Chapter 126
"Soul Cultivation?"

The handsome young man's expression froze.

"I basically understand the situation of the six sects in the Northern Territory. There is no soul cultivator. Who exactly got into this place?"

The masked woman was silent.

"No matter who the visitor is, now that I'm here, I must get the thing left by the Immortal Sect."

After a long time, she took a deep breath and said.

At this time, they were on a staircase leading to a certain deep mountain, and they were covered by clouds and mist just now, so they couldn't see the front clearly, but the divine thought scattered the clouds and mist, which actually helped her a lot.

Looking at it at this moment, one can vaguely see a rolling stone palace in the deep mountains. Although it is dilapidated and depressed, it is full of aura, and it is the most aura in the entire Immortal Alchemy Valley.

It can be seen that the destination is not far away from them.

"Junior Sister Gu is right, no matter how powerful this person who releases his spiritual thoughts is, he is just a small grain of sand in the Northern Territory, not worth mentioning."

The handsome young man said proudly.

The masked woman didn't say much, she ran forward with a flash of light on her body.

The young man immediately followed.

After the impact of the extremely powerful divine sense just now, the clouds and mists within a hundred miles were shaken to nothing, and the outlines of several nearby mountains emerged clearly, and many of the restrictions that existed in the dark were also revealed.

Now, the two of them moved forward without hindrance.

But at the same time, because of the power of this divine sense, most of the cultivators who originally wanted to enter that place full of aura to explore, except for a few masters who advanced with some supernatural powers, suddenly escaped.

As the initiator of all this, Ye Chunyang didn't care about it.

After leaving the ruins of the main hall, he took his clone and followed the map given by the woman all the way forward. He quickly crossed several mountains and approached the deep mountain where the masked woman and the handsome young man were.

With the flying sword under his feet, he stood in mid-air and looked down. He saw a staircase extending into the deep mountain. Among them, a series of stone temples stood up, and the traces of a great sect of cultivating immortals could be vaguely discerned.

"It seems that the map obtained by the Water Sect disciple is not wrong. This should be the site of the mountain gate of the Immortal Sect."

After Ye Chunyang inspected in mid-air for a while, the aura of Dao Jijing Dacheng was released.

At full speed, it turned into afterimages and rushed towards the end of the stairs.

Driven by its spiritual power, the avatar also swept across the air like a gust of wind.

What he used was a body technique called "Shadowless Escape", which could reach the speed of shrinking the ground into an inch. While he was flying in the air, several figures faintly appeared on the stairs. The disciples of the six sects came.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay any attention to this, and rushed straight through these manholes.

There was a strong wind, and before the monks could clearly see what was going on, they were blown to the left and right, causing a burst of angry curses.

In the middle and upper reaches of the stairs, two figures flying with swords full of surprise.

These two people are Qi Fei and the young man surnamed Chu.

Seeing that the ruins of the Immortal Sect were just ahead, they tried their best to move Duan Guang.

At this moment, two lights and shadows passed between them without warning, and before they could activate the magic formula to defend, the two of them were shaken to the point of shock, and their spiritual power was also suppressed.


The young man surnamed Chu was furious.

The two figures in front seemed to have heard his anger, paused slightly, and looked back.

Looking at the side face of the person in front, Qi Fei stared.

Why is this person's face somewhat similar to that of the Ye Family Ye Yun who killed his younger brother in the white jade artifact that Mrs. Zheng gave him?

Qi Fei's face was cold.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, that person cast an escape method without saying a word, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The young man surnamed Chu was a little dumbfounded.

He saw that the two of them were both at the level of the Dao Foundation Realm, but such an escape method was too terrifying, and at the same cultivation level, he thought he couldn't achieve the other's supernatural powers.

"Junior Brother Qi, do you recognize these two?"

The young man surnamed Chu saw Qi Fei's expression was different.

Qi Fei carefully recalled the face of that person just now, and it coincided with the "Ye Yun" seen in the white jade magic vessel, and soon separated.

Then he shook his head: "I just felt that this person is somewhat similar to the person who killed my brother, but the murderer's cultivation level is not as good as this person, so I probably misread it."

"No matter who this person is, if he dares to be so conceited, if he sees you again next time, he will definitely regret it!"

The young man surnamed Chu glanced at the ruins of the Immortal Sect not far away, and continued to fly forward with a cold snort.

Qi Fei pondered for a while, and finally followed in silence.

At this time, the masked woman and the handsome young man had settled down in an empty square.

After exploring around for a while, the masked woman's eyes flashed a little dark, and she said, "Senior Brother Zhang, there are many palaces here, why don't we split up?"

The handsome young man also looked at the surrounding palaces, and nodded slightly after thinking for a while, "That's fine, but this is an ancient sect after all, and it's unpredictable what will happen inside, you must be careful, Junior Sister Gu."

