After the ascent failed

Chapter 471 Izumo City

Chapter 471 Izumo City

More than 30 Cangyuan disciples did not get up for a long time.

They hope that Ye Chunyang can take action to find Qingmu and others, and revive the prestige of Cangyuan. Although Ye Chunyang did not refuse this answer, he did not agree.

"You all get up first, since Mr. Ye said he will help, you can rest assured." Chen Xue raised her hand to everyone.

Some disciples still wanted to say some pleading words, so they could only stand up with a wry smile after hearing these words.

Han Feiyan sighed.

Although Ye Chunyang is the Supreme Elder of the Cangyuan Sect, he is only a guest official, and no one can force him to participate in the affairs of the sect.

"What are your plans next?" Ye Chunyang asked Chen Xue after taking a sip of his tea.

Everyone was silent.

After a long time, Han Chenxue said: "Now that the sect has undergone drastic changes, we have no other place to go for the time being, and we can only hide here for a while."

Han Feiyan also nodded, and said: "This is indeed the only way to go at present, but it is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

The other Cangyuan disciples were a little apprehensive.

They have all seen the scene just now, the mysterious person hiding in the dark clouds and driving the pagoda is so powerful, maybe he will find them soon.

"Then what to do, we have nowhere to go right now." Han Feiyan said.

Ye Chunyang pondered for a moment, then walked outside the house.

Chen Xue and Han Feiyan were puzzled by this.

After he stepped out, his figure flashed into the air like a rainbow, and with a flick of his sleeves, dozens of array flags of different colors flew out, coiling around him uncertainly.

Ye Chunyang flicked his fingers repeatedly, and several rays of light shot out, turning into runes and hiding in the banner, and then scattered to the surroundings under the drive of his mana, and disappeared soon after touching the barrier.

But then came a shocking scene.

After the formation flag disappeared, the void was distorted, and a light curtain slowly appeared, like a slow-moving disease, and soon covered a hundred miles around, not only expanding the previous barrier by ten times, but also sending out a majestic force from it. Mana fluctuations.

And the illusion in the enchantment has also become more illusory and unpredictable with the help of the array flag. From the outside, it seems that this place does not exist, and there is no trace of it. It is much more mysterious than before.

"I have strengthened your enchantment again, and the illusion has been slightly repaired. From now on, it will be safer for you to hide here." Ye Chunyang flashed back to the original place, and said to the two women.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!" Chen Xue said with a happy face.

All Cang Yuan also exclaimed in amazement.

They can feel that the enchantment at this time not only isolates this place, but also has amazing defensive power. It is not easy for ordinary monks to attack from the outside.

"This enchantment... can it really avoid other people's perception?" Han Feiyan whispered.

The previous enchantment was jointly arranged by them, and she knew that she couldn't hide it for too long. Although she knew that Ye Chunyang had great supernatural powers, she couldn't help being a little worried about it just now after he cast the spell for only a few breaths.

"As long as you don't remove the barrier yourself, no one will be able to find you." Ye Chunyang said.

With his formation, there are not many people in the world who can break his formation, and there is no such person in the Northern Territory.

Although the magic circle that Chen Xue and the others arranged before has the effect of illusion, as long as someone with a higher cultivation base can see through it at a glance, that person who can destroy the Cangyuan faction must have extremely deep knowledge, and it is very easy to find them.

Now that Ye Chunyang has rearranged them, they can hide here safely.

Next, Ye Chunyang stayed here for several days, in addition to pointing out the exercises for the Cangyuan disciples, he also occasionally visited the Cangyuan Sect to check.

Aoki left a sound transmission stone in the sect, maybe there will be some other clues left in it.

Moreover, Ye Chunyang also found out the origin of those monsters who followed him and hunted down Chen Xue.

It's a pity that since meeting Chen Xue that day, those monster birds seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again, which made it difficult for Ye Chunyang to have a clue for a while.

After many days of investigation to no avail, Ye Chunyang did not stay here any longer. After leaving some exercises and pills for Chen Xue, Han Feiyan and others, he left in the early morning of a certain day.


"Come out!"

Not far away from the enchantment, just as he was about to ride the clouds and fly away, Ye Chunyang suddenly shouted softly towards a place.

There was no movement around.

Ye Chunyang snorted softly, and struck back with a flash of spiritual light, only to see the void distort, and a woman appeared.

"Why did you come here?" Ye Chunyang looked at the woman and did not continue to attack.

"Master Ye, I..."

This woman is obviously Chen Xue.

She lowered her head, her expression flustered, she did not dare to look directly at Ye Chunyang.

"Master Ye, I want to investigate the news with you." After a long while, Chen Xue hesitated.

"I have other things to do here, not just to find out the news." Ye Chunyang frowned.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will never drag you down. As long as I can find Elder Aoki and the others, I will return to Silver Moon Kingdom immediately." Chen Xue said hastily.

Ye Chunyang frowned and remained silent.

Aoki was taken into those mysterious giant towers, no one can predict whether he is still alive, not to mention they don't even know who made the move, so how can they find it?
"Forget it, you can follow if you want, but I can't guarantee you whether you can find Qing Mu and other Cangyuan sect disciples." Ye Chunyang shrugged and said.

Chen Xue was overjoyed when she heard the words.

Ever since Ye Chunyang left from the barrier, she has been quietly following her. Originally, she only wanted to follow Ye Chunyang secretly, but unexpectedly, he was discovered. Now that the other party agreed to take her with her, Chen Xue was naturally very excited.

