After the ascent failed

Chapter 445 Strange Hand

Chapter 445 Strange Hand
Day two.

Outside the tribe, there was a sound of uproar and shock.

It is always gloomy here, the sea water is as black as ink, and thick black clouds hang over the sky, like this since ancient times.

The sea was raging with violent winds, and the waves rolled up violently. Each layer could be as high as ten feet high, as if to swallow people up.

In the center of the Black Sea, a huge vortex swirls violently, rushing up to the sky and down to the deep sea, exuding the mighty power of nature.


The deafening sound of the waves came, and Ye Chunyang stood on the black sandy beach, staring at the huge vortex in the distance, his expression changing.

"Is this the void vortex?" Nie Xin's eyes were serious.

Rao, she had already thought about the horror of this place, but when she got closer, she realized that the turbulence in the vortex was far more terrifying than she had imagined.

"The turbulent flow has started to move forward." Ye Chunyang said.

When I came here to investigate two months ago, the turbulence in the vortex was from top to bottom, but now it gushes out from the deep sea and reaches the black clouds.

In Mr. Wu's memory, 30 years ago, his elder broke into it when the turbulent flow was moving forward with body training exercises. He neither found his body nor saw him return to the tribe alive.

In the eyes of most people, that person is most likely to have fallen, and the body does not know where it was taken.

However, combining various judgments, Ye Chunyang believes that if this person is really physically strong to a certain extent, it may not be impossible for him to resist the turbulent flow of the void.

Ye Chunyang didn't have much idea of ​​these turbulent emptiness before he didn't restore the memory of 300 years ago. Looking carefully now, this place is much weaker than when he crossed the passage from the human world to the spiritual world.

With his physical body in the transformation stage, it is easy to resist these turbulent currents.

Nie Xin took out the Body Tempering Pill and took it, his body glowed faintly, and his skin became as white as jade.

"This Body Tempering Pill has such a miraculous effect. His alchemy technique is indeed the best in the world of cultivating immortals."

She felt a magical power filling her body, as if she could forcibly shake a high-level spiritual treasure with her physical body alone.

At this moment, Nie Xin was more aware of the profoundness of Ye Chunyang's alchemy. Back then, he caused a sensation with a foundation-building pill in Lindu City, and later caused a sensation in the Six-Color Pill in the God of Medicine Sect, and became the seat elder of the God of Medicine Sect. It is the past and the present.

At this moment, a streamer flashed from behind, and dozens of figures came to Yubao.

Nie Xin looked back and saw two groups of monks appearing separately, the leaders were Qiu Xianke and Xu Fei.

Seeing Ye Chunyang and Nie Xin here, they were startled for a while, and then they seemed not surprised by this.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Ye is also here. It seems that Fellow Daoist also wants to leave the Black Sea while the turbulent current is moving forward."

Xu Fei and Qiu Xianke said politely.

Ye Chunyang glanced at the two of them and nodded slightly.

"Fellow Daoist, if you have such a plan, why not wait a little longer, the turbulent current has just started to change direction, and is in the most violent period, after it stabilizes, there will be a period of calm, when we enter the turbulent It's the best time." Xu Fei said.


Ye Chunyang looked at Xu Fei with a little surprise.

"What I'm saying is absolutely true. I, the Tsing Yi Gang, have been studying this place continuously, and I have some experience in the operation of turbulent currents." Xu Fei grinned and said.

"Since that's the case, it's okay to wait for one, two, one." Ye Chunyang nodded.

When collecting information in the tribe before, he also inquired about the Tsing Yi Gang. Although these people are arrogant and domineering, they are the only ones in the tribe who are obsessed with breaking into the void. If they know this place best, they should be them.

Then there is a period of waiting.

The wind howled on the Black Sea, and the waves became fiercer.

The turbulent current in the vortex swept across like a wind blade, cutting the sea surface into gullies, which was shocking.

Looking at this natural mighty force that can tear people apart, even though he has experienced the Tsing Yi Gang countless times, his face can't help but turn slightly pale.The members of the Tianbat Gang, unlike the Tsing Yi Gang, who come to the void every three months, are even more frightened on their faces.

For countless years, those who came to this black sea either exhausted their lifespan and died in the tribe, or were torn to pieces by this vortex.

No one can guarantee that they will be able to resist in the face of such mighty power.

After an unknown period of time, the sound of the violent wind seemed to subside a bit, and at this moment, the waves on the Black Sea also showed signs of calming down, and there were no more riots in the vortex.

Everyone looked at it, and saw thick black mist emanating from the deep sea, rolling along the whirlpool all the way to the top of the cloud, endlessly.

"It's now!"

"This quiet period will only last for a stick of incense at most, everyone hurry up!"

Xu Fei couldn't hide his excitement.

The spirits of the Tsing Yi Gang and the Sky Bat Gang were lifted.

Even the monks of the Skybat Gang who seldom come to the void, can clearly see that the turbulence in the vortex is indeed much calmer than before. Obviously, it is safest to pass through at this time.


With a low snort, Qiu Xianke led the sky bats to help the monks to walk against the sky, heading straight for the vortex in the center of the deep sea.

The members of the Tsing Yi Gang also did not hesitate, they cast spells to protect their bodies, and then charged forward with their magic weapons.

