After the ascent failed

Chapter 456 The Sword of Divine Sense

Chapter 456 The Sword of Divine Sense
"Master Ye, are you back?"

It was nightfall when Ye Chunyang returned to Nie's house, just as he entered the door, he saw a figure welcoming him happily, it was Qing Luo.

"En." Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

"Miss has been waiting at your residence for a long time." Qing Luo said.

Ye Chunyang was a little strange, "Nie Xin? Why is she looking for me?"

Qing Luo shook his head and said: "I don't know, but the eldest lady and the patriarch went to your courtyard to wait for you after they came back from Hongfei Tower."

Ye Chunyang frowned slightly and waved his hands: "Okay, I see, you can go down."


After bowing his head, Qing Luo hastily retreated.


Ye Chunyang returned to the courtyard alone.

A blue shadow stood in the garden, and when he heard his footsteps, he turned around slowly, revealing a beautiful jade face, who is it if it's not Nie Xin?
Ye Chunyang sat down in the stone pavilion, brewed a pot of tea, waved his hands and said, "Sit down."

"You went to Lingmiao Pavilion?" Nie Xin sat down opposite him and asked.

"Let Chen Shuo do some small things for me." Ye Chunyang nodded and said, "You came here to wait for me, why?"

Nie Xin lowered her head and lowered her eyebrows, a little hesitant.

She did have something to do this time, but facing Ye Chunyang at this time, she couldn't say a word.

Ye Chunyang didn't ask any more questions, just sipped his tea and waited quietly for Nie Xin to speak.

"Can you...can you do me a favor?"

After a long time, Nie Xin seemed to have made up his mind, raised his head, looked at Ye Chunyang firmly and said.

"You want me to help you deal with the Qi family?" Ye Chunyang smiled lightly.

He also knows some news about the Qi family, but Ye Chunyang really has no interest in dealing with such a small family.

However, Nie Xin's next answer surprised him a bit.

"No, I don't want you to help me deal with the Qi family, but I want to ask you for some pills." Nie Xin said.

"Oh?" Ye Chunyang was surprised.

He knows a little about Nie Xin's personality. This woman is very lonely, even a little paranoid. She hides everything in her heart, and she won't take the initiative to ask anyone. Now she has spoken to him and made a special trip to wait here. He was a little surprised.

"What pill do you want?" Ye Chunyang asked.

"A quick breakthrough will allow me to reach the perfection of the Spirit Transformation Realm in a short period of time." Nie Xin said with firm eyes.

Ye Chunyang frowned, and fell silent.

Nie Xin stared at him, feeling a little apprehensive.

"I know you have no reason to help me, but I still want to beg you. I know that with your alchemy skills, you must have this kind of elixir. I hope you can help me this time."

Nie Xin looked sincere.

"I believe you have seen the current situation. The Qi family is suppressing the major forces in the city. Although they misunderstand that you are Ye Yun and dare not attack the Nie family easily, I know that you are not Ye Yun, and you do not belong here. , I rely on my own strength to protect the Nie family."

She looked at Ye Chunyang firmly.

The scene in the Hongfei Tower made her completely understand that only if she is strong enough can she protect the people around her from harm.

Ye Chunyang is the Dragon of the Nine Heavens, the Nie family has no reason and no right to let him stay, and Nie Xin will not deceive himself or others by relying on his reputation to deter the Qi family.

"Not long after you broke through to the Spirit Transformation Realm, you forcibly upgraded with pills. Have you thought about the consequences?" Ye Chunyang said slowly.

"If it is light, it will damage the meridians, if it is serious, it will cause the instability of the true energy, and the realm will be reversed." Nie Xin said.

Each realm requires its own accumulation, so that the spiritual power and physical body can reach a level that can match the next realm. Although there have been examples of using pills to improve cultivation since ancient times, the consequences are nothing more than these two.

If the meridian is only damaged, it can be recovered after a little recuperation, and the state can be stabilized, but if the state is reversed, it will be a failure to take the pill, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"You really decided to do this?" Ye Chunyang frowned.

"Not bad." Nie Xin nodded.

"It's not that there are pills to improve cultivation, but I can tell you clearly that cultivation is accumulated by oneself, and relying on external forces will not lead to good results after all." Ye Chunyang took a sip of tea and said lightly.

As an alchemist, no one knows more about pills than him. He has many mysterious ancient recipes, many of which are forcibly improving his cultivation, but he has never taken them or even refined them.

In his daily alchemy, he paid more attention to accumulation and assistance, and only took some pills that could help him consolidate his cultivation.

If he had been relying on the enhancement of the potency of the medicine, he would not have made it to where he is today.

Nie Xin said: "Don't worry, I already know the pros and cons of it, and I don't want to stop here and ruin my path of cultivation. If it can't be done, I will never force it."

Ye Chunyang looked at her, but did not speak again.

This woman is stubborn.

He was silent for a long time, and took out a jade bottle from the Qiankun bag.

There is only one elixir in the bottle, and there are three spirit patterns circulating around it. The green and red rays of light are intertwined, and even through the bottle, you can feel the huge medicinal power in it.

"You can take this pill." Ye Chunyang said.

Nie Xin's expression changed, he picked up the medicine bottle and held it in his hand, saying, "Thank you."

Ye Chunyang waved his hand and didn't care.

With his alchemy master's level, it is easy to refine a elixir suitable for breaking through the spiritual realm.

