Chapter 496
In a certain deep mountain canyon, there is a faint glow that diffuses, but it is covered by a layer of forbidden enchantment, which cannot be spread to the outside world.

Around the canyon, several strong men were patrolling. They were all at the Spirit Transformation Realm, and one of them had even reached the Perfect Realm. He seemed to be the leader among the crowd.

In front of these burly men, a light array slowly rotated, exuding astonishing spatial fluctuations, apparently some kind of long-distance large-scale teleportation array.

"Brother Wang, we have been guarding here all day long, and we haven't seen a single person. I think that kid did find this place by accident. Otherwise, how could there be no one after such a long time?"

Someone complained with dissatisfaction.

Not long ago, they received a message that an important person in Blood Raksha had escaped from here, and the people above asked them to stay here to prevent that person from having other accomplices.

But they stayed here for a long time, and they didn't even see a fly, let alone anyone.

The person called "Brother Wang" is a middle-aged man, who is the leading monk who has completed the Spiritual Transformation Realm. He glanced at them coldly, and snorted, "Shut up! Since the order above, We will carry it out as usual, and if you have any objections, you can go to those big shots and talk about it yourself."

Several people suddenly looked embarrassed.

Just kidding, those big people above are all majestic and majestic, how can they be small people who can talk, wouldn't they be making fun of themselves if they go?

However, some people couldn't help asking: "Although that is the case, this teleportation array was built by the people of Misty Palace after all. If they don't guard it by themselves, why should we let Xue Luosha watch and escape from here?" Who is the person? How can the higher-ups pay so much attention to it?"

The man surnamed Wang looked at the teleportation array in the canyon, his brows slightly frowned.

After a while, he shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't know who the one who escaped from here is, but judging from the attitudes of several big figures in the Holy Land, the identity of the escaped person is very important."

In fact, the man surnamed Wang was also very dissatisfied with this matter, but the order from above must not be disobeyed, so he had to bring someone here to guard.

However, he couldn't help feeling impatient when he didn't see anyone around all day long.

"Let me tell you who the escaped man is!"

While several people were talking, a voice sounded from outside the valley, the voice was loud and deafening, implying magical powers.

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they hurriedly looked towards the place where the sound came from, only to see a golden cloud flying towards the sky, with an old man on it, slowly falling towards the valley.

Seeing this old man, the man surnamed Wang and others all changed their expressions, and knelt on the ground tremblingly, and said in awe: "See Elder Wu!"

The old man landed in front of them expressionlessly, glanced around and said indifferently: "Don't you want to know who the person who escaped with this teleportation array is? You all know this person."

"We all know each other?"

The man surnamed Wang and the others looked at each other in astonishment, but they didn't dare to raise their heads under the majesty of the old man's Golden Core Realm.

The old man looked at the teleportation formation, and said with a sneer: "That person has been rampant in our Blood Raksha for many years. He squandered the resources of the Holy Land on the basis that he is the direct line of the founder of the Holy Land. Now he has been expelled from the mountain gate and has become a bereaved dog. Let you guard this place." The teleportation array is to wait for those who intend to contact him, through which they can naturally find the whereabouts of that person."

"The patriarch's direct lineage!"

"Could it be... Master Bai!"

Everyone was shocked.

No one knows the name of that person. To any Blood Rakshamen, he is like a monstrous existence and everyone's nightmare.

"Now he is no longer your ancestor. He fled with the Tianluo Blood Talisman and wanted to steal the treasure house of the Holy Land. He is a traitor of our Blood Rakshasa. If you meet him, you will be shot!" the old man at the Golden Core said coldly.

The man surnamed Wang and the monks fell silent.

"But Master Bai...Bai Feng has won the protection of the three great elders, we may not be able to take him down." The man surnamed Wang said hesitantly.

When he was ordered to guard the teleportation formation here, he had thought that the escaped person might be an elder with a high status in Xue Luosha, but he never thought it would be this evildoer. With his status, who would dare to do anything to him? ?
"Hmph! The three great elders have closed the death test, and now the Holy Land of Blood is in charge of the elder Tianshang. With his orders, how can Bai Feng not kill him?"

The old man in Jindan realm had a cold expression on his face.

"Listen to me, now that kid is very likely to have arrived at the coast of the South China Sea, and soon there will be experts from the Holy Land chasing him, and the Misty Palace will also cooperate in the search. You just need to stay here and find anything suspicious. Those who commit crimes should be arrested immediately, if there is any violation, your life will be lost!"

Everyone's expression was concentrated, and they nodded in agreement.

"Hey, what is that?"

At this moment, someone suddenly pointed to the sky and said.

The man surnamed Wang and the old man at the Jindan stage looked up after hearing the words, and vaguely saw a few rays of light flickering in midair.

The old man felt strange in his heart, and was about to take a closer look, when suddenly his expression turned cold.

Those rays of light magnified sharply, and within a few flashes, they turned into giant swords that slashed across the sky.

The silver light in the giant sword flickered, with bursts of terrifying thunder, countless silver arc lightning flew down like a tide, instantly penetrated the barrier in the canyon, and reached the sky above everyone.

