After the ascent failed

Chapter 124 Strong

Chapter 124 Strong
In a dimly lit ancient ruin, streaks of light shot out, and two young men appeared there out of thin air.

One has a handsome appearance, the other has a round face, both are dressed in black clothes, and their breath is ethereal, giving people a sense of indistinctness.

It was Ye Chunyang and the clone Xiaobao.

Looking around, it seems that this place used to be a palace.

After Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, he stepped out of the circle.

He left with the teleportation array before, but he didn't know where this place was, so he had to understand it clearly before talking.

According to the soul cultivator attached to the spirit fire, there are many restrictions in the mountain gate of the Immortal Refinement School, but no fluctuations of the restrictions were found here, presumably it is not the location of the Immortal Refinement School.

At this time, he saw a painting hanging in the temple.

There is a man and a woman in the painting, soaring into the clouds hand in hand, like a couple of gods and immortals. Under the portrait, there are two jade slips with two talisman prohibitions on them.

Ye Chunyang's mind moved, and a sword qi shot out, and the talismans on the jade slips immediately dissipated into broken light, and easily grabbed the two jade slips in his hand.

But before he released his spiritual sense to investigate, he suddenly heard a soft sound in his ears, and there was a chill behind him, and a rainbow of light rushed towards him.

As soon as Ye Chunyang urged his spirit, Xiaobao stepped out first, holding the soul-destroying pearl in his hand.

A faint light appeared, and there was a wave of soul power in the ruins. The light rainbow that was attacking him was blocked in midair, and then it was twisted lightly, and immediately turned into nothingness.

"Shadow magic weapon?"

Surprised words came from a dark corner, and two Daoist nuns in blue clothes appeared in sight.

These two women had graceful figures and high-class looks, they looked at Ye Xiaobao with surprise.

Just now they clearly felt that the cultivation of these two men was not high, they were probably some qi refining cultivators who had strayed into the inner layer, how did they expect the other party to have such a powerful magic weapon in their hands.

"Fellow Daoist, those two pieces of jade slips are not something you can take, hand them over, and we two will let you go." A woman in her thirties or forties took a step forward, staring at Ye Chunyang and said coldly.

"A disciple of the Water Sect?"

Ye Chunyang looked at the two of them with a slight smile on his face.

It was just two disciples of the Water Sect with a small achievement in the Dao Foundation Realm who took the initiative to attack him.

"Your Excellency, it seems that you didn't hear what I said clearly?" Seeing that Ye Chunyang was motionless, the woman frowned, and her complexion turned even colder.

"Senior Sister, it's just a junior in the Qi refining period. You don't need to talk to him, just kill him." Another young woman beside her said coldly.

Before the words fell, a jade ring flashed in his hand, and under the urging of his formula, the light shone like a torch, instantly covering the sky over Ye Chunyang.

The aura of this jade ring is overwhelming, and it is actually a high-level magic weapon. It seems that this woman is planning to imprison Ye Chunyang and the two of them on the spot.

The woman sneered and said nothing, let alone stopping the young woman.

Even if one of the two boys in the Qi refining period had the Yinhun magic weapon in his hand, she would not be in her eyes at all.

But the next scene made the woman almost bite off her tongue.

The figure of the round-faced young man holding the ghost magic weapon flashed, the magic weapon came out of his hand, and touched the young woman's jade ring lightly, the latter's light dimmed immediately, and it flew back tremblingly.

The young woman was startled.

Before she had time to continue casting spells, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of her. The round-faced young man approached her like a ghost, with his palm clasped around her throat.

"Junior Sister!"

The woman's face also changed drastically.

She is well aware of the power of the young woman's magic weapon, and ordinary masters at the Dao base level of the same level may not dare to meet it, but this person can easily repel it and restrain her within one move, such means are amazing.

But the woman didn't look at Xiaobao, but looked at Ye Chunyang with a sneer.

This round-faced young man's strength was indeed beyond her expectations, but the boy who got the jade slip looked very weak, so he was captured, just one person for another.

Immediately, she moved, and a blue light shot out from her sleeve, and she went straight to Ye Chunyang.

Seeing the other party's actions, Ye Chunyang was a little funny.

He didn't dodge or dodge, and stepped forward with his hands behind his back, intending to take the initiative to meet the meaning of the blue light.

"court death!"

The woman was stunned, then sneered.

This kid probably doesn't know how powerful her technique is. Although this technique is not very lethal, once it penetrates into the body, the technique will be banned immediately, and then he can only let her deal with it obediently.

The young woman who was restrained by Xiaobao saw this scene, and ridicule flashed in her eyes.

She wasn't panicked at all, as long as her senior sister could capture Ye Chunyang, this round-faced youth would naturally let her go.

But what they saw next made them almost unable to believe their eyes.

The forbidden curse of the woman's technique fell on Ye Chunyang's body, as if the stone had disappeared into the sea without a single wave.

But he still walked forward slowly, looking at the woman indifferently.

"how can that be?"

The woman's eyes were wide open, showing deep disbelief.

She made a formula again, and cast out another formula that did not believe in evil.

She had enough spiritual power, water marks appeared all over her body, and the entire ruin seemed to be submerged in an endless ocean, ready to be destroyed at any time.

