After the ascent failed

Chapter 413 Goodbye Yun Shaoling

Chapter 413 Goodbye Yun Shaoling

Seeing the familiar appearance of this scholar, Ye Chunyang frowned, a little uncertain.

This accident happened between lightning and flint.

Ye Chunyang activated the Daqian Sword Formation because of his instinct for danger, and he didn't predict in advance that the phantom was the Lord of the Evil Spirits, let alone that this young scholar would appear at this time.

Under Nanxuan King's sword, the Lord of the Evil Spirits was almost wiped out. He had escaped with the last trace of his spirit, but Ye Chunyang had a keen sense and noticed his whereabouts. When he was hit by the sword array, his consciousness disappeared instantly.

But to everyone's surprise, after the evil spirit was beheaded, the true essence did not disintegrate. At this time, the young scholar just appeared in the place where the true essence wriggled, and accidentally poured into his body.

The green light flickered away, feeling that everyone was looking at him, and the young scholar's face was blank.

But then Ye Chunyang, the young scholar suddenly had a cleverness and said happily, "Brother Ye, why are you here?"

Ye Chunyang didn't speak, but looked at the other party in surprise.

This scholar is none other than Yun Shaoling, a mortal youth he met in the cold wind cave in the Northern Territory.

When he went to the cold wind cave to look for soul crystals, Ye Chunyang ran into this person on the way. The other person was bookish, but he was obsessed with cultivating immortals and asked him to be his teacher.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Brother Ye, are you safe?" Yun Shaoling bowed to Ye Chunyang and said with a smile.

Looking at him, it seems that he doesn't know what happened just now.

"So it was you." Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

Released his spiritual perception, but was surprised to find that Yun Shaoling did not have the slightest aura of the Lord of the Evil Spirits, and it seemed that the latter had completely disappeared.

Feeling suspicious, Ye Chunyang asked, "Why are you here?"

"I am ashamed to say that I have always yearned for the matter of cultivating immortals. For more than ten years, I have been looking for a highly respected cultivator to be a teacher, but I have been everywhere but can't find a way. They all say that I have no spiritual roots. This time was not intentional." Coming here, I didn't expect to meet Brother Ye here." Yun Shaoling said with a naive smile.

Ye Chunyang frowned.

The masters of all parties were deeply puzzled, Yun Shaoling was obviously just a mortal, and he did not die under the impact of the true essence of the Lord of the Evil Spirits.

In addition, Tianxuan Mountain is obviously closed, how did this person get in?

"This boy Ye was able to obliterate the consciousness of the Lord of the Evil Spirits by himself, who the hell is he?" Mu Xuanyi took a deep look at Ye Chunyang.

Master Haode also showed deep eyes.

Compared to the attention and suspicion towards Yun Shaoling, Ye Chunyang's casually swung sword array just now is truly amazing.

The Lord of the Evil Spirits fled in stealth, even they couldn't feel it, but Ye Chunyang could detect it and kill him. Is such an ability a Daoist cultivator should have?
Real person Haode found that he still underestimated him.

"The True Essence of Lord Evil Spirit has entered this person's body, this child must not be left behind!" Venerable Tian Yi of Taiyi Sect said suddenly.

These words instantly broke the silence in the field, and the eyes of the masters of the two races fell on Yun Shaoling in unison.

Yun Shaoling felt an unprecedented oppression, his complexion turned pale, and a coldness appeared behind him.

The atmosphere changed.

What was supposed to be an earth-shattering battle between earth immortals suddenly became abnormally quiet, and the young scholar who appeared unexpectedly became the target of public criticism.

"Brother Ye, what... what's going on?" Yun Shaoling's throat felt dry.

As a mere mortal, when did he face the oppression of so many great figures?

Ye Chunyang frowned, his expression was a little uncertain.

"Kill him!"

Master Tianyi was about to strike while speaking.

With a perfect cultivation in the Dongtian Realm, killing a mortal is like crushing an ant to him.

Yun Shaoling almost fell to his knees.

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt abnormal.


Suddenly there was a thunderclap, and King Nanxuan, who was lying cross-legged in the air, raised his head, and after a while he lowered his head in thought, with a solemn look in his eyes.

Also at this time, a dark cloud gathered, the surrounding wind roared, and thunder and lightning fell from it. In the huge barren mountain, a turbulent spiritual wave rolled up, and everything it went was razed to the ground.




There were bursts of ear-piercing sounds coming from nowhere, like a broken mirror, and void cracks appeared out of thin air around everyone.

Before he could react, a raging storm suddenly swept out, covering the sky.

"Void Storm!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone's face changed drastically, and they all used tactics to protect themselves.

But the storm came extremely fast, rolling towards them like a tidal wave, and everyone disappeared in an instant.

"Brother Ye, help..."

Yun Shaoling's eyes were about to burst.

Before he could finish speaking, a big jet-black gash behind him directly engulfed him, and he disappeared within a short while.

Ye Chunyang felt a chill in his heart.

The true essence of the Lord of the Evil Spirits accidentally entered Yun Shaoling's body, and no one could predict what would happen, but the void storm came suddenly, and although he had a premonition, it was too late to save Yun Shaoling.

But looking at this scene, Ye Chunyang felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

This scene, as if he had experienced it before.

"Ye Daoyou, it's time."