"Master Ye, where are we going now?" Chen Xue stepped forward with a smile.

"Water Sect." Ye Chunyang replied.


Chen Xue was startled.

"Shuizong is the largest sect in the Zhou Kingdom, and the mountain gate is in the Zhou Kingdom, what are we going to do there?" Chen Xue has always been a straight-talking character. Hearing Ye Chunyang say this, she couldn't help asking.

"The Water Sect is also one of the six Northern Territory Sects. The Cangyuan Sect has undergone such a drastic change. The other sects should have received the news. Maybe they can find some clues from them."

Ye Chunyang replied casually and stopped talking, and flew into the distant sky with Shenhong.

Chen Xue was puzzled, but she quickly felt relieved when she thought that among the six sects in the Northern Territory, the Water Sect and the Cangyuan Sect were the closest, and immediately chased after Ye Chunyang.

The Water Sect's gate is located in the state of Zhou, and has supreme prestige in the state of Zhou. Many small sects and families are attached to the Shui Sect, as if they were a giant.

Zhou State is not far from Yinyue State, and Ye Chunyang and Chen Xue have arrived in a few days on the cloud.

The resources in the Northern Territory are not as good as those in Zhongzhou. Most of the cities are mixed with mortals and immortal cultivators. After settling in a medium-sized city called "Izumo", Ye Chunyang saw many monks coming and going, and some of them were not very powerful. Cultivation family.

"I have been to this Izumo City once, there is a Lingxian mansion here, we can temporarily settle there." Chen Xue suggested.

"Lingxian Mansion?"

Ye Chunyang's heart skipped a beat.

"I don't know what happened to Baifeng and Yao'er, but the spirits on them are still there, so they should leave Tianxuan Mountain safely, right?"

When evacuating from Tianxuan Mountain, he and Nie Xin were accidentally swept into the Black Sea, and they lost contact with everyone since then, but at this time Ye Chunyang still vaguely felt the existence of the spirits on Ye Yao and Bai Feng, indicating that they were safe and sound .

"Master Ye, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Ye Chunyang's silence, Chen Xue couldn't help asking in surprise.

"It's okay, let's go." Ye Chunyang put away his thoughts and walked forward first.

Izumo City is only a few hundred miles away from Water Sect, and Ye Chunyang is not in a hurry.

In addition, he had to inquire about Shuizong's teleportation array in advance to ensure that he could return to Zhongzhou smoothly in the future.

Not long after walking in the city, the two soon came to a towering tower. Like other Lingxian mansions in the city, they could feel the pure aura emanating from the spiritual room inside from the outside.

Of course, in order to truly absorb these spiritual energy and practice, one needs to enter the spiritual room and activate the spirit gathering array.

Walking into Lingxian Mansion, Ye Chunyang frowned, and there were quite a few people gathered in the hall on the first floor, as if they were talking about something.

Ye Chunyang took a cursory look, and found that they were just some monks at the Spirit Transformation Realm and Dao Foundation Realm, and they had no intention of inquiring.

"Please help us to open two five-level spiritual rooms." Chen Xue came to the front desk and took out a "five" character Lingxian token.

After reaching the Spirit Transformation Realm, Chen Xue also obtained the token of the Lingxian Mansion through some channels, and occasionally stayed in for a period of time when she went down the mountain to perform tasks, and improved her cultivation with the help of the spirit gathering array in the spirit room.

"You two wait a moment." The head of the Lingxian Mansion at the front desk said after checking Chen Xue's Lingxian order.

"This fairy, do you want to stay in the spiritual room?"

Just then, a figure walked towards them.

He is a young man with a perfect cultivation in the Spirit Transformation Realm. He holds a folding fan in his hand. He looks handsome and has a faint smile on his face.

His eyes lingered on Chen Xue, but he never looked at Ye Chunyang.

Although Chen Xue's appearance was slightly inferior to Nie Xin's, she was also tall, exquisite, and charming. Obviously, the young man had taken a fancy to her beauty and wanted to take the opportunity to show courteousness.

"Is there something wrong with this young master?" Chen Xue frowned.

The other party's cultivation base has reached the perfection of the spirit transformation state, which is two levels higher than hers. Even if she is bored in her heart, Chen Xue is not easy to use strong words.

The young master laughed and said: "Ming next week, seeing how the fairy is born, she shouldn't be from our country of Zhou, right?"

"Zhou Ming!"

"You are the second son of the Zhou family!"

Chen Xue was slightly surprised.

The Zhou family is a big family in the Zhou state, its strength is only below that of the Water Sect, and the surname Zhou is also a common surname in the Zhou state. It is said that the Zhou family is also closely related to the royal family of the Zhou state. Chen Xue has been here before, so he has naturally heard the name of the second son of the Zhou family. .

"It turns out that the fairy knows that my name is not worth mentioning." Zhou Ming smiled and shook his folding fan, his seemingly modest expression could not hide his pride.

After the words fell, he waved his hand to the followers behind him.

A domestic servant understood, stepped forward hurriedly, and took out a token from his bosom, which turned out to be the Lingxian Token.

"I always like to make friends. If a fairy wants to live in the Lingxian Mansion, you may wish to register with my Lingxian Token, and you will have a good relationship with the fairy." Zhou Ming laughed.

"Five-character token!"

Chen Xue looked at the Lingxian Token, her expression changed slightly.

There is a gold-plated "five" printed on it.

Zhou Ming actually holds a five-character token!
(End of this chapter)

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