After the ascent failed

Chapter 511 Slapping a Genius in the Face

Chapter 511 Slapping a Genius in the Face


A golden palm print was overwhelmingly pressed down from the sky.

"Good come!"

"I want to see how capable you are!"

Li Fengxiao didn't expect Ye Chunyang to attack without saying a word, and his face suddenly showed shock and anger.

But he was not afraid, instead he sneered, recited a mantra in his mouth, and turned his palms to meet him.


There was an ear-piercing buzzing sound, and a dazzling rainbow flashed out, and the surrounding area of ​​Li Fengxiao was filled with cold air, and Daoying's white icy light beam gathered into ice edges, rushing towards the sky.

As soon as the dense icy edges appeared, it was like a gust of wind and rain, covering the entire dojo in an instant. Everyone felt a biting chill hit, and the monks who had reached the Golden Core Realm couldn't help but retreat.

At the same time, in the dojo centered on Li Fengxiao, a layer of frost spread rapidly, all the ground condensed into ice, and the breath of bitter cold came, making people feel as if they had fallen into a thousand-year-old cellar.

Under such power, almost everyone in the younger generation trembled, and the five great saints, including Su Zimo and Wei Shishi, also retreated one after another.

"The Frost Art of Tianshuang City is really powerful. Even the Jindan monks of the same level are affected by it. About 100 years ago, the old man fought against the Lord of Tianshuang City. At that time, he used this art to seal the magic weapon. In terms of ranking , this tactic should be among the top ten in the South China Sea."

Taoist Qing's pupils shrank slightly, and he remembered a certain scene from the past.

Mrs. Han was secretly dignified.

As the lord of Taiyun City, she naturally knows the power of the Frost Art of Tianshuang City, and she can almost remain invincible in a fight at the same level.

Seeing Li Fengxiao's astonishing strength, the monks present couldn't help shaking their heads.

Li Fengxiao's cultivation level has reached the Golden Core, and Su Zimo, Yan Feiyu and others can't compare, no matter how powerful Ye Chunyang is, it is false in front of this Tianjiao.

"The myth of him suppressing the five great saints should end here with Li Fengxiao."

Many people chuckled and shook their heads, as if they had expected the outcome of the fight.

Li Fengxiao advanced to the Golden Core Realm, and has already reached the level of high-ranking monks in the South China Sea. How can ordinary young monks be against him?

No matter how powerful Bai Feng's master is, he is only a young man in his early twenties, and it is impossible for him to achieve such an achievement like Li Fengxiao.

"Bai Feng, the son-in-law of Taiyun City, is probably going to fail."

"Beating his master is more embarrassing than defeating him himself. Will he still have the face to gain a foothold in the South China Sea?"

"Once this cultivator surnamed Ye loses, Mrs. Han will not be able to keep this little boy under the oppression of Tianshuang City. At that time, he will probably get out of Taiyun City Master in a disheveled manner with his tail between his legs, right?"


There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Many people have already closed their eyes, unable to bear to see Ye Chunyang's end, although this person's attack is strong, it is impossible for Li Fengxiao's opponent.

But soon, the laughter suddenly stopped, and everyone's expressions froze on their faces.


There was a deafening crashing sound, golden and white rays of light intertwined, the big golden hand trembled slightly in the void under the impact of countless ice edges, just when everyone thought it would soon be pierced by the ice edges, the big hand A terrifying coercion that oppresses the soul spread out, and then it was suppressed again.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

The ice edges shattered one by one, turned into ice chips and splashed out, and then the power of the big golden hand surged, suddenly covering Li Fengxiao's whole body.

The frost covering the ground was all splashed, and the big golden hand was crushed from the sky all the way, as if destroying the dead, Li Fengxiao's body kept shining light, as if to resist the suppression of the big hand, but as the light came on, it was annihilated one after another .


A heart-piercing scream came, but it was calm for a moment. Everyone seemed to be strangled, and their breathing froze.

At this time, Li Fengxiao was no longer on the field, only a huge palm print remained on the ground, three feet deep, and there was no movement from inside!
The whole scene was dead silent.

Everyone just felt creepy.

The number one genius in the South China Sea, the head of the holy sons of the seven ancient cities, was easily overthrown by Ye Chunyang with one hand?
Including Taoist Qing and Mrs. Han, all the monks present widened their eyes, unable to believe what they saw.

" is this possible?"

"Li Fengxiao, lost?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

There are no fancy tricks, no gorgeous spells, just a simple, easy palm.

This scene is so familiar, when Mo Wubian made provocative words before, Ye Chunyang slapped him into the ground like this.

But Li Fengxiao is a cultivator at the Golden Core Realm, who among the younger generation can beat him?
However, this peerless genius couldn't even resist Ye Chunyang with one hand, and was directly suppressed by the backhand. How strong is his cultivation?

First Yang Feng, then Yan Feiyu, Mo Wubian, and then Su Zimo, Wei Shishi, and Yan Liuyun.

These people are all top wizards in the world of cultivating immortals in the South China Sea, but they are all trampled by Ye Chunyang.

In the end, Li Fengxiao, who was so majestic and unparalleled as a god, followed them in just two breaths.

Could it be that in front of this mysterious cultivator surnamed Ye, geniuses are meant to be stepped on?
"A group of short-sighted rats!" Xiaorou couldn't help sneering when she heard the discussions around her.

