Chapter 162
The ebb and flow of the Yan family is still fermenting, and the name "Ye Chunyang" was also widely circulated by the nearby monk circle.

But the strange thing is that this person seems to have appeared out of nowhere, not to mention Yinyue Kingdom, and the Northern Territory has never heard of it.

No matter if it is a local monk in Luo City or other immortal cultivators from outside, they will ask this sentence after meeting: "A monk surnamed Ye has entered the Yan family with a strong force."

"Who is this person?"

"It is said to be a certain high-level monk who is hidden in the world."

Many words like this have been circulating for several days and have not subsided.

And as the news came out, the Yan family's status was imperceptibly pushed to a very high position, and the other immortal cultivating families in Yinyue Kingdom were not calm after hearing about it.

Originally, the Yan family was little known and was just a small family on the border. Now there is a strong man who can kill the cultivators of the Spirit Transformation Realm, who undoubtedly has the strength to compete with top families like the Zhao family and the Xu family.

Many forces made secret investigations, wanting to know who this mysterious person who sits in the Yan family is, but this person has not shown up since he entered the Yan family that night, and no one in the Yan family dared to say a word about it, causing the news to be sealed , No one knows the true identity of this "Ye Chunyang".

Surprisingly, Yan Yuyan, who had just ascended to the position of patriarch, although her cultivation was only at the tenth level of Qi Refining, her leadership was impressive.

In just a few days, she took care of the Yan family, which was a waste of time, in an orderly manner. She treated the clansmen with kindness and power, with a clear attitude of rewards and punishments, and with the "Senior Ye" sitting behind her, no one treated her favorably. No objection.

However, as the leader of this matter, Ye Chunyang did not pay any attention to it. At this time, he was sitting in the room, silently watching the rain fall outside the window.

Luocheng is located on the border, surrounded by a barren desert, it is really rare to have a rain.

But for the past few days of staying in Yan's house, Ye Chunyang didn't do anything, and his avatar was also invisible, and he was alone peacefully.

The more comfortable a person is, the more inexplicable emotions will always breed in his heart unconsciously.

Looking at the rain falling outside the window, Ye Chunyang's thoughts drifted a little, and he remembered some past events that had been dusty for many years.

Back then in the human world, for an obsession and for the person in his heart, he went through hundreds of years of hard work, and finally transformed into a god and attained the Tao, breaking through the void and ascending.

But now that he has come to this demon god world, Ye Chunyang himself is not sure whether there is any news of his beloved here.

"Gu Qian is right. The Northern Territory is too small. If you want to know more about this territory, you need to go to a wider world."

Ye Chunyang murmured softly.

Although there are a lot of cultivation resources in the Northern Territory, his purpose is not here.

He has also collected a lot of relevant information over the years, and faintly feels that this realm seems to hide many secrets that he cannot touch.

And after waking up outside Lindu City that year, a person once appeared in his mind. As his cultivation level gradually recovered, that figure became clearer and clearer, as if it had a lot to do with his coma after ascension.

"Mo Yao?"

Ye Chunyang suddenly read a name.

But he couldn't think of any relationship between this person and himself.

Just as he was thinking, there were several knocks on the door.

"Come in."

Ye Chunyang put away his thoughts, swung his sleeves, and the door opened silently.

A tall woman appeared in sight, walking towards her with a smile.

"Yu Yan pays respects to Senior Ye."

The woman's eyes are gentle, her temperament is like water, it is Yan Yuyan.

Followed by Yan Wushuang, she lowered her head and saluted with Yan Yuyan.

Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

At this time, Yan Yuyan was wearing a light blue robe, her long hair was tied up, and she was wearing a white jade hairpin. She was gentle and noble, not only giving people the tenderness of the jasper next door, but also having the aura of a queen.

Obviously, ascending to the position of head of the Yan family has changed her a lot.

After arriving, I found that Ye Chunyang was the only one in the room, and the two women were a little strange.

But they were used to Ye Chunyang's mystery, so they didn't ask much about it.

Yan Yuyan immediately said: "The two of my sisters came today to take Senior to the treasure house. I wonder if Senior can move?"

"it is good."

Ye Chunyang nodded.

For this, he has been waiting for a long time.

The two sisters immediately led the way.

The Yan family has been cultivating immortals for generations, and has a deep reputation and deep roots in Luo City. The size of the mansion is no less than that of other cultivating families.Following the two girls through the courtyard, after walking for about half an hour, Ye Chunyang came to a stone mountain in the backyard.

The stone mountain is only about ten feet high, and it looks ordinary, and there is no entrance or anything like that, but Ye Chunyang glanced around, and found that there are hidden formation flags around, obviously there are other restrictions.


"Senior Ye!"

There are several Yan family members guarding around, and when they saw sister Yan Yuyan leading Ye Chunyang, they immediately saluted respectfully.

"You go back first!"

Yan Yuyan waved her hand.

Several people bowed to each other, and immediately said goodbye and left.

"Senior Ye, this is the treasure house of our Yan family. Here is the prohibition circle set up by our ancestors of the Yan family. Wait a moment, senior. Wushuang and I will open it for you immediately."

Yan Yuyan explained, and then said to Yan Wushuang: "Take out the token."

