After the ascent failed

Chapter 466 You have crossed the line

Chapter 466 You have crossed the line

A total of three figures came from outside the mountain, and one of them was the old man in the Golden Core Realm beside Zhou Xing in Lingxian Mansion.

The rest are two middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s, but their cultivation levels are about the same as those of the old people, and they have also reached the Golden Core Realm.

After falling outside the mountain, the three of them glanced around and released their spiritual sense to perceive it carefully.

"Brother Yan, is the news about that boy surnamed Bao accurate? We don't feel the atmosphere of the ancient mine here."

After a while, a middle-aged man said with a gloomy expression.

"That's right. After checking with our spiritual sense, this place is very common, and it doesn't look like it contains ancient mines. Moreover, they have been going in to investigate for a long time, and there is no news." Another person next to him also frowned.

When their cultivation reaches the Golden Core level, their spiritual perception can cover the entire mountain range, and if there is any abnormality, they will not fail to notice it.

But this place is unusually peaceful except for the normal spirit energy. Not to mention ancient mines, it is impossible for ordinary spirit stones to be bred.

"The ancient mine is not an ordinary spirit stone. It is hidden deep in the underground veins. It is normal that the spiritual sense cannot detect it." The old man surnamed Yan said: "Wait a little longer, brother Xingxiu is on the way here at this time , after he arrives, we will go into the mountain together, and let those aristocratic families explore the way first."

"Reverend Xingxiu personally drives here?"

The expressions of the two changed slightly, and the middle-aged man who spoke earlier said gloomily, "Brother Yan, you haven't told us about this before!"

The person next to him didn't look good either.

Daoist Xingxiu is the Grand Elder of the Tianxing Sect. He formed an alchemy a few years ago, and not long ago he broke through to the Great Achievement of the Golden Alchemy Realm, and his cultivation is the best. With this person, what benefits can they gain?
"Hehe, this matter is a coincidence. Originally, my Tianxing sect was responsible for the collection of the ancient mine. But yesterday, I happened to receive a message from Brother Xingxiu. He was traveling nearby. After the old man reported the ancient mine to him , Brother is also slightly interested in this, I came to see it before."

The old man surnamed Yan smiled and said: "But fellow Taoists, there is no need to worry too much. Regarding the news about the ancient mine, our three factions have already agreed on a fair division. Brother Xingxiu is just here to watch, and the distribution of the ancient mine will not any changes."

Only then did the two look a little relieved.

Daoist Xingxiu is a Dacheng monk at the Golden Core Realm, with him, the Heavenly Star Sect will definitely have the upper hand, but since this matter has already been agreed upon, the Heavenly Star Sect dare not openly go back on their word.

After all, one of them represents Luoyan Sect, and the other represents Xuanyi Sect.

The Heavenly Star Sect has Daoist Xingxiu sitting in the fortress, and there are also strong men who are not weaker than him in the two factions.

As for the exploration into the mountains, they were not in a hurry, and it would save them a lot of effort to have those aristocratic families exploring the way ahead.

This is also the reason why the Six Sects of the Northern Territory want to recruit various aristocratic families. Some things do not need their presence, and some people will rush to do it.

Just as the three of them were talking, a startled rainbow flashed in the air, and a skinny old man in a blue Taoist robe came over the clouds.

He was holding a fly whisk in his hand, with white hair fluttering, long beard reaching his chest, and he had an air of immortality. When the old man surnamed Yan saw the visitor, he immediately looked serious and greeted him, "See Senior Brother Xingxiu."

"Junior Brother Yan, you don't need to be too polite." Daoist Xingxiu waved his hand.

Then he looked at the two middle-aged men next to him, and said with a kind smile, "You two are Taoist Jinxuan from Luoyanzong and Fellow Daoist Guling from Xuanyimen, right? It is said that the first chief Jin and the elder Xiaoyun of your two sects have both made breakthroughs. It is really gratifying to congratulate the Golden Core Realm, but I wonder if the two of them are in the sect at this time? Or are they traveling outside?"

The one called Jin Xuan was the middle-aged man who spoke first before, and he said modestly: "If you come back to the real person, my brother Jin Yidao had just broken through to the golden elixir a few months ago, and now he is retreating in the sect. .”

Gu Ling of Xuanyi Sect also respectfully smiled and said, "Private Elder Xiaoyun broke through a few days later than Jin Yidaochang, but after the breakthrough, Grand Elder went out to travel and is not in the sect at this time."

"So that's how it is." Daoist Xingxiu smiled and nodded, "It seems that Fellow Daoist Xiaoyun, like the old man, intends to stabilize his realm by traveling around."

"By the way, you said that an ancient mine was discovered here. What is the specific situation?"

Master Xingxiu changed the subject.

The three of them replied positively.

The old man surnamed Yan was about to speak, when suddenly a flame flew from the mountain, circled in the air for a few times and landed in front of him.

"It seems that the investigation of those aristocratic families has yielded results."

The old man surnamed Yan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and the fire turned into a sound transmission talisman and flew into his hand.

With a sweep of consciousness, a stream of information is transmitted from it.

The expression of the old man surnamed Yan changed, he was a little surprised at first, then a little strange, and finally gloomy.

"Brother Yan, what happened?"

"Did they find the ancient mine?"

Jin Xuan and Gu Ling noticed that the old man surnamed Yan had a strange expression on his face, so they couldn't help asking.

Daoist Xingxiu stood beside him calmly, as indifferent as water.

"They haven't found the ancient mine yet." The old man surnamed Yan said, "Someone got here before us."


"How many people are there? Could it be that besides our three sects, other sects also know about the ancient mine!"

The two frowned.