"Let's go too!"

Ye Chunyang let out his divine sense to scan, and without a moment's pause, his body flicked towards the whirlpool.

Nie Xin followed closely behind.

Dozens of figures rushed into the Black Sea like crucian carp crossing the river, and the next moment, they appeared outside the huge vortex.

As they approached, everyone was like little black dots, and there was a constant gust of wind whistling by their ears, as if it would tear people apart at any time.

Under such natural power of heaven and earth, no one is small and unable to compete with it.

The time for a stick of incense may not be short in normal times, but at this time, in the eyes of everyone, every second counts. As soon as they approached the vortex, both sides rushed into the turbulent flow almost at the same time.

Ye Chunyang's mana was circulating in his body, so he grabbed Nie Xin's hand and rushed straight to the whirlpool.

Nie Xin was slightly taken aback, without resisting, she also grabbed his palm with her backhand, a warmth intertwined with each other.


There was a buzzing sound, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, tearing the eardrums.

When the sound wave hit, Nie Xin's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he let out a low moan in pain. There was blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became dazed for a while.

Ye Chunyang's expression froze, and he pointed at Nie Xin's eyebrows, sending a divine thought to him.

Soon, Nie Xin regained consciousness.

This sound wave came from the turbulence of the void. If ordinary people were here, they might not be able to hold on for a while, and their spirits and souls would be shattered immediately, and their bodies would collapse.

Nie Xin took the Body Tempering Pill refined by Ye Chunyang, and his physical body was strengthened several times within a certain period of time, able to withstand the impact of the turbulent current, but its sound waves had a huge impact on the soul. Impossible to resist.

"Hold on to me!" Ye Chunyang shouted softly.

Under the impact of the sound waves, Nie Xin's hand holding Ye Chunyang was slightly relaxed, and suddenly he woke up with a jerk, grasped his arm again, and unconsciously moved closer to him.

Ye Chunyang could feel the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, but he didn't have the heart to think about other things. He hurriedly used his magic power and applied a spell on his body to block the surrounding sound waves.

As for the turbulent current in the vortex, as he expected, it did not pose any threat to him. The wind blade hit his body without leaving any trace.

Looking up into the sky, you can see a deep black hole emerging on the top of the vortex. Ye Chunyang doesn't know if you can leave the Black Sea through this black hole, but you can be sure that this is definitely the only way out.

Just as Ye Chunyang was holding Nie Xin and quickly flew over the whirlpool, there was a sudden scream.

Huge wind blades swept past the vortex. The monks of the Tsing Yi Gang and the Sky Bat Gang rushed forward and were hit by the wind blades one after another. Clouds of blood mist filled the air, and their bodies were torn into pieces.

Many people felt chills in their hearts, but they were deep into the vortex at this time, how could they give up lightly, and immediately gritted their teeth and continued to rush forward.

"Why bother..."

Just as everyone was rushing towards the void vortex, there was a person sitting on the roof of an abandoned stone house not far from the beach, pouring strong wine into his mouth, shaking his head and sighing softly.

This person is Fu Xingchang.

He always carries two ghost-headed knives on his back. His seemingly unattractive image reveals a sense of fierceness and coldness.

Looking at the dense figures flying towards the whirlpool in the distance, his eyes flickered, and finally he didn't say anything, drinking wine by himself.

"Puff puff……"

In the turbulent flow of the void, the wind blades became more and more dense, and people would fall almost every few breaths. In just half an hour, the Tsing Yi Gang and the Sky Bat Gang lost nearly ten people, and those who died were all monks in the Spirit Transformation Realm .

Seeing this scene, Xu Fei and Qiu Xianke's expressions turned ugly, but they were unwilling to stop there, and still rushed towards the black hole in the sky.


Suddenly, there was a strange sound from the black hole above, and all the wind blades rolled back.

Everyone's eyes were fixed, and there seemed to be some foreign object flickering in the deep black hole, and the next moment, a huge arm protruded from it.

This hand was covered with black and black strange scales, as thick as gold and iron, and its five fingers were as sharp as knives. It grabbed the Tsing Yi Gang and the Sky Bat Gang, and several monks were torn apart on the spot.

The cultivator of the Sky Bat Gang rushed forward and gasped suddenly.

"Go back!"

Qiu Xianke shouted loudly.

Quite a few people woke up with a start, and tried to use the escape method to retreat again and again. The oppression emitted by this strange hand made them palpitate. Among the monks who were torn apart by it, there were a few masters of the spiritual realm, but they still couldn't resist half a point.

The members of the Tianbat Gang had just retreated, but they found a huge blue net behind them at some point, and then they were surprised to find that they could not move half a point, and were directly blocked in the whirlpool.

Qiu Xianke's expression changed drastically.

Looking back, Xu Fei was holding an ancient mirror in his hand, and countless blue light threads were projected from it, obviously it was this thing that trapped them here.

"Xu Fei, what are you doing!" Qiu Xianke shouted angrily.

"Hey... Don't blame me, Lord Qiu. When I broke into the void a few times ago, I discovered that this strange hand exists, but I also discovered another thing. The time when this strange hand appears is limited. If you die a few times to hold him back, we will have a chance to pass through this place."

Xu Fei showed a strange smile.

(End of this chapter)

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