After the ascent failed

Chapter 460 1 sword spike!

Chapter 460 Instant kill with one sword!

Not long after Ye Chunyang left, dark clouds gathered under Biyun Peak, and a light and shadow appeared strangely.

A figure appeared indistinctly in the dark clouds, his face could not be seen clearly under the black mist, his eyes were as cold as knives, and he kept scanning the peak.

"Are you leaving?"

The figure muttered to himself, and then looked towards a certain direction, where Ye Chunyang disappeared after leaving Biyun Peak.

"Not everyone can take my things. Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, you still can't escape from my palm." The figure whispered, and then the black mist settled, and two red phantoms flew out of it.

They turned out to be two monster birds with strange shapes, their eyes were like falcons, their claws were sharp, and they were six feet long.

"Go, find out the whereabouts of that person for me. If you find this person, kill him immediately!"

The figure whispered, pointing towards the space between the two monster birds with two fingers.

There was a strange sound of "噗噗", and the two monster birds spread their wings respectively. After circling around Biyun Peak, they swooped down in mid-air at the speed of light, and rushed towards Ye Chunyang.

The strange thing is that after flying out, the two demon birds suddenly flickered a few times, and then turned invisible, leaving only an illusory trace, but the main body disappeared without a trace.

The figure in the black mist looked at this scene indifferently, and after looking at Biyun Peak for a few more times, he sneered and disappeared in a blink of an eye by driving the black mist.

Soon, Biyun Peak returned to its previous calm, without any further fluctuations.

However, Lindu City was as noisy as usual, and no one knew about Ye Chunyang's departure, but a news came out suddenly, which made all the major forces in the city boil.

According to the exact news, Nie Xin, the eldest daughter of the Nie family, has broken through to the perfection of the spirit transformation state, and will make an appointment with Qi Fei, the eldest son of the Qi family, to fight outside Lindu City in three days' time!

As the news spread, all the cultivating forces in the city were shaken.

Even the various forces in Misty Cloud City, which is similar to this, also heard the news. In just two days, the number of people in Lindu City increased sharply, and all the inns were full of guests.

Some who came late had no choice but to sleep outside the city.

Among these people are many familiar faces, such as Yun Tianyang, the lord of Yunlan City, Xu Feng, the great elder of the Xu family, and the old man Ju Muling in Lingshan.

These few people made a lot of noise in the vicinity, and when they came to Lindu City, they waited directly outside the city, waiting for the upcoming peak battle.

In Lindu City and Yunlan City, those who have reached the Spirit Transformation Realm are giants from one party, not to mention the two who have reached the Spirit Transformation Realm in this decisive battle.

As time went by, more and more people gathered inside and outside the city. On the third day, not only monks from Lindu City and Yunlan City came here, but also other immortal cultivating families and sects of Yinyue Kingdom came here one by one. Come here, there is a lot of excitement.


Over a mountain forest more than [-] miles away from Lindu City, Ye Chunyang was flying slowly in the low air with his foot on the sword.

"I said, friend, this Northern Territory is really a barren land. I haven't felt any valuable natural treasures for several days. In my opinion, it's better for us to try to return to Zhongzhou."

Lingsu turned into a fluffy bunny, lying lazily on his shoulder, yawning from time to time, looking uninterested.

"The resources in the Northern Territory are indeed inferior to those in Zhongzhou, but I'm afraid it's not so easy to go back now." Ye Chunyang shook his head and replied.

After traveling in Zhongzhou for several years, he also had to admit that the resources of Zhongzhou were indeed far superior to that of the Northern Territory, and the strength of sects and monks were generally higher than that of the Northern Territory.

It is already the third day since they left Lindu City. During this time, Ye Chunyang intentionally slowed down, but he never found a spiritual vein suitable for his cultivation, let alone some precious natural materials and earthly treasures.

Of course, Ye Chunyang didn't get nothing in the past few days, at least on the first day after leaving Biyun Peak, he got a "Bright Cold Grass" with the help of Lingsu.

This spirit grass has the effect of neutralizing the fire attribute elixir, and when Ye Chunyang discovered it, it had already reached 500 years of composition, so it can be picked directly without using a spirit spoon to ripen it.

Obtaining this spiritual herb was considered a modest gain.

At least, when the main body is about to form a pill, this "broad cold grass" may come in handy.


Just as Yu Jian was flying away, Ye Chunyang felt a strange feeling in his sea of ​​consciousness, and frowned slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, what's the matter?" Ling Su couldn't help asking suspiciously when he noticed that his expression was different.

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered slightly, he stared at a certain place and pondered for a moment, then he quickly made a formula, and the hidden supernatural power of the original scriptures was activated, and at the same time, his cultivation base was restrained, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

He didn't run away, but stayed where he was after being invisible, watching quietly.

After about half an hour passed like this, a strange scene appeared!

Suddenly black light gathered in the sky above this mountain forest, and a frightening gust of wind blew up, and then two huge black shadows emerged, and two pairs of wide wings stretched out from them, covering a radius of tens of feet.

"What is this!" Ling Su was taken aback.

The two black shadows that appeared in the forest were two gigantic monster birds with ferocious shapes, and a cold and evil spirit shot out from their eyes, hovering continuously as if they were searching for some target.

