Chapter 513
The marriage between the princess of Taiyun City and the mysterious son-in-law has finally calmed down, but at the wedding, the son-in-law, the son-in-law who mastered the six ancient cities alone, continued to ferment.

All factions in the South China Sea were shocked by it.

Several holy sons were almost invincible among the younger generation in South China Sea, but they were all suppressed by an unknown young man. Such strength is shocking.

However, everyone only knew that the son-in-law's master's surname was Ye, and no one knew the specific name and background.

Some people speculate that he is from a certain young expert from Zhongzhou, and some people say that he is a hidden peerless genius in the South China Sea, and his talent and cultivation level are all higher than those of the great saints.

The last statement is powerful.

Some people directly think that he is some old monster Duoshe, but under his youthful appearance, he is actually a high-level figure.

At the same time, the Piaomiao Palace got the ancient scroll of alchemy and invited all the cultivators from all over the world to go to study and enlightenment, and it was spread all over the place. No matter whether they are alchemists or not, they are very interested in this, and many people are preparing for the trip in a month.

While there was a commotion in the world of cultivating immortals in the South China Sea, a certain courtyard of the Lord's Mansion of Taiyun City was unusually quiet. Ye Chunyang sat calmly in a stone pavilion, watching the three figures across from him, practicing imperial techniques, and giving some pointers from time to time.

The three are Xiaorou, Xiaoyan and Yuguzi.

Since Bai Feng's wedding, the three of them practiced hard day and night, and with the help of Ye Chunyang's pills, their cultivation improved day by day.

Ye Chunyang has rich experience in cultivating Taoism, and his understanding of various secret books of exercises far exceeds that of the world's sages. Although his instructions are not too profound, the three of them have good comprehension.

Among the three, Xiaorou practiced the most hard. Perhaps it was the pressure of the sudden changes in the Bloody Holy Land. She practiced non-stop every day, and her progress was relatively rapid. In just half a month, she was infinitely close to forming an alchemy.

"The Patriarch is indeed a peerless master. With his guidance, many difficulties in cultivation in the past have been solved. With such progress, within a year, I will definitely be able to advance to the Golden Core Realm!" Xiaorou thought pleasantly road.

The more she practiced with Ye Chunyang, the more she felt that the other party was unfathomable.

The exercises he and Xiao Yan practiced are all the secrets of the Holy Land of Blood, but Ye Chunyang can see the key at a glance. This kind of knowledge and experience is really incomparable.

"Practicing every day, what's the point? Life is short, if you don't enjoy it in time, that will be a great pleasure."

The three of them were concentrating on comprehending, when Bai Feng came lonesomely, shaking a white paper fan.

"The disciple pays respect to the master."

The three got up hastily.

The current Yuguzi also worshiped under Baifeng's sect.

According to Baifeng, Yuguzi is now one of his disciples and grandchildren.

At the beginning, Yuguzi had a lot of resistance to Baifeng accepting him as a disciple, but after he found out the background of Xue Luocha and Baifeng's amazing comprehension, he was shocked, especially after Baifeng casually threw him several high-level books. After the secret method, Yu Guzi immediately called him "Master Patriarch".

"You guys just step back, the old man has something to say to the master alone." Bai Feng waved away directly.

Xiaorou and the others left in response.

"Sit down." Ye Chunyang waved his hand indifferently.

Bai Feng didn't speak, but put on a serious look which was rare.

Ye Chunyang was a little amused, and said, "What is your purpose here?"

Bai Feng looked at him, with a hesitant expression, and asked after a while: "Master, do you intend to go to Piao Miao Palace to learn about that ancient recipe?"

"No such intention." Ye Chunyang said lightly.

Bai Feng was stunned for a moment, and said suspiciously: "Master, as an alchemist, don't you want to see what is so mysterious about that ancient formula?"

"I have so many pills in my hand, what do I need it for?" Ye Chunyang shrugged and said indifferently.

"The strength of Piaomiao Palace is not inferior to that of our Blood Rakshasa and Kunlun Ruins, and there are not a few alchemists in the sect. Even the ancient recipes that they can't comprehend, isn't Master not interested at all?" A dejected look.

Ye Chunyang put down the teacup in his hand, and said: "You didn't come here just to ask me about it, did you? Just tell me what's the matter."

"Hey, you really can't hide anything from Master."

Bai Feng rubbed his nose, laughed twice, then looked at Ye Chunyang seriously, and said: "I came this time for this purpose, and I hope that Master can go to Piaomiao Palace with me."

Ye Chunyang glanced at Bai Feng, knowing that there must be a reason for him to say this, so he didn't interrupt and let him continue.

Bai Feng opened the white paper fan and shook it quickly a few times, and said: "I have been looking for opportunities to sneak into the Misty Palace to find out the reality, but unfortunately this faction is not easy to enter, and now is a great opportunity. If Master can help me, this time Things went more smoothly.”

"Oh, don't you plan to go back to the Holy Land of Blood? Why do you suddenly want to infiltrate the Misty Palace to inquire about news?" Ye Chunyang said jokingly.

Bai Feng was embarrassed when he heard the words. It was clearly a cool autumn day, but the white paper fan kept shaking and said: "Well... Master, you also know that the old man is a dignified master who always wants to establish prestige in front of the juniors. This old man doesn't want to control the life and death of the Bloody Holy Land, but old Shang kicked me up and down that day, so I have to seek revenge from him!"

Ye Chunyang fell silent.

