After the ascent failed

Chapter 421 Xiao Yu's Prestige

Chapter 421 Xiao Yu's Prestige
Xiao Yu extended an invitation to Ye Chunyang again.

This time, Ye Chunyang did not refuse, nodded and said: "Since fellow Daoist Xiao said so, there is nothing wrong with you and me walking together."

Xiao Yu was overjoyed.

Seeing this, Bai Feng pouted and wanted to say something more, but after looking at Ye Chunyang, she obediently shut up.

At this moment, there was another movement in midair.

Four streams of light flashed quickly, but halfway through, the spiritual light suddenly disappeared, just like Xiao Yu and his party before, they fell straight down.

But these four people seemed to have been prepared for a long time. After the initial panic, they quickly stabilized their bodies and resolved the dilemma.

"Fellow Daoist Ye!"

The four fell down, and when they saw Ye Chunyang, they all showed joy at the same time, and one of the girls shouted in surprise.

Ye Chunyang was also a little surprised.

These four people are Gu Qian, Yu Guzi and others.

"See Senior Ye." Yu Guzi hurriedly saluted.

"Yeah." Ye Chunyang nodded lightly and asked, "Why are you with them?"

"It's a coincidence that this matter..."

Yu Guzi looked respectful, and described in detail the scene where he met Gu Qian and the other three.

This scene surprised Xiao Yu and his party again!
Master Luo and "Senior Lian", the two Golden Core cultivators, were also dumbfounded, looking at Ye Chunyang with deep shock.

Although everyone has been suppressed in mana, but Yu Guzi can come here, at least he is at the spiritual transformation level, and he is so respectful to Ye Chunyang, what kind of character is he, and he has such great ability?
Master Luo and "Senior Lian" looked at each other, and they both saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"It's no wonder that he was able to obliterate the Kunlun Ruins generation in public, and he is still safe and sound. This person cannot be provoked!"

The two Golden Core monks had such an idea almost at the same time.

Ye Chunyang listened to what Yu Guzi said, then looked at Gu Qian and the other three, a little surprised, then indifferent as usual.

"You just said that the Chenchen Bead can restrain those ghosts of the evil race?" Ye Chunyang looked back at Yu Guzi and asked in surprise.

"Exactly, at that time, the younger generation only used this treasure out of desperation, but they didn't expect to have the power to restrain those evil spirits, so they were able to successfully rescue the three fellow Taoists Gu Xianzi." Yu Guzi said.

"I see." Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

When he was in the Demon King's Cave before, Fei Peng also held a Chenchen Bead in his hand to control the ghosts of the evil race.

Ye Chunyang was surprised by this, but the situation was critical at that time, so there was no time to think about it. Now that I think about it, it is possible that the Nether Evil Clan sacrificed two dust-turning beads, but they were scattered for some reason. In his hand, he passed it on to Yuguzi.

The other one is in the hands of Lord Xie Ling, and Fei Peng controls the Yin Soul to deal with the masters of the two races, but the spirit sword imitated by King Nanxuan is too powerful, not only killing Fei Peng with one sword, but also The Chenchen Bead was also smashed to pieces.

"Young Master Ye, you haven't heard from him since you fought against the Golden Snake King. Where have you been during this time?" Qing Chen asked, with a hint of worry and questioning in his words.

Gu Qian didn't speak, but just glanced at Nie Xin and Ye Yao beside Ye Chunyang, a little surprised, but quickly withdrew her gaze, silent and elegant as usual.

The moment she withdrew her gaze, Nie Xin also faintly looked at her.

Unlike Gu Qian, Nie Xin had a sense of loss in her eyes that was difficult for outsiders to discover.

"Sure enough, she is a peerless beauty. No wonder he would kill Zhang Wuchen for her sake. He is also fearless in the face of powerful enemies in the world. Only such a temperament and appearance are worthy of him..."

Nie Xin turned her head and didn't look at anyone.

Gu Qian's light is very dazzling, but she is her, and she is not half ashamed of herself because of Gu Qian's appearance.

"It's a long story, I'll talk about it with you when I have time in the future." Ye Chunyang said: "Apart from you, is there anyone else coming here?"

Qing Chen looked at Xiao Yu, Bai Feng and his party subconsciously, and said, "When we came in, we didn't find anyone else."

Ye Chunyang frowned slightly, remembering the scene where Chili and Huowu appeared.

But he didn't care about it.

"Senior, the fire attribute of this place is extremely strong, could it be..." Yu Guzi looked around, lowered his voice, and hesitated to speak.

"That's right, it's right here." Ye Chunyang said.

Yu Guzi's expression changed, and he said again: "But to suppress mana here, even if you find that evil animal, it may be a bit tricky."

"It's okay." Ye Chunyang waved his hand, did not continue, but said to Nie Xin at the side: "Are you sure you are here?"

Nie Xin's exorcism technique originated from the Wu Clan's skills. Most people in the world of cultivating immortals are prejudiced against witches, so they can't let their skills be exposed.

"According to the information sent back by the Earth Gu, it is true that this place is correct, but right now the mana is banned, and I can no longer drive the Gu to investigate." Nie Xin pondered for a moment, then replied.

Ye Chunyang nodded.

"Daddy, there seems to be movement ahead!"

At this moment, Ye Yao said suddenly.

When these words came out, Gu Qian, Qing Chen, and Guan Ruoruo were suddenly surprised.