"There is only one person on the other side, and its identity is not yet clear. According to the news from the three families, that person does not seem to be a monk from the Six Sects of the Northern Territory." The old man surnamed Yan shook his head and said: "That person stopped them, beheaded Kill three of their elders who have achieved great success in transforming spirits."

Jin Xuan and Gu Ling were a little surprised when they heard this.

But soon they looked normal.

Jin Xuan smiled lightly, and said: "It's just killing a few monks in the Spirit Transformation Realm, and we'll just kill him when we go in."

"That's right. Since there is only one person on the other side, it's probably a casual cultivator. How strong is his cultivation?" Gu Ling said disdainfully, as if he didn't take that so-called obstacle in his way at all.

The old man surnamed Yan nodded without saying anything, the fire in his palm burned the sound transmission amulet to ashes, and then rushed towards the mountain first.

There are some natural fog barriers in this mountain range, and it is difficult for the spiritual transformation monks to fly away, but there is no obstacle for the few of them.

Daoist Xingxiu's expression was always calm and calm, and he calmly walked away after a short smile.


At the bottom of the tiankeng, the air was filled with a faint smell of blood. After beheading Qi Xiao and Yang Rui with one sword, the silver flying sword was inserted more than ten feet away again, exuding a cold killing atmosphere.

Ye Xiaobao sat quietly on the rock wall, as if he had merged with the heaven and the earth, and remained motionless.

On the opposite side, Yang Tiefeng, Qi Yunsheng, and Zhou Xing looked awe-inspiring, staring at Ye Xiaobao as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

At this moment, several light sounds came out, and a powerful aura oppressed straight down. The three of them hurriedly looked into the air, and their colors suddenly changed.

The three old men surnamed Yan arrived on a cloud, and a majestic spiritual pressure enveloped the field. Bao Ting stood up just now, but was immediately pressed to the knees again, unable to lift his head.

"Senior Yan!"

Seeing the visitor, Zhou Xing was determined and hurried forward to salute.

Yang Tiefeng and Qi Yunsheng didn't dare to neglect, and quickly bowed to each other.

At this time, Zhou Xing found another old man with an ethereal temperament next to the old man surnamed Yan, and his heart jumped suddenly. The other party looked like an ordinary old man, but exuded a strong sense of oppression. Win several times.

Zhou Xing carefully identified, and suddenly thought of something, he immediately bowed and said: "Junior Zhou Xing, see Daoist Xingxiu!"

"Xingxiu Daoist?"

Yang Tiefeng's expression changed drastically.

Naturally, they have heard of this title. He is as famous as Cangyuan Sect Supreme Elder Aoki. Not long ago, he has broken through the Golden Core Realm Dacheng, and he is the real peak figure in the Northern Territory.

"Pimpedao just came here to have a look, you don't need to be too polite." Daoist Xingxiu said indifferently.

Joy flashed in the eyes of Yang Tiefeng and the three of them.

The three old men surnamed Yan are all strong men in the Golden Core Realm. With them, they are enough to obliterate the opposite person. Now that there is a real Xingxiu present, the other party may just kneel down and wait for death.

"What's going on, let's explain carefully." The old man surnamed Yan asked Zhou Xing and the others.

Zhou Xing lifted his spirits, and immediately explained what happened, and looked at Ye Xiaobao opposite him from time to time, with a sneer flashing in his eyes.

The old man surnamed Yan listened indifferently.

He looked at the young man in black sitting on the rock wall opposite, and at the flying sword stuck more than ten feet away, with a blank expression on his face.

After hearing what Zhou Xing and the other three said, Jin Xuan and Gu Ling couldn't help sneering.

"That's how it happened... This person used his sword to draw a boundary. Not only did he kill our three masters of the Spirit Transformation Realm, but he also wanted to monopolize the ancient mine. He also asked the three seniors to kill this beast." Zhou Xing said ferociously.

Master Xingxiu looked at the ink-clothed youth in surprise, then closed his eyes and stopped paying attention.

"This person is very arrogant." Jin Xuan shook his head with a look of disdain, "But a mere brat is not worth our shot."

He looked at Ye Xiaobao on the rock wall lightly, and said: "Young man, since your practice is not easy, I am not willing to kill easily, but since I killed people from the three major families, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be forgiven. You This flying sword seems to be of good grade, so I will accept it for the time being."

After Jin Xuan finished speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed the death sword on the ground.

He could tell that this flying sword was of extraordinary spirituality and contained the astonishing power of thunder. It was an excellent spirit sword. Although it was very likely that it was refined by the other party's blood, as long as it was slowly refined in the future, it would Might as well take it as your own.

Jin Xuangang stretched out his hand, but his expression froze.

A voice without emotion came from the opposite side: "You, you have crossed the line."

"What did you say?" Jin Xuan was taken aback.

Ye Xiaobao's eyes were as cold as ice, he looked down at him, and said: "Whoever surpasses this sword will die!"


Before the words fell, the flying sword stuck on the ground rose up without any wind, and the thunderous arcs of thunder and lightning continued to flash wildly, spurting out hundreds of feet of sword light!
The entire mountain range was shaken, the sunlight reflected on the flying sword, and the erupting sword energy was comparable to a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, carrying thunder all over the sky, and suddenly slashed down towards Jin Xuan!

"court death!"

Jin Xuan was shocked by Ye Xiaobao's skill of controlling the sword through the air, but when he saw the sword light fall, a cold look flashed in his eyes, he drew curse marks with his hands, and a layer of blue spiritual light condensed on his body.

Before the mask was completed, Jin Xuan suddenly changed color, and the overwhelming sword light swooped down like a tide, and slammed into his mask, with fine lines appearing, Jin Xuan screamed out.

(End of this chapter)

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