After the ascent failed

Chapter 143 Stand up, I will kill you!

Chapter 143 Stand up, I will kill you!
When Qi Fei appeared, his aura was unparalleled, making people afraid to look directly at him.

Those who know him well know that he is like a miracle. He was selected into the sect in Lindu City as a teenager, and he entered the Dao Foundation Stage from the Qi Refining Stage in less than ten years. Such an outstanding talent is enough for the Cangyuan Sect Ranked in the top [-].

Such a dazzling arrogance is unmatched by countless people.

Most of Cangyuan's disciples can only hold their own.

"It's really this guy."

Ye Yao twitched her lips. Last time, this person blocked the way, so she had some impression of him.

"Could it be that not many people in the Cangyuan Sect know that my father is a soul cultivator at the out-of-body stage? Otherwise, this guy would not dare to be so arrogant?"

"It's true, Dad has always been very low-key, only old man Qingmu and a few elders know him from the Cangyuan faction."

Ye Yao muttered to herself.

And as Qi Fei arrived at the scene, bursts of uproar erupted from the crowd nearby.

The master of this wonderful drama has already appeared, and I don't know when the next one will arrive?
But with Qi Fei's brilliance, even if that person came, he might never return.

After landing on the stage, Qi Fei looked around and found that there was no target he was looking for, and he didn't seem anxious, but calmly meditated on the stage.

"As expected of Elder Lian Qing's master apprentice, just because of his calmness, the chances of winning this match are three-point."

"Qi Fei is indeed very human. It is said that in the past few years, he has acquired the true biography of Elder Lian Qing. Even the eldest disciple Mo Mo is slightly inferior to him except that his realm is slightly higher than him."

"Under such a strong force, if Ye Yun dared to come today, he would definitely die."

Everyone was amazed.

Qi Fei felt amazing.

Although he has the aura of genius, he is not arrogant or impetuous, but calm and calm, with a sense of detachment in him.

Those who can have this kind of temperament are all those who have reached a very high level in the journey of cultivating immortals. Qi Fei has such a bearing at a young age, which makes people have to look at him.

In contrast, that "Ye Yun" was unknown, so how could he be Qi Fei's opponent?

When everyone was discussing, Qi Fei on the stage was always calm and calm, without any disturbance on his face.

"Ye Yun, I have waited for three full months for today, I hope you don't let me down."

"If you dare to kill members of my Qi family, I will ruin your reputation and die in humiliation."

Qi Fei muttered to himself.

He stared at the mid-air with half-closed eyes, feeling the passage of time.

It was already noon, but there was still no sign of the other party.

But he was in no hurry.

The news of Nie Xin's capture has already spread. Since they have a marriage contract, Ye Yun will not stand by and watch.

Thinking of this, Qi Fei continued to wait silently.

Not far from the five-star platform, Ye Yao tilted her head and looked at this scene with a smile, thinking it was very interesting.

And when the stage of life and death was in full swing, in a certain expensive hall in Lianyun Peak, a middle-aged man in a white robe listened to a disciple's report below, his expression kept changing, and finally Opening his mouth in surprise, the hand holding the teacup trembled slightly.

"What you just said... say it again?"

After the disciple's words fell for a long time, the middle-aged man in the white robe spoke in a deep voice.

The disciple was strong, in his early thirties, and gave off a very tough aura. It was the senior brother surnamed Shen who had gathered with Qi Fei in the courtyard, silent.

And the white-robed middle-aged man sitting at the top is the real person in charge of Lian Yunfeng, Elder Lianqing.

"Reporting to Master, Junior Brother Qi disregarded the friendship of the same family, and in order to force the enemy to a duel of life and death, he did not hesitate to imprison the juniors in the sect as hostages. This matter is against the righteous way. I have warned Junior Brother Qi before, but I did not expect him to be so obsessed. " said silently.

"and many more!"

Before he finished speaking, Lian Qing suddenly raised his hand to interrupt.

He stood up slowly, staring at silence.

"I'm asking you, what's the name of the person Qi Fei is fighting with?"

Lian Qing's words almost came out from between his teeth.

Silent was deeply surprised.

My master is a figure in the spiritual realm, and there are very few things that can affect my mood, but I seem to be extremely excited when I hear this.

But he didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly said: "Returning to the master, the disciples don't know who that person is, but I heard that his name is Ye Yun, and his whereabouts are mysterious, and no one in the door has found out his details." .”

"Ye Yun!"

Lian Qing felt a chill rush from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and he almost fainted.

"Qi Fei is courting death!"

Lian Qing's body trembled wildly, and his heart was extremely cold.

Ye Yun is the Supreme Elder of our sect, and Qi Fei, a mere disciple of the Dao Foundation Realm, actually challenged him to a fight, and even attacked his fiancée.

"Go! Call Qi Fei back to me immediately!"

Lian Qing resisted the fear in his heart, and said in a deep voice to the silence.

Silence is full of doubts.

Who is this man?Why was Master so abnormal when he heard his name?

Shen Mo didn't dare to think too much, and hurriedly bowed and left.

