Chapter 443
A towering peak stands in the clouds, surrounded by fairy mist and colorful clouds, and the fragrance of spiritual flowers and rare herbs is everywhere.

There is a spiritual spring in the peak, and the spiritual energy drips like a substance, turning into crystal clear spirit stones and floating.

And the four auspicious beasts around the Lingquan prostrated and floated a giant palace in mid-air, which was magnificent and majestic.

If ordinary people see it, they will marvel at the supernatural workmanship, just like a fairy garden.

The door of the hall was opened, and a man in Tsing Yi was sitting inside.

He has a long chignon up to his chest, wears a purple crown on his head, and has a handsome face, as gentle as jade, and has a personable demeanor.

This is a man who can make women all over the world fall in love with him.

There is a natural air of heaven and earth in him, and the flow is deep and vague, which makes people unconsciously attracted to it.

After an unknown amount of time, the man in Tsing Yi restrained his breath, raised his head to look at the gate of the palace, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Auspicious clouds and auspicious colors appeared in the sky, and a figure came riding the clouds, dressed in Taoist robes, with a wooden sword in his back, white hair and eyebrows, and a vast aura.

A moment ago, he was still outside the sky, and in the blink of an eye, the old Taoist priest appeared in the hall of the man in Tsing Yi.

"Didn't I say that there is no special matter, so you don't need to come here to look for me, why did you come here suddenly?" The man in Tsing Yi looked at the white-browed old man with a bit of displeasure on his face.

"Pindao naturally remembers the agreement between us. If there is nothing else, the little old man will not disturb Mr. Mo Yao." The old Taoist said.

The easy man frowned, his expression softened.

As soon as he raised his hand, the door of the temple closed automatically, and said: "What is going on, we can talk about it now."

The old Taoist pondered for a while, and said, "Young Master Mo Yao, do you still remember that incident about 20 years ago?"

The man in Tsing Yi's eyes flashed when he heard this, but he didn't speak.

"That man cultivated from a mere mortal to become a god, and ascended to the spirit world with minimal power. In just 300 years, he rose up and was invincible under returning to the void. Later, it was you and me who drove him to the turbulent place of the interface. .”

"Such a character should be regarded as an outstanding person, but it's a pity..."

Old Taoist way.

"What exactly do you want to say?" The man in Tsing Yi's eyes darkened slightly.

He has chosen to forget about this matter, and that matter is like a flash in the pan to him, and it is not worth paying attention to.

"Ha ha……"

The old Taoist laughed and said, "Young Master Mo Yao, do you still remember the spell you cast on that man before he fell into the chaotic stream?"

Mo Yao raised his eyebrows.

The old Taoist spread his hands, and a black curse mark emerged, appeared a few times, and then disappeared quickly.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yao's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "This is impossible!"

The old Taoist withdrew his hand, and the smile on his face slowly faded. He shook his head and said, "I didn't believe it at first, but the curse of perishing gods is a secret technique unique to our school. Although the poor Taoist exchanged this method with you at the beginning, With the connection of the exercises, I can sense the situation of the Death Curse at any time."

"Impossible!" Mo Yao sternly said: "Falling into the turbulent flow of the interface is a death penalty, not to mention that he has been cursed by the God of Death, and now nearly 20 years have passed, and his body and spirit have already perished. live in the world."

"The poor Taoist is as shocked as the young master, but the facts are in front of us, that person is indeed not dead." The old Taoist's face was also gloomy for a few minutes: "Before that person fell into the chaotic flow, you personally used the formula to break into his body. It is said that the God Perishing Curse is a secret technique uniquely passed down by our school, and no one except the True Dragon Clan who once befriended us knows how to resolve it, how that person was able to unravel it."

The old Taoist became more and more suspicious as he thought about it, and said: "And once you get hit by the Death God Curse, you will almost die on the spot. It's really strange that this curse has only given back after so many years."

Mo Yao was holding the chair handle with one hand, and there was faint light flowing.

After a while, he got up, and the golden chair under him was shattered, turning into a virtual light and dissipating in mid-air.

"I remember the turbulent direction of the interface where he fell, it seems to be the demon god realm?" Mo Yao said after a long time.

The old man frowned slightly, nodded and said: "Judging from the feedback from the Death Curse, it is indeed in the Demon God Realm, one of the six realms."

After finishing speaking, he continued: "The six worlds of heaven and earth, the human world, the demon world, the Asura world, the imaginary world, the demon god world, and the nether world. Our spirit world is outside the lower six worlds and belongs to the upper world. However, the Demon God Realm is a special existence in the Six Realms. All races coexisted here 10,000+ years ago, but the human race is the weakest race. Moreover, anyone who forcibly descends from the upper realm must suppress his cultivation, otherwise it will be difficult to exist in the lower realm. People can survive in the demon god world, maybe there is another chance."

As soon as the old Taoist finished speaking, Mo Yao's expression turned cold, and several streams of rays of light shot out from the sleeves, and rushed straight ahead.

At the same time, a huge torrent of spiritual energy rushed in, and the gate of the palace turned into dust and burst open.

In the bright rainbow, a ray of light and shadow stepped across the sky, forming lotuses every step of the way, drawing an afterimage in the void, where the glow emitted by Mo Yao was shaken and scattered without a trace.

Under her feet, it is like casting a bridge of gods, with colorful rays of light lingering endlessly, without nothingness and reality, like a fairy only coming to the dust, youthful and peerless.


The old Taoist opened his mouth and spit out a word.


