After the ascent failed

Chapter 485 Illusion Origin Stone

Chapter 485 Illusion Origin Stone

"Unexpectedly, in less than a year, Fellow Daoist Ye has already cultivated a golden core. No one can match such a speed."

"Fellow Daoist, please sit down!"

In a cave on the upper reaches of the Linghe River, the ancestor Wuji smiled and waved to Ye Chunyang.

He was shocked by Ye Chunyang's cultivation at this time, saying that it is not easy for soul cultivation to advance mana, but less than a year later, the other party has formed a golden core, such a talent is really unbelievable.

Ye Chunyang didn't mention much about his realm, and after a brief glance, he sat down, and two Daoji realm disciples beside him respectfully served tea.

This cave is not luxurious, only a bamboo forest and several attics, with a bamboo pavilion in the middle, simple and elegant.

"I remember that fellow Taoist said in Tianmoya that he needed our faction's help, so I think that's why he came here today, right?" The ancestor Wuji smiled gently, and treated Ye Chunyang with a hint of awe.

Ye Chunyang took a sip of tea, nodded and said, "I do have something to ask for."

"Fellow Daoist Ye is too serious. Fellow Daoist has something to do, but you can order it. I can do what I can, so I will do it myself." The ancestor Wuji hurriedly said.

Ye Chunyang smiled and didn't beat around the bush, "It is said that your sect has a teleportation formation, I wonder if it can be borrowed for the next use?"

"Fellow Daoist wants to borrow the teleportation array?" The ancestor of Wuji was stunned, a little surprised.

"That's right." Ye Chunyang said: "I heard that the teleportation array of the noble sect is connected to Zhongzhou, and Ye wants to go to this place. If the noble sect is willing to use the teleportation array, there will be another reward."


The Inorganic Patriarch looked hesitant.

Seeing that the other party's expression was different, Ye Chunyang's face darkened slightly, "Why, is there any difficulty for Fellow Daoist Inorganic?"

At present, the only way to travel from the Northern Territory to Zhongzhou is the teleportation array of the Water Sect. If this cannot go smoothly, Ye Chunyang may have to go through a lot of trouble.

"Fellow daoist thought about it a lot. Thanks to the help of fellow daoist at Tianmoya that day, the six sects of the Northern Territory were spared. If you want to use the teleportation formation, there is no problem." The ancestor of Wuji quickly explained, "To be honest, this The sect does have a teleportation formation, which was left by the ancestors of the Kunlun Ruins, thousands of years ago, an ancestor of my Shuizong had some connections with the Kunlun Ruins, so he set up this teleportation formation for communication."

Ye Chunyang nodded.

On this point, since Gu Qian came to the Northern Territory twice through Shuizong's teleportation array, he had already guessed.

After finishing his sentence, the ancestor of Wuji said unexpectedly: "But if you want to use the teleportation array this time, fellow daoist, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."


Ye Chunyang was surprised.

The ancestor of Wuji looked at him, smiled wryly, and said: "You don't know, although this teleportation array can cross the Zhongzhou from the Northern Territory, but due to the long history, there have been a lot of problems now, and I am afraid that it will not be able to continue. used."

"The teleportation array can't be used! How could it be?" Ye Chunyang was surprised by this.

"Exactly." Inorganic Patriarch smiled wryly and nodded, "Fellow Daoist once saved this old man's life, so it is my duty to borrow the teleportation array, but the teleportation array has indeed been damaged, and the consequences of forcibly activating it would be disastrous."

Ye Chunyang frowned.

He stared at the Inorganic Patriarch, who seemed to be lying.

Could it be that there is something wrong with Water Sect's teleportation array?
The distance between Beiyu and Zhongzhou is hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is impossible to get it by flying if you run out of true energy and spirit stones. The only way is to cross the void through the teleportation array.

Apart from Water Sect, there is no other teleportation array leading to Zhongzhou in the Northern Territory, and it has been destroyed now, so there is no chance to return to Zhongzhou?
"Actually, if fellow daoists came a few years earlier, they might still be able to use the teleportation array to go to Zhongzhou." The ancestor Wuji said with a sigh.

"how do I say this?"

"Thousands of years have passed since the construction of this teleportation array, and no problems have been found, but three years ago, for some unknown reason, the phantom source stone inside suddenly shattered." Inorganic Patriarch said.

"Phantom source stone?" Ye Chunyang was a little puzzled, "This thing sounds familiar. Could it be that it has the space attribute like the ethereal crystal?"

Generally, teleportation arrays are mostly built with ethereal crystals. Ye Chunyang seems to have heard of such things as "Phantom Origin Stones" somewhere, but he didn't pay much attention to them, and couldn't think of more information about them for a while.

Seeing this, the Inorganic Patriarch nodded and explained: "Fellow Daoist is right, the magic source stone is indeed the same as the sky spirit crystal, and it is a necessary thing to build a teleportation array, but the space power contained in the magic source stone is the same as the ordinary sky spirit crystal. Dozens of times, the teleportation array used to build the teleportation distance is also longer."

"There is such a wonderful thing in the world?" Ye Chunyang couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"Naturally." The Inorganic Ancestor nodded with a smile, "The magical effect of the magic source stone is far higher than that of the empty spirit crystal. In ancient times, the monks used this object to build the teleportation array, and the stability of its transmission is far better than that of the ordinary empty spirit crystal. , The teleportation array of my water sect is built with phantom origin stones."

"Hearing what your Excellency said, this phantom source stone can't be replaced by the Void Spirit Crystal?" Ye Chunyang asked.

"Of course not." Wuji Patriarch said decisively: "If this method is feasible, we have already done it, but the teleportation array built with phantom source stone has its own unique features, and it must be repaired with empty spirit crystals, otherwise it will only be used. The entire formation is destroyed."

