After the ascent failed

Chapter 118 An old friend?

Chapter 118 An old friend?

The girl trembled all over.

The fear brought to her by the young man in front of her was like a stormy sea, overwhelming her.

She is a direct disciple of the elders of Yulingzong, with high talents, surrounded by countless disciples.

When did such a noble status suffer such a blow.

What kind of existence is there to have such terrible means?

"Senior has great powers, I don't know if I can accept this junior, I wish to follow senior and explore treasures for you!"

With a "plop", a figure knelt down in front of Ye Chunyang.

Mu Feng said with a flattering face.

The forbidden curse on him had been automatically lifted after the animal skin man was killed, and now that Ye Chunyang was so powerful, he immediately had the idea of ​​following him.

Lianxian Valley is full of dangers, and now it is falling behind, it is difficult for him to survive here alone.

And facing an expert like the animal skin man, he can slap him into a fleshy paste, which shows that this person has a high cultivation base, and he is very likely to be a Daoist cultivator.

If you can follow him, it will undoubtedly go well, and you may even get more treasures.

Ye Chunyang lowered his head slightly, looking down at Mufeng.

Seeing that he seemed to be moved, Mu Feng was overjoyed, and thought that at least one meeting, this person might also need a follower, and he had a great chance.

Just as joy rose in his heart, Mu Feng's body suddenly flew into the air, and then he saw the surrounding scenery keep retreating.


Ye Chunyang raised his hand, grabbed his collar, and threw him out.

Soon, Mu Feng turned into a small black spot and completely disappeared.

There were only two girls surnamed Yang and two disciples of the Luoyan Sect left in the field.

Seeing this scene helplessly, they dared not move at all.

Ye Chunyang was too lazy to bother with these ants, and after a quick glance, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

Getting Ningxia Zhenlu by chance this time can be described as an unexpected harvest. As long as the other medicinal materials are collected and ripened, there will be no problem in refining Zhenyuan Pill.

Of course, it would be even better if we could find clues about the ancient soul cultivation in this Immortal Refining Valley.

Watching his back disappear little by little, Luo Yanzong and the girl surnamed Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl stared at the direction she was leaving, gritted her teeth, a gloomy look flashed in her eyes, but she didn't dare to stay here any longer, and summoned her spiritual pet to fly away.

The two disciples of the Luoyan Sect, tall and short, walked back and forth in front of the gate of hell for a few times, their faces were already pale, they quickly supported each other, and fled limping.


After leaving the deep valley, Ye Chunyang controlled the flying sword and flew slowly in the low air.

Sweeping out the divine sense, you can have a panoramic view of any forbidden place, and you can easily avoid it.

In addition to the restrictions left by these ancient monks, many traces of monster activities were also found under Ye Chunyang's detection, but most of them were low-level, and Ye Chunyang's random spiritual pressure made them run away in fright.

Although the skin and bones and inner alchemy of monsters can be used as materials for refining weapons and alchemy, these monsters are only in their infancy, and Ye Chunyang really has no interest in hunting them.

For the next time, Ye Chunyang explored, while advancing along the place where the aura in his perception was dense.

Although there were not many things that attracted him along the way, the Immortal Refining Valley was indeed rich in spiritual herbs, and after a few days, he had already reaped a lot.

Such as "Spirit Frost Fruit", "Tian Yuan Grass", "Wuzhi Plum" and other medicinal materials that were rarely seen in the past can be easily obtained here.

And each plant is more than a hundred years old.

In addition to these, Ye Chunyang also obtained some other treasures of heaven and earth, or spirit stone ore crystals, or spirit materials for refining treasures, plus the Ningxia Zhenlu he had obtained before, which made him feel worthy of it. Row.

The only regret is that so far no treasures left by ancient monks have been found, let alone relics related to soul cultivation.

On the contrary, I met quite a few disciples of the Six Sects along the way. Some of them were fighting for the spirit grass, or they were trapped in some kind of ancient prohibition, or they were fighting with monsters.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay attention to this, but he found that these disciples were all in the Qi refining period, and there wasn't any Daoist monk.

"Could it be that the masters of the Dao-based realm have all gone to deeper places?"

Ye Chunyang thought to himself.

Before coming in, Ye Chunyang had heard a lot about Immortal Refining Valley from Zhao's family. Except for cultivators above Transforming Spirit Realm, Dao Foundation Realm and Qi Refining Stage could be entered here.

But all he saw was the Qi refining stage, including the animal skin man who was competing for Ningxia Zhenlu before, and he was only on the tenth level of Qi refining, and he had not seen a real Daoist monk.

According to Zhao Fei, the Alchemy Valley seems to be divided into inner and outer layers.

There are fewer restrictions on the outer layer, and the monsters are relatively low-level.

The inner layer is densely restricted, and will also be accompanied by the appearance of first-level monsters.

But obviously in the inner layer, there are far more spiritual herbs than in the outer layer.

"The entrance to the enchantment of the Alchemy Valley can only last for one month. If I want to find more treasures, I must hurry up and enter the inner layer."