Of course, this is just an illusion of the eyes, but the spell the woman cast this time is far better than before.

She firmly believed that she just underestimated the enemy just now, and this time she was bound to kill this kid on the spot.

But the scene that once again destroyed her confidence appeared.

I saw the young man still stepping forward with his hands behind his back, walking out of her magic formula intact, and stepping up to her, and her magic formula was also disintegrated by some kind of force in an instant, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


The woman trembled inwardly.

How could this person ignore her attack after using the technique he was most confident in?
Could it be that he is not a Qi-refining cultivator, but a Dao-based master?
Even if he is a Daoist monk, it is impossible for him to dissolve her magic formula quietly!
"Have you exhausted all your means?"

Ye Chunyang looked indifferent, looking down at the woman from a high position.

At this moment, his aura changed, as if the supreme immortal reborn from ancient times revealed supreme majesty. In front of him, the woman could not breathe at all.

In the 200 years of cultivating immortals, the woman has never been so afraid as she is now.

Her face was pale, and she collapsed limply on the ground.

The most fatal blow is not that the other party is stronger than you, but that the other party treats you as an ant.

From Ye Chunyang's eyes, the woman saw his contempt for her.

Who is this young man and why is he so terrifying? The indifferent eyes made her tremble in the face of death.

The young woman was also stunned.

Her lips were trembling, and she looked at Ye Chunyang and the two of them as if they were seeing a ghost in daylight.

The woman stepped into the Dao Foundation earlier than her, and her spiritual power is naturally higher than hers. She thought she could take down Ye Chunyang with one move, but the other party was actually a peerless master, and she dismissed the woman's attack.

"I have some questions to ask you, and you two had better answer them honestly."

Ye Chunyang looked at the woman with an expressionless expression on his face.

"Fellow Daoist, if you have any questions, I will answer them all." The woman forced a smile.

"This place is restricted within a radius of a hundred miles. You two are able to come here, which shows that you have some skills, but is this the site of the sect of the Immortal Sect?" Ye Chunyang asked.

Just now when he collected the two pieces of jade slips, he had already detected them with his spiritual sense. The ruins of this palace were located in a lonely peak, surrounded by many restrictions, and each one was very powerful.

There should be some special means for these two disciples of the Dao Foundation Realm Xiaocheng of the Water Sect to come here.

The two women looked at each other.

They didn't expect Ye Chunyang to ask this question, but the woman's eyes flickered after hearing this, and she suddenly fell silent.

"Hehe, it seems that the two of you want to force me to use the soul search technique. Since this is the case, I can only do it."

Ye Chunyang sneered.

"Soul Search!"

The woman's heart was shocked.

The soul search technique can only be performed by monks above the spiritual realm, or it can only be performed by high-level soul cultivators. The monks of the spiritual realm cannot enter the Immortal Refining Valley. This person is absolutely impossible to be a master of this realm.

In this way, he must be a high-level soul cultivator!

It's no wonder that he doesn't seem to have a high level of cultivation, but he is so terrifying. Apart from the advanced soul cultivation, what else can explain this matter?
"Senior, be merciful, don't use the soul search technique on the two of us, we will tell you everything we know."

The woman's complexion turned paler.

"Okay, I would like to hear it." Ye Chunyang folded his arms and said lightly.

The woman hesitated for a while, as if she was considering her words, she shook her head after a while, and said: "To tell you the truth, we don't know the site of the Immortal Refinement Sect, but we just plan to come here to find some spiritual herbs because we see that there is a lot of spiritual energy here. "

"You don't know the Immortal Sect?" Ye Chunyang was a little surprised, but it made sense after thinking about it.

Before entering this Immortal Alchemy Valley, he had never heard any news about Immortal Alchemy Sect, which showed that not many people knew about it.

And judging from the fact that the six sects used this place as a training place for their disciples, it was obvious that they didn't know about it either.

"Then how do you avoid the restriction at the foot of the mountain?" Ye Chunyang frowned and asked again.

"The reason why we were able to avoid the surrounding restrictions and come here safely is because the exercises practiced by the two teachers and sisters can resonate with the formation restrictions, and we can roughly judge the direction of the restrictions within a few hundred meters." The woman had a lot of thoughts in her heart. Doubtful, but dare not ask.

The young woman also nodded hurriedly.

Ye Chunyang was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "So that's how it is."

The woman's eyes flickered slightly, and then she seemed to have made some kind of decision, she gritted her teeth and said, "Just now, senior talked about the ruins of the Immortal Sect, and I have a piece of news here, I think it will be useful to senior."


Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows, showing interest.

"However, senior needs to agree. After the concubine told me the news, let me and my junior sister be released." The woman felt that she had the capital to negotiate with Ye Chunyang, and hope rose in her eyes.

But her hope had just risen, and was instantly dashed.

Ye Chunyang shook his head, and said coldly: "What qualifications do you think you have to negotiate terms with me now? The big deal, I just use the soul search technique to get it from your memory."

As he spoke, a majestic divine sense gushed out.

Feeling the coercion of this solemn divine sense, both the woman and the young woman became terrified.

"Senior, spare me! I am willing to tell you the news!"

The woman said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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