Although the magic source stone and the sky crystal have the same attributes, there is an essential difference between the two. Forcibly using the sky crystal to activate the teleportation array built by the magic source stone is like a small horse-drawn cart. fundamental.

Ye Chunyang was silent for a while, then changed the topic and said, "Where can I find the magic source stone?"

He has already heard the meaning of the inorganic ancestor. The teleportation array of the water sect is not completely damaged, but it cannot be activated due to the lack of magic source stone. This does not sound like a difficult problem to solve. As long as a new magic source stone is found, it will be This teleportation array can be restarted.

Wuji Patriarch was stunned when he heard this, and said: "Could it be that Fellow Daoists are going to find the Illusion Origin Stone? This is impossible."

"What do you mean?"

"The phantom source stone is an ancient product. It is as rare as an ancient mine. In ancient times, it was rich in resources and could be born naturally. But now tens of thousands of years have passed, and it has long since disappeared. Where can fellow Taoists go to find it?" Sighed, said.

Ye Chunyang's heart sank.

The magic source stone is so rare, the last time he got some ancient mines was a fluke, if the magic source stone is really hard to find, I'm afraid he won't have such good luck again.

"Is there no other way?" Ye Chunyang looked a little ugly.

He thought that he could return to Zhongzhou directly with the help of Shuizong's teleportation array, but he didn't expect such an accident to happen.

When I went to Zhongzhou for the first time a few years ago, the Kunlun Ruins only set up a temporary teleportation formation, so there was almost no other way to cross the two places except for the Water Sect.

"It's not that there are no other ways, but it's not easy to implement." At this moment, Wuji Patriarch suddenly said hesitantly.

Ye Chunyang's expression changed, and he motioned for the other party to continue.

Patriarch Inorganic pondered for a moment, and said: "I once heard that there is an island near the border of the South China Sea in the Yuanzhao Kingdom, which is a relic left by the ancient times. There was a phantom source stone in it, but there is a powerful monster guarding it on the island. , Many strong people went there but never returned, and almost no one can take things away from there."

"South China Sea?" Ye Chunyang looked thoughtful.

The Demon God Realm has several continents, the Eastern Desolation Demon Territory, the land of Zhongzhou, the Northern Territory and the coast of the South China Sea, and the three continents bordered by the human race. The border between Zhongzhou and the coast of the South China Sea is Lingshan Island, and the Northern Territory is the Yuanzhao Kingdom.

Ye Chunyang has heard of the coast of the South China Sea more than once, but so far he has never set foot there.

"Is this news true?" Ye Chunyang asked.

If the island in the South China Sea really had the Illusion Origin Stone, he wouldn't mind going there. After all, it's just the border of the South China Sea, not the real shore of the South China Sea, and it can be reached by flying without a teleportation array.

"This... To be honest, this old man has never been to that island, but from the information gathered from various sources, this matter is [-]% true."

Ancestor Inorganic frowned deeply, and said: "However, the old man advises fellow Taoists to give up this idea. The monster guarding that island is very likely to be an ancient relic, and it is extremely powerful. There are even rumors that there was a cave many years ago. The strong go to the island to fetch treasures, but there are no bones left, and fellow Taoists go to find the magic source stone, it is really dangerous and unpredictable."

"If you don't try, how will you know if you will succeed?" Ye Chunyang played with the teacup in his hand and smiled lightly.

Knowing that Ye Chunyang couldn't listen to his own advice, Wuji Patriarch sighed in his heart and said no more.

"Does Fellow Inorganic Daoist have a map of that island?" Ye Chunyang continued to ask.

The Inorganic Ancestor was silent for a while, took out a scroll from his sleeve, and said: "I have traveled all over the years, and happened to collect a map of this island. Although it is not exhaustive, the specific route can be found clearly."

"it is good."

Ye Chunyang took the scroll and stood up, "As long as you find the magic source stone, you can activate the teleportation array, right?"

"That's the case in theory, but if Fellow Daoist can really find the magic source stone, it will take some time to restore it." The ancestor of Inorganic said.

Ye Chunyang nodded, said nothing more, and walked out of the bamboo pavilion with his hands behind his hands.

The Inorganic Patriarch looked at his back with a wry smile on his face.

"This is really a lunatic. That island is equivalent to Shura's hell. Anyone who sets foot there will only have a dead end. Why is he so determined?"

"However, the person who pretended to be him at the beginning seems to be a cultivator in the Dongtian Realm. If he can defeat this person, maybe he really has the power to fight against the monsters on the island?"

The Inorganic Ancestor couldn't help flickering when he thought of Ye Chunyang's strength shown in Tianmo Cliff.

At that time, Ling Xiao used the power of the pagoda to kill one of the five Jindan Realm experts and injure the other, but was finally killed by Ye Chunyang with his flesh and blood.

With such ability, maybe there is a chance to find the magic source stone.

"I hope he can succeed!" The Inorganic Patriarch finally sighed.

Leaving the bamboo pavilion, Ye Chunyang flew all the way to Shuizong along the lower reaches of Linghe River.

Along the way, Fairy Xiuyun and several elders of the Water Sect respectfully saw them off, but Ye Chunyang did not stop there, and soon left the gate of the Water Sect.

But a strange thing happened in the middle.

Just as he was passing by a certain stone pavilion by the Ling River, he saw a young man who had completed the spirit transformation state kneeling on the ground, trembling, not daring to raise his head.

Ye Chunyang found that the young man looked familiar, and after careful thought, he recalled that it was the "Zhou Qun" who had appeared in the upper reaches of the Ling River before.

When the man saw him again, he seemed very frightened.

As for the reason, Ye Chunyang is not very clear...

(End of this chapter)

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