After the ascent failed

Chapter 464 1 Sword 1 World

Chapter 464 One Sword One World
Ye Chunyang just took this fairy gate into his hands with the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

This portal has an ominous origin, but it has an extremely powerful devouring power, so it must be some kind of mysterious treasure.

Moreover, Ye Chunyang had a premonition that this thing might not only be as simple as devouring power, but might also have other unknown uses.

After examining it with his divine sense for a moment, Ye Chunyang gave up his plan to refine this thing with a drop of blood and turn it into a magic weapon of his own destiny.

This fairy gate is so weird, it is not wise to rush into the body to cultivate it before you figure it out.

But since he can control this thing with mana, taking it away will be of great use in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Chunyang activated his mana again, and the portal continued to shrink after spinning a few times.

Ye Chunyang could feel that this thing was controlled by him, and immediately changed his mind, and immediately turned it into a blue light and put it in the Qiankun bag.

"I don't know if there are other things here besides the ancient mine and the gate of the fairy trail?"

Ye Chunyang stroked his chin, thoughtfully.

The conditions required for the formation of ancient mines are very harsh. It may not be possible to meet one piece in tens of thousands of years. There are hundreds of them gathered here. Moreover, after the disappearance of the gate of fairy traces from Zhongzhou, it appeared here strangely. Everything shows that this mountain range unusual.

He intends to continue to explore and see if there are other discoveries.

Just a few steps forward, he suddenly paused and frowned slightly.

"Some monks came from outside the mountain, could someone have discovered the abnormality here?"

Ye Chunyang muttered to himself.

In Little Treasure's feedback, the aura of some monks came from near this mountain range, as if they were approaching here.

But Ye Chunyang didn't care, and continued to explore under the magma pool.

In the perception of the second soul, it was only a few monks who came to the spirit realm, and they just let the avatars send them away.


Beyond the mountains, Bao Ting was sandwiched between a few powerful figures, watching the auspicious clouds under his feet and the rapidly retreating scene around him, his heart swayed for a while.

"This is the feeling of flying through the clouds!" Bao Ting sighed repeatedly.

After reaching the Spirit Transformation Realm, one has magical powers, can fly into the sky and hide from the ground, travel through mountains and into the sea without dying, and call the wind and clouds without any problem.

The people who led him to fly away were all well-known figures in Yinyue Kingdom, and Bao Ting had never experienced such a feeling of flying in the clouds in his life.

"The ancient mine mountain range you mentioned is here?"

Soon, the masters of the Yang family, Qi family, and Zhou family all stopped, and Yang Rui picked up the bag like a chicken and asked.

"Yes, it's right here." Bao Ting nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"If you are false, you should know the consequences." Yang Rui said.

Bao Ting hurriedly said: "The villain dare not! The villain's words are true. Back then, the villain accidentally found the ancient mine gravel in this mountain range, but the magma pool inside is too scary. The villain's cultivation is low-level , never dare to trespass in it.”

Yang Rui tossed him to the side with a flick of his sleeve robe, and said to Yang Tiefeng who was next to him, "Patriarch, according to what this kid said, there is indeed an ancient mine here, let's go and explore first."

Yang Tiefeng didn't speak, looked to the other side, and said: "Brother Qi, Mr. Zhou, what do you think?"

"It's already here, so I'm going to explore it naturally." Qi Yunsheng replied without even thinking about it.

"That's what I mean." Zhou Xing opened the folding fan with a "snap", and said with a faint smile: "Elder Yan has ordered us to come here to check the truth. If there is an ancient mine, Elder Yan and other Northern Region sects The seniors of the door will also come."

"Seniors from the other six sects?"

Yang Tiefeng and Qi Yunsheng looked at each other.

When they were in Lingxian Mansion, they all saw the "Elder Yan" next to Zhou Xing. This person was a big figure in the Tianxing Sect who had just advanced to the Golden Core Realm. They thought he was already the most terrifying person in this trip. Unexpectedly, there are experts from other sects.

"Don't worry, the two Patriarchs. Elder Yan has clearly stated that as long as we find the ancient mine, we can each get one-tenth of it." Zhou Xing said lightly.

"A tithe benefit?"

The two breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Nearly 20 years have passed, and now they have greatly improved their strength and reached the perfect state of Hualing Realm. If someone else said this, they would have been slapped to death.

But the Zhou family existed like an overlord in Yunhan Country, and the Tianxing Sect behind it was even more majestic. Although Zhou Xing's cultivation was only at the Great Achievement of Spirit Transformation, the two could only treat each other politely.

One-tenth of the ancient mine sounds a little small, but in fact, as long as a piece of ancient mine is obtained, a small family can rise up. Yang Tiefeng and Qi Yunsheng naturally want to get more, but they don't have the courage to do it in front of the strong Jindan realm. fight.

"In that case, let's go in and have a look first!"

Yang Tiefeng and Qi Yunsheng said at the same time.

The two set off immediately.

With a smile on the corner of Zhou Xing's mouth, he did not neglect, and flew towards the mountains together with the two masters.

"Let's go! Lead the way!"

Yang Rui mentioned Bao Ting, and a woman from the Qi family who had reached the spiritual transformation followed closely behind the three of them.

Bao Ting almost peed.

He had a premonition that something big was going to happen to him. He thought that the people who came here were already extremely powerful, but he didn't expect that there would be the great powers of the Six Northern Territory Sects behind him, and this place would soon be unstable.