Bai Feng appeared indifferent on the surface, but in fact he couldn't let go of the bloody Rakshasa incident.

"It's okay to go and explore." Ye Chunyang nodded lightly.

He also wanted to see what was the background of this great cultivating force of the human race that was as famous as the Kunlun Ruins?
"So wonderful!"

Bai Feng said happily: "It's still half a month before Piaomiao Palace invites monks from all over the world, but Taiyun City is far away from Xianyun Island in Piaomiao Palace, we still need to leave soon."

"When do you plan to leave?" Ye Chunyang asked.

"If Master has nothing else to do, how about we set off in three days?" Bai Feng said.

"Alright, just send me a message at that time." Ye Chunyang only stayed in Taiyun City City Lord's Mansion temporarily for a while, and he had nothing to do except meditate every day, and it didn't matter when he set off.

"Okay, after three days, I will send someone to notify Master." Bai Feng nodded.

As he said that, he rubbed his chin, looked at Ye Chunyang with a strange gaze, and muttered in a low voice: "But the master may have to disguise himself a little bit later."

"Why?" Ye Chunyang asked in surprise.

Bai Feng grinned, and said: "Master, could it be that you have forgotten that when you wiped out the Shen family on Lingshan Island, the eldest lady of the Shen family, Shen Ruyan, was the disciple of the master Jingyue of Piaomiao Palace. If you went there blatantly, wouldn't you She recognized it immediately."

"So it's for this matter." Ye Chunyang smiled lightly.

Bai Feng stopped talking, put away her cynical smile, and finally said to Ye Chunyang: "Since this matter is settled, I will send a message to Master in three days, and then we will leave for Piao Miao Palace together."

After speaking, he stood up, cupped his fists, and left.

Ye Chunyang didn't want to stay either.

After Bai Feng left, he stood up and looked out into the sky with a deep expression on his face.

In fact, he really doesn't have much interest in the so-called ancient formula of Piao Miao Palace. No one in the world can compare with him in terms of pill formula, but since Bai Feng has opened his mouth, it doesn't hurt to let him go and have a look.

"However, Piaomiao Palace is so high-profile in order to comprehend an ancient recipe, and there may be other secrets during the period." Ye Chunyang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and Piaomiao Palace's momentum could be described as not small.

Ye Chunyang doesn't think that Piaomiao Palace is just to crack an ancient alchemy formula.

However, Ye Chunyang doesn't know much about this faction, and it is difficult to make a conclusion at present.

"Forget it, I have the right to protect that boy Baifeng in this trip. After this matter is over, I will find another teleportation array and return to Zhongzhou to continue my practice."

Ye Chunyang made a plan.

No one recognizes Bai Feng here, but not necessarily when he arrives at Piao Miao Palace, if there is danger at that time, Bai Feng may be difficult to escape, so how can Ye Chunyang leave South China Sea with peace of mind?

With a decision in his mind, Ye Chunyang immediately stopped thinking about it and stayed quietly in the other courtyard.


Three days later, outside Taiyun City, several beams of light gathered.

Ye Chunyang arrived slowly on a cloud.

When he came outside the city gate, Bai Feng and Han Xiaoxiao were already here.

A spiritual chariot was parked beside the two of them, and Xiao Yan, Xiao Rou and others also accompanied them.

But when he saw Bai Feng, Ye Chunyang was taken aback.

He wore an iron mask on his face, only half of his face was exposed, and all kinds of strange patterns were engraved on the mask, like Shura at night, extremely ferocious.

At the same time, he was wrapped in a huge black robe, like a child stealing an adult's clothes, and he looked very bloated.

Then, Bai Feng mysteriously handed over a mask and said, "Master, you should also wear it."

Ye Chunyang was speechless for a while, but he also put on the mask.

The difference was that his mask covered his entire face, only his nose and eyes were exposed. When he put on the mask, he suddenly had a mysterious aura, and his cold and indifferent eyes seemed even more elusive.

"Senior Ye is indeed among the dragons and phoenixes. With such an appearance, even the monks from various sects who came to the wedding that day would not be able to recognize him." Han Xiaoxiao praised.

Mrs. Han beside her looked at Ye Chunyang with a strange look in her eyes.

She stepped forward and said with a smile: "The situation of going to Piaomiao Palace is unknown, please take good care of Feng'er and Xiaoxiao, fellow Taoists, so as not to cause accidents."

"Madam won't go with us?" Ye Chunyang was a little surprised.

"Taiyun City cannot be left without an owner. I need to stay and guard it." Mrs. Han said.

Ye Chunyang nodded when he heard the words, "Madam, don't worry, I will take good care of both of them."

Mrs. Han felt relieved when she heard this, and finally told Han Xiaoxiao and Bai Feng to be careful.

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, with Master here, nothing will happen to me and my wife." Bai Feng laughed.

Mrs. Han gave him a blank look, this son-in-law is a troublemaker, but Mrs. Han is very rare to him, and after pretending to teach him a lesson, she let him fool him with a playful smile.

"Mother, my daughter is leaving." Han Xiaoxiao saluted Mrs. Han.

Mrs. Han watched the three of them get onto the chariot, and said: "Although our seven ancient cities have no contact with Piaomiao Palace, they have been eyeing us all the time, so we must be more careful this time no matter what."

Han Xiaoxiao nodded solemnly, and then together with the formula, the chariot turned into a startling rainbow, cutting through the sky and galloping straight towards the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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