There was a sigh, and a black light flickered in the air, and the lying cross-legged Nanxuan King's body surface flashed with inspiration, and his figure slowly squirmed.

After a while, the dragon body disappeared, and turned into a stalwart middle-aged man in black, appearing in front of Ye Chunyang.

He has a tall and straight body, long hair draped over his shoulders, his complexion is strangely white, and there is a sense of elegance in his sharpness. It is obvious that he is the human body transformed by King Nanxuan.

"What do you mean by Daoist Nanxuan?" Ye Chunyang frowned.

When he was speaking, the sky was filled with colorful lights, and suddenly a colorful beam of light was cast, reaching up to the sky and down to the nine secluded worlds.

The entire Tianxuan Mountain was shaken.

Around the barren mountain, many ancient monsters were covered by the aftermath of the seven-colored beam of light, and it was too late to escape, and they were torn to pieces on the spot.

"I originally thought that the catastrophe of ascension would come later, but I didn't expect it to come so soon." King Nanxuan shook his sleeve, and a black light covered Ye Chunyang, protecting him inside.

"The catastrophe of ascension?" Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, this is the catastrophe of this king's ascension." King Nanxuan said, "I think Daoist Ye also felt it. After this king regained his true self, his cultivation base also returned to the fairyland."

Ye Chunyang was surprised.

King Nanxuan looked at the colorful beams of light cast in the sky, and was silent for a while before saying, "According to the interface rules of the lower realm, the Earth Fairyland is already the limit. Once you break through this realm, you cannot be accommodated in the lower realm, and an interface channel will appear at that time." , bringing down the catastrophe of ascension."

"You mean that as long as you reach the earth fairyland, you can ascend to the spirit world?" Ye Chunyang said.

"Not really." King Nanxuan shook his head and said, "Although the Earth Fairyland cannot be accommodated in the lower realm, the ascension of the interface channel is extremely dangerous. The body was defeated during the robbery, and the ascension failed in the end."

Speaking of this, if he stared at Ye Chunyang with deep meaning, he said: "This king once ascended tens of thousands of years ago, and it can be seen that fellow Taoists are inextricably linked with the spirit world, but now they are temporarily trapped here. , It is not impossible to reach the peak in the future."

Ye Chunyang didn't comment.

"However, fellow Daoist Ye, you don't have to worry. With your ability, I believe that day is not far away." King Nanxuan sat cross-legged on a flat ground, stared at Ye Chunyang for a moment, and a spiritual light shot out from his hand, "This thing, fellow Daoist Take it."

Ye Chunyang raised his hand to take it.

It was a piece of jade slip, which contained some kind of information, and he couldn't help asking: "This is..."

"What is hidden in this jade slip is the place where the soul of Suzaku is located." King Nanxuan said with a smile: "This king once promised fellow Taoists to help you find the soul of Suzaku after he regained his true nature, but he didn't expect the catastrophe of ascension to come. So fast, I don't have much time. Besides the soul of Suzaku in this jade slip, there is also a way to break the curse of the God of Death. If you can successfully get the soul of Suzaku, you only need to press this way to break the curse. "

Ye Chunyang frowned and remained silent.

This time, King Nanxuan's words were very certain, not as concealed as before.

"Thank you."

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered slightly, but he still thanked him.

King Nanxuan waved his hand, "Anyway, this king owes you a favor. I originally planned to help you get rid of Bai Ling from the demon clan, but now it may be too late."

Ye Chunyang shrugged his shoulders. He didn't take Bai Ling, a mere monster race, to heart.

King Nanxuan didn't continue to say anything further.

He raised his head and looked at the colorful beams of light in the sky. After a while, he laughed and said: "This king knows that you are not a human being, and he will definitely be able to ascend to the spirit world in the future. Today, this king will take a step ahead. See you and me in the spirit world in the future. "

Ye Chunyang smiled slightly, but didn't reveal anything about it.

In the seven-color beam of light, a black passage can be vaguely seen, and thunder is raging inside, deep and endless, if it can swallow everything in the world.

King Nanxuan let out a long smile, stood up slowly, and released the aura of the earth fairyland.


An ear-shattering roar came, covered by the rainbow light, the figure of King Nanxuan gradually became blurred, only the wild long laughter echoed loudly.

Ye Chunyang raised his head, only to see a stream of light shooting up into the sky, rushing into the black passage with the rainbow light, countless thunder and lightning crashed down, but they couldn't stop him at all.

As the streamer disappeared into the passage, the vision in the air gradually weakened, and the surrounding void cracks also healed.

Ye Chunyang watched the figure of King Nanxuan disappear, and after standing still for a long time, he slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air.

He is an ascension monk, and he experienced a similar situation when he advanced to the stage of becoming a god in the human world, so he felt familiar when the vision suddenly appeared.

It's just why Ye Chunyang didn't come to the spirit world after his ascension, but the demon god world, which is the same lower realm as the human world, is still an unsolved mystery so far.

Ye Chunyang shook the jade slip in his hand.

King Nanxuan left him the clues of Suzaku's soul and the method to unravel the curse of the God of Death. Maybe after unraveling the curse, he will get some answers.

Thinking like this, Ye Chunyang looked at a comatose woman not far away, his eyes fixed.

After pondering for a moment, he put away the jade slips, picked up the woman in his arms, and took the Shenhong to flee away to the barren mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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