After the ascent failed

Chapter 188 Who is Ye Chunyang?

Chapter 188 Who is Ye Chunyang?
Listening to the discussion of the crowd, Ye Chunyang frowned.

What they said in their mouths, the soul cultivator who has a relationship with the Yan family seems to be somewhat similar to themselves.

But he didn't know Wan Xiuzhu well.

His eyes flickered for a while, and Ye Chunyang went upstairs immediately.

Time gradually passed, and another day passed in a blink of an eye.

More and more people gathered in the square city, and the surrounding area of ​​Linshan became more and more boiling. You can see monks flickering with rainbow lights everywhere, or flying with swords, or flying away on clouds, all of them are attracted by the battle of soul cultivation .

To the north of Linshan, an old man meditates with his eyes closed.

The old man was dressed in a star robe, and his figure was thin, but there were no wrinkles on his face. If he hadn't had gray hair all over his head, he would have looked like a man in his prime from the back view.

There was a little dew on his clothes, obviously he had been meditating here for a long time.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed in mid-air and quickly fell towards it.

Sensing someone coming here, the star-cloaked old man raised his head slightly.

A beam of light tore through the clouds and fell quickly.

The light dissipated, and an old man in green clothes appeared in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Qingmu, you're here too." The star-robed old man looked at the visitor and smiled slightly.

"Old Xingxiu, you are here, how can I be absent?"

The old man in green who came by the wind was none other than Qingmu.

And judging from his title, this star-cloaked old man is unexpectedly the Grand Elder of the Heavenly Star Sect, the Daoist Star Cultivator.

The two golden core monks actually appeared here together. If other monks saw this scene, they would be shocked.

Aoki looked at Master Xingxiu while speaking, and said: "It seems that you have spent a lot of time here, old man?"

"Haha, I have been here more than ten days ago!"

Master Xingxiu laughed loudly.

"At the level of you and me, there are very few things that can move us, but tomorrow's battle will be unprecedented. If you miss it, you may regret it for life!"

"Not bad." Aoki nodded.

Looking up at a certain high mountain in the distance, his eyes were deep: "Wan Xiuzhu is on Linshan right now? This person has challenged various factions continuously for a year, and none of us can fight against him."

Hearing this, Master Xingxiu suddenly fell silent.

"This Wan Xiuzhu's soul art supernatural power is indeed terrifying. When I fought against him, the other party's spirit came out of his body, and the method of transforming his mind into form, I still have no way to decipher it in retrospect."

Master Xingxiu recalled an impressive scene, his eyes flickered.

Wan Xiuzhu's battle also appeared in Aoki's mind, and his face changed slightly.

"Fellow Star Cultivator, do you know who Wan Xiuzhu is dating this time?"

Aoki changed the topic.

"I'm not very clear about this, but I heard that this person is also a soul cultivator at the out-of-body stage, and has some connections with the Yan family in Luocheng. It is said that Wan Xiuzhu also kidnapped Yan Yuyan, the head of the Yan family because of this." Daoist Xingxiu was puzzled. shook his head.

"A soul cultivator that has a connection with the Yan family?" Aoki was also a little surprised, "The Yan family is a family of immortal cultivators in our Yinyue Kingdom, but I have never heard of a high-level soul cultivator behind them?"

"I am also very puzzled by this matter." Daoist Xingxiu looked puzzled, "But according to my disciples' inquiries, the name of the soul cultivator is Ye Chunyang, and Yan Yuyan is his confidante."

"Ye Chunyang?" Aoki was taken aback.

Master Xingxiu didn't notice the shock in Qingmu's eyes, nodded and said: "Speaking of which, I heard that your faction recruited a guest minister, who is also a soul cultivator. I wonder if you have ever fought against Wan Xiuzhu?"

"'s never happened before. When Wan Xiuzhu came to the door a year ago, the guest minister of our faction was not there."

Aoki shook his head.

"Oh, that's a bit of a pity, but Wanxiuzhu's soul art is so strong that no one in the Northern Territory can compete with him except Moshangren. Material!"

There was a bit of sourness in Xingxiu's words. When he heard that the Cangyuan Sect had actually recruited a high-level soul cultivator, it made him jealous for a while.

Aoki smiled without saying a word.

It's just that he was suspicious in his heart: "Didn't Junior Brother Ye say that his name was Ye Chunyang when he came to the sect? Could it be that he is the person Wan Xiuzhu is looking for this time?"

According to the information Qingmu got, his Junior Brother Ye came from the Ye family in Yancheng, and later he arranged for someone to take care of the Ye family.

"Junior Brother Ye has always seen the beginning but never the end. Whether this matter has anything to do with him will be known tomorrow."

Aoki thought about it in his heart, but he didn't think too much about it.


As time went by, more and more monks appeared near Linshan, and the people who came to Fangshi early to wait couldn't hold back anymore and went straight to the top of Linshan.

As the figures became more and more dense, the only people who could really get close were the powerhouses of the six sects and the major families, and the surrounding areas were also sealed off. Dao Jijing and Qi Refining Stage could only watch from afar.

At this moment, by a small stream at the foot of the mountain, several figures gathered.

Looking from here, the top of Linshan is clearly visible, which is an excellent location to watch the battle.

One of the men is tall and straight, with a handsome appearance, carrying a black long sword on his back, and his cultivation base is at the Dao base level, and he is the strongest in the group.