Watching the silence leave, Lian Qing finally went limp and slumped on the seat, his face turning pale.

"Qi Fei is really unreasonable. Even Master Ye dares to provoke him. If he gets angry, I'm afraid I will lose my position as an elder. This time I was really killed by him!"

Lian Qing was terrified and uneasy.

Thinking back to the scene where Ye Chunyang was commanding in Lingxian Mansion three years ago, he still has lingering fears.

Three years ago, it was Nie Ying, and now it is Qi Fei. He actually offended this Master Ye one after another because of his disciples. He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if this person lost his temper.

"Unexpectedly, this girl Nie Xin is Master Ye's fiancée. Qi Fei dared to imprison her as a hostage to threaten Master Ye. He really ate a bear's heart and leopard!"

"No, I have to personally go to Wangxing Peak to apologize to Master Ye and beg him to forgive me. I hope he is still in Wangxing Peak at this time, otherwise I will die forever."

Lian Qing took a deep breath, full of fear in his heart.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stay longer, and hurried out to Wangxing Peak.


Life and death platform.

Qi Fei was still sitting calmly, but the fiery atmosphere around him was getting hotter.

Before you know it, the sun is approaching dusk.

"That Ye Yun won't really hide and act like a turtle?"

"Hey, I thought he would be angry at the crown and become a beauty, but it seems that he is just a coward."

"It's almost sunset now, so I can't watch today's good show."

Seeing that there was only Qi Fei on the stage and "Ye Yun" hadn't appeared, gradually some people in the crowd couldn't hold back anymore, and suspicions arose one after another.

Qi Fei raised his head, looked at the sunset glow reflected in the sky, and frowned slightly.

"Ye Yun, it seems that I still overestimated you."

"Do you think I will let you go if you don't go to the stage of life and death? No matter where you hide, you can't escape from my palm."

Qi Fei sneered and shook his head.

"But since we're here today, it doesn't hurt to wait a little longer."

Talking lightly to himself, Qi Fei closed his eyes again and fell into samadhi.

It's not over today, so I'll just wait a little longer.

"Hey, look, it seems that someone is coming!"

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

The disciples who heard the voice all changed their expressions and looked up to the sky.

Qi Fei raised his eyebrows and looked up in unison.

A ray of light flashed in mid-air and shot towards this place.

"Could it be that Ye Yun is here?"

The crowd was excited.

But Qi Fei frowned when he saw this ray of light, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Shen? Why is he here? Is it because of the news I spread?"

Qi Fei has already seen the identity of the visitor.

Also at this moment, the escaping light in the air swirled down, and Silence appeared in the field.

Seeing this, everyone was both surprised and disappointed.

"Junior brother Qi, the master has an order, ordering you to return to the peak immediately!" Moment fell on the five-star stage, with a solemn expression.

"Master told me to go back? I don't know why?" Qi Fei frowned.

Shen Mo's face was slightly gloomy, and he said: "Junior Brother Qi, I have already warned you that day, don't implicate others for your own selfishness, the fact that you imprisoned the sect has been known by the master, this is against the rules of the sect, the master ordered me to immediately take you back."

"Self-imprisoning the disciples? Where did senior brother say that?" Qi Fei pretended to be surprised.

Shen Mo frowned, and said: "You took Nie Xin as a hostage to coerce Ye Yun to go to the stage of life and death. After all, this matter is inferior, and it will damage the prestige of the master. If you have anything to say, you can talk to the master yourself."

"Hehe, brother's words are wrong." Qi Fei shook his head and said with a light smile: "First of all, I didn't imprison Nie Xin, I just pointed out her spells, and secondly, the news that brother heard was just fake news that I let people spread. , why do you threaten him?"

"What did you say?" Silence was startled.

Qi Fei raised his head to look at the sky with a sneer, and sighed: "Forget it, that person named Ye doesn't seem to dare to come here anymore, so I'll follow my brother to meet the master."

With that said, he stepped off the stage.

Seeing this, everyone secretly regretted it.

I thought I could watch a good show today, but I didn't expect it to be so anticlimactic.

Regrettably, at the same time, they were also full of contempt for that "Ye Yun". It seemed that everyone couldn't find out his details, not because he was mysterious, but because they were really afraid of Qi Fei and hid directly.

Even his fiancée didn't dare to show up when he was in trouble.

Silently glanced at Qi Fei, but didn't say anything more.

In the crowd, Ye Yao twitched her pretty nose, not surprised by the result.

"The one called Qi Fei... Yes, don't go, it's you."

"You threatened to beat my master, right? Stand up, I will kill you!"

Just as everyone turned to leave, suddenly a domineering and mighty voice came from the mountainside.

Qi Fei paused.

Following the prestige, a young man dressed in white appeared at the foot of the mountain, walking towards the stage of life and death with a proud face.

Everyone was startled.

"Is that you who is immortal?"

Ye Yao's eyes lit up.

The young man who came was holding a white paper fan in his hand, and in the fan were written the four big characters of "Immortal Style Dao Bone".

With such an appearance, who is it if it's not Baifeng?
(End of this chapter)

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