Chapter 141

"Hehe, it seems that Junior Brother Qi may not be able to carry out this plan."

Seeing the senior brother surnamed Shen leave, the young man surnamed Chu smiled.

There was a gloomy look in Qi Fei's eyes.

This senior brother surnamed Shen is the eldest disciple of Elder Lian Qing, he has a very high prestige among the disciples of Lian Yunfeng, and he dare not disobey it easily.

"It doesn't matter, the one surnamed Ye will definitely show up."

"What's more, even if Nie Xin didn't exist, the elder would have a hard time if this incident alarmed the elders. Even his family would be implicated."

After a while, Qi Fei said lightly.

"It's true, if the person surnamed Ye is a smart person, he won't implicate other people." The young man surnamed Chu shrugged and said indifferently.

In the final analysis, he is just a spectator, and whether that person will accept Qi Fei's agreement has nothing to do with him, but he is just curious about the identity of the disciple named Ye.

Qi Fei sneered and said nothing more.

As the portrait of Ye Chunyang spread among the disciples of the various peaks, soon, the news that Qi Fei was about to fight with a disciple named Ye spread among the disciples three months later.

Apart from being surprised, the disciples were even more curious about the people in the portrait.

According to those rumors, this person seems to have never appeared in the sect, but judging from Qi Fei's attitude, the other party is indeed a member of the sect.

In this way, the matter seems weird.

If it is a disciple of this sect, why has no one seen him?
Who is this guy named Ye Yun?
But if Yuan Hai and Lian Qing, the sect elders who have seen Ye Chunyang before, would be shocked when they saw the portrait, because the "Ye Yun" who was wanted by Qi Fei with the portrait was none other than the Supreme Elder of our sect. Master Ye who is famous all over the world.

It's just that with people of their level, they usually rarely pay attention to the affairs between disciples. Even if they vaguely heard that someone went to the stage of life and death to fight, they only inquired about it a little, and then they didn't take it to heart.

As for Elder Aoki, he will not pay attention to these trivial matters.

Therefore, this seemingly sensational life-and-death fight did not cause any waves among the elders, and many people even knew nothing about it.

And Ye Chunyang himself is in retreat, and he doesn't hear anything outside the window.

Even if he knew that someone had hung up his portrait and threatened to invite him to the stage of life and death, he would not bother to answer.

Time passed day by day.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In Wangxing Peak, Ye Yao was sitting cross-legged in the garden, poking her face, staring boredly at all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in the medicine field.

"Since I came back from Immortal Alchemy Valley, my father has not left the seclusion. Bai Feng, who was immortal, suddenly disappeared more than a month ago. I was the only one staying in the cave all day long with the flowers and plants. It's boring, so boring! "

Ye Yao had a bitter face.

In the past, when Ye Chunyang practiced in seclusion, Xiaobao accompanied her, taking her down the mountain to shop or listen to plays from time to time, but since returning from Immortal Alchemy Valley, Senior Xiaobao has never appeared.

However, having Baifeng accompany her to practice for more than half a year, she would not seem bored, but she never thought that just over a month ago, that fellow Baifeng seemed to have evaporated from the world, and she hadn't come back for a long time. There was no sign of him.

"Could it be that the old boy thought this place was boring and sneaked down the mountain?"

"Hmph, if that's the case, when he comes back, he must have his teeth knocked out!"

Ye Yao said viciously.

That bastard Bai Feng dared not to take her with him when he sneaked down the mountain, it's simply hateful.

"But it's also possible that he doesn't want to stay in the Cangyuan faction anymore, so he went back to that Blood Rakshasa?"

Ye Yao tilted her head and secretly guessed.

Although after more than half a year of getting along, the two have established a very friendly relationship, but Baifeng's origin is mysterious, and it seems that his father has never really agreed to accept him as a disciple.

Maybe he just left after waiting for a long time without any results?

Ye Yao was worried about gains and losses for a while.

In the end, she sighed softly, and practiced with her eyes closed.

In fact, during this period of time, apart from taking care of Ye Chunyang's medicine fields in the cave, Ye Yao also occasionally went to the Dou Xing Terrace to compete with others.

In Ye Chunyang's words, if you want to improve your cultivation the fastest, you can only accumulate in battle, and through fighting with others, your own foundation will gradually become solid.

It's a pity that every time Ye Yao fights, no one of the same level is her opponent, even the masters of the ninth floor of Qi refining are punched by her, which makes her feel very boring.

Time flies.

After a dazzling effort, another two months have passed.

Wangxing Peak is surrounded by clouds and mist, just like a fairyland on earth.

But it is always quiet here. Apart from meditating and practicing every day, Ye Yao collects cloud dew on the peak to cultivate spirit grass.

These cloud dews are formed by the condensed spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and are the essence of the spiritual energy. They are used to water the spiritual grass to make the medicinal power more pure.

As early as a few years ago, Ye Chunyang discovered that her physical body was stronger than ordinary people, and specially developed several prescriptions for her to temper her body. Cultivating these spiritual herbs has long been a compulsory course for Ye Yao. I don't feel bored either.

It's just that Wang Xingfeng was still alone no matter how long it took, Ye Chunyang didn't go out, Baifeng also disappeared completely, and never came back.

