Chapter 164

"Whether to remove the sword formation depends on whether what you say satisfies me."

Ye Chunyang said noncommittally.

These words surprised the little snake.

It looked at Ye Chunyang with strange eyes, thinking that this fellow has fallen under his own forbidden spell, why does he look confident?

The scene stalemate for a moment.

Ye Chunyang didn't say a word, but the little snake's expression flickered.

The little snake knew that the reason why Ye Chunyang stopped was because of his promise just now, but it couldn't guarantee whether the other party would change his mind on the spot once the mind-stimulating spell was untied for him.

"Forget it, you and I stop at the same time, you withdraw the sword array, and I will undo the heart-stimulating spell for you, how about it?" The little snake tentatively asked.

Ye Chunyang's calm expression really made him uncertain.

But thinking of Ye Chunyang's crazy behavior just now, he didn't want to fight for such a trivial matter to destroy his last soul.


Ye Chunyang unexpectedly nodded in agreement.

The little snake narrowed its eyes slightly, looked up at Ye Chunyang's 81 flying swords, saw that the opponent had indeed withdrawn the sword formation, and then spit out a black light from his mouth.

Ye Chunyang didn't even look at the other person, he let the black light penetrate into his body, he didn't waver at all.

Seeing this scene, the little snake became even more strange!

From the fight just now, it has already felt that Ye Chunyang's spiritual power cultivation is perfect in the Taoist realm. With its supernatural powers, not to mention a monk in the basic realm, even a master of the spiritual realm, it is impossible to remain indifferent to his spells.

"Did he fall under my heart-stimulating spell?" The little snake wondered inwardly.

"Tell me, what kind of monster are you?" Ye Chunyang sat down in front of the little snake.

To be honest, at the beginning, the opponent's spells really made him hard to defend against, but with his powerful spirit and body, this little damage was nothing at all. After the initial spiritual power was affected, he was directly killed The technique is refined.

So there is no stalemate between him and the little snake, but a complete crush, crush again!
It's ridiculous that the little snake always thought that he could restrain him with a heart-stimulating spell, but Ye Chunyang's desperate behavior was completely based on the idea of ​​perishing together.

The little snake stared at Ye Chunyang with an uncertain expression on his face. After a long while, he straightened up, and said proudly between his brows: "This king is the King of Nanxuan of the Holy Land of Cold Jade."

"King Nanxuan?"

Ye Chunyang looked at the little snake indifferently, with an indifferent face: "Tell me, what secrets do you know about the world of demon gods?"

Since Feisheng woke up, Ye Chunyang has learned few secrets about the world of demon gods, and he doesn't know much about many things. He only knows that in this realm, the demon race doesn't like the human race very much.

However, although this realm is called the Demon God Realm, the strength of the human race is not inferior to that of the demon race.

The little snake was a little surprised by Ye Chunyang's calmness after hearing his name.

He is a majestic demon king, and everyone who has heard of it has always been terrified, but this person is unmoved?
"Fellow Daoist, have you heard of Tianxuan Mountain?" Although Ye Chunyang had just reported his origin, Ye Chunyang's performance made King Nanxuan doubt whether the other party knew about this place.

"Slightly heard."

Ye Chunyang nodded, expressionless.

The two times I met Gu Qian, she mentioned Tianxuan Mountain. This place seems to be the territory of the monster race, but it was sealed by the human race.

King Nanxuan said: "It is called the territory of the human race and the demon race, but it is actually the fairy mountain of the ancient demon cultivators. There are countless treasures in it. If you are interested, you may wish to go there and explore it. You will gain something in the future. "

"Oh, you said you came from Tianxuan Mountain, and now you lure me to Tianxuan Mountain, do you think I will believe it?" Ye Chunyang sneered.

"Fellow Daoist, could it be that the king is lying to you by accident?"

"Tens of thousands of years ago in Tianxuan Mountain, there was a great demon who ascended through the tribulation, and even your human race has earth immortals who got the way to the spirit world there, but these secrets have passed for many years, and not many people know about them."

King Nanxuan said coldly.

"is it?"

"Your Excellency, don't tell me that you are a demon king who has ascended through the tribulation?" Ye Chunyang showed a smile that was not a smile.

King Nanxuan's expression froze, and he suddenly fell silent.

"Whether you believe it or not, there is indeed a relic of the ancient monster in Tianxuan Mountain. Over the years, countless monster and human masters have gone to explore it. This king once obtained a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure in it. There are even legends that this place is related to The spirit world has something to do with it."

King Nanxuan acted as if you could believe it or not, and if you didn't believe it, I couldn't help it.

"You said just now that Tianxuan Mountain is related to the spirit world?"

Ye Chunyang touched his chin and asked a question.

"This king has only heard about this matter, and it has not been verified whether it is true. Why, could it be that your human race does not know about this matter?" King Nanxuan was somewhat puzzled by Ye Chunyang's uncertainties.

"Ascension to the Spiritual Realm... In other words, the Demon God Realm is just the lower realm?" Ye Chunyang seemed to be asking, but also muttering to himself.

