After the ascent failed

Chapter 475 True and False Ye Chunyang

Chapter 475 True and False Ye Chunyang

In a huge desolate mountain, there are many strange rocks, towering isolated peaks, covered by clouds and mist.

The mountain is extremely quiet, there are no insects or birds singing, and there are no traces of monsters walking around. There is a dead silence and coldness in the quietness.


Suddenly, a strange sound came from the lone peak in the mountain, like the roar of some kind of monster, the sound waves were piercing and creepy.

With the sound of the strange sound, the black awns in the solitary peak soared to the sky, and several strange birds with a length of more than ten feet flew out of it, circling in the air, as if they were welcoming something.

If Ye Chunyang were here, he would definitely not find these strange birds strange, just like the two monster birds that followed him back then.

Not long after the appearance of several monster birds, the brilliance flickered in the distance, and a figure appeared faintly.

This figure was covered in a layer of black mist, making it difficult to see his face. His figure was extremely fast, and within a few breaths he reached the top of the isolated peak.

All the monsters showed anthropomorphic respect and bowed their heads to the figure. The latter stayed in the air for a moment, as if observing something, and then slowly descended towards the isolated peak on a monster bird.

The mist lingered in the peak, and the aura within it was like a tide. It was obviously some kind of high-level spirit-gathering circle. After the figure fell down, he raised his hand lightly, and a formula was shot forward, and the mist immediately parted to both sides.

A majestic stone palace emerges from it, majestic, like a prehistoric ancient beast crawling on the ground, overlooking the [-] mountains, majestic.

As the spell fell, the door of the Stone Palace opened, and the figure walked in with his hands behind his back.

The outside of the stone hall is extremely majestic, but there is nothing inside, only a few stone pillars standing in it, with various patterns of monsters and beasts carved on them, lifelike, as if they come alive at any time.

"You're back."

The figure stopped in the hall, and a man's voice came from the front at the same time.


The figure in the black mist nodded.

In one part of the hall, the void slowly distorted, and a young man appeared.

His face is like a crown jade, his figure is tall and straight, his long hair moves with the wind, he stands in mid-air looming, and there are spirit patterns gathering under his feet from time to time, like an exiled immortal in the dust, with an ethereal aura.

"Have you still not been able to condense your real body?" The figure covered in black mist looked up and asked the young man.

"Soon." The young man said.

After saying this, a faint golden rainbow flowed from his body, and his figure became solider than before.

The figure in the black mist glanced at the young man, frowned, and said, "Our spirit world's avatars in the lower realm have always been unable to escape the suppression of the interface. Although the Magic Yuan Zhenjue allows you to retain part of your cultivation in the lower realm, you want to recover after breaking the realm." It will also take years.”

"Really?" The young man chuckled and shook his head when he heard the words, "It may take years for you to recover your real body, but it's only a few days for me."

The figure raised his eyebrows.

"But you look so much like that person. Sometimes I almost thought it was him appearing in front of me again. Seeing you dressed up this time, I think everything has been arranged?" Before the figure in the black mist could speak, The young man looked at him playfully.

"It's a trivial matter, of course it has already been done."

The black mist slowly dissipated, revealing a young face, only in his 20s, wearing a black black robe, with a bit of mystery and depth in his delicacy.

However, if someone saw this person's face, they would be extremely shocked.

This face is exactly the same as Ye Chunyang's, no matter in terms of body shape or face, there is no deviation, as if he is here.

"Huan Yuan Zhen Jue is indeed mysterious and unpredictable. It not only allows us spirit world people to retain part of our cultivation after being separated from the lower world, but also possesses various magical powers of transformation. If you pretend to be him, it will be difficult for outsiders to tell the truth from the fake." The young man stared at " Ye Chunyang's face, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the fact that that kid is hard to find, why would I need to go through so much trouble?"

"Ye Chunyang" snorted coldly.

While speaking, his body shape changed, and his appearance in black black clothes gradually receded, turning into a middle-aged man with a majestic face, wearing a green robe, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, exuding an aura as vast as the deep sea.

"In the past few days, I have turned into the appearance of that boy named Ye and killed the masters of various factions, and left clues to show up at Tianmoya. Now those people have gathered and are ready to encircle and suppress that kid. If he doesn't want to memorize a murder The crime of the murderer will definitely show up after receiving the news."

The middle-aged man said lightly.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Lingxiao really took great pains for this." The young man replied with a half-smile.

"Isn't Mr. Mo Yao also because of this person's willingness to take over the lower realm?" The middle-aged man teased.

The young man withdrew his smile, and suddenly fell silent.

The middle-aged man glanced at him and said with a sneer: "Cold Wind Cave is the mountain gate I left in the lower realm. Ye Chunyang killed my descendants, destroyed my dojo, and refined the soul lake I left in the lower realm. He, but I didn't expect this kid to be the kid who ascended from the human world to the spiritual world 300 years ago and boarded the Tianjue Palace, no wonder Mr. Mo Yao tried his best to get rid of him."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man laughed strangely, and looked at the young man with deep meaning, "If I'm not wrong, the fall from the spirit world to the demon god world was also caused by you, Mr. Mo Yao, right?"

