After the ascent failed

Chapter 509 Slap in the face

Chapter 509 Slap in the face
"Master is mighty!"

Bai Feng clapped her hands and laughed.

He looked around at the young monks in the South China Sea, and said with a great sense of relief: "Who else dares to provoke my master now? Come on, stand up! My master promises to kill him!"

All the monks looked flickering and dared not answer.


Yan Feiyu, Mo Wubian, Yan Liuyun, Wei Shishi, Su Zimo, these saints of the ancient city represent the pinnacle of the young generation in South China Sea. Son is still strong.

"The old Taoist was wrong. Today's battle is enough to let this kid surnamed Ye stand proudly among the younger generation in Nanhai?" Taoist Qinggu let out a sigh of relief, without any contempt on his face.

A young man who can backhand suppress the alliance of the holy sons of the major ancient cities has never been seen on the coast of the South China Sea.

What shocked Taoist Qing was that he hadn't perceived Ye Chunyang's real state from the beginning to the end.

"Even I can't see the depth of this kid. It's really not easy to have such a cultivation level at such an age..." Taoist Qing was secretly dignified.

Never had a young man made him feel so elusive.

He looked at Mrs. Han, and always felt that the other party seemed to have something to hide.

Mrs. Han ignored the strange look in Taoist Qing's eyes, and sat on the spot calmly.

As if nothing had happened on the surface, Mrs. Han gloated in her heart: "The only thing to blame is those holy sons who have no eyes and no eyes, and bumped into this evil star. This person even wiped out a master like Shen Tianyun. How can he take a few juniors seriously?" ?”

In the past, all the old monsters in other ancient cities had their eyes high above the top, and they didn't take anyone seriously. The saints and saints in the clan were also domineering.

On the contrary, they in Taiyun City are much more low-key, and Mrs. Han often restrains Han Xiaoxiao. Now that the five saints are suppressed instead of provoking, it is equivalent to slapping those old monsters in the face, which makes her very happy.

"Didn't you make a lot of noise just now, why don't you have that prestige now?" Bai Feng looked at everyone with disdain.

However, when his voice came out, no one dared to answer.

There were several other young monks present who had reached the perfection of spiritual transformation like the five great saints. Hearing Bai Feng's sarcasm, they couldn't help shouting, but they were quickly pulled back by the rational people beside them.

The fate of the five great sons is in front of them, who dares to take the stage?

"It's just a little boy who relies on women to make a living, how can he be so brave?"

One whispered.


As soon as the words were finished, suddenly a cold and sharp rainbow light hit the scene, the person who spoke screamed suddenly, his arms on both sides flew down silently, spraying blood mist all over the sky.

Everyone looked stunned, and turned their heads to see that Han Xiaoxiao was holding a two-foot-long sword in his hand, with blood dripping on it. Obviously, it was this sword that cut off the arm of the speaker.

"Princess, you!"

The person who spoke was a young monk who had achieved great success in transforming spirits and one of Han Xiaoxiao's admirers. He looked at the little sword dripping blood in her hand with disbelief on his face.

"What are you? How dare you talk about my husband-in-law behind your back. Today, on the day of my princess's wedding, I will spare your life. If there is another word to slander my husband-in-law in the future, I will kill you!" With one grip, the little sword turned into fluorescent light and disappeared, and the cold words penetrated into the ears of all the young monks present.

The crowd was silent.

This Taiyun City saint is so beautiful that people almost forget her decisive character.

What surprised people the most was that he defended Bai Feng so much that for a moment all the young talents seemed to hear his own heartbroken voice.

Such a perfect peerless woman, let a brat like Bai Feng beat her up, the heavens are so unfair!
"Han Xiaoxiao, don't you exist as an old man? How can I let it go if you hurt my disciple in front of this old man like this!"

A stern shout sounded from the side of the young man whose arms had been cut off, and a yellow-robed Taoist who had attained the Golden Core Realm was full of anger. After he cast a spell on the young man to stop the bleeding, he stood up sullenly.

"Today no matter what, your Taiyun City needs our Huangfeng Cave to say something, otherwise, when I report back to the patriarch of our sect, I will never die with your Taiyun City!" the Taoist in yellow said coldly.

"Oh, what do you want to say? Why don't I come and talk to you?" Mrs. Han stood up and looked at the yellow-robed Taoist expressionlessly.

"What, is Mrs. Han planning to overwhelm others? Today, I, Huang Fengdong, came here to congratulate. Is this how you treat your guests in Taiyun City?" .

"I never bully anyone in Taiyun City, and I treat guests with courtesy first, but your Huangfeng Cave disciple insulted your son-in-law. If today is not the day when my daughter and Feng'er rejoice, do you think that your master and apprentice can get out of Taiyun alive?" Is it the city?" Mrs. Han said indifferently, but there was supreme majesty in her eyes.

The yellow-robed Taoist's expression froze.

"Good, good, good..."

"I will truthfully tell Patriarch Huang Feng about this matter. He will visit the door in person in the future. I hope Mrs. Han can still have such confidence!"

The yellow-robed Taoist said three good words in a row, and finally walked away.

The young man beside him was full of resentment. He picked up the two severed arms and hurriedly followed him. His arms were severed not long ago. When he returned, he asked someone from the sect to help him. Maybe there was a possibility of taking them back.

"I've heard that Mrs. Han is extremely protective of this son-in-law, and what she said is true. She did not hesitate to confront Huang Fengdong for him."