"Naturally, it's the lower realm, otherwise how could there be so many human races and monster races practicing hard since ancient times, just to ascend to the spirit world?" King Nanxuan rolled his eyes.

The words came out, but he was suddenly taken aback: "No, this is something everyone knows, don't you know?"

He stared at Ye Chunyang suspiciously, always feeling that there was too much weirdness in this seemingly low-level human monk.

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered.

But after hearing King Nanxuan's words, he quickly returned to normal.

He didn't answer, but continued to ask: "According to what you said, Tianxuan Mountain is related to the spirit world, so can you ascend to the spirit world through this place?"

"This king doesn't know."

King Nanxuan looked at Ye Chunyang, and said with a strange smile: "Not to mention whether Tianxuan Mountain is really related to the spirit world, you human monks need at least the cultivation base of an Earth Immortal if you want to ascend to Taoism?"

No matter how you look at it, this kid from the human race is only at the perfect dao base level. The so-called ascension really has a big gap with him.

Ye Chunyang lowered his eyes and stopped talking.

He had long guessed that the Demon God Realm was not the Spirit Realm, but a plane outside the Spirit Realm. From this, it could be seen that some kind of accident did happen to him when he ascended from the Human Realm.

However, he has long planned to ascend to the spirit world again, but the information he has collected over the years is too little, and this is the first time he has heard of it.

"How much do you know about ascending to the spirit world?"

After a long time, Ye Chunyang asked again.

"This king knows a lot. Are you sure you just want to ask about ascension?" King Nanxuan looked at Ye Chunyang with strange eyes. It is too early for a small Daoist monk to talk about ascension to immortality. right?

"I just want to know about this!" Ye Chunyang said with a serious face.

King Nanxuan was full of doubts in his heart, and after pondering for a moment, he showed embarrassment: "If you ask this king about the secrets of other human and monster races, this king knows a lot. No one has ascended for 10 years, after all, even this king..."

"Ahem... In short, ascension is a struggle with the heavens, and it is not easy to achieve. If you really have this goal, you might as well practice hard. It is not impossible for you to really ascend in the future."

King Nanxuan couldn't help coughing a few times to hide his embarrassment.

It's just that in the middle of the words, there is a bit of strange color in the eyes that is not easy to detect.

"Get Dao and ascend?"

Ye Chunyang smiled lightly and remained silent.

He is a cultivator of transforming spirits, he has already attained the Tao, even if he ascends again, he will only return to the original place.

It was just the words of King Nanxuan that made his heart sink: "No one from the Demon God Realm ascended to the Spirit Realm for 10 years?"

If this is the case, isn't it hopeless to return to the spirit world?
"Of course there is."

"As far as I know, although there have been few cultivators who have ascended to the spiritual world in the past 10 years, about 2 years ago, there seems to be one person who successfully ascended and traveled between the two worlds."

King Nanxuan said.


Ye Chunyang's heart moved, revealing the look of questioning.

King Nanxuan thought for a while, and continued: "This person seems to be a monk of your human race. I don't know what his identity is, but the way this person ascends is different from ordinary people. He ascended through the soul."


"Soul Cultivation?"

Ye Chunyang was taken aback.

"It seems so." King Nanxuan nodded.

Rolling his eyes again, he said, "But this is a rumor, and it happened 2 years ago. Who knows if it's true or not? Besides, you should know more about your human race than this king."

Ye Chunyang remained silent.

Unexpectedly, the only person who has successfully ascended in the Demon God Realm in the past 10 years is a soul cultivator. In this way, if he wants to ascend to the Spirit Realm again, he must pay more attention to the cultivation of the soul.

Of course, it is not only the soul that can really make him strong, but the mana must also be restored to the state of the human world.

He had a faint feeling that something seemed to have happened to him after he ascended from the human world.

And this King Nanxuan seems to be hiding it very well, but he can't hide it from his eyes. The origin of this monster is probably not as simple as what it says.

But he didn't bother to pursue it. The opponent was a demon soul, which might be difficult for others to deal with, but he was just an insignificant ant in front of him. With the 81 flying swords made of Tiancheng Leimu, he could be sent back to the west at any time.

Ye Chunyang looked at King Nanxuan lightly, and suddenly showed a somewhat weird smile, and said: "Your Excellency just kept talking about Tianxuan Mountain, but I don't know if you know that Tianxuan Mountain has been sealed by the human race?"

"What did you say?"

King Nanxuan's eyes changed.

Ye Chunyang's eyes showed sarcasm, and he asked back: "Why, you call yourself the Demon King, don't you even know about this?"

"It's impossible! When I was still in the Holy Land of Cold Jade, Tianxuan Mountain was a place where monster races gathered. How could your human race have such strength?" King Nanxuan kept shaking his head.

Ye Chunyang sneered and said nothing, but he had already confirmed something in his heart.

Seeing that he didn't speak anymore, King Nanxuan's snake eyes flashed a haze, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, he suddenly sighed, and changed the topic: "I didn't expect such earth-shaking changes in Tianxuan Mountain, it was really unexpected, but fellow daoists have asked so many news about this king, and I also want to ask fellow daoists about it, I don't know if you can tell the truth?"

(End of this chapter)

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