that attracts her.

"Unexpectedly, there is teleportation power in Immortal Refining Valley. Any disciple who enters this place will not appear in the same place. In this way, not only will we lose contact with the outside world, but we will also not be able to walk with fellow disciples."

Nie Xin was more cautious than Chen Xue and his younger brother's carelessness.

"Don't worry, Xin'er, this may not be a good thing for us. No matter how many treasures there are in the Immortal Refining Valley, they will not be able to stand up to everyone's competition, and we only have one month. If we want to obtain favorable conditions during this period, it is better to act alone. Bigger." Nie Ying said.

As the person with the highest cultivation level in the group, he voluntarily and courageously led the crowd. Apart from being alert to the monsters that might appear around him at any time, he was also carefully checking for any spiritual creatures.

"That's right, that's right, my dad said that you have to rely on yourself in cultivation, and relying on others to make profits, that's not really a skill." The little boy raised his head and said.

The three responded with dry smiles, thinking that your father is the Supreme Elder, so naturally everything he said was correct.

Looking at this little boy with a lot of background, Nie Xin's eyes flashed a little dark, but he didn't say much, and continued to fly forward.

"Although he is young, what he said is not wrong. His strength is obtained through self-cultivation."

"Ye Yun, one day, I will catch up with you and let you know that I, Nie Xin, are not something you can easily ignore."

Nie Xin's eyes flashed determination.

"Huh? Look, that person looks like they are flying together?"

At this time, Chen Xue looked at a figure flying past Yujian not far away, and said in surprise.

Just as she was speaking, the person opposite seemed to have noticed them and looked over.

Nie Ying and Nie Xin paused for a moment, then stood in place silently.

The other party's cultivation base has far surpassed theirs since he entered the Dao Foundation Realm. Even though the relationship is delicate, they are unwilling to provoke him.

"Qi Fei is Master's direct disciple now, we don't need to conflict with him." Nie Ying frowned and said in a low voice.

But to their surprise, the other party suddenly turned around and came towards them.

The three of them stared at each other, but they couldn't help but just walked away.

"Greetings to Uncle Qi, I didn't expect Uncle Qi to come to Immortal Alchemy Valley. I'm about to explore around. If Uncle Qi has nothing else to do, I'll take my leave first."

Nie Ying cupped her fists at the other party unwillingly.

As he said that, he was about to go around from the side.


Qi Fei suddenly raised his hand to stop him.

"What's Master Qi's order?" Nie Ying felt a little cold.

Qi Fei ignored him, looked aside, looked at Nie Xin, and asked with a sneer, "I heard that Ye Yun is your fiancé?"

"Ye Yun?"

The three of them were surprised by Qi Fei's question.

Nie Xin frowned lightly, but without any emotion on her face, she said, "Yes, the little girl did engage in a marriage contract with him since she was a child."

"Hehe, that's good, it seems that Qi has found the wrong person."

Qi Fei smiled lightly, "Tell him, someone from me, Qi, will come to him one day and ask him to wash his neck and wait."

The whole group was full of astonishment.

After Qi Fei finished speaking, he didn't stop, and flew straight to the depths of the Immortal Refining Valley.

Looking at the back of Qi Fei going away, Nie Ying narrowed her eyes slightly.

"This guy turned out to be looking for trouble with Ye Yun, God helped me."

Since the matter of the pill meeting three years ago, Nie Ying has been eager to get rid of the thorn in "Ye Yun". Although he doesn't know why Qi Fei suddenly became murderous towards the latter, but he can use Qi Fei's hand to destroy the other party. Instead of doing it.

"Ye Yun, Ye Yun, even if you are the world-renowned Master Ye, after all, you are just a trash at the third level of Qi Refining. This time, I want to see how you can escape Qi Fei's pursuit."

Nie Ying sneered in her heart.

However, Chen Xue on the other side had a strange expression on her face, and thought to herself, "Doesn't this Qi Fei know that Mr. Ye is the Supreme Elder of our sect, and he threatened to come to seek trouble?"

Now Ye Chunyang has a very high seniority, and it is even rumored that he is a powerful soul cultivator. Even though Qi Fei has cultivated to the Dao Foundation, he is still a disciple in front of Ye Chunyang.