After a while, the two monster birds rushed towards their original location.

Ye Chunyang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Judging from the search movements of these two monster birds, it seems that the target they are looking for is him?
"Fellow Daoist Ye, are you being targeted by someone?" Ling Su asked.

She could feel that these two monster birds were not kind.

"I don't know." Ye Chunyang frowned, and said: "I just escaped from the Black Sea, except for those people in Lindu City, almost no one in the Northern Territory knows about me, and I'm afraid there is no one in the Northern Territory. Dare to stare at me."

Ling Su's expression froze, and he said, "Fellow Daoist is very confident."

Ye Chunyang didn't speak.

Lingsu's eyeballs rolled around, feeling puzzled in his heart.

After a pause, she said: "Judging from the search trajectories of these two monster birds, they should be controlled by people. You have stayed in the Northern Territory for several years before. Could it be that one of your enemies knew about your return? news, so come to the door."

Lingsu didn't know that Ye Chunyang had beheaded Wan Xiuzhu on the top of Linshan, which shocked the Northern Territory, so he was suspicious of his words.

Ye Chunyang pondered.

What Ling Su said is not impossible.

However, his enemies in the Northern Territory had no one other than Wan Xiuzhu, and since Wan Xiuzhu was dead, the identities of the people behind these two monster birds were suspicious.

Staring at these two monster birds, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and a group of swords flashed out of his body, handing them to Xiaobao beside him.

He had just carefully observed that these two demon birds were only at the middle level of the third pole, comparable to the appearance of a human monk at the Golden Core Realm. With Xiaobao's current cultivation base, they should be easily beheaded.

Xiaobao's empty body flashed, and he flew downward with his sword like a ghost.

The two monster birds were still circling in the forest at this time, making weird neighing sounds, and the black light shrouded in them fluctuated from strength to strength, as if they were sending some kind of information to each other.

at this time!

Suddenly, there was an urgent sound of "shua", and the sword sounded in the void, and bursts of piercing sword light flashed across a monster bird, and all the ancient mountains, rocks and trees within a radius of several feet were cut off by the middle.

Surrounded by sword energy, the monster bird's eyes froze, and then it spread its wings and retreated quickly.

Regardless of its huge size, its escape speed is astonishingly fast, and it flashed a mile away in an instant.

Ye Chunyang, who was hiding in mid-air and using his avatar to push his sword, was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

With such an escaping speed, if he used the Qingyun Wing alone without using the Shadowless Escaping Movement, he might not be able to catch up with this monster bird.


The clone let out a cold snort, grasped the void with one hand, and quickly pursued with 81 perishing swords mixed with dazzling thunder.

He didn't show his figure, and the Great Thousand Sword Formation spread out densely in the void, like a rain of thousands of heavy swords, all of a sudden locked onto the fleeing monster bird and stabbed wildly.

The cultivation base has returned to the alchemy stage, and Ye Xiaobao, the second soul, has been condensed to activate the Daqian Sword Formation, which is even more powerful than the main body. Almost in the blink of an eye, a cold rain of swords appears above the demon birds.

The demon bird's eyes were terrified, its wings were hastily retracted, its body curled up, its head was also put under its armpits, and it was extremely anthropomorphic and made a protective posture.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Ye Xiaobao's eyes, he put his two fingers together and swung the sword across the air, and the thunder in the sword formation surged.

The next moment, there was a piercing roar like firecrackers, and waves of black light burst out from the wings of the monster bird, and countless blood holes were cut out of its body.

Immediately afterwards, the 81 perishing swords brought a thunderous light to cut through the void, passing through its body, the monster bird did not make a sound, and turned into a blood mist on the spot.

From the appearance of the sword formation to the extermination of the monster bird, it happened between lightning and flint.

At one end of the forest, another monster bird was searching for traces of Ye Chunyang. When it suddenly saw this scene, it let out an ear-piercing scream, and kept looking around, trying to find the person who killed its companion.

But there was no one in the air, and there was no breath fluctuation.

These two monster birds are extremely psychic, seeing the death of their companion so strangely, the monster bird shrank its body, covering its whole body with a layer of black mist, and after a few flashes, it also disappeared invisibly.

"What kind of monster is this, who is also proficient in concealment?"

Ling Su, who was hiding in mid-air with Ye Chunyang, showed surprise in his eyes.

Ye Chunyang was also slightly surprised, he had practiced Taoism for many years, and he had never seen such a strange monster!
But he soon looked indifferent, and passed a divine thought to Xiaobao.

Almost at the same time that the monster bird was invisible, 81 perishing swords appeared under its body, pulling out a bright silver flower. Before the monster bird completely disappeared, a group of swords suddenly tore out from its belly .

The shrill howling sound echoed in the forest. The demon bird was cut into two by the sword array on the spot, and the huge corpse crashed down, causing the surrounding ground to continuously crack.

Two demon birds comparable to those at the Golden Core Realm were instantly killed by Ye Xiaobao with a single blow!

Ye Chunyang flashed immediately, and his body fell towards the monster bird's corpse, and then his spiritual thoughts poured out to it, and he scanned it carefully with the magic of searching for spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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