Chapter 448 Returning to the Nie Family
Lindu City is located in the north, and in the twelfth lunar month of winter, the world is wrapped in silver.

According to what Nie Qingshan said, the mine is only about [-] miles away from Lindu City. With the speed of Ye Chunyang and Nie Xin, they can get there soon. However, there is still a team from the Nie family on this trip, so it is impossible to fly like them. The speed of travel is naturally much slower.

After walking for a full day, a city appeared in sight.

Lindu City does not seem to be large in scale. After all, this is a city for mortals, not the city of cultivating immortals in the world of cultivating immortals, where various factions gather.

Apart from the four major cultivating families and Cheng Ye's Lingmiao Pavilion in the city, the rest of the city are just some small cultivating sects.

"You... come back to Nie's house with me?"

Settling outside the city, Nie Xin looked at Ye Chunyang and whispered.

Ye Chunyang nodded and did not refuse.

In fact, he didn't have much feeling for the Nie family. Back then, he brought Ye Yun's tokens to return Ye Yun's favor and collected some news about the demon god world.

Now that he has just come out of the Black Sea, he also needs to recuperate.

Seeing him going to the Nie's mansion with Nie Xin, the unaware Nie family didn't feel anything, but Nie Qingshan's expression was complicated.

At that time, this "Ye Yun" had a great reputation in the Lingxian Mansion of Yunlan City, and even Master Cheng Ye was impressed by him. Although Nie Changfeng and his daughter did not mention this matter, some people still heard about it .

Knowing that this person has such a great ability, those who remembered how they had targeted and ridiculed him, their faces immediately turned into fear.


Lindu City is the same as before. There are peddlers and pawns on the streets, as well as court officers and soldiers.

However, when the passers-by saw the Nie family's team, they all moved away one after another, and the patrolling officers and soldiers did not interrogate them.

The officers and soldiers obeyed the imperial court, but the heritage of the Xiuxian clan also kept them in awe.

Of course, the Xiuxian clan does not participate in secular government affairs, and never interferes with official affairs. Instead, they will help ordinary people suppress demons and eliminate demons, so the two sides have lived in peace for many years.

But soon many people on the street focused their eyes on Nie Xin, showing surprise.

"Isn't this the eldest lady of the Nie family? It is said that she has not been back to Lindu City since she was selected into the Cangyuan Sect more than ten years ago. Why is she suddenly coming back now?"

"Speaking of Cangyuan Sect recruiting disciples, they haven't appeared in recent years, and I don't know why?"

"It's really strange. It is said that Cangyuan sent something... And the current Nie family... the young lady of the Nie family is coming back at this time, I'm afraid..."

As the group entered the city, someone soon recognized Nie Xin.

Back then, the Nie family's heavenly daughter was known to almost everyone in Lindu City. After seeing her, everyone was surprised at first, and then some people's expressions flickered.

A man who was discussing at the end was about to say something when someone covered his mouth suddenly, preventing him from continuing.

Now that Nie Xin's cultivation has improved greatly, he can hear the conversations of the crowd in the street verbatim.

Hearing the last man's words, she frowned slightly, feeling a little strange in her heart, but she didn't frown at all, and continued to go towards Nie's mansion.

"I still remember when my father personally sent me and Chen Xue to leave Lindu City to go to the Cangyuan faction. I haven't seen him for more than ten years now, and I don't know what happened to my father."

Standing outside the familiar courtyard, Nie Xin couldn't calm down.

I was young when I left home, but now I have grown up when I come back.

At that time, she joined the Cangyuan Sect and did not have a Dao foundation. At that time, she was only obsessed with the marriage letter with "Ye Yun". She firmly believed that as long as she worked hard, she would stand in front of the latter one day and dissolve the engagement herself. .

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at the young man beside her, a little confusion flashed in her heart.

But Nie Xin didn't hesitate outside the mansion for too long, she suppressed her thoughts and walked in.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, a surprised voice came from the front: "Miss? You're back!"

A woman in her twenties appeared in front of her, her cultivation level was not high, she only had a small achievement in Dao Ji, but her appearance was very delicate, giving people the feeling of a jasper next door.

"Qing Luo."

When Nie Xin saw the woman in front of her, she also had a smile on her face.

"Miss, it's really you!"

This woman is the maidservant who followed her since she was a child. She is called to serve her. They are actually sisters. Since Nie Xin joined the Cangyuan Sect, they have been separated for more than ten years. When Xin returned, he was naturally pleasantly surprised.

"I...I'll report to the patriarch right away, he will be very happy to know you're back!" Qing Luo excitedly said.

"Yeah." Nie Xin nodded with a smile.

At this moment, she let go of her heart that had been tense for many years, and became the carefree Miss Nie once again.

"There is no need to report, I will pick up my daughter myself."

There was a hearty laughter in the courtyard, and the figure of a middle-aged man appeared.

His clothes are not very luxurious, and his buns are a little grizzled, but his body is tall and straight, like a sharp sword in its sheath, although the edge is restrained, it can't hide the arrogance of looking at one side.


Looking at this middle-aged man who was only 50 or [-] years old, but was a bit older, Nie Xin felt sore in his heart.

After being away from home for many years, and seeing this father who protected her growing up again, she suddenly realized that no matter how strong she was, she was actually just a weak woman.