The masked woman responded softly, and immediately got up and swept into a certain giant hall.

That "Senior Brother Zhang" looked at her back with a flash of amazement in his eyes.

"Junior Sister Gu is enchanting and charming, and there are countless talented people around her who admire her. This time, I, Zhang Wuchen, are lucky to be able to go out with her on this mission."

"Brother Zhang" muttered to himself.

After saying that, he looked up at the row of palaces in front of him, with a deep look on his face: "According to what the elders said, the Lianxian Valley used to rely on that thing to resist the monsters. Now that Tianxuan Mountain has undergone a change, if I can first If you find this thing in one step, you will definitely gain the attention of the sect, and then your relationship with Junior Sister Gu will be further improved."

"Brother Zhang" said with a smile, and his figure quickly disappeared.

As the two of them retreated into the surrounding palaces, not long after, figures arrived at the ruins of the ancient sect one after another.

Feeling the pure spiritual energy permeating the mountain gate, everyone was shocked, and then rushed into those palaces quickly after choosing their targets.

Not all of them know that this place used to be a soul cultivation sect, but judging from the aura gathered here, there must be treasures, and this is enough motivation.

As the number of people in the ruins gradually increased, the masked woman stopped after entering a temple with a hesitant expression.

In front of her was a long corridor that stretched as far as the eye could see, surrounded by darkness, and she didn't know where it led.

"Before coming out, the sect gave some information about the Immortal Refining Sect, but the elders don't know where that thing is. I need to find it before other monks."

The masked woman groaned softly.


At this moment, she suddenly noticed something, and her expression changed slightly.

There was a soft "whoosh", as if something tore through the air, and it flashed past her. When the masked woman came back to her senses, she saw a black figure flashing like a ghost not far in front of her. sweep.

The opponent's speed was so fast that only a trace of afterimage could be seen.

"What a quick movement!"

A look of shock flashed in the masked woman's eyes.

From the black shadows, two figures could be vaguely seen, but the speed of the other party was too fast, and she had no time to detect the other party's cultivation.

"There is such a powerful person here, we must find out his identity, so as not to affect my actions."

Staring at the direction in which the afterimage flew away, the masked woman frowned.

Without the slightest hesitation, she squeezed a formula with one hand, and a few low-pitched incantations came from her mouth.

I saw the brilliance looming on his body, quickly gathering behind his back.

The woman did not know what kind of spell was cast, when the light gathered, a pair of glittering golden wings stretched out from her back, with a slight sway, her figure immediately flashed out like wind and lightning.

If there are other monks here, they will definitely be surprised.

The two monks who had turned into shadows just now were as fast as lightning. With the blessing of golden wings, this masked woman was even more like a god of wind, and she escaped tens of feet in the blink of an eye.


Ye Chunyang, who was urging Wuyingdun and releasing his divine sense detection, suddenly felt a breath approaching from behind.

He was a little surprised.

Although Wuyingdun is not a high-level escape method, it is not something that ordinary people can catch up to. The speed of the breath behind him is actually faster than him.

"It's interesting, among the disciples of the six sects, there is still someone who is proficient in such escapism."

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered, but he didn't intend to stop, and continued to drive in a certain direction.

With his extraordinary spiritual perception, when he set foot on this Zongmen ruins, he felt that there was an unusual aura fluctuation, which might be the core of this ruins.

Although so far, Ye Chunyang is not sure whether there will be treasures in the ruins of the Immortal Sect, but since this place used to be a soul cultivator sect, he will not be disappointed.

As a result, his spiritual power was fully activated, and at the same time, he urged the source scripture to complement the spiritual power of the avatar, like an arrow off the string, within one step, he was ten feet away.

Another flash, and there was no trace.

The masked woman who was chasing her was startled.

Just now she felt the breath pulling in, but she didn't expect the opponent's speed to increase suddenly, and she may have already reached a very far distance now.

"No matter who you are, I will definitely catch up with you!"

A coldness flashed in the masked woman's eyes, and she drew a curse mark in the void with two fingers.

Only a few muffled sounds of "Pu Pu" were heard, and the hurricane raged within a radius of a hundred meters, and the pair of wings on the back of the masked woman extended several feet, making her figure also multiply several times.

Thus, a strange scene appeared in the huge Zongmen ruins.

The three figures were one in front and one behind, all at incomparable speeds, and the aftermath they released shook the buildings along the way.

If a Daoist Dacheng monk with the same cultivation level saw the speed of movement of these two people, his jaw would drop in shock.

Such a supernatural power to shrink the ground into an inch in one step is not something normal people can possess at all.


Just as she was chasing to the extreme with the continuous blessing of spells, the masked woman suddenly stopped and looked up to the front with surprise in her eyes.

Not far ahead, the two monks who were too fast to distinguish were standing there motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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