After the ascent failed

Chapter 182 Needed to Break the Curse

Chapter 182 Needed to Break the Curse
Ye Chunyang did not fully trust King Nanxuan.

This old demon is cunning and cunning, and must be hiding secrets.

King Nanxuan showed a smile in his eyes, and he said after a while: "This king has indeed seen the method of breaking the curse of the God of Death by chance, but it is quite troublesome to break the curse. One thing can be done."

"What do you want to take?" Ye Chunyang asked.

King Nanxuan paused for a moment, his face turned serious, and he said, "Fellow Daoist, have you ever heard of the spirit bird Vermillion Bird?"

"I've heard a little bit about it."

Ye Chunyang frowned, and after contemplating for a while, he said: "Suzaku is one of the top ten true spirits of the monster clan. He can control the spirit fire and is very talented."

"However, I heard that the Suzaku clan has long been extinct, and the blood that has been passed down is very thin now. Few of them can inherit the blood of the true spirit and cultivate spiritual fire supernatural powers."

He looked at King Nanxuan, and said: "Why, could it be that my plan to lift the God of Death Curse has something to do with Suzaku?"

"That's right. According to the records I have seen, in order to break the curse of killing gods, one must find the soul of a Vermillion Bird, and then refine it with a special magic circle."

King Nanxuan nodded.

He said again: "But it must be Suzaku who has inherited the blood of the true spirit."

"Suzaku who inherited the blood of the true spirit?"

Ye Chunyang's face changed slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Nanxuan is joking, Suzaku has long since disappeared, and there are very few Suzaku who inherit the blood of the true spirit, let alone take their soul, isn't it a fantasy?"

The true spirit blood of the monster race is like the spiritual roots of human monks, it can only be innate, not acquired through cultivation.

It is rumored that several kinds of true spirits appeared in the demon god world in ancient times, but they disappeared one after another. There are rumors that they all ascended to the upper realm, and some people speculate that the demon clan once experienced some kind of catastrophe, causing these powerful true spirits to disappear one by one.

And the difficulty of inheriting the blood of the true spirit is so high that there is almost no one in a million. Even if the Suzaku clan still exists in the world, the chance of possessing the blood of the true spirit is very slim.

"This king has already told you the method. Whether it can be realized or not depends on the luck of fellow daoist." King Nanxuan waved his hand.

Ye Chunyang's heart sank.

If it were other things, Ye Chunyang was still confident that he could find it. A soul of Suzaku that inherited the blood of the true spirit would be as difficult as reaching the blue sky.

"Since Fellow Daoist Nanxuan opened his mouth, do you want to know where you can find the soul of Vermilion Bird with the blood of a true spirit?"

Looking at King Nanxuan slightly from the corner of the eye, Ye Chunyang's expression was deep.

"Ha ha!"

King Nanxuan raised his head and smiled, "You Daoist Ye has vicious eyes, I admire you!"

He looked at Ye Chunyang meaningfully, "Sometimes I wonder if your Excellency is some old monster who steals away others. Otherwise, how can you have such a calm and sophisticated mind at such a young age."

Ye Chunyang was noncommittal.

"Forget it, there is a way to help people to the end. Since I have told you the method of unraveling the curse, I will not hide anything. I do know that there is a place where there is a soul of Vermilion Bird with the blood of a true spirit."

King Nanxuan said slowly.

"Want to hear the details?" Ye Chunyang's expression changed.

King Nanxuan was silent for a while, and said: "If you want to talk about the soul of Suzaku, I saw it in a mysterious place in Tianxuan Mountain many years ago when I was still alive, but I don't know how long it has passed. Is the soul still there?"

"Tianxuan Mountain?"

"Fellow Daoist Nanxuan is lying, isn't he? How hard is it to find the soul of Suzaku with the blood of the true spirit, and it will appear in Tianxuan Mountain so easily?"

Ye Chunyang seemed to speak casually.

"This king knows what fellow Taoist is thinking. He just thinks that this king mentioned Tianxuan Mountain to you several times for other purposes. But this king has already said what he should say. Believe it or not is up to you." King Nanxuan flipped. Rolling his eyes, he looked indifferent.

A glint of light flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes, but he looked at King Nanxuan with no strange expression on his face, and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Nanxuan knows the whereabouts of Suzaku's soul, please let me know. If you can really find this soul, I will definitely thank you." .”

"I'm ashamed to say this. Although I know that there is a Vermillion Bird soul in Tianxuan Mountain, but after my fall, I have lost a lot of memory. For a while, I really can't remember where the Vermilion Bird soul is."

King Nanxuan shook his head, as if regretting.

Ye Chunyang's face darkened.

"However, Fellow Daoist Ye, don't need to worry. Although I can't be sure where the soul of the Suzaku is for a while, once I get to Tianxuan Mountain, find the cave where the Ascension Soul Cultivator is, and get the power to restore the sun, I will definitely think about it." Get up, where is this soul?" King Nanxuan laughed.

"is it?"

Ye Chunyang chuckled lightly.

He stared at King Nanxuan with deep eyes, and said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Nanxuan is very scheming, using the soul of the Vermilion Bird to fasten me to death, so that I have to be led by the nose by you."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Ye is serious." King Nanxuan shook his head again and again, but there was color in his eyes: "This king doesn't mean to plot against Fellow Daoist, but the 81 flying swords made of celestial thunder wood by Fellow Daoist are really powerful. The king also has to be careful! If I were a fellow daoist, I would probably do the same!"

