Chapter 184
There was silence in the dense forest.

Looking at the two figures standing on the ancient tree, Mu Qingru and several female disciples were too shocked to speak.

"That old guy is a master of the Dao Foundation Realm, and he has treasures such as the Blood Demon Knife in his hands. He was killed by this person quietly. How much strength is needed to do it?"

Mu Qingru lost his focus.

With the way of the ugly old man, the one who can kill him is at least the spiritual transformation realm.

But on Ye Xiaobao, she didn't feel any aura that a spiritual cultivator should have.

"Ye...Master Ye, senior it really you?"

A weak voice sounded from the side.

Mu Qingru was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Tingyu: "Do you know them?"

Ting Yu nodded with a smile on his face, Ye Chunyang needless to say, the "Senior Xiaobao" next to him when Fatty Qian took him to Yunbao Pavilion to get medicine, Ting Yu had seen it before, so he recognized him at a glance.

"Thank you, senior, for your rescue. If it wasn't for the two of you who extended a helping hand, I'm afraid we, master and apprentice, would be killed by that old monster today." Ting Yu saluted Ye Chunyang gratefully.

A few years ago, she vaguely learned from Fatty Qian that "Senior Xiaobao" took orders from this Master Ye.

And when the name of Ye Chunyang's master came out, she was also like thunder.

"Master and apprentice?"

Surprise flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes, and he brought Xiao Bao down and appeared in front of the group of people: "Aren't you in Yunbao Building? How come you are here?"

"Senior doesn't know, the little girl left Yunbao Building a year ago." Ting Yu blinked and said with a wry smile.


Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows, showing doubts.

"It's a long story."

Ting Yu hesitated for a while, and sighed: "One year ago, the owner of Qian suddenly disappeared, and the business of Yunbao Building fell apart. The little girl had no choice but to leave Lindu City and return to her former residence to live with her parents."

"Why did Fatty Qian disappear?" Ye Chunyang was a little surprised.

"The little girl also knows the specifics. I only know where the landlord Qian went alone a year ago, and there has been no news since then."

Ting Yu shook his head.

Looking at Mu Qingru as he spoke, he said, "After the little girl returned to her ancestral home, her parents also died of illness a few months ago. Later, by chance, she joined Yinfeng Village and became a disciple of the village master."

"Yinfeng Village?"

Ye Chunyang glanced at Mu Qingru.

This woman is graceful and graceful, she looks to be only 27 or [-] years old, with a goose face and a pair of charming red phoenix eyes, with a bit of arrogance in her eyes, she is obviously a generation above others.

However, Ye Chunyang has never heard of Yinfeng Village, and it is probably a small, unpopular force.

When he was looking at Mu Qingru, the other party was also looking at him, but after a few glances, his eyes were obviously distant, and his eyes turned to the side.

"Little girl, Mu Qingru, owner of Yinfeng Village, thank you for saving my life, senior. I don't know your name?" Mu Qingru looked at Xiaobao with a smile, her eyes shone with admiration.

The majestic image of Xiaobao just exterminating the ugly old man and his party was deeply imprinted in Mu Qingru's heart, such a strong man was enough to make her heart flutter.

"This senior can wipe out that old monster's group with a single gesture. His supernatural powers are simply shocking. In comparison, the kid next to him talking to Ting Yu doesn't look like he's just in the stage of refining Qi. He should be this senior's follower or disciple. .”

Mu Qingru quickly made a conclusion on the primary and secondary identities of the two.

"Under Ye Xiaobao, you don't need to worry about the effort."

Knowing that Mu Qingru misunderstood, but when they met by chance, Ye Chunyang didn't care to explain anything, so he manipulated the avatar and said.

This time, it was just because I felt that my old friend was here, so I took a shot or two by the way.

And the supernatural power that Xiaobao used just now was just a small test of the sword after he condensed the second soul and used the distraction to perform the soul technique.

The result pleased him greatly.

A cultivator who had attained the Dao Foundation Realm could kill him with a simple incantation.

"So it's Senior Xiaobao. I don't know where the two seniors are going this time?" Mu Qingru blinked her beautiful eyes, which were gleaming alluringly, and there was a bit of a look at them.

On the other side, Ting Yu opened his mouth with a strange look on his face.

Ting Yu knew that the so-called "Senior Xiaobao" was actually Ye Chunyang's guard, and the latter was the real big shot, Master Ye who was famous in Silver Moon Kingdom.

She wanted to explain to Mu Qingru, but the other party's enthusiastic appearance made her have no chance to speak.

Looking at Ye Chunyang again, seeing that he didn't care, Tingyu had no choice but to shut up obediently.

"Ye Mou is idle in the clouds and wild cranes, and the world is his home!"

Ye Chunyang conveyed his thoughts to Xiaobao, and replied lightly.

"Senior is a casual cultivator?"

Mu Qingru was a little surprised.

Loose cultivators have always had no resources, and no one to point out the way.

"It's better to have no background. If I can impress him to be my husband in the village, the strength of Yinfeng Village will definitely skyrocket in the future."

Mu Qingru thought to herself, her eyes gradually brightened.

She leaned forward inadvertently, pursed her lips and said with a light smile: "Since senior has no other plans for the time being, why don't you go to Linshan with us?"

"Linshan? Why go there?" Ye Chunyang said via voice transmission.