On this day, Ye Yao sat cross-legged on a bluestone on the top of the peak, her hands were in mudra, her body trembling slightly.

I don't know how long it took, I saw streaks of light emitting from her body, but her seemingly petite body erupted with a sense of dignified power, and her cultivation aura suddenly soared to a higher level.

"During this period of time, I have practiced the skills taught by the old man, plus my father's golden bone formula and body tempering medicine. My cultivation has reached the ninth level of Qi refining. I think I will be very happy to see my father after he leaves the customs. .”

Ye Yao looked at her hands excitedly.

During this period of time, she has been practicing assiduously. Not only has her cultivation progressed extremely fast, but her physical strength has also increased by one level. She is also confident in defeating the tenth-level Qi Refining monk with one punch.

"Hmph, even if that bastard Bai Feng is here now, I can still beat him to the teeth."

"However, it looks like he really left the Cangyuan Sect."

Ye Yao shook her head.

I thought that Bai Feng just went down the mountain secretly and would come back in a few days, but I didn't expect that after three full months, there was still no sign of him, obviously he was no longer in the sect.

"Forget it, although the old man is not here, there are plenty of live targets on the Star Fighting Stage, I'll pick one or two to practice."

Thinking of this, Ye Yao eagerly walked down the mountain.

She has just broken through the ninth level of Qi refining, and she needs some suitable opponents to practice.

Just when Ye Yao left Wangxing Peak, she didn't notice that a faint light suddenly flashed in the secret room in the cave.

This ray of light was faintly visible, and it passed away very quickly, as if it had never appeared before, but the aura of the entire Wangxing Peak boiled with the appearance of this light, and then seemed to be drawn by some mysterious force, rushing towards the secret room one after another .

However, different from the tranquility here, during these three months, the various peaks of the Cangyuan Sect were extremely lively.

Three months ago, the matter of Elder Lian Qing's personal disciple Qi Fei making an appointment to fight "Ye Yun" on the stage of life and death, not only did not subside with the passage of time, but became more and more popular.

At this moment, in a certain mountain of the Zongmen, there are countless disciples gathered here.

This mountain peak is in the shape of a split, and the whole mountain is broken from it, and it is divided into two, forming a natural moat.

Looking closer, I saw several thick iron chains connected to the two ends of the moat, and a wide five-star-shaped arena in the middle was tied in the middle, suspended in mid-air like this, which is very spectacular.

Cangyuan disciples all know what this five-star platform represents.

This is the stage of life and death, stepping on it, regardless of the rules, only life and death.

No matter how much deep hatred there is, once on this stage, all grievances and grievances will be settled.

At this time, it was not yet March, and the two sides of the moat were already full of figures, not only the disciples of the Qi refining period, but also the masters of the Dao base realm came to watch.

In fact, even in the past, even if someone in the sect engaged in a life-and-death fight, the sect seldom made such a sensation, but this time it was a fight made by a personal disciple under the seat of Elder Lian Qing, with Qi Fei Dao's base Xiaocheng cultivation base , it can be said to be full of highlights.

But the most interesting thing is the disciple named "Ye Yun" who was invited to fight. Now three months have passed, and this person not only has not responded, nor has he shown up. This is tantamount to contempt for Qi Fei.

"Who is that Ye Yun?"

"This person didn't respond to Qi Fei's appointment. It seems that he didn't take Qi Fei seriously at all."

"Not necessarily, maybe he was scared and just hid himself like a turtle."

"That's true, otherwise, after such a long time, how could no one have found out his details?"


There were many such voices in the crowd.

Some questioned, some ridiculed, and some looked on indifferently.

But everyone was undoubtedly curious about this "Ye Yun" who was indifferent to Qi Fei's challenge.

But when everyone gathered at the Terrace of Life and Death, waiting for a wonderful show, in a loft in Lianyun Peak, Nie Xin stood calmly on the terrace, looking in the direction of the Terrace of Life and Death, silent.

"Chen Xue, tell me, will he go?"

After a long time, Nie Xin turned his eyes to another place, looking at Wang Xingfeng.

"I'm afraid you have to ask yourself, do you want him to appear in this battle?" Chen Xue asked with a smile.

Nie Xin frowned, and was about to say something when a startled rainbow suddenly flashed outside the attic, and a figure appeared in the building out of thin air.

Nie Xin raised her eyebrows slightly, and gave a light salute when she saw the person coming, "See Senior Uncle Qi, what's the matter with Senior Uncle coming here?"

The person who came was Qi Fei.

He glanced at Chen Xue and Nie Xin respectively, finally smiled at Nie Xin, and said, "It's nothing serious, I just want to ask Nephew Nie to do a little favor."

"If the uncle has any orders, this junior should do his best."

Nie Xin said calmly.

"I don't know if my nephew has heard about Ye Yun recently?" Qi Fei looked at Nie Xin with a half-smile and said lightly.

Nie Xin frowned slightly.

Although Qi Fei had already guessed the reason for coming, but when he heard the other party speak, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

"This junior has never had any contact with him. If Uncle Qi wants to find Ye Yun, he may be looking for the wrong person." Nie Xin replied calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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