"This battle of out-of-body soul cultivation is a rare battle in hundreds of years. Now this mountain is blocked by masters from various sects. It is thanks to the presence of Uncle Nie Ying that I can come here to observe, otherwise we You can’t even squeeze in at the foot of the mountain.”

A young disciple on the tenth floor of Qi Refining said with a chuckle, looking at the Daoist man with flattering eyes.

"That's natural. Uncle Nie Ying is now Elder Lian Qing's closed disciple, so why not come to Laishan to watch the battle?"

"Uncle Nie Ying's Taoism is extraordinary, and I have benefited a lot from following my uncle."

Several disciples beside him echoed.

The handsome man was none other than Nie Ying, who was indifferent to the flattery of the people around him, and only looked at the top of the mountain with longing in his eyes.

"Wan Xiuzhu has defeated the elders of various factions consecutively for a year. He is well-deserved No. 1 in the Northern Territory. Who is worthy of his open challenge?"

Nie Ying muttered to herself.

He yearns for the strong, if one day he himself can stand on the top of this high mountain and make the world look up to him, what kind of achievement would that be?

"It is said that the person who was challenged by the Heavenly Demon Master is named Ye Chunyang."

A disciple next to him spoke.

"Ye Chunyang?"

"What kind of person is this? It seems that the name of this person has never appeared in the Northern Territory?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Nie Ying also frowned.

"That's not clear. For this reason, this person has indeed never appeared." The disciple who knew it shook his head.

He also mentioned this name from a friend who often travels in Los Angeles, the truth of the matter is not yet known.

"Speaking of the person surnamed Ye, Uncle Nie Ying has ordered us to inquire about Ye Yun, but there is no news of him, and he has never appeared in the sect."

Several disciples discussed to no avail, and suddenly changed the subject.

"Maybe he knew the news about Uncle Nie Ying's advancement, so he was so frightened that he hid like a turtle?" the young disciple from the tenth level of Qi Refining said disdainfully.

"That's right, he's a good-for-nothing son from the Ye family in Yancheng, and he wants to compete with Uncle Nie Ying. He's simply beyond his control."

Everyone laughed unanimously.

Ever since they knew about the grievances between Nie Ying and "Ye Yun", these disciples volunteered to inquire about the latter's whereabouts.

But the strange thing is that "Ye Yun" seems to have evaporated from the world, and there is no trace of him anywhere.

"It's just a waste, I have to deal with him, I have my own way." Nie Ying said lightly, not paying attention to it at all.

The disciples also didn't care when they heard the words.

At this moment, a quarrel sounded in my ears.

The young disciple on the tenth floor of Qi Refining looked at the other end of the creek, his eyes flashed suspiciously: "Hey, isn't that Junior Sister Chen Xue?"

Nie Ying followed his disciple's gaze and saw a familiar woman.

"It is indeed Chen Xue."

Nie Ying looked at it for a while, then walked over.


At this time, the quarrel at the other end intensified. A girl in white looked at the tenth-level Qi-refining monks opposite with an angry expression, and said something angrily.

"I'm also a Cangyuan Sect disciple, why don't you let me in?"

Chen Xue's face was cold and angry.

Hearing that there was a battle of soul cultivators in Linshan, she also came here admiringly. Unexpectedly, she was stopped at the foot of the mountain, and the surrounding area was also blocked by various forces, making it impossible to get close at all.

"It's not that we don't care about people, it's just that Linshan is full of masters from various factions. Unless they are true disciples of the elders, ordinary people are not allowed to enter."

"Junior Sister, if you really want to watch the battle, you can stay at the foot of this mountain tomorrow!"

A middle-aged man shook his head indifferently.

"Linshan is not the domain of any sect. You are not allowed to enter even the sect. It is simply deceiving people." Chen Xue was shocked and angry.

Now her cultivation has reached the tenth level of Qi Refining, but she is not qualified to set foot in Linshan.

However, no matter what she said, the middle-aged man who stayed here remained unmoved.

"Let her in!"

A faint voice came from behind, the middle-aged man looked back, and immediately looked respectful: "See Master Nie."

Nie Ying glanced at Chen Xue, and said, "Miss Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time, so you're all right?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Nie Ying." Chen Xue looked at the handsome man opposite, with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Since Lianxiangu and his party, she hasn't had any contact with him for a long time. She only heard that he has advanced to the Dao base level and was accepted as a true disciple by Elder Lian Qing.

Nie Ying nodded slightly, and said to the middle-aged man, "Let Miss Chen follow me! If there is anything, I will talk to Master."


The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed, but finally nodded and got out of the way.

Chen Xue was overjoyed.

Looking up at Nie Ying, a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes.

This is the benefit brought by the cultivation base. If the strength is strong enough, it will naturally be looked up to by others.

With a faint sigh in her heart, Chen Xue moved forward in silence.

Although following Nie Ying was not what he wanted, it was also a great blessing to be able to watch the battle of high-level soul cultivators up close.

"Don't bother Brother Nie Ying, Chen Xue will be fine with me."

Just as Chen Xue was about to follow Nie Ying away, a voice sounded from the other side.

Hearing this, both of them were startled.

Looking sideways, a tall slender woman is walking slowly.


Seeing the woman's familiar face, Chen Xue showed joy on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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