Chapter 170
Master Shinichi was stunned.

He couldn't figure it out, he was clearly a master at the Spirit Transformation Realm, a sect elder, and this dull young man looked very ordinary, but he was so helpless to fight back with two slaps.

"You, you dare to hit me? The poor must kill you!"

Master Shinichi said angrily.

Before Ye Xiaobao could make another move, he slapped his lower abdomen suddenly, and then opened his mouth.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

A gust of wind blew up all around, and a dazzling rainbow shot out from his palm. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a small blue flag. Under the urging of his spiritual power, it instantly turned into a huge banner several feet wide.

The real Daoist had a hideous expression on his face, and directed several magic formulas at the giant banner.

The giant banner is like a trapped dragon ascending to the sky, sweeping all directions and ten poles at once.

"I have never suffered such humiliation since I practiced Taoism, boy, let me die under the banner of Lingyun today!"

Venerable Shinichi let out an angry shout, and whispered the word "Go".

Only whistling sounds could be heard, the giant banner circled several times in the void, and the next moment it suddenly fell on top of Ye Xiaobao's head, waved several times, and bursts of tornadoes swept down.

"Pindao's spiritual cloud banner is a low-level innate spiritual treasure. It has been cultivated for decades. Even if you have all kinds of supernatural powers, you will return to hell today!"

Master Shinichi laughed wildly.

Innate spiritual treasures are not comparable to ordinary magical weapons, they can be cultivated in the body, and as the cultivation base grows, the magical weapons will become more powerful.

Originally thought that there was no need to use this magic weapon to deal with two low-level monks, but he didn't expect to be beaten into a mess by Ye Xiaobao after only a few encounters. How could Master Zhenyi not be angry?
Seeing Ye Xiaobao being shrouded by the hurricane, Master Shinichi felt relieved.

With the power of this Lingyun Banner, even if he has achieved a small achievement in the Spirit Transformation Realm comparable to his cultivation, he can only temporarily avoid the sharp edge, and killing Ye Xiaobao is no problem.

But before Master Shinichi could show a smile on his face, his expression froze immediately.

I saw a figure flying out in the strong wind, the shadow of the fist flashed a few times, the surrounding hurricane cleared away, and the spirit cloud flag that Master Shinichi was proud of trembled a few times and then the light faded away. Instead of being summoned by him, he was grabbed by the man.

"You actually broke my spirit cloud banner! How is this possible?"

Master Shinichi's shock was no small matter.

Ye Xiaobao ignored it, and driven by Ye Chunyang's spiritual thoughts, he squeezed it with his bare hands, and the spirit cloud banner immediately shrunk several times to the size of a palm, and was sucked into his body in one gulp.

"Boy, do you dare?"

Losing the natal connection with Lingyun Banner, Master Zhenyi suffered a great loss of true energy, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

What made him even more unbelievable was that Ye Xiaobao directly snatched this talisman that he had been cultivating for decades, which made his years of hard work go to waste.

Master Shinichi's pupils constricted violently, and his heart sank to the bottom.

"Boy, this matter will not be left as it is. In the future, the poor will definitely regain the magic weapon and crush you!"

After staring at Ye Xiaobao for a while, Master Shinichi turned around and ran away with a cloud under his feet.

With the strength shown by Ye Xiaobao, it is obvious that he has hit the iron plate today, and if he stays any longer, the consequences will be bad.

But Master Zhenyi is not panic at all, this place is not far from the sect, at worst, go back to rescue the soldiers, when the time comes and kill the carbine, Ye Chunyang and Ye Chunyang must be beaten to death, in order to avenge today's treasure hunt Hate of humiliation.

"It's only now that I think of running, isn't it too late?"

Just after using the escape method, Master Shinichi froze.

A faint voice sounded from behind, and the young man of the "Third Level of Qi Refining", who had never moved, folded his arms and looked at him with a sneer on his face.

Master Shinichi was wondering how a qi refining cultivator on the other side dared to be so arrogant, suddenly a black shadow flickered above his head, and Ye Xiaobao appeared in the sky at some point.


A big cattail fan was slapped down, Master Shinichi opened his eyes wide, and then he felt a pain from the crushing of a huge mountain, his legs spread wide in an instant, like a lazy toad, he was slapped to the ground, crawling on the ground. In front of Ye Chunyang, he couldn't move at all.


Master Shinichi's face was full of horror.

At this moment, he realized that the two people in front of him were not at all hostile to him.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Ye Xiaobao stepped forward, but his slow steps were like ten thousand heavy mountains, every step went straight into Master Shinichi's heart, making him almost out of breath.

"Two fellow daoists, don't kill me. The poor Taoist is willing to reveal all the treasures. I just ask you to spare my life."

Master Shinichi's face turned ashen for a moment.

He knew that in front of these two killing gods, it was impossible for him to even escape.

Mr. Xu, who had just been stunned by Ye Xiaobao's palm, woke up and turned around. Seeing Master Zhenyi kneeling in front of the two of them, with a begging look on his face, he couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Am I dreaming?"

Mr. Xu's heart twitched.

Even Master was defeated?

"You said just now that you are a person who is cold and windy?"

Ye Chunyang ignored Master Shinichi's begging for mercy, and just looked at him indifferently.

Master Zhenyi lifted his spirits, looked at Ye Xiaobao, then at Ye Chunyang, with a look of surprise.

From the beginning to the end, the dull young man who made a terrible attack did not say a word, but this seemingly extremely low-level monk was leading.

Could it be that this person is a real master?

With a sound of "click", Master Shinichi knocked his head on the ground, trembling: "Exactly, I am indeed the elder of Hanfengdongtian."

