After the ascent failed

Chapter 515 Goodbye Shen Ruyan

Chapter 515 Goodbye Shen Ruyan

It was dark.

Bai Feng sat in his room, holding a golden talisman in his hand, with an uncertain expression.

After a while, he muttered two incantations, and then slapped the talisman on his body. After a few flashes, he disappeared out of thin air.

"With your blindfold, who do you want to hide from?"

Just as the figure disappeared, Bai Feng was suddenly startled.

Ye Chunyang didn't know when he appeared in front of him, and poured tea by himself.

"Master? When did you come in!" Bai Feng was stunned and reappeared.

He looked around but did not see the door open, Ye Chunyang seemed to appear out of thin air.

"As for the isolation and restriction in your room, let alone me, anyone with a higher level of cultivation can easily come in." Ye Chunyang looked at Bai Feng with a half-smile, and joked.

"Hey, I have spent a total of 47 high-level talismans in the restriction here. Master can get in, but others may not." Bai Feng said proudly.

He spoke harshly, but Bai Feng felt his neck was a little cold, so he couldn't help but cast a few more talismans, and the whole room was completely isolated.

There are many masters in Piaomiao Palace, if it was not Ye Chunyang who came just now, but other experts, his head might have to move.

Ye Chunyang turned a blind eye to this, and said indifferently: "Tales and magic treasures are things outside the body. If you want to protect yourself, you need to cultivate enough. If you are lazy all day long, you will lose your life sooner or later."

Bai Feng rolled his eyes, and said arrogantly: "Master, you know that, it's because I don't want to practice, if I get serious, even I will be afraid!"

Ye Chunyang couldn't help laughing, and didn't bother to chatter about Bai Feng any more, and then changed the subject, "Look at you, are you going to find out the details of Piaomiao Palace? If you go like this, you probably don't know how you died."

Bai Feng's face froze.

Then, he gritted his teeth and said, "That old man Tianshang borrowed some kind of secret treasure from Piaomiao Palace to seal the three old immortals in the Holy Land. If what I left is not bad, the method to lift the seal must be here. I will go secretly." Check it out."

He slandered in his heart that his invisible talisman was refined according to ancient methods. The resources in ancient times were far superior to today's. The secret method of refining talismans handed down by ancient monks is extremely profound. Only Ye Chunyang has great supernatural powers. If it were someone else, Bai Feng would not believe it. The other party can detect it.

"Secret treasure?"

Although I haven't seen the three elders of the Bloody Holy Land, but they can build many fairy mansions in the Northern Territory and Zhongzhou, and the strength of the Bloody Holy Land is absolutely extremely strong. According to this estimate, no matter how bad the cultivation base of the three is, they are at least in the Dongtian Realm Dacheng.

"Do you know what secret treasure is used by Piaomiao Palace?" Ye Chunyang frowned.

"I've never seen it before." Bai Feng shook his head, "I caught Tian Shang's dog leg and asked about this matter later."

He went on to say: "At that time, I wondered that even with the help of Piaomiao Palace, Tianshang could easily suppress them as long as those three old immortals took action, but they didn't show up. It turned out that they were plotted by Tianshang."

A little surprise flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes.

This boy Bai Feng looks carefree, but in fact he has a plan in his heart.

Apparently he knew that the three great elders of the Bloody Holy Land were sealed, so he found the teleportation array leading to the shore of the South China Sea. He came here with the purpose of finding the secret treasure of the Misty Palace from the very beginning.

Ye Chunyang pondered.

To be able to seal the powers of three masters above the Dongtian Realm, this secret treasure must be not bad.

"Now is indeed a good time to search for this thing, but if you just go like this, there is a high probability that you will never return." Ye Chunyang looked at Bai Feng and said lightly.

"What supernatural powers does Master have?" Bai Feng looked at him eagerly.

Originally, he was a little confident, but when Ye Chunyang said this, he suddenly lost his mind.

Looking at Ye Chunyang's appearance, it seemed as if he would be discovered as soon as he walked out of here.

Ye Chunyang made a tactic with one hand, flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, and several streams of light surrounded Baifeng's body. The latter's figure flashed, and then he disappeared, and his aura disappeared instantly, as if he had never existed.

"My dear, what kind of spell is this? It can hide even the breath." Bai Feng was taken aback.

This kind of supernatural power that can even cover up the breath is a hundred times better than his invisibility talisman.

Ye Chunyang didn't speak, and with a shake of one hand, several brilliance flowed, and his figure quickly disappeared.

Bai Feng was dumbfounded again.

He released his spiritual sense to sense carefully, and was completely unaware of Ye Chunyang's trace.

Bai Feng was even more astonished, such a supernatural power that even the three immortals in the Holy Land could not do.

"Let's go." Ye Chunyang lightly transmitted the voice.

Bai Feng didn't hesitate when he heard the sound, the two passed through the wall and left the attic like ghosts.

What Ye Chunyang used was of course the breathing restraint technique that comes with the original scripture. This spell not only allows him to switch between the two bodies, but also helps others to hide their whereabouts.

But he was worried that Bai Feng would go alone, so he simply went to investigate with him.