How could these South China Sea monks know the strength of Ye Chunyang?
For example, the Lonely Young Master, Guang Yuan, and the Wei family were all instantly killed by Ye Chunyang. The mere strength of Li Fengxiao's Jindan Realm Xiaocheng is almost like an ant in front of Ye Chunyang, which is not enough to step on!

Mrs. Han was very relieved, and Han Xiaoxiao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, the strength of Bai Feng's master is far beyond their imagination.

It's just that the method of suppressing the first genius in the South China Sea so simply and decisively is really shocking.

With a flick of Ye Chunyang's sleeve and robe, his breath was exhausted, and he stood indifferently.

After a while, he stepped off the stage and said to Baifeng: "Now you can marry Princess Taiyun."

All the geniuses in the South China Sea have been suppressed by him repeatedly, which has established enough prestige for Bai Feng, and no one will dare to target him in the future.

"Haha, thank you, Master!" Bai Feng laughed and bowed to Ye Chunyang.

Even though he knew the result would be like this, Ye Chunyang's move to face the great saints still moved Bai Feng.

He laughed and walked towards the dojo, squatted down in front of the huge palm print hole, looked inside, and vaguely saw a person struggling to get up.

"Hey, I thought you could last two rounds in the hands of my master, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. The so-called number one genius in the South China Sea is nothing more than that." Bai Feng shook her head, pinned the white paper fan behind her back, and stretched out her hand, "Come up!" Come on, old man give you a hand."

The figure inside is naturally the Holy Son of Tianshuang City.

At this time, his breathing was disordered, as if he was dying, seeing Bai Feng stretching out his hand, he subconsciously climbed up with him.

But what happened next was unexpected.

Just as Li Fengxiao showed half of his head, Bai Feng grinned suddenly, and a big ear scraper twitched.


The loud slap went deep into people's hearts, causing Li Fengxiao's head to tilt to one side.

"This is for your disrespect to my master."


Bai Feng said lightly, and drew back another big ear scraper with his backhand.

"This one is for my wife."


Slapping back and forth several times in succession, Bai Feng cursed at the same time.

"What are you, you dare to poach the old man's corner? You propose marriage to my wife in front of the old man, and hit me in the face?"

"Is the Holy Son of Tianshuang City amazing? Even if my master doesn't make a move, just like you, I can slap you to death!"

"I like to step on you self-righteous geniuses the most. Weren't you very arrogant just now? How do you feel now?"

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

Bai Feng was merciless in his strikes, and kept slapping Li Fengxiao's face with big ear scrapers one by one, causing Li Fengxiao's teeth to fall off, blood foam flying everywhere, and finally passed out simply.

Seeing this, Bai Feng still refused to give up, and the shoe boards rubbed fiercely against the Tianjiao's face a few times before throwing him back into the pit in the ground.

All the young monks seemed to be in a cold cellar, and the whole body felt cold.

"This little boy is too ruthless, Tangtang Li Fengxiao is hit by this, and he may be completely devastated in the future."

Yan Feiyu and the other five holy sons fought like a cold wind, and they all fought coldly.

On the surface, this little white face looks kind and friendly, but he didn't expect it to be so friendly.

They secretly rejoiced that they were only a small target and did not propose marriage face to face like Li Fengxiao did, or they would not know how they died now.

"Come here, send Young Master Li back to Tianshuang City, and tell Tianshuang City Lord that I have no good fortune in Taiyun City for the eight hundred miles of ore veins, so let him keep it for himself." Mrs. Han waved her hand and ordered.

Several monks of the Han family immediately carried Li Fengxiao out.

Li Feng smiled with a bruised nose and swollen face, his face was bloody and bloody, how could he still have the slightest handsome appearance in the past?
"Mrs. Han, this Fellow Daoist Ye cannot be a cultivator at the Spirit Transformation Realm. What kind of cultivation is he?" Taoist Qing finally couldn't help asking.

How could Li Fengxiao, who was able to easily overthrow a small success in the Golden Core Realm with a single slap, be something a cultivator at the Transforming Spirit Realm could do?
Obviously, Ye Chunyang's cultivation is far higher than those of the holy sons of the ancient city, and it is even possible that he has cultivated into a golden elixir.

But Mrs. Han's answer made Taoist Qing suddenly stunned.

"I don't know what level Daoist Ye's mana cultivation is, but I heard that he is a soul cultivator in the late stage of leaving his body." Mrs. Han said flatly.

"What?" Taoist Qinggu turned pale.

The bodies of the saints of the ancient city trembled violently, almost lying on the ground in fright.

"The cultivation of the soul in the late stage of leaving the body is comparable to the cultivation of the golden core state. Madam Han, you already know this, why didn't you say it?" Qing Gu Taoist looked at Madam Han with half-closed eyes, feeling hard to calm down .

"You didn't ask me either." Mrs. Han looked bright.

"But he didn't use soul art just now, right? How did Mrs. Han know that he is a soul cultivator?" Taoist Qing Gu asked with a suspicious expression.

"I've only heard rumors about him being a soul cultivator out of the body, but how do I know if it's true or not?" Mrs. Han said lightly, "Perhaps his own mana cultivation is not weak, and he can completely force him." What about pushing these holy sons of the ancient city?"

Taoist Qing Gu's expression froze.

Li Fengxiao, who was helped out by several monks of the Han family, faintly regained consciousness, and when he heard Mrs. Han's words, he tilted his head suddenly and passed out again.

As a soul cultivator in the out-of-body period, he is making an enemy of the power of two layers higher, isn't this courting death!
(End of this chapter)

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