And he didn't tell Nie Xin that with the elixir he refined, the failure rate could be minimized.

Of course, it is impossible to be completely risk-free, but Nie Xin has decided to do so, so it is meaningless to say more.

"When... are you planning to leave Lindu City?" Nie Xin asked after receiving the pill.

"Let's talk about it in a few days." Ye Chunyang thought for a while and replied like this.

Naturally, he won't stay in Lindu City for too long, but Lingsu hasn't recovered yet, so he can only stay here for a while.

"Are you going back to the Cangyuan Sect?" Nie Xin thought for a long time before asking again.

"Perhaps." Ye Chunyang paused and replied casually.

At the beginning, he just promised Qingmu to be the guest minister of the Cangyuan faction, and he would not stay in the sect for a long time, whether he would go back or not, it depends on the situation.

Nie Xin nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

She got up to say goodbye, and was going to use the elixir to reach the completion of the Spirit Transformation Realm.

If she succeeds this time, she can compete with Qi Fei.

"Wait a minute." Ye Chunyang said suddenly.

Nie Xin stopped in doubt.

Suddenly, a dignified divine power pervaded the entire courtyard. Ye Chunyang raised his hand to cast a spell, and an invisible wave swept out from between his brows. After floating in the void for a while, it condensed into an invisible sword light and fell in front of Nie Xin.

"This is……"

Nie Xin was slightly taken aback.

The light of the sword is like water patterns, between tangible and invisible swords, unpredictable, after falling into her palm, it quickly disappears, but she can feel the powerful power of divine sense contained in it.

"This sword of divine sense is concentrated by my distraction. It can be used three times, and you can carry it with you. If there is any danger in the future, this sword should help you escape." Ye Chunyang said.

Nie Xin was shocked.

She stared at Ye Chunyang for a long time, the latter was always calm, but looking at his face, Nie Xin felt a warm current in her heart.

Nie Xin didn't think much, let alone say much.

After nodding, she turned and left.

From the misunderstanding at the beginning to the discovery of his true identity later, Nie Xin was confused for a period of time, and then she firmly pursued him, hoping to stand on the same height as him one day.

But Nie Xin discovered that during this process, there were too many mysteries about this man, which attracted her unconsciously.

In Tianxuan Mountain, that one went deep into the vortex, firmly grasped her hand, and brought her warmth.

The perseverance in the black sea made her gradually see her own heart clearly.

Nie Xin pretended to be nonchalant on the surface, but in fact, she couldn't control her liking for him. This man has long been lingering in her heart.

Ye Chunyang looked at her leaving back and sighed faintly.

After cultivating Taoism for thousands of years, he met too many women with very different personalities. Compared with Nie Xin, all the confidante he had met had left a deep impression on him.

In the spiritual world, there is a woman waiting for him who will never forget him.

After all, Nie Xin had troubles with him. No matter what, he didn't want to see any danger happen to this girl. He left this sword of divine sense in order to save her life at a critical moment.

With Ye Chunyang's cultivation base of divine sense, this sword of divine sense is enough to kill any cultivator below the cave-heaven realm.

Of course, there are only three chances. Once the divine sense is exhausted, the sword will be gone, and it can be regarded as repaying the favor of living in Nie's house back then.


Then Ye Chunyang stayed for another two days, left a letter at last, and left Nie's house in a flutter, heading for Biyun Peak outside the city.

In the past few days after escaping from the Black Sea, he has already determined his target.

After Chen Shuo sent him the spiritual grass seeds, he would first cultivate a batch of spiritual grasses about 300 years old in Biyun Peak, so as to restore Ling Su, and then let him lead him to find some high-level natural materials Dibao, to accumulate cultivation base.

Although the Death God Curse has been undone, the main body can recover normally, but now it is only at the completion of the Spirit Transformation Realm, and the speed is too slow!

Since he fell into the Demon God Realm, he has been awakened for nearly 20 years. If this continues, he does not know when he will be able to recover to the cultivation base of the Transformation God Stage. If he cannot reach this state, he will not be able to ascend to the Spirit Realm.

Of course, while recovering mana, Ye Chunyang also focused on spiritual cultivation. Now that his mana is greatly reduced, high-level spiritual cultivation is also the capital for him to stand proudly in the world of immortals.

After refining the jade soul stone in Tianxuan Mountain, his spiritual cultivation had reached the peak in the late stage of leaving his body, and later he was trapped in the Black Sea. Ye Chunyang tried to attack the distraction stage, but there seemed to be a barrier in the dark that prevented him from advanced.

"The distraction stage is comparable to the mana monks in the cave realm, but judging from the ancient books left by the Kunlun Ruins, because it is difficult to practice together with the soul, it seems that there have been no soul cultivators who have passed the distraction stage in the demon god world for many years. Now I am out of my body It seems to be because of the lack of certain factors that it has been unable to break through the bottleneck in the later period.”

Ye Chunyang comprehended while riding the clouds and flying.

"The Heavenly Soul Sect is the only soul cultivating sect handed down from the Medicine God Sect so far. Maybe there will be some information related to the distraction period. Maybe we can find an opportunity to inquire about it in the future."

Ye Chunyang made a decision when he thought of the contact with Taoist Yichen in Kunlun Ruins.

At this time, he also arrived outside Biyun Peak, and the familiar staircase appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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