Especially Guan Ruoruo, whose eyes rolled endlessly, full of surprise.

She thought of the girl at the foot of the Kunlun Mountain back then, and she couldn't believe how much she had changed, especially when Ye Yao was born so delicate, and she appeared next to Ye Chunyang again, she felt wrong no matter how she looked at it.

If this scene gets out, no one will believe it. This is a father and daughter!

As soon as Ye Yao's voice fell, everyone immediately felt abnormal.

There were a few strange loud noises from the ground, like the pulsation of the earth, very rhythmic, the fluctuations became stronger and stronger, and they approached the place where everyone was in a short time.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The sound was like a bell and drum, and it became clearer and clearer. The next moment, a cloud shrouded the entire valley, and the earth was dark. Then everyone saw tall black shadows coming from the valley.

Some of these black shadows with human faces and beast bodies are like bulls, full of great strength, some have long snakes and giant tails, swallowing clouds and exhaling poison, and some are like strange birds, crawling in mid-air, with awe-inspiring eyes.

The crowd gasped.

These monsters don't have mana fluctuations, but they reveal amazing brute force, and they are densely packed, and there are a lot of them. When mana is banned, if these monsters pounce, one can imagine the result.

"It seems that the ancient monsters lurking here have been alarmed." Gu Qian let out a sigh of relief.

As calm as she is, she can't help showing a dignified look at this moment.

The faces of the members of the Xiao family also looked ugly. These monsters have no mana and cultivation base. If it was the past, they would almost kill one of them with a slap.

"Protect Master Bai and Senior Ye!"

Xiao Yan shouted loudly.

The other four immediately stood in front of Bai Feng and Ye Chunyang, with serious expressions on their faces.

Looking at the blackness of ancient monsters in front of him, Bai Feng was suddenly speechless.

"If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood, Master, why don't we run away!" Bai Feng finally choked out a sentence.

"You and Yao'er come behind me, don't get separated." Ye Chunyang said lightly.

Bai Feng laughed dryly, but pulled Ye Yao to hide behind Ye Chunyang without hesitation.

"Young master, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first."

On the other side, Master Luo persuaded Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, and after standing still for a while, he suddenly took a step forward and said, "Stand back, everyone."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Only Ye Chunyang looked at Xiao Yu with half a smile but not a smile, as if he had guessed something.

Also at this time, there was a roar of beasts in front of him.

The group of monsters stepped quickly and rushed towards the crowd. The mountains shook instantly, the dust and smoke billowed, and the demonic aura soared to the sky.

The monster bird hovering in the sky swooped down first, and arrived in front of it in an instant, Master Luo and "Senior Lian" all changed their expressions, and shouted repeatedly: "Young master, retreat!"

Almost at the same time, the two stepped out together, trying to pull Xiao Yu back.

But then an astonishing scene appeared.

Xiao Yu tore off his shirt, exposing his body, then stepped forward suddenly, raised his hand and punched out.


There was a loud bang, and everyone was surprised to see that the body of a monster bird that swooped towards Xiao Yu exploded, leaving only a few wisps of blood mist floating in the air.

Whether it was the young monks of the Xiao family, or Gu Qian and the others, all were dumbfounded.

Looking again at this time, I saw "crackling" explosions on Xiao Yu's body, and streaks of black light flowed out. Under the slightly dark skin, red blood veins appeared, full of explosive power, and his pupils also matched Normal human beings are different, exuding a faint silver glow.

It seems that under this thin body, there is infinite power.

"It's not bad to have cultivated Moluo's real kung fu to the level of silver pupils." Ye Chunyang nodded with a chuckle.

"Hehe, I still have to thank Brother Ye for his guidance back then, otherwise it would be difficult for me to make progress." Xiao Yu laughed loudly and said: "Actually, I have practiced Moluo True Kung Fu for many years, and I haven't really used it yet. Today is just the time to sharpen it. Practice one or two, brother Ye, wait a moment, wait for me to open the way for you!"

Xiao Yu laughed loudly.

Then, everyone saw an incredible picture.

Xiao Yu seemed to be thin and thin, but he rushed into the herd like a wild beast, and then the sound of "bang bang" was heard endlessly, and monsters flew out continuously.

A violent howl came, and Xiao Yu was like a killing machine. Wherever he went, a blood mist rolled up, and hundreds of monsters fell one after another.

"When did the young master become so powerful?"

The young people of the Xiao family looked at each other in blank dismay.

They are on par with Xiao Yu in actual cultivation, but in their eyes, Xiao Yu is mostly a useless image of nothing, if not because his father is the head of the Xiao family, they would not respect him.

The scene in front of them directly overturned their views on Xiao Yu.

Master Luo and "Senior Lian" also looked astonished.

It's not that they didn't know about Xiao Yu's obsession with body training techniques, but they never thought that his physical body was so powerful that he could destroy hundreds of ancient monsters by himself.

You must know that these ancient monsters are extremely ferocious, and their bodies are extremely tough. Even ordinary magic weapons may not be able to pierce them. Xiao Yu is like a harvester, easily crushing these monsters into meatloaf. Such a fierce image is simply unsettling. I can't believe it.

"I heard that the young master was instructed by an expert, and according to what he said just now, the person who instructed him was actually this person?"

The two Golden Core cultivators recalled what Xiao Yu had said before, and couldn't help but look at Ye Chunyang, their expressions changing again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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