"Enemy attack!"

The old man shouted loudly, pinched the magic formula in his hand, a layer of magic mask was condensed around his body, and then he raised his palm, ready to meet the giant sword.

The next moment, the old man's eyes were full of horror, the silver sword lights fell like meteors, and the shield on his body was shattered under the sword energy, and the old man didn't make a sound at all. It pierced through his head and pinned him firmly to the ground.

The old man's mouth was wide open, and he was a master at the Golden Core Realm, but he died simply.

"Elder Wu!"

A chill rose behind the man surnamed Wang and the others.

This is a strong man with a small achievement in the Golden Core Realm, who is so strong, and killed him with a sword before he showed his face?

The faces of several people were terrified, and they all took up the escape light and flew back.

But before they dispersed, the remaining flying swords rolled back in the air. Suddenly, the sound of rain hitting plantains came out, and the ground exploded. Everyone including the man surnamed Wang was killed on the spot.

In a blink of an eye, the entire canyon was quiet, only a few wisps of blood mist floated out.

Two figures, a man and a woman, came from outside the valley.

The man was dressed in black, walking like a stroll in a garden, without looking at the corpses of the people on the ground, with a simple move, all the flying swords flew back into his body without a drop of blood.

The woman following behind had a numb expression on her face, looking at the man with faint awe.

These two people are naturally Ye Chunyang and Xiaorou!
"Is this the teleportation array?" Ye Chunyang scanned around, and finally looked at the teleportation array in the canyon.

This array is different from the ancient teleportation array of Water Sect, it only uses ordinary space spirit stones, and the fluctuations emitted from it are not weak, which shows that the teleportation distance is indeed not short.

"Judging from the markings on the map, this formation should be correct." Xiaorou said after observing for a while.

Ye Chunyang nodded, without delay, stepped into the teleportation array, and then injected spirit stones to activate it.

There was a flash of brilliance in the formation, and they rushed into the clouds. Under the sound of a roar, the figures of the two quickly blurred. When the fluctuations calmed down, the canyon fell into a dead silence again.


More than ten days later, Ye Chunyang and Xiaorou appeared on an empty island.

This road covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles, if it is not surrounded by vast and endless sea, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small continent.

There is a city on the island, and there are monks flying in and out of the city, and there are also many mortal traders who mine resources for the monks.

In fact, Ye Chunyang has already come to the coast of the South China Sea, but he has been inquiring about the news for more than ten days, knowing that there are many monks gathered here, so he rushed here.

Although it was not his first time to go to sea, he only acted on the edge of the South China Sea instead of actually stepping into the coast of the South China Sea. He didn't know much about the situation here.

However, after more than ten days of inquiring, he also has a general understanding of this place.

The coast of the South China Sea is not like the Zhongzhou and the Northern Territory. This can be said to be the most extensive area in the Demon God Realm. There are countless cultivating sects, and there are many strong cultivators who occupy the island as kings. In contrast, Zhongzhou and the Northern Territory Most of the families and sects stand side by side, and even those aristocratic families need to be attached to the sect to survive.

It's different here. Those Zongmen island masters who occupy one of the islands have powerful supernatural powers and profound morals, and they fight constantly all year round. They can fight for a little resource.

Here, there is almost no reason at all, whoever has the biggest fist is the king.

But although the monks on the coast of the South China Sea were tough, they dared not provoke one side of power. No matter how many fights in the past, as long as this power came forward, anyone would have to bow their heads and surrender.

This force is the Misty Palace.

On the coast of the South China Sea, Piaomiao Palace is like a giant, a true overlord of the sea. Among them, there are as many masters as there are clouds, and even the most conceited people will never dare to provoke them.

Through traveling to and from several islands, Ye Chunyang also gained some understanding of this superpower that has dominated the South China Sea for thousands of years. Recently, they did cross the South China Sea to Zhongzhou, and their Palace Master also appeared in person.

It is rumored that the master of the palace has reached the perfection of the cave, and he is firmly seated as the number one monk in the South China Sea.

According to reliable sources, about two years ago, there was a vision in Piaomiao Palace. It seemed that the palace master broke through the cave and cultivated into an immortal, and this person did not show up often, but this time he went to Zhongzhou in person, obviously something big happened.

However, the specific inside story is not something ordinary monks can know.

"Have you ever met the Mistress of the Misty Palace?"

In a roadside teahouse, Ye Chunyang asked Xiao Rou while sipping green tea.

"Returning to Master Ye, the Mistress of Piaomiao Palace is very mysterious, almost no one has seen her real face, and the younger generation has only heard some rumors about her, but has never seen her true self." Xiao Rou shook her head.

Ye Chunyang nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Xiaorou was silent for a while, then murmured to herself solemnly: "According to the information we inquired along the way, if the Mistress of Piaomiao Palace really cultivates into an Earth Immortal, I am afraid that no one in the entire world of cultivating immortals can be her enemy."

The fairyland of the earth only exists in legends, and it is unimaginable. If someone really reaches this realm, what kind of Taoism will it be?

(End of this chapter)

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