Chapter 172
"Three bows and nine knocks?"

Yun Shaoling stood there blankly, he was born in a prestigious family anyway, kneeling to the world, kneeling to his parents, he had never done such a big gift to other people.

Cold Wind Cave asked them to kneel down to the mountain gate from here, this is simply a great humiliation.

"Why, you don't even have the sincerity to become an apprentice?"

Standing in front of them was a square-faced young man at the eighth level of Qi refining, looking at them domineeringly.

Apart from Yun Shaoling and Ye Chunyang on the stone ladder, there were quite a few teenagers and girls from all over the world who wanted to go to the Cold Wind Cave to ask the immortals to seek the Tao. Hearing this, their faces became ugly.

"This is the rule of our Cold Wind Cave, whether you like it or not."

The square-faced young man waved at the three of them with aloofness.

After speaking, he turned around and went back to the mountain gate.

"Senior brother, please wait a moment!"

Yun Shaoling ran forward, grabbed the young man and called out.

"What's the matter with you?" The square-faced young man looked at him impatiently.

Yun Shaoling chuckled, and said kindly: "In Xiayun Shaoling, I have met senior brother Chen Yu and Chen of your sect several times, and I came here this time with the intention of defecting to him. I wonder if senior brother can be tolerant. ?”

As he spoke, he quietly stuffed a few spirit stones into the young man's hands.

"Chen Yu?"

The square-faced young man weighed the spirit stone in his hand, and seemed to have eased up a bit.

"I did indeed have such a number one person."

The square-faced young man's eyes flickered, and he showed a weird smile, then he waved to a fifth-level Qi Refining disciple next to him, and said, "You, go and call Chen Yu."

The disciple raised his eyebrows, said yes, and hurried back to the mountain gate.

"He actually knows the senior brother in the Cold Wind Cave."

"This is really a blessing. With this relationship, not to mention three worships and nine kowtows, I am afraid that even the assessment will be exempted."

"It seems that we will have more relationships with him in the future, maybe we can get along better in it."

Seeing this scene, many teenagers and girls who came to apprentice next to him showed envious expressions on their faces.

"Brother Ye, what's the matter? I said that when you meet me, you meet a noble person. The Senior Brother Chen I know has an extraordinary status in Cold Wind Cave. As long as he shows up, the three of us can be safe and apprentice."

Yun Shaoling was complacent.

He came from a famous family, and he is well versed in the way of life. He had already arranged everything before he decided to come to Hanfeng Cave to become a teacher. It has to be said that sometimes interpersonal relationships are also an important factor for success.

Ye Chunyang smiled without saying a word.

The Cold Wind Cave will soon be gone, and Yun Shaoling probably has no chance to become a teacher again.

At this moment, a figure hurried over from the mountain gate.

"Brother Sun, are you looking for me?"

The visitor was thin, with sallow skin, deep-set eyes, and somewhat sloppy footsteps, as if his body had been hollowed out by wine.

"You are Chen Yu?"

The square-faced young man known as "Senior Brother Sun" squinted at the thin man with a smile that was not a smile.

"I'm Chen Yu, I don't know what orders Senior Brother Sun has?" The thin man smiled warmly, and he seemed to be flattering him.

Seeing this, Yun Shaoling felt a little strange in his heart, but it was normal to think about it. After all, senior brother Sun's cultivation was higher than Chen Yu's, so he should be respected.

"Those people, you say they are your old acquaintances, let me inform you to meet them, just see, do you recognize them?" Senior Brother Sun pointed to Yun Shaoling and the others lightly.

"Senior Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for a few days, so you're all right?" Yun Shaoling greeted warmly.

The thin man frowned, looked Yun Shaoling up and down, but asked indifferently: "Who are you? Do I know you very well?"

Yun Shaoling was somewhat unexpected.

Startled in his heart, he then smiled and said: "In Xiayun Shaoling, we met in the capital of Yan Kingdom three years ago. At that time, senior brother was staying in my Yun family's mansion for a few days. Don't you remember, senior brother?"

Chen Yu stared at Yun Shaoling, frowning deeply.

After a long while, I seemed to think of something, and responded lightly: "Oh, it turned out to be you, Chen has some impressions."

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Yu stood on a high place, looking down at Yun Shaoling and Ye Chunyang condescendingly.

Yun Shaoling was taken aback for a moment, the other party's indifference was somewhat different from what he expected.

But he still smiled and said: "In the past, I heard Senior Brother Chen mentioned that there are many sects of your sect, and they are immortal sects outside Fangwai. I yearn for them in my heart, so I came here to ask immortals, so I am bold enough to ask Senior Brother to recommend one or two. Is it possible?"

"So you want to be a teacher?"

Chen Yu seemed stunned.

Yun Shaoling smiled and nodded.

At this time, Senior Brother Sun chuckled lightly and said: "They really want to be apprentices, but after I told them the rules of our school, this person thinks that he is familiar with you, probably because he wants to use your relationship to avoid This is a teacher's ceremony."

"Speaking of which, recently, there was an insolent person who sent a message to provoke us in the Cold Wind Cave, threatening to force me to relocate my clan, otherwise our entire clan would be destroyed. The cave master and elders ordered to strictly investigate outsiders. This is also a last resort for me. "

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Yu with a little deep meaning, "But having said that, I have been guarding the mountain gate for many years, but I have never heard that Junior Brother Chen has such a big face, so he can be exempted from this rule?"