Thinking in Ye Chunyang's heart, there is no longer any pause, and he speeds up and gallops towards the inner layer of Immortal Alchemy Valley.

For ordinary people, the so-called inner layer and outer layer are very vague concepts, but for masters who have cultivated the Dao Foundation, they only need to feel the aura to make a judgment.

Because compared to the outer layer, the aura in the inner layer is far richer and purer than the outer layer.

In addition, it can also be judged by the level of the monster.

Most of the monsters in the outer layer are in their infancy, and the first-level monsters need more powerful aura to cultivate, so they are bound to be concentrated in the inner layer.

The realm of monsters is similar to that of human immortal cultivators, the strength of monsters in their infancy is comparable to that of Qi refining monks, and the cultivation level of first-level monsters is comparable to that of masters in the Taoist realm.

The monsters above the first level are divided into three levels: lower, middle, and upper. A monster of the first level and upper level is comparable in strength to the completion of the Taoist realm.

If it reaches the second level, only masters of the Spirit Transformation Realm can deal with it.

Ye Chunyang was recalling all the information about Lianxian Valley, while perceiving the direction of spiritual energy flow.

When he felt a certain aura like cotton, his heart moved and he determined the target.


Time flies.

Three days later, Ye Chunyang stopped slightly above a certain lush forest and looked down from the sky.

"The aura here seems to be several times denser than the glacier where it was before, and the surrounding area is no longer a severe cold place, and the restrictions felt around are much stronger than what I have seen in the past few days. It seems that I have already We have entered the inner layer of Immortal Alchemy Valley."

Using his spiritual sense to investigate, Ye Chunyang quickly brought the surrounding situation into his mind, then moved his body and flashed forward again.

Just as he was leaving, two streaks of light suddenly flashed in front of him.

Ye Chunyang's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't care too much, and continued to fly with his sword.

Although the two streams of light were fast, they couldn't escape his eyes.

They are two Daoist Daoist monks, a man and a woman, the man is handsome, and the woman seems to be covered with a veil.

At a quick glance, they seem ordinary, but in the two of them, there seems to be an inherent nobility.

The two sides didn't meet each other, they went towards their own goals from a distance, and soon Ye Chunyang also disappeared.

But suddenly, the man and woman who had already left suddenly stopped, the masked woman scattered her feet, and looked back at the direction Ye Chunyang left.

"Junior Sister Gu, what's wrong with you?"

The handsome man asked in surprise.

The masked woman did not speak, her beautiful eyes were looking into the distance.

Her eyes are clean and clear, without any impurities, and the breath on her body is like a pure green lotus, revealing a faint dust.

After a long time, she shook her head slightly, and said to the man, "It's nothing, it just seems like I met an acquaintance."


The man was a little surprised.

"Is it the monk that the younger sister met when she came to the Northern Territory three years ago? But only the disciples of the Six Sects can enter this Immortal Refining Valley. It seems that the younger sister didn't have contact with the Six Sects back then?"

"Senior brother said that the person I know is indeed not a disciple of the Six Sects, maybe I made a mistake." The masked woman replied calmly.

"Junior Sister, don't worry about it. This time we came to the Immortal Refining Valley as disciples of the Shui Sect to find the thing the elders said. If we can get this thing, it will be of great help to you and me, so right now we should Focus on dealing with it.”

The man waved his hand and smiled warmly, his admiration for the woman could not be concealed in his eyes.

"Brother, don't worry, I naturally know about this matter." The masked woman's eyes flashed a trace of alienation indistinctly.

"That's good."

The man nodded with a smile.

As he said that, he looked around and said: "I am more familiar with the situation in the northern region than you. I have also inquired a lot about the secrets of the Alchemy Valley. Now we have come to the inner layer, as long as we arrive at the entrance of the enchantment If we find that thing before it closes, we can return to the sect safely."

The masked woman nodded silently and stopped speaking.

The two then continued to fly forward.

It's just that before leaving, the masked woman quietly looked back at the place where she met the figure just now, and a deep look flashed in her eyes.

"The figure of that person looks so similar to him, am I really wrong?"

Deep in her memory, a young man turned from hazy to clear, and it gradually imprinted in her mind.

Under the icy lake filled with cold, his domineering majesty shattered all her previous nobility.

In the unexpected encounter later, that person showed amazing strength, which once again deepened his impression in my heart.

Who is that person?

The masked woman had asked countless times in the past three years, and had investigated the other party's background many times, but the information she got was far from what she had guessed.

"If he is really just a good-for-nothing son, how can he have such profound knowledge of alchemy and at the same time have the strength to kill Tianyang old monster and ghost beast?"

"Ye Yun, is your name really Ye Yun?"

The corners of the masked woman's lips pursed into a mysterious arc. If it hadn't been covered by the veil, her appearance at this time would have overshadowed all flowers and turned all living beings upside down.

She would not believe the information she investigated, only what she saw.

That person must not be as simple as others imagined.

"If that person was him just now, maybe we can take the opportunity to find out his identity this time."

The masked woman thought secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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