"A few years ago, I sent someone to the Cangyuan Sect to inquire about you. I didn't expect that you had already left the sect and disappeared. I thought you had already..." Nie Changfeng's eyes were also a little wet, and at the end of the sentence, it turned into a sigh of emotion : "It's good to be back, it's good to be back..."

"My daughter is unfilial and failed to report to the family in time, which made my father worry." Facing his father, Nie Xin felt guilty.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can see that you are safe and sound, I will feel relieved as a father." Nie Changfeng said with a long smile.

Ever since Nie Xin's whereabouts disappeared, Nie Changfeng couldn't sleep for countless days and nights. Now seeing her return safely, the depression in his heart finally disappeared.

"Xin'er, we are very happy for you that you can return to Nie's house safely." At this moment, a figure next to him said.

He carried a pitch-black iron sword on his back. He had a handsome appearance, and his dark skin not only did not destroy his handsomeness, but made him very tough.

"Brother Nie Ying, you're back too." Nie Xin was a little surprised when he saw this man.

This person was none other than Nie Ying back then.

"Five years ago, Nie Ying left Cangyuan Sect to practice outside alone, but now she returns to the clan to help me take care of things." Nie Changfeng explained.

"I see." Nie Xin nodded, turned to Nie Ying, and said, "Thank you, brother Nie Ying, for sharing my father's worries."

I haven't seen him for several years. Although Nie Ying is aloof at this time, he is more mature and stable than before. From his slightly deep eyes, it can be seen that he has experienced a lot in these years.

"No matter what, I am also a member of the Nie family, and it is my duty to share the worries of the patriarch." Nie Ying waved her hand and smiled.

Nie Xin took a look at Nie Ying when she heard the words, but she was slightly surprised, and said, "You have also cultivated to the spirit transformation state."

At this time, Nie Ying had also advanced to the Spirit Transformation Realm. Although she was only a small success, it was extremely difficult to reach this step in just a few years.

"Haha, I've gained a lot in these years, but I can't compare to you, Xin'er. If I'm not wrong, your current cultivation level is at least as high as that of the Spirit Transformation Realm, right?" Nie Ying smiled modestly, and then looked at it again. Looking at Nie Xin, there was a bit of complexity on his face.

There is envy, there is amazement, and there is also unwillingness.

No one knew how much effort he had put in these years, but he was still one step ahead of Nie Xin.

As soon as Nie Ying said this, all the Nie family gasped and looked at Nie Xin with amazement.

Great achievement in the spirit transformation realm, this is already as good as Nie Changfeng's cultivation!
"Okay, okay, daughter is really extraordinary!"

Nie Changfeng laughed happily.

"When you joined the Cangyuan Sect back then, you were only at the ninth level of qi refining. I didn't expect that after more than ten years, you have reached such a state. This achievement is comparable to no one in Lindu City."

"Father is flattering you." Nie Xin was not proud.

"By the way, Xin'er, where have you been all these years, we are very worried about you." Nie Ying interjected.

"I went to Zhongzhou." Nie Xin replied.

As she said that, she inadvertently glanced at the young man in black beside her. She was with him when she left the Northern Territory, and now she is with him when she returns to the Northern Territory. Is it really destined?


Nie Changfeng and the two were startled.

At this time, the two noticed the young man next to him. Seeing his face, Nie Changfeng's expression suddenly changed, and Nie Ying's mouth opened wide. Thinking of a scene that shook the Northern Territory, her heart thumped wildly.


Nie Changfeng looked serious, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

Halfway through the movement, there was a sudden pause, stopped by an invisible force.

"Ye Mou's visit this time is only a temporary stay, and the head of the Nie clan doesn't have to be like this." Ye Chunyang said indifferently.

He had just escaped from the Black Sea and came here by accident. He didn't want to make a high profile, so he stopped Nie Changfeng from saluting him.

Nie Changfeng's eyes flickered. He had witnessed the scene in Lingxian Mansion back then, and he knew that the person in front of him was the famous "Master Ye" and the Supreme Elder of the Cangyuan Sect.

Seeing that Ye Chunyang prevented him from saluting, Nie Changfeng also guessed that the other party might want to make public, so his face changed as usual, and he said, "I am very relieved that Mr. Ye came back with Xin'er."

After saying that, he smiled and told Qing Luo: "Qing Luo, arrange a room for Mr. Ye immediately."

"Yes, my servant is preparing a guest room for my uncle, please come with my servant." Qing Luo saluted with a smile.

This "uncle" made many Nie family members feel complicated.

Nie Xin wanted to explain, but found that she couldn't speak at all.

Nie Ying couldn't close her mouth for a while, and didn't dare to look at Ye Chunyang at all.

Nie Changfeng and others are entrenched in this small Lindu City, so they naturally don't know about the unparalleled battle on the top of Linshan. Perhaps those among them who have received news from the Lingxian Mansion in Yunlan City only think that Ye Chunyang is "Master Ye" "Only Nie Ying, the Supreme Elder of the Cangyuan Sect, knows how high this seemingly calm young man stands.

Ye Chunyang didn't care about other people's eyes, and didn't want to waste time to justify anything, followed Qing Luo and gradually disappeared into the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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