"Princess Taiyun is also tough, she cut off people's arms if she disagreed with her, if she hadn't kept her hand, the disciple of Huangfeng Cave would have been a dead man."


The monks looked at the backs of the two with complex expressions.

Huangfeng Cave is also a major force in the South China Sea. There is an ancestor with a great achievement in the cave in the gate, and ordinary forces dare not easily make enemies with him. Mrs. Han's mother and daughter are domineering, and they directly confront them.

All the young monks in the South China Sea couldn't help looking at Bai Feng, and their hearts were filled with unwillingness.

Not to mention a master who overwhelms all kinds of talents, there is also a strong lady and a domineering mother-in-law. It is quite a feat to be able to eat soft food like this.

"That's all for today, Fellow Daoist Ye, please take your seat!" Mrs. Han acted resolutely, looking around the young people in the field, and smiled at Ye Chunyang in the dojo.

"it is good."

Ye Chunyang has nothing to do.

Baifeng married Han Xiaoxiao, and undoubtedly became a thorn in the eyes of all the young talents. Ye Chunyang's move this time was probably to clear the obstacles for him. After establishing his prestige today, Baifeng can also gain a foothold in the South China Sea.

"Sky Frost City Li Fengxiao, come to the door to congratulate!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from outside the city lord's mansion.

Suddenly, a cold breath rushed over, and all the young monks felt that they were in the thousand-year-old ice, and couldn't help shivering.

Looking up, I saw a young man in white appeared at the door. His face was as white as snow, his eyes were indifferent, and his whole body was like a sword made of ice, exuding an aura that pierced through the world.

"Li Fengxiao! It turned out to be him!"

"Didn't this person not come to the banquet? Why did he appear at this time?"

The middle-aged man next to Zhang Gou, who had achieved a small achievement in the spirit transformation realm, immediately showed surprise.

"When you revealed today's plan to this person, did he ever intend to make a move?" Zhang Gou asked uncertainly.

"This Li Fengxiao is unfathomable. At that time, he didn't respond positively to his subordinates." The middle-aged man shook his head.

A gloomy look flashed across Zhang Gou's face, and he said, "Li Fengxiao is the head of the saint sons of the seven ancient cities, and his cultivation level is far above Su Zimo and others. If he makes a move, he will definitely be able to suppress that monk named Ye." here!"

While Zhang Gou was talking with his confidant, all the young monks in the South China Sea looked at the young man in white who appeared at the door with astonishment.

The name "Li Feng Xiao" is almost like thunder in the South China Sea.

If Su Zimo, Wei Shishi and others are real young talents, this is the real leader of the young generation in the South China Sea. He has already broken through to the perfection of the spirit transformation decades ago, and all geniuses stand in front of him. Overshadowed.

"Li Fengxiao is born with pride, he doesn't look down on anyone, but he is infatuated with Princess Taiyun. I thought he wouldn't show up at the banquet, but I didn't expect that he actually came."

"Compared to Li Fengxiao, that little boy's son-in-law is nothing worth mentioning. I hate the injustice of heaven. How could he be willing to let this person marry Princess Taiyun with Li Fengxiao's arrogance?"

There were some sighs in the field.

Li Fengxiao is the No. 1 young generation in South China Sea. His deep affection for Han Xiaoxiao has already spread throughout the world of cultivating immortals in South China Sea. Now that Bai Feng has the upper hand, one can imagine the hatred in his heart.

"Junior sees Mrs. Han. My father specially ordered this junior to bring some small gifts as a token of congratulations." Li Fengxiao calmly walked to the venue, presenting a jade gift box in his hand.

Mrs. Han took it, but without opening it, she waved her hand and said, "The deceased nephew is a bit late, please take a seat, as a gift from your father, if there is a chance in the future, I will personally thank you."

"Mrs. Han, you are being polite. This junior feels that it is just the right time to come. Besides, Madam is not planning to see. Did my father send any congratulatory gifts to your city?" Li Fengxiao said with a smile that seemed meaningful.

Mrs. Han frowned slightly.

"Since nephew said so, let me see what this thing is."

Mrs. Han took a deep look at Li Fengxiao, a flash of inspiration flashed in her hand, and the jade box opened immediately.

There was nothing else in the box, only a letter safely stored in it, Mrs. Han's eyes flashed a look of surprise, and she opened the envelope casually.

Li Fengxiao was calm and silent, staring at Han Xiaoxiao from time to time, revealing unconcealable affection.

Mrs. Han finished reading the letter, but a gloomy look flashed across her enchanting face, she said with a sneer, "My lord is so generous, he actually used eight hundred miles of mine veins as a marriage proposal gift for you to marry my little girl."

Facing Mrs. Han's fright and anger, Li Fengxiao looked calm and said: "Yes, Princess Taiyun is a peerless beauty. My nephew has admired the princess for a long time. Today I came here to propose marriage. I hope Madam will agree."

He never looked at Bai Feng from the beginning to the end.

And as soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the field!
Including Taoist Qing and several other high-ranking monks, they all looked at Li Fengxiao in surprise.

He didn't come here to attend the banquet, but to propose a marriage?

Eight hundred miles of ore veins are not a small resource for any force. It is an astonishing move that the lord of Tianshuang City actually used this as a congratulatory gift.

Moreover, Han Xiaoxiao is going to marry Bai Feng today, and Li Fengxiao came to propose marriage at this time, which is clearly a slap in the face!
(End of this chapter)

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