Chapter 152

"Back to Master Patriarch, the younger generation is the disciple of Grand Master Bai, and the Tiansha Building is a branch of our Blood Raksha in Mocheng, Yinyue Kingdom. This Mrs. Luo still has some uses in the Tiansha Tower, and please Patriarch Be lenient and spare her from dying."

Xiaorou said in awe.


Mrs. Luo was shocked.

Although she hadn't seen Xiaorou next to her a few times, Mrs. Luo knew exactly who she was following. What kind of identity was this "Ye Yun" that made her treat him so respectfully?

Xue Luocha is the backer behind them, and now the people in this backer are also in awe of "Ye Yun", what kind of existence did he provoke?

"This person is so powerful, this time he was killed by Nie Ying!"

Looking at Ye Chunyang again, Mrs. Luo's face was ashen.

"Oh I got it."

Ye Chunyang nodded, and withdrew the curse seal.

Mrs. Luo was overjoyed.

Seeing that her persuasion was effective, Xiaorou also breathed a sigh of relief.

But just when Mrs. Luo thought that the other party would sell "Master Bai" to save face, her heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the ice valley.

"Tiansha Tower is a branch of your Blood Rakshasa, what does it have to do with me?"

Ye Chunyang looked at Mrs. Luo expressionlessly, and suddenly a flash of spiritual light struck into the center of his brow.

"You were instigated by others to have evil intentions against me. This mind-remembering curse is just a small punishment for you. If you dare to commit the crime again in the future, you will definitely not be forgiven!"

Mrs. Luo just showed joy, her face froze suddenly.

Then the brilliance flashed in front of her eyes, and a ray of spiritual light sank into the center of her eyebrows, her body softened, and she collapsed to the ground with a pale complexion.

The heart demon curse is domineering and weird. Every time the person with this curse breaks through the barrier, he will be troubled by the heart demon, and it will be difficult for him to advance an inch in his life. Ye Chunyang's move is tantamount to abolishing her cultivation, making it impossible for her to advance again.

It was worse than killing her.

Shock also appeared on Xiaorou's face.

Unexpectedly, this person is so domineering and decisive, and he made a move as soon as he said it.

"Why, you don't agree?"

Ye Chunyang looked at Mrs. Luo with a look of hatred, and his eyes turned cold.

"Junior dare not!"

Mrs. Luo's body trembled, she didn't dare to look directly at Ye Chunyang, she hurriedly knelt down and said.

Although the inner curse made her life worse than death, but no matter what, her life was finally saved.

Ye Chunyang snorted coldly, looked at Xiao Rou, and said, "You Blood Rakshas have branches all over the place, so you must know a lot about the world of cultivating immortals."

Xiao Rou was stunned, not knowing why Ye Chunyang suddenly asked this question, but she didn't dare to neglect: "I would like to report to the Patriarch, in terms of collecting information, our Blood Rakshasa does have a slight advantage over other factions."

Speaking of this, Xiaorou wondered: "Could the patriarch want to inquire about something? If that's the case, Xiaorou can help a little."

"Since you said so, I do need help with some trivial matters." Ye Chunyang's eyes were slightly deep.

"The patriarch has something to do, but please tell me, Xiao Rou will definitely finish it."

Seeing Ye Chunyang's domineering methods, Xiaorou was even more in awe.

She was even a little shaken by the task assigned by Bai Feng.

Mrs. Luo is also a master of Dao Jijing Xiaocheng, Ye Chunyang can control her life and death with his backhand, does such a character need his own protection?
Ye Chun pondered for a while, and said, "Do you know if there has been a spirit-cultivating tree in Luo City?"

"Cultivating spirit tree?"

Xiaorou was surprised, and after thinking for a moment, she shook her head with a wry smile: "Forgive me for being stupid, this junior has never seen the spirit-cultivating tree mentioned by the patriarch, nor has I heard of this tree appearing in Luo City, but don't worry, the patriarch. This junior will definitely do his best to investigate this matter for you."

Ye Chunyang frowned slightly.

Finally, he sighed and waved his hands, "No need, I just asked casually, since you haven't heard of it, then you don't need to look it up."

Originally thought that with Xue Luosha's connections, there would be some clues to the cultivation of the spirit tree, but obviously they didn't know the existence of this tree.

"Could it be that there is no Spirit-Cultivating Tree in the Demon God Realm? But where did the piece of Spirit-Cultivating Wood come from?"

Thinking in his heart, Ye Chunyang didn't say much, as soon as he moved, he wanted to get on the flying boat.

"Senior stay!"

Just as Ye Chunyang turned around, Mrs. Luo suddenly called out.

Her eyes were flickering, and she said: "If senior wants to inquire about the news of Luo City, maybe he can gain something in our Tiansha Tower."


Ye Chunyang looked back at her.

Mrs. Luo gritted her teeth and continued: "Although I can't guarantee that there will be clues to the spirit tree you mentioned, our Tiansha Tower has been rooted in Yinyue Kingdom for a long time, and we have records of the secrets of the major cities. If seniors don't dislike it, you can move to the building and read one or two."

After being cast a curse by Ye Chunyang, Mrs. Luo no longer dared to be disrespectful. At this moment, she only wanted to please the other party, maybe she could ask the other party to forgive her and remove the curse.

Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows, and looked at Mrs. Luo with a half-smile: "If you dare to lie, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Mrs. Luo's heart trembled, and she said: "This junior knows that everything this junior said is true, and I absolutely dare not lie in the slightest."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Ye Chunyang didn't hesitate, "Lead the way!"