"very good."

Ye Chunyang nodded, "I need you to do something for me."

Venerable Master Shinichi didn't even have the word "no", he quickly agreed: "Fellow Daoist has something to do, but please tell me, I will finish it with my determination."

Ye Chunyang took a look at him, with a blank expression on his face: "Send me a message, I, Ye Chunyang, will be in the Cold Wind Cave in three days, and everyone will evacuate immediately, otherwise I will kill everyone in the Cold Wind Cave."

Master Shinichi's expression changed.

"Fellow Daoist, this..."

Master Shinichi never expected that Ye Chunyang would let him deliver such news, which made him feel embarrassed for a while.

Once this word is passed back to the sect, he will definitely lose his majesty, and even be cast aside by the sect, but if he does not obey, he will surely die right now.

"Forget it, since your Excellency doesn't want to pass the message by yourself, it doesn't matter if you come to the door yourself." Ye Chunyang chuckled and turned indifferently.

"Fellow Daoist!"

Master Shinichi trembled all over, and said with fear on his face: "I will truthfully relay the summons of fellow Taoists to the Zongmen and let them evacuate immediately."

Ye Chunyang looked back and looked at him leisurely.

Judging from the information on the map, the mountain range where Soul Lake is located is occupied by the Cold Wind Cave. If they can be deterred by this and let them voluntarily evacuate, it will save a lot of effort.

Master Shinichi sighed with an earthy face, and took out a sound transmission talisman from the Qiankun bag.

After bowing his head and saying a few words towards the sound-transmitting talisman, Master Shinichi raised his hand, and the talisman turned into a flame that soared into the sky and disappeared in a certain direction.

"Fellow Daoist, I have sent a message to Zongmen as you ordered, can you let me go now?"

Master Shinichi begged for mercy.

But found that Ye Chunyang's expression suddenly turned cold.

Ye Chunyang sneered, a spiritual thought was transmitted, Ye Xiaobao raised his hand and pointed, Master Zhenyi's voice stopped abruptly, a blood hole pierced his forehead, blood poured out, only the horror remained in his eyes.

"You, how dare you kill my master?"

Mr. Xu shivered all over, and there were large wet spots in his crotch.

I was scared to pee.

"You should die too."

Ye Chunyang sent out his divine thoughts again, Ye Xiaobao waved his sleeves, and a large piece of fire fell, and Mr. Xu evaporated from the world without leaving a trace.

"Fellow Daoist Ye is decisive, but if you ask this person to dispatch Hanfengdongtian, I'm afraid they may not follow you."

King Nanxuan got out of Ye Chunyang's sleeve, and said with a half-smile.

"Young Master Xu provoked me in the Yunbao Building first, and then led Master Zhenyi to seek revenge. How can I be bullied by them?"

Ye Chunyang looked indifferent.

"As for the Cold Wind Cave, as long as they obediently move their families, that's all. If they have different intentions, then don't blame me for being cruel."

A cold light flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes.

He is the number one cultivator in the human world, he has transformed himself into a god, he has the majesty of a fairy, and he will kill anyone who insults him.

"Hey, fellow daoist's decisiveness this time has a bit of the style of our demon clan. The world of cultivating immortals is a law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, and our demon clan is even more so. The best resources are only in the hands of the strong."

King Nanxuan spat out the snake letter, and his expression revealed the aura of a king looking down on the world.

Ye Chunyang was noncommittal.

In the past, when resources were scarce in the human world, he still achieved the great cause of transforming into a god, and he had already seen the way of survival thoroughly. For example, Master Zhenyi, master and apprentice, are just two insignificant ants.

"Let's go. I've given Cold Wind Cave three days, enough time for them to evacuate. I hope I can find Soul Lake smoothly by then."

Ye Chunyang waved his hand, controlled the flying sword, turned into a startled rainbow and disappeared in the distance.

But when the calm was restored here, in a certain mountain range hundreds of miles away, a hall boiled inside.

A middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s held a sound transmission talisman in front of him, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Cave Master, is this sound transmission talisman really transmitted back from Shinichi?"

"What is the background of that Ye, who dares to be so arrogant and threatens to force us to relocate?"

"That guy Shinichi is so courageous, he dared to go back to the Zongmen with such a rebellious message."


Surrounded by a group of men and women in the hall, all of them are minor accomplishments in the spirit transformation realm, and the middle-aged man in front has even reached the grand accomplishment realm.

The middle-aged man pinched the sound transmission talisman, and remained silent.

This person is the cave master of Cold Wind Cave, Zhao Motong.

Cold Wind Cave has a very high prestige in the southern region of Yan Kingdom, if the elder who is closed to death in the cave does not come out, Zhao Motong is the strongest.

After a while, the brilliance in his palm flashed, and the sound transmission symbol turned into ashes and dissipated.

"The news from Shinichi, it's probably more than auspicious."

The middle-aged man took a step, his eyes were icy cold.

"I have never heard of the origin of this Ye Chunyang. I think he is not a monk from our Yan Kingdom, but he keeps telling us to evacuate, otherwise our entire sect will be destroyed. It is really crazy. This cave master is waiting here, let's see what he has. Dare to provoke us like this?"

When the elders of the Hualing Realm heard the words, sneers appeared on their faces.

"What's more, besides the Supreme Elder I sent, there was also a great power who ascended to the spiritual world thousands of years ago. If he dared to come to the door, he would definitely be sent away!"

They also want to see, what kind of confidence does that Ye Chunyang have to be so defiant?

(End of this chapter)

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