Yan Wushuang glanced at the stone mountain in front of him, then at Ye Chunyang, and then raised his jade hand.

A pale golden talisman appeared in his hand, with brilliant brilliance and various strange patterns engraved on it, as soon as it appeared, it seemed that some kind of magical power was pulled around, and rainbow lights shot out one after another, converging on the rocky mountain.

An astonishing scene appeared.

There was only a loud roar, and after the stone mountain trembled a few times, a simple and simple stone gate slowly appeared.

Seeing this, Yan Wushuang lightly tapped the order talisman with his jade finger, and the talisman swayed lightly, hidden in the stone gate, and gradually opened a gap.

When the stone gate is opened, there is a spiral staircase in front of it, extending all the way down, with no end in sight.

From this, it can be judged that this treasure house of the Yan family was built underground and divided into multiple layers.

"Senior, what you want is inside, we will guard it here, senior can go in and look for it at will." Yan Yuyan said.

Hearing this, Ye Chunyang couldn't help but admire the female high school, knowing that he didn't want anyone to follow him, so he took the initiative to let himself in alone.

"Miss Yan, don't worry, if I find what I want this time, I can grant you a request to the best of my ability." Ye Chunyang thought for a while and said.

The two sisters cheered up, and their faces showed joy.

After Ye Chunyang finished speaking, he walked towards the stone mountain without pausing. After his figure disappeared, the stone gate was closed again.

The treasure house is surrounded by luminous stones, it looks dark and deep from the outside, but it is bright when you walk inside.

All the way down the spiral staircase, Ye Chunyang saw a lot of hidden compartments, inside which were placed jade slips of exercises, magic tools, talismans, etc.

After walking a few steps forward, he flipped his hand casually, a black light flickered on his palm, and fragments of the Spirit-Cultivating Wood emerged.

"This thing comes from the Spirit-Cultivating Tree. If there is a Spirit-Cultivating Tree in the Yan family's treasury, there must be a mutual induction."

Ye Chunyang thought in his heart.

Holding the fragments of the spiritual tree, Ye Chunyang walked on the spiral staircase, step by step.

This treasury is divided into seven floors. The Yan family has been rooted in Luocheng for a long time, so there are naturally a lot of treasures, but compared to the Cangyuan sect's scripture storage pavilion, the things here are pitifully rare, and Ye Chunyang doesn't like it at all. Eye.

Just when he was about to reach the last floor, the spirit-cultivating wood fragments in his palm suddenly changed.

The wood grains on the fragments glowed faintly, and at the same time trembled unsteadily, as if they were about to escape his control and fly out of his hands.

Ye Chunyang's eyes were fixed, and his spiritual sense shrouded in a certain direction, exploring carefully.

After a while, his expression changed, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, Ye Chunyang appeared outside a sealed stone room, pushed open the door of the stone room, and a burst of dust and smoke filled the air, but as he came here, the wood grains on the spirit-cultivating wood fragments became more and more active.

Ye Chunyang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and inspected the stone room with his eyes.

This stone room is not very big, only about ten feet wide and six feet high, with a platform built in the middle, and three boxes about three feet long are placed on the platform.

The material of the box looks like iron but not iron, like gold but not gold, it looks a little special, it should be used to store some treasures.

But what surprised Ye Chunyang was that the boxes on the left and right had been opened, and the insides were empty, only the one in the middle was pasted with a forbidden talisman, which was covered with dust and looked like no one had touched it for a long time.

At this time, Ye Chunyang clearly felt that the spirit-cultivating wood fragments in his hand had a particularly strong reaction to the box in the middle.

"Could it be that the spiritual tree is in this box?"

With a move in Ye Chunyang's heart, he urged the alchemy formula, and a divine thought rushed towards the box, and the prohibition talisman on it immediately turned into flames and disappeared.

"Bang" sound.

The box popped open automatically, and a black light flew out from inside. Ye Chunyang squinted his eyes, looked at the black light, but was slightly taken aback, and then was greatly disappointed.

This black light is not a spirit tree, but a piece of several inches in size that looks like fish scales.

"It's not a spirit tree, so why does this fragment have a sense?"

Ye Chunyang grabbed the thing in his hands strangely.

The moment I got it, I felt a cold breath coming from it, with a faint spiritual fluctuation, but it was different from normal people's spiritual thoughts.

Normal people's spiritual thoughts are strong and pure, but this thing is feminine and restrained, and has a hint of evil spirit.

"This thing looks a bit like the scales on a monster, but why does it have such a weird mental power?" Ye Chunyang was surprised for a moment.

However, after taking a closer look, Ye Chunyang determined why the fragments of the spiritual wood would respond to this.

Yanglingmu itself has the effect of nourishing soul power, and it is the most sensitive to this kind. This scale has spiritual power, and it seems to be drawn by it.

"This thing is sealed here, which is obviously unusual."

"But it's about the power of divine sense, so you can take it back and study it."

This weird scale aroused Ye Chunyang's curiosity, so he simply accepted it, and at worst, he would exchange it with the sisters of the Yan family with pills after he went out.

He took a final look at this stone room. Since there is no spiritual tree here, he can only look for it elsewhere.

Thinking of this, he immediately walked out.

At this moment, there was a light "click" under his feet, as if he stepped on something.

(End of this chapter)

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