Ye Chunyang had a half-smile, but didn't say anything.

After a long time, he said: "Okay, since Fellow Daoist Nanxuan said so, no matter what the purpose is, I will go to Tianxuan Mountain today, but... if there is no Suzaku soul in it, or fellow Daoist The method of breaking the curse is wrong..."

Ye Chunyang smiled, but remained silent at the end of the conversation.

King Nanxuan's expression froze, and there was a gloomy flash in his eyes, and he finally nodded: "You Daoist Ye, you can rest assured that everything I said is true. Although your curse of perishing gods came strangely, but my king's method of breaking the curse At least [-]% sure."

After a pause, he continued: "To show my sincerity, I can give you the magic circle that assists Suzaku's soul to break the curse, and you can study it yourself."

"Then it's time to work."

Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

Soon, several mysterious methods of formation came into mind along with the divine thoughts. Ye Chunyang closed his eyes and meditated on it, sometimes frowning, sometimes showing surprise, and finally fell silent suddenly.

"After obtaining the soul of Suzaku, fellow Taoists only need to set up a large formation according to these methods, and the curse of perishing gods will naturally be solved."

King Nanxuan said proudly: "It is said that the curse of perishing gods is rare in the spirit world, let alone the method of breaking the curse. You are lucky to meet this king. Otherwise, even if you don't die now, it will take ten years at most. Within a short period of time, the Death God Curse will also erupt, and what happens at that time is something that you and I can't predict."

"Thank you."

Ye Chunyang nodded.

The surface is calm, but the killing intent is already surging in the heart.

No matter who cast the death curse in Yuanshen, there must be something wrong in the process of his ascension from the human world, and when the matter is found out, he will definitely seek revenge from that person a thousand times.

"Having said that, Ye Daoyou, a big brother, has improved a lot in your cultivation this time."

King Nanxuan glanced at his side.

At this time, Ye Xiaobao was still in a dazed state, and his spiritual power was still at the perfect level of the Dao Foundation Realm, but there was an extremely strong pressure of divine sense on his body, obviously some changes had taken place within this year.

"Fellow Daoist Nanxuan won the award, but I only gained a little."

Ye Chunyang passed on his spiritual thoughts and manipulated Ye Xiaobao to speak.

Suspicion flashed in King Nanxuan's eyes, but he didn't ask any further questions. He nodded lightly, then looked at Ye Chunyang, and said, "Now, fellow Taoist, do you go directly to Tianxuan Mountain or do you have other plans?"

"There is no rush to go to Tianxuan Mountain."

Ye Chunyang pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know the current situation of Tianxuan Mountain. Before that, we need to find out the news."

"You Daoist Ye want to go to Kunlun Ruins first?" King Nanxuan raised his eyebrows.

"It may not be Kunlun Ruins, Piaomiao Palace is also a big faction of the human race, there should be news we need to know." Ye Chunyang looked into the distance and murmured.

After waking up from Feisheng, he has gradually recovered his vitality after several years of cultivation in the Northern Territory. It is also time to collect more information and prepare for his ascension to the spirit world again.

Since the Perishing God Curse can only be cast in the spirit world, if he wants to know who cast the curse on him, Ye Chunyang can only find clues in the spirit world.

"Alright, this king also wants to know what is so magical about the Kunlun Ruins and Piaomiao Palace. By the way, let's take a look at what changes have taken place between the human race and the monster race over the years." King Nanxuan smiled. .

After saying that, he shook his body lazily, slipped into Ye Chunyang's sleeve and disappeared.

Ye Chunyang didn't say much. Although King Nanxuan was by his side, he couldn't find out his details. The two were just a cooperative relationship.

"Although I want to leave the Northern Territory to go to the Kunlun Ruins to inquire about the news this time, it is not easy to just leave. After I go out, I will try to inform Aoki."

"However, Yao'er's girl and Bai Feng's aura are actually in Yinyue Kingdom, it seems that they have traveled back."

Ye Chunyang whispered to himself.

It has been a long time since Ye Yao and Bai Feng left the Cangyuan Sect. Although there is no news, there is a spirit note. Ye Chunyang can feel Ye Yao's safety. She is not in danger at this time, and she seems to have returned to Silver Moon Kingdom with Bai Feng , was rushing in the direction of the Cangyuan faction, probably planning to go back to the sect.

"Forget it, this girl's destiny is extraordinary, and Bai Feng is by her side to protect her, so there's no need to worry."

After a little induction, Ye Chunyang was relieved.

Baifeng's background is very deep, and I don't know how many masters of Xue Luocha are protecting him in the dark. Ye Chunyang has carefully considered that Xue Luocha can set up Lingxian Mansions in various places in the world of cultivating immortals, and his strength must not be inferior to existences such as Kunlun Ruins and Piaomiao Palace. There would be no danger for Yao to follow him.

In this way, Ye Chunyang can also investigate the news of Tianxuan Mountain without any worries.

He looked at Xiaobao one last time.

Now there is an independent soul in Xiaobao's sea of ​​consciousness, which is his second soul. Although he can't go out of his body like the main soul, he can already perform some low-level soul skills.

Measured by the realm of soul cultivation, the current Xiaobao is at least in the mid-stage of soul-shaping. He just needs to be tempered slowly in the future, and this second soul will be as powerful as the main soul.

With a plan in mind, Ye Chunyang didn't stay any longer, and after a flash of inspiration, he took Xiaobao out of the mountainside and disappeared into the sky like a rainbow.

(End of this chapter)

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