After the ascent failed

Chapter 407 Young Scholar

Chapter 407 Young Scholar
"Mountains are not high, and there are immortals and spirits."

"Water is no longer deep, there are dragons and spirits."

Among the vast mountains, a voice of reciting resounded.

At this time, a handsome young man, holding a worn book in his hand, was panting, climbing towards the top of the mountain step by step.

The young man was thin and looked a little thin, with the back basket full of books and an oiled paper fan on his back, he looked like a talented scholar who came to Beijing to take the exam in the imperial court.

But at this time, the worn-out book in his hand was not the Four Books and Five Classics, Confucian Taoism, but a copy of "Cultivating Immortals".

"It is rumored that there were footprints of immortals on Tianxuan Mountain. It took me ten years to come here from the Northern Territory. This time, I must find the clues of immortals and step into the door of cultivation."

The young scholar looked up, and saw a high mountain in front of him shrouded in fairy clouds, and there was a blessed land like a spiritual mountain, and he couldn't help yearning for it.

He stopped, wiped the sweat from his forehead, took out a jug of water from the basket, took a few sips, and planned to rest for a while before moving on.

At this moment, he opened the "Cultivation of Immortals" again and read it with relish.

"Everyone in the world respects immortals, and the way of immortals is endless."

"Emperors, generals, and ministers are famous, and a pile of grass in the barren tomb is gone."


This is just a handwritten copy that fake Taoist priests resell at will, and it is not even the real secret of cultivating immortals. However, the young scholar has been keeping it in his hands for ten years, and cherishes it very much.

"If one day, like Brother Ye, I can put my hands and feet to destroy a case, how carefree it will be?"

As the young scholar was reading, his thoughts suddenly became a little vague.

He remembered a certain scene, and it seemed that when he appeared in the cold wind cave of the Northern Territory again, that figure who was alone and looked down on all directions was extremely revered in his heart.


Just thinking about it, the young scholar shook his body and looked down at the ground.

The earth seemed to shake, and then violently heaved, as if some terrible force was about to break through the ground.

"not good!"

The young scholar was shocked.

Traveling around these years, although the threshold of cultivating immortality has not yet been touched, he has developed a keen sense of danger. When he realized that this place was wrong, he immediately closed the book, carried his things on his back, and ran away.

But just as he took two steps, his figure suddenly stopped.

There was a "rumbling" explosion from under the feet, and then the huge mountain in front trembled crazily, and black and green lights shot out from a certain place.

The young scholar looked terrified.

"This light seems to be the spiritual wave of a cultivator. Could it be that there are some powerful figures on this mountain who will fight again. I am not a monk now, but I must not be affected by it. The matter of searching for the fairy trail will be discussed later."

"Well, let's talk about it later..."

The young scholar murmured, and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

Although he is a mortal, he has seen a lot of monks fighting, and this change is more terrifying than what he has seen before, and if it affects a little bit, Xiao Ming will explain it here immediately.

Although cultivating immortals is good, it is important to save one's life!

Life is gone, what kind of immortal is there!What longevity do you want!
But before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

The surrounding void was violently distorted, like a violent storm, and black cracks appeared one after another, and everything within a radius of a hundred meters was sucked in.

"Fairy Banban!"

The scholar stunned and cursed, and then felt as if he was swept by some kind of vortex, and then his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.


Inside Tianxuan Mountain.

A turbulent spiritual wave swept across the sky, and the monks of the two races who were exploring everywhere in the mountain raised their heads at the same time, only to see black awns and green flames entangled, covering half of the sky.

Everyone was shocked, some of them rushed towards the direction where the aura came from out of curiosity, and the other part chose to run away after a while of bewilderment, without any intention of participating.

In a certain open plain, three lights and shadows are flying around the rainbow.

Three attractive women are wrapped in the twilight.

It was Gu Qian, Guan Ruoruo and Qing Chen who were there.

Seeing the Lingbo sweeping in the sky, the three women paused and looked up in unison.

"What happened?"

Guan Ruoruo looked at the vision in the sky in surprise, with a strong sense of vigilance in his eyes.

"This fluctuation is so strong, I'm afraid it's because of some abnormal change in Tianxuan Mountain." Qing Chen pondered for a while, and said so.

"Could it be related to Fellow Daoist Ye?" Guan Ruoruo asked worriedly, "Your Daoist Ye fought with the Golden Snake King before, but there has been no news since then. Could something unexpected happen?"

Qing Chen looked at Gu Qian.

The latter remained silent, her beautiful eyes staring closely at the terrifying spiritual wave that covered the sun with clouds, revealing a faint solemn look.

"With his cultivation, the Golden Snake King can't do anything to him." After a long while, Gu Qian said.

As he was speaking, his expression suddenly froze.

A rainbow flashed in the void, and a cold green light shot out from it, then fell to it, turned into a raging green fire, and corroded the surroundings with a wave of evil spirit.


Gu Qian squeezed the formula with both hands, took a step forward, and quickly cast out a spell and supernatural power.

But the green flame came so fast, far exceeding her casting speed, that it enveloped them almost instantly.

The three women's expressions changed at the same time.

At this moment, the mutation protruded.

