After the ascent failed

Chapter 499 Let My Wife Take Care of You!

Chapter 499 Let My Wife Take Care of You!
A man was sitting in the hall of Fuchu.

He was wearing a gray armor, his face was cut like a knife and an axe, with sharp edges and corners, and he exuded a cold and sharp aura like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

A few monks stood tremblingly in the hall, and a dying young man was lying in the middle, which was Zhang Wei.

"Have you found out the identity of the other party?" The armored man glanced at Zhang Wei, then closed his eyes, and said slowly.

He looked calm, but the people present felt like a water ice cave, and their bodies were full of cold.

"The identities of those two people have not been clarified for the time being, but to seriously injure Mr. Zhang Wei, at least a cultivation level at the Spirit Transformation Realm is required." A tall middle-aged man bowed his head and said.

This middle-aged man's realm has been slightly accomplished at the Spirit Transformation Realm, and he is the one with the highest cultivation among several people.

"Have you reached the Spirit Transformation Realm?"

The expression of the armored man remained unchanged.

He leaned down slightly, looked at Zhang Wei who was seriously injured and unconscious, his gaze gradually sank.

"Brother Wei told you a long time ago that if you are so arrogant, you will hurt yourself one day. It's a pity that you just didn't listen. You can't blame others for the result now."

"But it doesn't matter, the reason why Brother Wei keeps making himself stronger is to protect you so that you can be carefree. No matter who hurts you, I will make him pay a bloody lesson."

The armored man muttered to himself.

Afterwards, he waved his hand and told the people beside him, "Take him down and find the best pharmacist for treatment."


Several attendants lifted the stretcher and left in a hurry.

Zhang Wei's injuries were extremely serious, if not treated in time, there is no guarantee that his life would be in danger. If Zhang Wei died, they could not imagine how angry the armored man would be.

The armored man sat back in his original position, folded his hands on his chest, his face was calm, and asked after a long time, "Where are those two now?"

"Commander Zhang, don't worry, we have tracked down their whereabouts. After entering the city, the two stayed in an inn. They can be found at any time!" said the middle-aged man who had completed the Lingling Realm.

"very good."

The corner of Commander Zhang's mouth curled up, and he stood up and walked out of the hall, "I want to see who is so bold as to attack my Zhang family?"


As night fell, the sky gradually darkened, but Taiyun City was filled with festive lights and festoons.

In the inn, Xiao Rou came back from the outside and sat down beside Ye Chunyang.

"Is there any news?" Ye Chunyang poured wine by himself.

"The younger generation has already inquired everywhere in the city, but there is no news about the master." Xiao Rou shook her head, looking a little disappointed.

"It's okay, I'll find another channel to inquire tomorrow." Ye Chunyang said calmly.

Ever since he came to Taiyun City, he felt that Baifeng's spiritual memory was very clear, proving that he was nearby, but he couldn't find it for a while, but he was relieved that as long as the kid was still alive, he would find him. It is not difficult.

"Deng Deng stare!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of low footsteps, and a murderous atmosphere filled the inn. A man in gray armor walked straight from the door and sat opposite Ye Chunyang.

At the same time, a group of awe-inspiring spirit-transforming masters surrounded the two of them.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other monks in the inn immediately dispersed.

"You may not know me, but you will know my identity soon." Commander Zhang glanced at Ye Chunyang and the two of them, and said indifferently.

The breath of the two of them was dark, either their cultivation was low-level, or their Taoism was far superior to him.

But obviously Commander Zhang didn't feel the spiritual pressure of the high-ranking monks on them. Combined with the news brought back by the spies, the two of them were at most in the realm of mastering the spiritual realm.

Xiaorou's eyes were pierced with coldness, and the magic power in her body was about to move.

"I advise you to give up the idea of ​​fighting with me, otherwise you will bring shame on yourself." Commander Zhang mocked in his eyes, and without looking at Xiaorou, he turned to Ye Chunyang.

He could see Xiaorou's respect for Ye Chunyang, obviously the latter was the real leader.

Ye Chunyang didn't speak, and still poured himself a drink.

"You can be so calm in front of me, you are very unusual." Commander Zhang was very interested.

He looked at Ye Chunyang several times, and said: "But you killed my man and severely injured Zhang Wei. As a brother, I have to seek justice for him no matter what. How about it, you follow me back to the city lord's mansion." Come on, when I imprison you for 30 to [-] years, this account will be written off, what do you think?"

"No matter who you are, get out within three breaths, or don't blame me for being merciless!" Xiao Rou's expression was cold, and her body was full of evil spirits.

Commander Zhang raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: "It can be seen that the fairy should be a person who has experienced experience. If you are under my tent, you must have a great reputation. What a pity."

Xiaorou took off a strand of hair expressionlessly, and under the urging of the Fa Jue, it turned into a nine-foot long whip and fell into her hand, as if to strike if there was any disagreement.


Commander Zhang sneered, and clapped his big hands, the tables and chairs under him were smashed into pieces, powerful magic power burst out, and all the monks in the spiritual realm around him also approached in an instant.