Mrs. Luo didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly stood up to invite her.

Ye Chunyang didn't say much, and quickly fled away under the lead of the other party.

Xiaorou followed behind, seeing Ye Chunyang stepping forward and disappearing suddenly, she couldn't help being shocked.

This almost ghostly posture is too scary.

"This patriarch Ye Chunyang is indeed very human, no wonder the patriarch wants to worship him as his teacher."

Xiaorou seems to understand her master's approach.

This kind of supernatural power that shrinks the ground into an inch is not something that everyone can cultivate. Ye Chunyang's ability to perform this skill in one thought shows his great supernatural power.

Mrs. Luo felt a chill in her heart, she was lucky to be able to survive provoking such a character.


Fangshi is not far from Mocheng, under the guidance of Mrs. Luo and Xiaorou, within a quarter of an hour, Ye Chunyang arrived at the stone tower in the city.

This is the place where the Tiansha Tower is entrenched.

This stone building looks very low-key and unobtrusive. From the outside, it is impossible to know that this place is actually an information center.

Of course, apart from collecting all kinds of intelligence accidents, Tianshalou also undertakes various missions. No matter what kind of mission it is, they will only take it within the scope that they think they can complete, and they never fail.

It's a pity that although many people have heard the name of Tiansha Tower, they never know where it is located.

"There is a Lingxian mansion in this ink city?"

Ye Chunyang was just outside the stone building when he suddenly saw a towering and majestic tower in the city. Inside it was bursting with aura and divided into several floors. With such a scale, it was indeed the Lingxian Mansion.

"Exactly, many years ago, our Blood Raksha established the Lingxian Mansion in Yinyue Kingdom, and this ink city is one of them."

Xiaorou said.

"Speaking of which, Mo City, the Immortal Mansion, was established earlier than Yunlan City."

"is it?"

Ye Chunyang's heart skipped a beat.

After looking in the direction of Lingxian Mansion for a while, he then ordered Mrs. Luo: "Didn't you say that Tiansha Building has hundreds of years of information about Luo City, and sort it out and send it to Lingxian Mansion!"


How dare Mrs. Luo disobey her, she hastily responded: "Senior, you are going to the Spirit Immortal Mansion to practice? But I don't know which level of spiritual room you want to stay in? After the information is sorted out, this junior will send it to you immediately."

"Send it to the heavenly spirit room."

Ye Chunyang said casually.

After the words fell, he walked towards Lingxian Mansion.

"A heavenly spirit room?"

Mrs. Luo opened her mouth wide, her face full of shock.

"The heavenly spiritual room is the highest spiritual room in the Immortal Mansion. It is said that only the top talents of Blood Raksha can live in it. No one has entered the Lingxian Mansion in Mocheng since its establishment. How can Senior Ye live in the heavenly spiritual room? "

Mrs. Luo stared intently at Ye Chunyang's back, she was beyond shocked.

She repeatedly raised Ye Chunyang's identity, from an alchemist to a soul cultivator, to a mysterious figure in the Blood Rakshasa, but she never thought that he had the qualifications to live in the heavenly spirit room of Lingxian Mansion.

"What kind of big shot did I provoke..."

Mrs. Luo muttered in a daze.

Xiao Rou's expression on the side was cold. It's too much for this Mrs. Luo to have evil intentions about her.


Ye Chunyang ignored the thoughts of the two, and after coming to Lingxian Mansion alone, he went straight to the front desk.

The steward of Lingxian Mansion here has a higher level of cultivation than Sun Zhonglou in Yunlan City. He is an old man with a perfect Dao foundation, and he is lazily leaning on his seat, bossing around several disciples.

There are many monks coming and going in the mansion, both high and low levels, but the old man just let his disciples arrange spiritual rooms for them at will, and ignored them.

"I want to stay in the soul room, please make arrangements."

Ye Chunyang walked into it and said.

The old man opened his half-closed eyes, looked Ye Chunyang up and down for a while, and then looked at the clone Ye Xiaobao next to him.

Seeing that their aura seemed to be absent, no more than the third level of Qi refining, and their clothes were extremely ordinary, they immediately closed their eyes again: "Third level of Qi refining monks can only stay in the first-grade spiritual room, you can choose it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking to Ye Chunyang.

Ye Chunyang didn't take it seriously, he shook his head and said, "I want to live in a heavenly spiritual room."

The old man's eyelids twitched.

"The boy is here to ask for trouble, right? The honor of the heavenly spirit room, no one in the Northern Territory is qualified to live in it. Before the old man gets angry, get out of here immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

The old man said with a gloomy expression.

Since the establishment of the Lingxian Mansion in Mocheng, no one has lived in the eighth-level spiritual room, let alone a heavenly level?

This kid dares to talk nonsense here, isn't it forcing him to get angry.

But before he finished speaking, seeing Ye Chunyang casually take out a token with the word "Heaven" printed on it, the old man's eyes widened and he almost fell off the seat.

"Heaven... the token of the sky?"

"you you?"

Looking at the token, the old man kept trembling.

"Am I eligible to live in a heavenly spiritual room now?" Ye Chunyang said lightly.

"Yes, yes, the villain has eyes but no pearls, and I don't know the identity of the senior, please, senior!"

Cold sweat dripped from the old man's forehead, and he led Ye Chunyang upstairs with a forced smile, looking like a different person.

Ye Chunyang didn't care about this, put away the Tianzi token and went straight upstairs.

Speaking of which, Bai Fengqiang gave him something useful.

(End of this chapter)

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