An equally emerald and strange light came quickly from somewhere, and suddenly withstood the impact of the brilliance in the air. The three girls looked surprised. When they looked up, they saw a round green bead spinning erratically, exuding water patterns. As soon as the green light from the air touched it, the two seemed to cancel each other out, and they all collapsed without a trace.

Gu Qian's eyebrows gathered slightly, and found that this green bead was somewhat familiar.


Just at this moment, a low voice came from beside them, and a figure appeared in the calm void, pulling them back and flying back.

He was a short, fat middle-aged man in a yellow robe, with a bit of evil in his brows, but he looked familiar.

"Yu Guzi?"

Gu Qian immediately recognized the person coming.

Yu Guzi didn't speak, and Fajue urged Huachenzhu, resisting the attack of the green light before retreating to the side of the three of them.

"Why are you here?" Gu Qian asked.

"I came in with Senior Ye, but it's a long story. It's dangerous here. The three fairies will leave with me, and I'll talk to you in detail later." Yu Guzi answered quickly, and immediately jumped forward, Fly to the distance first.

"Sister Gu, who is this person?" Guan Ruoruo asked suspiciously.

Gu Qian frowned deeply, pondered for a while and said: "Let's leave here first and then talk about it."

After the words fell, he chased after Yuguzi.

Seeing this, Guan Ruoruo had no choice but to stop asking and follow along.

On the contrary, Qing Chen looked at Yu Guzi's back with some doubts, but in the end he didn't say much, and soon disappeared with Gu Qian.


The same scene appeared everywhere in Tianxuan Mountain.

The black and green rainbow that covered half the sky exploded, and countless peripheral lights flew in all directions, and there were screams from time to time.

A high-level cultivator, relying on his excellent Taoist magical powers, barely resisted, but his cultivation was insufficient, and he was killed on the spot.

"Old Immortal, whether or not your treasure works, you have seen how powerful the Lingbo was just now, if there is a slight difference, we all have to die."

About [-] miles away from the place where the Lingbo radiated, Ye Yao and Bai Feng were shrouded in a golden light curtain, dodging left and right in various streams of light, and flew forward at a high speed.

"Of course it works!" Bai Feng said: "This old man's magic weapon is a high-level innate spiritual treasure, which combines flight and defense. No matter how powerful this spiritual wave is, it will never be able to penetrate it..."


Before the words were finished, a beam of light shot down from the sky, crashing into the golden light curtain like a meteorite.

"Bang bang bang!"

The shattered light flashed, and blue smoke rose from the bodies of the six people, and they smashed hard towards the ground.

Then, there was an angry roar and a weak laugh in the forest.

"Immortal, didn't you say that this magic weapon can resist attacks?"

"This... There is always a contingency in everything... Next time I will bring a more powerful treasure..."




When most of the people in Tianxuan Mountain were shocked by the sudden vision in the sky, in a certain desolate mountain, the masters of the two races at the Dongtian Realm saw a completely different scene.

The forbidden light curtain in front of him suddenly shattered, turning into countless auras and shooting out.

The hanging temple in the light curtain was also covered with cracks at the same time, and finally collapsed under the sweep of a spiritual wave intertwined with black awns and green flames.


An earth-shattering roar came from the ruins, and everyone opened their eyes wide, only to see two black dragons, one virtual and one real, flying out of circles, rushing towards the sky and colliding brazenly.

Even though all the people present were experienced people, their hearts could not help jumping wildly when they saw the scene in front of them, and their eyes showed horror.

Master Haode's pupils shrank suddenly.

Seeing the aftermath coming, he quickly waved the whisk in his hand, a light curtain lit up around him, and he retreated far away.

This sudden change also shocked the hearts of others, and they immediately cast spells to resist.

But soon they were horrified to discover that there was an extremely terrifying spiritual pressure emanating from the two giant dragons, and even they, who were known as the top existences in the demon god world, felt faintly suffocated.

"This aura...does it really exist in the world?"

Mu Xuanyi, Taoist Dengxuan and the others couldn't hide their surprise.

The only ones who can make them feel oppressed by the perfect monks in the Dongtian Realm are only the strong ones at the level of earth immortals.

But in this interface, it has been many years since a character of this realm has appeared.

"Human boy!"

At this moment, Bai Ling, who was sacrificing a magic weapon to resist spiritual pressure, stared at a figure flying out of the temple with cold eyes.

In the twilight, Ye Chunyang looked at the surrounding masters, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

Afterwards, seeing Bai Ling's murderous intent, his heart sank.

"Boy, this time you won't be able to fly with your wings!"

Bai Ling didn't care about the strange changes in the field, and after a sneer, he put away the magic weapon, drove Baihong, and flashed towards Ye Chunyang with a murderous look.

Ye Chunyang's face turned cold, and he immediately activated his soul, ready to fight the nine-tailed fox again.

But at this moment, a flash of spiritual light suddenly flashed past, appearing in front of him instantly, intercepting Bai Ling's offensive.

"Old man Haode, what do you mean?"

Bai Ling turned his head to see the caster, with an angry look on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, this fellow Daoist Ye is my elder from the Kunlun Ruins. Is it inappropriate for you to kill him in front of the poor Daoist?"

Master Haode said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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