"It's quite lively here."

At this moment, a voice came from outside the inn, and several figures flashed in one after another.

These people had strong auras, and their cultivation level was not weaker than Commander Zhang's men, but after entering the inn, they bowed their heads and rolled out a red carpet, as if they were welcoming someone important.

Many monks were surprised, but Commander Zhang seemed to have a premonition, and looked out of the inn with a gloomy expression.

A white-clothed young man appeared in sight, holding a white paper fan with four large characters "Xian Feng Dao Bone" printed on it.

Behind him was a fat man in yellow robe and a man in blood. After entering the inn, they saw the young man sitting quietly drinking, their bodies trembling and their faces excited.


The long whip in Xiaorou's hand suddenly fell down, as cold as her, but at this moment her beautiful eyes turned red.

"Master... Shizu..." Xiaorou knelt down and bowed to the boy in white, trembling.

"Hmph, the old man has been on the coast of the South China Sea for so long, and you only came to look for it now, so that the old man doesn't even have a guard around him, and it's also because the old man favors women over men. If it were Xiao Yan, the old man would have to skin him !” said the young man in white, pretending to be fierce, shaking his white paper fan.

This young man is exactly Bai Feng!
"Damn Xiaorou!" Xiaorou said in a deep voice, but there was a smile on her face.

The master is still the master, although his mouth is not forgiving, it makes her feel warm.

Xiao Yan shrank his neck behind him, feeling a chill.

Bai Feng twitched her lips, told Xiao Rou to stand up, and then looked at the young man in black on the other side.

The young man smiled, placed a glass beside him, filled it up, and said, "Come here for a drink?"

Bai Feng didn't speak, let alone looked at anyone, walked up to the young man, picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.


He put down the wine glass, looked at the young man, then took the jug, poured another glass himself, and continued to drink with his head raised.

Three cups of strong wine poured down his throat in a row, but the boy didn't speak. The young man looked at him with a smile and didn't interrupt.

But gradually, Bai Feng's eyes turned red.

The people around looked at this scene strangely, full of doubts in their hearts.

The atmosphere in the inn was tense, but now it was eerily quiet.

a long time!

The young man looked at the young man and said, "That... can the memory on my body be erased?"

"No." The young man shook his head.

"That's embarrassing." The boy said.

"Without a memory, no one will collect your body when you die." The young man smiled lightly.

The young man looked startled.

He pinned the white paper fan behind his back, then raised his head and wiped the corners of his eyes, muttering: "It's a good inn, why is there so much sand, it hurts my eyes, old man."

The young man smiled without saying a word.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

Two heavy voices came out suddenly, and behind Baifeng, the fat man in yellow robe and Xiao Yan knelt down.

"Yu Guzi see Senior Ye!"

"Xiao Yan pays homage to Master Ye Patriarch!"

The eyes of the two were red, and their faces were full of excitement.

The scene of evacuating from Tianxuan Mountain a few years ago clearly came to their minds. At that time, everyone thought that the young man was dead, but only they knew that he was still alive, and Bai Feng firmly believed in this.

"Get up." Ye Chunyang waved his hand.

Yuguzi's body trembled, he wanted to say a lot, but he held back all of it, and stood behind him respectfully.

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, a sneer sounded, Commander Zhang squinted at several people, and finally fell on Bai Feng, saying: "Unexpectedly, the son-in-law will come in person, and Zhang is far away from welcoming him, so please ask the son-in-law to forgive me."

This remark sounds polite, but anyone can hear the irony in it.

However, when these words came out, there was a sudden commotion in the inn, and incredulous eyes gathered on Bai Feng.

Xiaorou was also dumbfounded for a moment.

"Is he the son-in-law of Taiyun City?"

"I've heard that this person is a little boy, the rumors are indeed true!"

"How could Princess Taiyun marry such a weak boy? Look at him, his cultivation level is not as good as Commander Zhang's. He must rely on his face to make money!"


The monks were not calm anymore.

Bai Feng's cultivation level is not high, and she is born with a thin appearance, which really does not match the image of Taiyun City's son-in-law in their hearts.

With Princess Taiyun's stately appearance, anyone who can match her must be a person with a colorful halo. This kid in front of him has nothing special about him.

Bai Feng shook the white paper fan, looked at Commander Zhang leisurely, but said something surprising: "Little dog Zhang, are you planning to fight against my son-in-law?"

Commander Zhang's mouth twitched. His real name was Zhang Gou, but he was called "Puppy Zhang" by Bai Fengsheng, which was a great humiliation.

"Subordinates dare not." Commander Zhang gritted his teeth and said grimly.

"Hmph, to tell you the truth, this is my master, if you dare to hurt him even a single hair, believe it or not, I will let my lady take care of you!" Bai Feng glanced at Commander Zhang and said lightly.

Everyone immediately vomited blood when they heard the words.

Dare to feel that this is really the master who eats soft rice, if he doesn't agree with him, he will bring out the big Buddha of Princess Taiyun, can he be so shameless as a little boy!

(End of this chapter)

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