The young man's face was gloomy and he didn't speak.

"I have heard some rumors about this person before. Speaking of which, the kid surnamed Ye is also a character. From a mortal to ascending to the spirit world, it is enough to prove that he is extraordinary. It is a pity that he touched some things that should not be touched. Things, otherwise there will be some achievements." The middle-aged man said lightly.

The youth was silent again.

This young man is indeed Mo Yao who used the Boundary Breaking Stone from the spiritual world to clone himself into the lower world!
Seeing that he was silent, the middle-aged man said again: "I have nothing to do with the grievances between you and that boy named Ye. He destroyed my dojo and refined the soul lake I left behind. I will definitely want him to survive." Can't die."

Hearing this, Mo Yao frowned, and said: "Your Excellency, don't be careless. You must know that you and I use the Boundary Breaking Stone to avatar the Lower Realm and our vitality is severely injured, but this person survived after being knocked down from the Demon God Realm, and I planted a plant on him. The Death God Curse has also been undone, so it can be seen that his supernatural powers are far beyond your imagination."

"So what, even if he had great supernatural powers when he was in the spirit world, his cultivation would be greatly reduced after he fell into the demon god realm. If he wants to refine the soul lake I left in the cold wind cave, it is probably to restore his cultivation."

The middle-aged man didn't care.

"Before, I had already found his whereabouts near Lindu City, but because the psychic treasure sensed the breath of a spirit world man, I gave up tracking halfway, but I didn't expect that this spirit world man was actually Mr. Mo Yao."

Hearing this, Mo Yao took a deep look at Ling Xiao, "Your Excellency's psychic jade is quite miraculous, and I can actually sense it."

"That's not the case at all." The corners of Ling Xiao's mouth curled up, and said: "Although my psychic gem can sense the avatar of a monk in the spirit world, it can't lock the position of the other party under normal circumstances. It can identify the identity of Mr. Mo Yao. Or it's because you and I both practice the Magic Essence True Art."

"So that's the case." Mo Yao said intentionally or unintentionally.

After saying this, he didn't say any more.

"I have been searching for Ye Chunyang in the Northern Territory these years. I heard that he is now the number one soul cultivator in the Northern Territory. I want to see how he will deal with the siege of various sects this time?" Ling Xiao hehe Low smile.

"How do you know that he will definitely show up?" Mo Yao frowned slightly.

"A few years ago, he was able to fight Wan Xiuzhu for a woman from a small family. Now that he has created such a big commotion, if he doesn't want to bear the name of murder, he must try to find out who is pretending to be him. By then He will naturally show up at Tianmoya." Ling Xiao looked affirmative.

"If that's the case, it would be a pity." Mo Yao shook his head.

"What do you mean by Mr. Mo Yao?" Ling Xiao frowned and asked.

Mo Yao showed a faint smile, and said: "This time in the lower realm, I wanted to deal with this person myself, but since fellow daoist made the first move, I can only stand by and watch, but I don't know that after fellow daoist Lingxiao kills this person , can you leave his spirit and hand it over to me?"

"Give him his soul to you?" Ling Xiao grinned, "It seems that Ye Chunyang has some secrets in his hands, otherwise Mr. Mo Yao would not be like this, but why should I help you?"

A cold look flashed in Mo Yao's eyes, but he calmed down quickly, and said, "This person's spirit has its own use, and everything has a price. If you can arrest that Ye Chunyang spirit for me, I will reward you."

"is it?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, and after looking at Mo Yao, he sneered and said, "It's not difficult for me to arrest Ye Chunyang's spirit for my son, as long as I agree to the next condition."

"But it's okay to say." Mo Yao said proudly with his hands behind his back.

Ling Xiao chuckled twice, and said: "It's very simple, as long as Mr. Mo Yao guarantees that he can enter the sea of ​​heaven and earth after returning to the spirit world, I will naturally do so."

"You want to enter the Heavenly Absolute Divine Sea?" Mo Yao's expression turned cold, "Does your excellency know where it is?"

"Hey, Tianjue Shenhai is the sacred place of the human race in the spirit world, and countless powerful people in Tianjue Palace were born there, how can I not know?" Ling Xiao said calmly: "I have longed for Tianjue Shenhai for a long time, but unfortunately I have no chance. It can be seen that Mr. Mo Yao has a very close relationship with Tianjue Palace, if you can recommend him, not to mention keeping Ye Chunyang's soul, and capture him alive before you, I will obey my orders."

Mo Yao narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not answer.

After a long silence, his face gradually relaxed, nodded and said: "Okay, as long as you finish this matter and return to the spirit world in the future, my son will introduce you."

Ling Xiao was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he said calmly: "Empty words are useless. If Mr. Mo Yao is sincere, you might as well swear an oath. If you violate this word, you will be corrupted by the demons in your heart, and you will not be able to make any progress in your cultivation in the future."

"Are you threatening me?" Mo Yao's face turned completely cold.

Ling Xiao spread his hands, and said indifferently: "I just want to get favorable conditions for myself. Young Master can refuse. Of course, I am also slightly interested in what secrets Ye Chunyang has."

(End of this chapter)

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