"Why, senior, don't you know that the two soul cultivators are about to fight against Linshan Zhifeng?" Mu Qingru asked back in surprise.

"Master of soul repair?"

Ye Chunyang frowned, his heart moved secretly.

"This matter has spread all over the Northern Territory, haven't seniors heard of it?" Mu Qingru was even more surprised.

"I have always practiced hard, and I just left the customs recently. I don't know the news about the world of cultivating immortals. What's going on with this matter, please tell me a little bit?" Ye Chunyang was slightly interested, and continued to ask with his avatar.

"It turns out that senior has been cultivating hard behind closed doors, so it's no wonder."

Mu Qing felt suddenly stunned.

"Actually, I don't know much about this matter. I just heard that a high-level soul cultivator appeared in the past year. This person has never been defeated in challenging the Jindan cultivators of the various sects. Even the Elder Aoki of the Cangyuan Sect And that elder from the Shen family is no match for him."

Mu Qingru talked about what happened in recent years one by one.

"There is such a thing?" Ye Chunyang was a little surprised.


Mu Qingru nodded, her beautiful eyes showed seriousness.

"It is rumored that this person's spiritual strength is not high, but his soul art cultivation has reached the stage of leaving his body. There is no opponent in the Northern Territory. The elders of various factions have concluded that anyone in the world who can be an enemy of this person is probably Mo Shang people."

"is it?"

"Ye Chunyang" eyes flickered slightly.

"Could it be that this person challenged Mo Shangren?"

"That's not true." Mu Qingru said: "Moshangren has rarely appeared in the world of cultivating immortals. He even kept his name incognito 300 years ago. No one knows his whereabouts. As for who he challenged, we don't know. The person in question seems to be a soul cultivator in the out-of-body period."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Speaking of which, the soul cultivator has almost disappeared in the world of cultivating immortals because it is difficult to cultivate. I didn't expect that there are such powerful figures hidden in our Northern Territory."

Ye Chunyang frowned.

He found that although he practiced soul art, he still knew too little about soul cultivation.

He had never heard of the powerful soul cultivator Mu Qingru was talking about, who had beaten all invincible hands in the Northern Territory, or the mysterious "Mo Shangren".

"Senior, would you be interested in observing this battle of soul cultivation with me?" Mu Qing looked expectantly.

Ye Chunyang was silent for a while, and asked: "I am also somewhat interested in soul cultivation. I wonder when those two will fight?"

Mu Qing seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally moved closer to Xiaobao, her plump chest was almost pressed against his arm, and said: "According to what I have learned, the battle will be three days away, but today it is too late , if senior wants to go with us, why don't we rest here for one night and go on our way tomorrow, what do you think?"

Ye Chunyang looked up, and the moon was already hanging high at this time, so he nodded and agreed: "That's fine."

Mu Qingru was secretly delighted when she heard the words.

He ordered his disciples to light a fire on the spot after disposing of the corpses of the ugly old man and others, and prepare to rest here.

Ye Chunyang didn't say much, and took Xiaobao to sit across from him, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

He could feel Mu Qingru's gaze focusing on Xiaobao from time to time, and there was a strange color in her beautiful eyes. He couldn't help laughing at this, but he didn't realize it.

As the night deepened, the girls were exhausted physically and mentally after experiencing life and death, so they meditated and rested.

"Disciple sees Master."

Ting Yu walked up to Mu Qingru and bowed.

"Listen to the rain?"

"You came just in time. I am going to ask you as a teacher. Since you are familiar with Senior Xiaobao, tell me, who is he? If my teacher invites him to join our Yinfeng Village, do you think it is possible?"

Mu Qingru didn't even look at Tingyu, her eyes were always on Ye Xiaobao who was facing him.

Ting Yu was taken aback.

She smiled bitterly in her heart, and felt that it was necessary to explain the situation to her master, so as not to cause Ye Chunyang's displeasure, and then said: "Master, I'm afraid you have misunderstood, Senior Xiaobao is...he is Master Ye's senior brother, Master Ye That's the really great guy."

"Master Ye? Which Master Ye?"

Mu Qingru frowned slightly.

Following Ting Yu's gaze, she noticed Ye Chunyang who had been neglected by herself.

"You're not talking about him, are you?"

"This kid is a low-level monk in the Qi refining period, what kind of master is he?"

Mu Qingru laughed out loud, not believing Ting Yu's words at all.

Hearing the rain, his face showed embarrassment.

She has seen Ye Chunyang's strength with her own eyes. People as strong as Xu Feng and Yun Tianyang bow their heads to him. This is not great, what is so powerful?

"Okay, you don't need to say any more, I only believe what I see, but since you said that kid is a powerful person, I will naturally find a chance to try him." Mu Qingru waved his hand impatiently.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Ting Yu had no choice but to sigh softly and keep silent.

Fortunately, Master Ye didn't seem to care, otherwise this matter might not end well.

"Master Ye?"

Mu Qingru looked at Ye Chunyang from a distance, shook his head and didn't care.

"Senior Xiaobao is such a high-spirited person, I must find a way to win his heart!" Mu Qingru turned to Ye Xiaobao, feeling like a cat was scratching her heart, making her feel itchy.

She still has some confidence in some of the unique charms she has practiced.

(End of this chapter)

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