Suddenly, the old Taoist's voice was stuck in his throat, and a dazzling stream of light flashed above his head. After several changes, it turned into a hundreds of meters of light sword and slashed down like a mountain peak.


The figure in the rays of the sun immediately killed him with one blow, the old Taoist was furious, with radiance flowing all over his body, an ink-colored porcelain bowl appeared, and the magic formula was activated like a gust of wind and rain.

The sound of "buzzing" resounded, the old Taoist's treasure was so powerful that it made the whole palace tremble violently, shaking the four auspicious beasts under the great hall to the ground.

Relying on this treasure, the old Taoist priests have almost no rivals in the period of becoming a god.

As soon as this bowl appeared, it turned upside down in the air, like a sea bowl turned upside down, and the figure in the morning light was pressed down, making its light dim for a few minutes.

But soon there was horror in the old Taoist's eyes.

The green lotus at the feet of the figure in the glow spread, and the seven-colored lightsaber hanging in the air spun rapidly. The dazzling glow was like a violent wind and raging waves. When he cut down gently, there was a burst of "crack, crack" from the ink-colored porcelain bowl immediately. It rang, and then it turned into fragments and splashed under the astonished eyes of the old Taoist priest.

"Void return period!"

The old Taoist was terrified, knowing that he was no match for the opponent, there was a cloud of mist under his feet, and he immediately fled away.

However it was too late.

The speed of the seven-colored lightsaber was incomparably fast, and in the next moment, it directly slashed down the old Taoist priest's Tianling cover, nailing him to the main hall.


A ray of black-black light flew out of the old Taoist priest's body, and a baby-like villain was wrapped in the light. His face was the same as that of the old Taoist priest. It was his Nascent Soul. They plundered outside the palace.


The figure in the colorful light snorted coldly, the giant sword flashed cold light again, and caught up with the Nascent Soul in one breath, after circling up and down several times, the Nascent Soul did not make a sound at all, and evaporated on the spot.

Mo Yao's eyes showed coldness, from Guangxia rushing into the hall, to the old Taoist priest being killed and invisible, everything happened in the blink of an eye, making it impossible for him to rescue him.

At this moment, in that ray of light, the figure stepped into the air again, green lotuses bloomed under his feet, pointed towards him with two fingers, and the seven-color giant sword rose into the sky again.

Mo Yao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he drew a spell with both hands, and a thick layer of light armor formed in front of him, blocking the lightsaber out.

The giant sword pierced through the light armor without any suspense, pressing on the top of Mo Yao's head, the ground continued to crack, and his feet went several inches deep into the ground.

But when the huge sword reached the top of Mo Yao's head, he suddenly stopped.

Afterwards, the colorful light dissipated, revealing a magnificent woman.

She holds a sword in one hand, is dressed in a light white veil, has an alluring appearance, is indifferent, and has a pair of expressionless eyes, as cold as snow.

"I don't kill you today because he is still alive. If he dies, I will take your life!"

The woman withdrew her sword and was extremely domineering.

Without looking at Mo Yao, she stepped on Qinglian and walked out of the hall slowly.

"A mortal who ascended from the human world, is it worth doing this for him!" Mo Yao said with a livid face, staring at the fairy-like figure.


A sword energy suddenly appeared in front of Mo Yao's forehead, shaking his body violently.

The woman didn't turn her head back, and said in a cold voice: "In my eyes, although he was born in the human world, he is better than you by a million times. My tolerance is limited. If I hear anyone slandering him again, I will be fine. Sword, show no mercy!"

The sword light dissipated, and the woman also disappeared into the clouds and mist outside the sky.

In the main hall, Mo Yao's face was as gloomy as water.

His eyes flickered, his hands turned white, and his knuckles made a piercing and brittle sound.

After staring at the direction in which the woman left for a long time, he finally lowered his head, and a haze flashed in his eyes.

"No matter how hard I try, I'm still not as good as him in your eyes..."

Mo Yao whispered to himself, and spread his hands, a golden light appeared, turning into a dazzling golden lotus and spinning slowly.

As soon as Jin Lianfu appeared, the surrounding spiritual energy surged like a shocking tide, the spiritual spring of His Highness boiled, and the space within several miles trembled.

"What a Tongtian Lingbao, it's no wonder that it became your reliance back then..."

Mo Yao stared at Jinlian with a cold light in his eyes.

With the sleeves rolled up, Jin Lian disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, another piece of gray-white jade appeared in Mo Yao's hand, with a strange light flowing on it, filled with astonishing power of space.

"This boundary-breaking stone has been kept for many years, and now it is time to use it."

Mo Yao said lightly.

If monks from the upper realm want to descend to the realm, they can only rely on the Boundary Breaking Stone, but this object is hard to find, and it is not available to ordinary people.

Moreover, even with the Boundary Breaking Stone, the monks in the spirit world cannot use their real bodies to exist in the lower realms, and can only descend to the mortal world through clones.

Mo Yao, who mastered both the Boundary Breaking Stone and a secret technique of avatar, could maintain more than [-]% of his cultivation even in the lower realms.

"A few years ago, it seems that the old ghost Ling Xiao also used the Boundary Breaking Stone to clone himself to the Demon God Realm, but he has not returned yet, and it seems that he has used the secret technique that I obtained with him back then. ..."

Mo Yao sat quietly, with a haze covering his face.

"I was able to knock you down from the lower realm decades ago, and I can still make you disappear into the world today."


(End of this chapter)

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