"Senior brother is serious, how dare I be so bold, but I have heard about someone provoking our faction, and it is also necessary to strictly investigate outsiders. Senior brother is scrupulously honoring his duties, and I deeply admire it." A chill flashed in Chen Yu's heart , repeatedly waved his hands and said.

Senior Brother Sun is in charge of guarding the mountain gate, which is a lucrative job. Anyone who wants to enter the mountain to worship a teacher must pass through him first. If he lets Yun Shaoling in, wouldn't it be a clear way to block Senior Brother Sun's money? ?
Originally, he treated Yun Shaoling somewhat mildly, but Chen Yu's expression suddenly became indifferent, he waved his hand lightly, and said, "Since you want to be a teacher, then kneel down to the mountain gate from here, and the seniors of the sect will be in charge of the assessment later. "

"Senior brother, this..."

Yun Shaoling sat on the wax for a while.

The eyes of the other boys and girls looking at him also became strange.

"Why, you didn't understand what I said? If you want to be a teacher, you have to follow our cold wind cave rules, otherwise you will go down the mountain early, and don't be an eyesore here!" Chen Yu said coldly.

Yun Shaoling looked at Chen Yu in disbelief.

He glanced left and right, and then had an idea, just like he did to Senior Brother Sun, he also stuffed a few spirit stones into Chen Yu's hand, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Chen, you and I have met for a while. Shall we make it up next time?"

The so-called next time is just a momentary talk, as long as Chen Yu agrees to his own benefits, it will be done.

But the next scene was beyond Yun Shaoling's expectation.


Chen Yu raised his hand without warning, and slapped Yun Shaoling directly on the face, sending him flying down the steps.

"Damn things!"

"Who do you think Chen is? You can easily bribe him. If it gets out, how will Chen gain a foothold in the sect in the future?"

Chen Yu scolded angrily.

The spirit stone in his hand disappeared with a backhand.


Yun Shaoling was astonished. He never expected that Chen Yu not only took the Lingshi, but also humiliated him so much.

Looking at the expressions of others pointing, Yun Shaoling immediately lowered his head in shame and indignation.

Ye Chunyang watched coldly.

Facing his gaze, Yun Shaoling looked embarrassed, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"Small Xiao sect dares to be so rampant."

Ye Chunyang sneered, and took a sudden step.

"I, Ye Chunyang, have ascended to the Cold Wind Cave. Within three breaths, all members of the sect will evacuate immediately, otherwise the Cold Wind Cave will be destroyed today!"

"Bang bang bang..."

The huge divine sense was like a storm, sweeping all the way from the mountain gate, shaking the whole mountain crazily.

The low-level young girls around couldn't resist, and instantly fell to the ground. Yun Shaoling was also caught off guard, dizzy, turned over and fell down.

"You? Ye Chunyang?"

Shocked by the aftermath of Ye Chunyang's spiritual thoughts, Chen Yu and Senior Brother Sun fell to their knees on the spot with two sounds of "Plop" and "Plop".

But after hearing what Ye Chunyang said, the two were stunned.

This name has been spread all over Cold Wind Cave in recent days. It is the madman ordered by the cave master and all the elders to track down. It is unexpected that he actually dared to climb the mountain gate.


In the main hall of the Zongmen, the first plaque exploded, Zhao Motong, Elder Lin and the others were shocked, with incredulous expressions on their faces.

"Ye Chunyang?"

"Dare he come here?"

"Hmph! Just in time!"

Several people glanced at each other, and headed by Zhao Motong, they rushed towards the mountain gate one after another.

Soon, two figures stepped up the mountain gate appeared in sight, both of them were dressed in black clothes, one had a handsome appearance, the other had a round face, the eyebrows were somewhat similar, but their auras were different.

"Which of you two is Ye Chunyang? Come out and die!"

Elder Lin controlled the rainbow light to fall, his robes fluttered, and he had a mighty aura that would push through the ages.


Ye Chunyang didn't say a word, a divine thought passed over, Ye Xiaobao appeared like a ghost, and suddenly arrived in front of Elder Lin.


Elder Lin's face changed slightly.

He was a little surprised by the speed of the other party, but he was a majestic elder, so he didn't take it easy. The moment Ye Xiaobao appeared, he had already cast a magic spell, and his whole body was lit up with rainbow light.


A loud voice sounded without warning, Ye Xiaobao waved his hand, carrying a storm that crushed everything, and directly covered Elder Lin.

All defenses were annihilated in an instant, Elder Lin's eyes were about to burst, teeth flew out of his mouth, and his body flew dozens of feet across.

But before he landed, Ye Xiaobao cast Shadowlessly, his body flashed again, and his palm was like lightning, and he grabbed his head suddenly.

"Deng Deng stare" stepped out a few steps, but Ye Xiaobao's thin body looked like a strong man, directly plunged Elder Lin into the wall next to him, leaving only half of his body hanging outside.

Elder Lin struggled violently, but collapsed limply after a few strokes, without any movement.

A chill spread among the crowd, not only Chen Yu and Senior Brother Sun, but also Zhao Motong and several elders of the Cold Wind Cave also opened their eyes wide, revealing deep disbelief.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, no one could clearly see what happened, and when he came to his senses, Elder Lin had already become a dead dog.

(End of this chapter)

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