A junior actually wanted to destroy his own master's mind, this is his brain kicked by a donkey!

Nie Xin didn't say a word, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Senior Sister Nie Xin, I didn't expect that you already have a fiancé. Alas, what a pity. I originally wanted to introduce you to my father. Maybe I can change my name to your aunt in the future. Now it seems that my father is not This is a blessing."

The little boy shook his head and sighed with regret.

"Nie Xin is just an ordinary girl, she doesn't dare to climb up to the Supreme Elder, junior brother, don't make jokes anymore." Nie Xin showed a trace of sullenness on his face.

"Okay, okay, what the senior sister said, that's what it is."

The little boy seemed serious.

He asked again: "But who is this Ye Yun? To marry a beauty like you, Senior Sister, is really a blessing."

The little boy said carelessly, but when the word "Ye Yun" was mentioned, the expressions of the three of them became unnatural.

Nie Xin remained silent and did not respond, Nie Ying had hatred in her eyes, while Chen Xue faltered and couldn't say anything.

In the end, a group of people controlled the flying sword with complicated expressions, and walked forward silently.


While Bai Feng, Nie Xin, and Qi Fei were going about their own business, all kinds of scenes were happening in the Immortal Alchemy Valley.

Looking down from the sky, you can see that the Alchemy Valley is a square valley with huge mountains and various hills and spiritual veins stretching for thousands of miles. A person is flying in mid-air or exploring in the forest.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the four directions of the east, south, west, and north of Lianxian Valley are very different. Some are ice and snow, some are desert grasslands, and some are endless swamps.

What is even more astonishing is that in a certain red mountain range, there is actually volcanic magma all over it.

If someone took the entire Immortal Alchemy Valley into their eyes, they might think that this place is an independent world.

At this time, in a certain glacier in the southwest of the valley, several mighty spirit beasts were flying high in the sky. The animal-skinned man and the girl surnamed Yang drove the spirit beasts down slowly.

The spirit beasts subdued by the disciples of the Yulingzong were not mortal things. They were still about three hundred miles away, but they arrived within half an hour.

Under their "hostage", Ye Chunyang and Mu Feng were escorted to the front to lead the group.

Mu Feng's face was earthy, while Ye Chunyang was not in a hurry.

His goal is only Ningxia Zhenlu, and he doesn't care about everything around him.

In fact, this Immortal Alchemy Valley seems dangerous, but in fact, apart from the restrictions left over from ancient times, nothing can enter Ye Chunyang's eyes.

He looked around and found that the glacier here was different from the one they were in now. Although the same cold air was raging, this place was a deep valley, from which exuded a cold and dead breath.

"This breath..."

Ye Chunyang suddenly noticed something, and his eyes froze.

At this time, Yu Lingzong and others were also looking at the environment here, as if they felt the strange atmosphere in the glacier valley, the girl surnamed Yang frowned.

"Where is Ningxia Zhenlu?"

The animal-skinned man turned cold, and asked coldly when he mentioned Mu Feng.

"It's here." He said quickly.

"Hmph! There is no aura of heavenly materials and earthly treasures here. Why is Ningxia Zhenlu here? You'd better not play tricks with us, otherwise you will definitely not be able to survive or die!"

The animal skin man looked fierce.

After saying that, he slapped Mu Feng on the back suddenly, pushed him forward, and said: "If you don't see Han Sui later, this is the burial place for both of you!"

"This brother calm down, what I said is absolutely true, Ningxia Zhenlu is under this glacier, if you don't believe me, take a look!"

With a mournful face, Mu Feng pointed to the deep valley ahead and said.

Several disciples of Yulingzong looked at each other.

"Go and see."

The girl surnamed Yang raised her hand.

The animal skin man's eyes flickered coldly, and he carried Mu Feng forward under the girl's order.

Ye Chunyang's face remained unchanged, and he followed the group to the edge of the deep valley.

The humming wind suddenly resounded, and there was a gloomy and cold atmosphere in the deep valley. Looking down, it seemed like a huge beast opened its mouth, ready to swallow people at any time.

But when everyone looked down, they suddenly discovered something unusual.

Looking again, his expression suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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