Surrounded by peaks on all sides, this ancient mine mountain range is intricate and complex, and there is also a natural fog barrier. Even if a group of people have reached the spiritual transformation level, they will feel difficult to move forward.

Bao Ting pointed out a shortcut to the bottom of the mountain.

Soon everyone felt a wave of heat spreading across the surface, with red lights flickering endlessly, and they vaguely saw the appearance of a volcano.

"Who is here!"

Suddenly, Yang Rui's expression froze.

On a rock in front, sat a round-faced young man in black clothes.

He closed his eyes quietly, with no expression on his face, and did not answer Yang Rui's shout.

Yang Tiefeng and the others frowned, their spiritual senses scanned the young man one after another, and found that his aura seemed to fluctuate. If he was not a person with a very high level, he was a person with a low level of cultivation.

"There are ancient mines here, have you told other people?" Yang Rui asked, pulling him over to listen.

"No, except for a few seniors, the villain has never sold the news to anyone else." Bao Ting shook his head in horror.

Several other people frowned when they heard this. They also heard about the ancient mine by accident. Not many people knew about it. After learning that Bao Ting not only knew the exact location of the ancient mine, but also entered and exited it smoothly, they gathered here.

"Young master, wait for me to try him!"

Behind Zhou Xing, an old man in yellow shirt, who had reached the spiritual transformation stage, stood up. After looking at Ye Xiaobao for a moment, he walked forward with his hands behind his back.


Suddenly, a silver-white light beam descended from the sky, and a flying sword filled with thunder and lightning slammed into the old man's body with a "bang", only half an inch away from his toes.

"If you surpass this sword, kill!"

The black-clothed youth spoke with a blank expression, his voice was unwavering, like the voice of death from hell.

The sword came so suddenly that the old man in the yellow shirt didn't notice it beforehand. Hearing the other party's words so aloofly, his face immediately darkened.

"Your Excellency also came here to fetch ancient mines, right? But the world's treasures can be obtained by those who can, since we have come here, how can you be the only one to monopolize it?" the old man in the yellow shirt speculated.

Ye Xiaobao didn't raise his head, nor looked at him.

The old man in the yellow shirt was furious immediately, and he laughed again and again: "Okay, okay, okay... I have practiced Taoism for more than two hundred years, and no one has ever dared to be so contemptuous. Since your Excellency does not eat or drink fine wine, don't blame the old man for taking action." Already!"


A majestic aura burst out suddenly, and the old man in the yellow shirt stepped forward, seemingly not moving, but his figure became blurred, and the next moment he had already passed the place where the flying sword stood, and went straight to Ye Xiaobao.

A ball of yellow light flashed in his hand, his five fingers spread out in the air, the surrounding mountains and forests rustled, and the aura boiled like a tide.

In an instant, a giant palm several feet wide appeared in the sky above Ye Xiaobao, like a mountain like a mountain, grabbing down wildly like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

With the cultivation base of the old man in the yellow shirt who has reached the spiritual realm, this palm is enough to crush a mountain and tear apart the ten-mile sea area. It is difficult for ordinary monks to resist.

"The Great Mountain and River Palm of the Zhou family!"

Yang Tiefeng raised his brows slightly, and recognized that the old man's extremely powerful offensive was clearly the famous supernatural power of the Zhou family.

"It is said that this supernatural power is very powerful. It is an undisclosed secret of the Zhou family. There are only a handful of people who can cultivate it. The elder of the Zhou family is really powerful." Qi Yunsheng also praised.

The Zhou family has Jindan monks sitting in the town, and their strength is stronger than the two of them, and the Zhou family's secret magic power is far above that of ordinary families.

At this moment, once the old man in the yellow shirt makes a move, it can be said that everyone is amazed.

On the other side, Yang Rui and Mrs. Qi's family couldn't hide their surprise.

"The two patriarchs have won the award. In fact, this elder only cultivated Dashanhe Palm in a few short months, but he also killed three monks of the same level by chance." Zhou Xing said modestly.

"Kill three of the same rank!"

The eyes of Yang Rui and the woman from the Qi family flickered.

Their cultivation level is almost the same as that of the old man in the yellow shirt. If the other party can kill the same level with the palm of the mountain, can they be their enemy?

Everyone was talking, when suddenly their words froze.

"It's like an ant."

A faint voice came from the mouth of the black-clothed youth, and his body did not move, and he punched against the sky.


If the roar of heaven and earth collapsing resounded, the old man in yellow shirt had just cast out his Dashanhe Palm, before he was half a point away from Ye Xiaobao, he was suddenly punched through, turning into a strong wind and flying around.


A violent scream came from the dark streamer, but it stopped quickly. When the streamer faded away, only a little bit of blood mist drifted down, but the old man in yellow disappeared without a trace, and disappeared from the world.

A chill spread from under everyone's feet.

Yang Tiefeng and Qi Yunsheng all looked frozen.

Zhou Xing was even more livid.

I can't believe it, this old man in yellow shirt, who has reached the spiritual transformation stage, was blown away with one punch, and there is not even scum left!
Looking at the silver flying sword stuck on the ground, everyone felt chills in their hearts.

This sword separates the two sides, like one sword, one world, just like what the young man said just now, whoever surpasses this sword will die!

(End of this chapter)

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