After the ascent failed

Chapter 166 Sister Heart

Chapter 166 Sister Heart
After a period of precipitation, the Yan family has gradually recovered, and has faintly become a great family of cultivators in Yinyue Kingdom, ranking alongside the top families such as the Xu family and the Zhao family.

It was late at night.

The Yan family compound was quiet, but Yan Wushuang was wandering in a corridor, a little restless.

Growing up in the clan, Yan Wushuang already knew every plant and tree in the Yan family, but walking at this moment, she seemed a little dazed and aimless.

I don't know how long it took, but she suddenly found something familiar in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but look up, and froze there for a while.

"How did I get here?"

Yan Wushuang was a little lost.

This is Ye Chunyang's courtyard, and she came here unknowingly.

Looking at the wing room that was illuminated with faint lights, a trace of confusion flashed in Yan Wushuang's eyes.

Yan Wushuang seldom dressed up deliberately, but tonight, she put on a light red gauze dress and put on delicate makeup, which made her already outstanding in appearance even more enchanting and attractive.

Originally, she didn't know why she suddenly had the desire to dress herself up, but now that she came here unknowingly, she realized that perhaps there was a voice in her heart that drove her to come here, to show her best side, presented to that person.

Yan Wushuang's expression changed, he raised his foot, and then backed away.

"I don't know, does he want to see me?"

Yan Wushuang looked a little depressed.

It is undeniable that Ye Chunyang's appearance has been deeply imprinted in her heart, but every time she faces each other, that indifference and depth makes her unable to fathom.

Yan Wushuang wanted to tell him what she wanted, even if she was only an unknown maid by his side, she would have no regrets.

But suddenly, she found that she was not as strong as she imagined, and even here, she couldn't muster up the courage to move forward.

"Hey, is that... my sister?"

Just when Yan Wushuang was hesitating, a figure reflected in the lights was walking towards Ye Chunyang's room through the corridor.

"It's already so late, what is my sister looking for Senior Ye?"

"And the green feather dress on her body..."

Yan Wushuang hid behind a rockery, fixedly staring at Yan Yuyan who was walking towards Ye Chunyang's room, feeling some inexplicable fluctuations in her heart.

At this moment, Yan Yuyan was wearing a long cyan dress with dots of cyan spirit feathers dotted on it, looking elegant and moving.

Yan Wushuang knew that the dress on Yan Yuyan was sewed by her own hands that year, when her father hunted a second-level mid-level green spirit bird from a spiritual mountain, and gave it to their two sisters. people.

"Elder sister has never worn this green feather dress since she sewed it, and now she actually puts on this dress to meet Senior Ye, could it be..."

Yan Wushuang clenched his hands suddenly, and his heart seemed to be stabbed by some sharp object, causing bursts of tingling pain.

After her father gave them the blue spirit bird, Yan Yuyan only took the feathers of the blue spirit bird and sewed it into this dress, but she never wore it.

Because Yan Yuyan once told her that she would only wear this dress after meeting a man she likes, hoping to let him see her most radiant side.

"My sister has always regarded this green feather dress as a treasure, and has never shown it in front of any man. I only think that she is dedicated to restoring the family and is not attracted by anyone. It turns out that my sister... also likes Senior Ye."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Yan Wushuang's mouth.

She knew that if she appeared to stop Yan Yuyan at this time, she would definitely give in because of the latter's love for her.

But Yan Wushuang didn't do that.

She can endure, but she can't be humble, and she won't beg others for alms, especially that person is her sister who has given a lot to her.

Yan Wushuang then stepped back a few minutes, completely hiding himself in the darkness.

It's just that at this moment, no one saw the depression in her eyes.

On the other side, Yan Yuyan walked very slowly.

She lowered her head slightly, as if she could hear her nervous heartbeat.

At this time, she not only put on her most precious green feather dress, but also put on light makeup on her face, with exquisite jadeite earrings on both sides, and a white jade hairpin on her head, she looked elegant and noble, more mature The charm of a woman.

"I don't know if Senior Ye would like me like this."

Yan Yuyan murmured words that no one heard, and a bit of the shyness of a little girl appeared on her cheeks.

She walked with three pauses, the closer she got to Ye Chunyang's room, the faster her heart beat.

Putting on this green feather dress tonight, she did not know how many times she mustered up the courage to make this decision.

When she came outside Ye Chunyang's room, she took a light breath to calm herself down, and then gently knocked on the door.

Inside the room, Ye Chunyang opened his eyes, stood up and opened the door, seeing Yan Yuyan's attire, slightly startled.

"Miss Yan, it's so late, what's the matter?"

As he spoke, he glanced at a certain rockery from the corner of his eye, his expression unmoved.

"Senior Ye, can I... come in?" Yan Yuyan said softly.

Ye Chunyang frowned, stepped aside, and let the woman in.

Yan Yuyan looked happy, lowered her head and walked slowly into the room.

Behind the rockery, looking at the re-closed door, Yan Wushuang clenched his hand tightly.

Also at this time, in a dark place on the other side, a figure appeared vaguely, looking at this place with a strange expression.

It was an old man, if other people saw it, they would recognize him as an elder recently promoted by the Yan family, and he was deeply trusted by Yan Yuyan.

"The patriarch came to Senior Ye's room late at night. It seems that their relationship is indeed extraordinary. With this relationship, my Yan family will definitely prosper in the future."

The old man who accidentally saw this scene smiled from ear to ear, then turned his head and walked away knowingly.

There is only Yan Wushuang who is reluctant to leave behind the rockery.

Time passed by minute by minute, but the closed door was no longer opened, only a faint candlelight was reflected from it, and it was quiet inside, no one knew what happened.

Yan Wushuang pursed his lips lightly, squatting behind the rockery, his heart pierced like a knife.

But she didn't know that the scene in the room was very different from what he had imagined.

Yan Yuyan stood quietly in the room, staring at Ye Chunyang in front of her, her heart was beating faster, but she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Miss Yan came here late at night, if you have nothing else to do, please come back."

After waiting for a long time before Yan Yuyan opened her mouth, Ye Chunyang poured a cup of tea and said calmly.


Yan Yuyan looked slightly stagnant.

On the way here, she thought of many words, but when she really faced him, she found that she didn't know how to say the words that came to her lips, and she could only remain silent in the end.

"Senior Ye, tonight... let me stay here..."

A red glow flew over Yan Yuyan's face, her words were inaudible.

"Stay here?"

Ye Chunyang was a little surprised.

After Yan Yuyan finished speaking, she lowered her head, didn't know how to place her hands, and looked at a loss.

Ye Chunyang looked her up and down.

Tonight's Yan Yuyan's demeanor is astounding, and she is obviously well-dressed. With this outfit and the expression at this time, Ye Chunyang knows it in his heart.

He was silent, took a sip of tea, and nodded after a long time: "Yes."

Yan Yuyan's heart was shocked, she raised her head and looked at Ye Chunyang in disbelief, but soon revealed a look of joy.

"Senior, let me make tea for you!" Yan Yuyan said gently.

She skillfully poured tea and water for Ye Chunyang, with a charming smile on her face, and her temperament was like blue.

Ye Chunyang could even smell the faint body fragrance of her body so close at hand.

Ye Chunyang looked at this woman, his eyes were as calm as water.

The four eyes met, and the atmosphere in the room unknowingly became more ambiguous.

"Senior, do you want Yuyan to undress you?" Yan Yuyan lowered her head and let you pick her.

After saying this, her cheeks turned even redder.

"No need."

Ye Chunyang put down his teacup and waved his hand.

Yan Yuyan was slightly startled.

Ye Chunyang walked to the window, looked up at the starry sky, and said: "You can stay here tonight, you don't need to do anything, you don't need to say anything, after dawn, you can go."

"I don't understand the meaning of what senior said?" Yan Yuyan was a little surprised.

Ye Chunyang turned back, glanced at her slightly, and said: "I can give you one night to consolidate the Yan family's position in the future, as the fate between you and me, and after today, I will leave the Yan family. "

"Senior, are you leaving?"

Yan Yuyan's expression changed slightly.

She knew that Ye Chunyang would not stay here for a long time, but she did not expect that Ye Chunyang would leave so soon.

"Yes, I still have some things to deal with, and I will leave tomorrow."

Ye Chunyang nodded slightly, and said: "With your cultivation of the tenth level of Qi Refining to run the Yan family, you need to have help and support behind you. For the sake of getting acquainted with your sisters, I can acquiesce in this matter, and I promise you that you will have no worries for the rest of your life. "

Yan Yuyan opened her mouth and was speechless for a while.

It turned out that I had always misunderstood what he meant. From the beginning to the end, he was not what I thought, taking the initiative to keep her by my side.

He promised her to stay in the room tonight just to repay her fate.

Yan Yuyan's complexion was a little pale.

The most hurtful thing is not being rejected when you express your heart to the other party, but that the other party clearly knows your heart, but chooses to turn a blind eye.

However, how does Yan Yuyan know that Ye Chunyang seeks the Tao wholeheartedly, except for Luo Qingcheng, the Taoist couple he met in the human world, it is impossible to fall in love with any woman in this life.

In his life, he met many confidante girls, who were all inferior to the Yan family sisters in terms of cultivation and appearance, but in the end, there was only one person that he could never forget.

There was silence in the room.

Facing Ye Chunyang's back, Yan Yuyan froze in place, finally showing a wry smile.

She raised her hand, untied the belt around her waist, and slowly took off the green feather dress.

Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless, no matter how beautiful this dress is, it will never show its brilliance to anyone again.

The faint candlelight flickered, reflecting Yan Yuyan's every move on the window sill.

Outside the rockery, Yan Wushuang stared at this scene closely, heartbroken like a knife.

What it all meant, she knew very well.

The night was thick with dew and mist, watching the lights in the room gradually go out, Yan Wushuang finally closed his eyes and chose to bury that feeling deep in his heart.

From then on, no matter how deep that person was in her heart, she could never touch it again.

a long time.

Yan Wushuang raised his footsteps and left the place slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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