In addition, Ye Chunyang also wanted to see what was so mysterious about this Misty Palace, what was that treasure that could seal all the three grand elders of the Bloody Holy Land?
The hanging island of Piaomiao Palace has a vast terrain, and there are thousands of palaces and attics. Under the pass where various factions gather, disciples can be seen patrolling everywhere.

Of course, these disciples were only below the Spirit Transformation Realm, and they had no awareness of the actions of Ye Chunyang and the two of them.

Ye Chunyang walked up to a patrolling disciple who had reached the spiritual transformation stage with a blank face, and slapped his head with his palm. The person's body trembled violently, and then he froze in place.

A huge torrent of spiritual thoughts poured into this person's sea of ​​consciousness, and soon Ye Chunyang got a lot of information.

"Master, how is it?" Baifeng asked via voice transmission.

"Piao Miao Palace is divided into [-] veins temples, which are all branches of the entire sect. Each vein is in charge of an elder of the Jindan realm, and the highest level is Situ Yun and Jingyue." Ye Chunyang probed for the memory of the patrolling disciple. , I was a little shocked.

Piaomiao Palace has so many Golden Core Realm cultivators, as well as Situ Yun, who has reached the Heavenly Cave Realm, and Palace Master Jingyue, who has completed the Heavenly Cave Realm. It is no wonder that they can dominate the South China Sea with such powerful strength.

The Kunlun Ruins in Zhongzhou are somewhat inferior in comparison.

"Can you find out where that secret treasure is?" Bai Feng asked again.

"No." Ye Chunyang shook his head.

"Isn't that just a waste of work?" Bai Feng's eyes widened, and he almost didn't jump up.

"It's just a patrolling disciple in the spiritual realm. If that secret treasure is so important, do you think he would know?" Ye Chunyang said angrily.

Bai Feng slapped the patrolling disciple away with a slap, and then said angrily: "In this way, the secret of that treasure is mostly known only to those elders of the temple. possible."

"Not necessarily."

Ye Chunyang said expressionlessly, and looked at one place.

There, a powerful aura was looming, and it was obvious that a master was leading a patrol.

Ye Chunyang flickered, and swept towards that aura without any trace.

Bai Feng guessed what Ye Chunyang was going to do, and couldn't help but blush.

He secretly scolded Ye Chunyang as a lunatic, could it be that he really wanted to search for the soul of the elder at the Golden Core Realm?
Although secretly slandering her, Bai Feng did not neglect and quickly followed Ye Chunyang.

When he arrived, he was stunned to find a middle-aged man with a rough face, foaming at the mouth, lying on the ground and convulsing, obviously looking like he was being taken away.

And Ye Chunyang stood aside, his face thoughtful.

The corner of Baifeng's mouth twitched. This middle-aged monk was a strong man with a small achievement in the Golden Core Realm, but he was searched by Ye Chunyang in less than two breaths.

When did the golden core realm become so weak?
"What information does this person have?" Bai Feng calmed down after a while, and asked Ye Chunyang hastily.

"He is one of the elders of the eighteen temples, and he does know some news."

"In this person's memory, there is indeed a secret treasure in Piaomiao Palace called 'Canghuan Banner'. This thing used to be a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, but the aura of heaven-reaching spirit has dissipated over the years. If you guessed correctly, seal your Holy Land's three grand masters." The elder's should be this thing."

Ye Chunyang said with great interest.

This was the first time he had heard about the Tongtian Lingbao since he fell into the Demon God Realm, but it was a pity that he no longer had the Qi of the Tongtian Treasure, and his power was greatly reduced, even the Tongtian Lingbao was no longer counted.

"Canghuan Banner?" Bai Feng's heart moved, "Where is this treasure now?"

Ye Chunyang raised his head, looked at the majestic temple in the center of the hanging island, with a look of deepness in his eyes, and said, "Jingyue Palace!"

"Jingyue Palace?"

"That's the cave of Jingyue, the owner of Piaomiao Palace! That secret treasure is hidden here?"

Bai Feng's face changed slightly.

Almost all the cultivators in the South China Sea have heard of the place Jingyue Divine Palace, which symbolizes the supreme authority of the South China Sea, and is the cultivation cave of the past palace masters of Piaomiao Palace.

The real name of the lord of Piaomiao Palace is not Jingyue, but the name of each generation of lords. Jingyue Palace is the most impossible place to set foot in the South China Sea. Not to mention outsiders, even the elders and disciples of Piaomiao Palace. Not necessarily eligible to step into it.

Ye Chunyang frowned deeply.

The information gleaned from the memory of this Jindan elder made it difficult to set foot in the Jingyue Divine Palace, let alone get the secret treasure "Canghuan Banner" from it.

Bai Feng was discouraged all of a sudden, if the Canghuan Banner was in other places, maybe he could try a thing or two, but the chances of hiding in the Jingyue Palace would be slim, unless there is a means to reach the sky, otherwise, it must be taken without disturbing the Lord of Jingyue Palace. It is almost impossible to get this treasure.

"someone is coming!"

Just thinking about it, Bai Feng's eyes froze.

There was some movement not far away.

A white light flashed across the sky, and a woman was surrounded by the cold moonlight, like a fairy rushing to the moon palace, with a graceful figure and a faint breath.

She landed quickly, and at this time the Elder of the Golden Core Realm whose soul was searched by Ye Chunyang woke up faintly, and hurriedly saluted the woman after being a little puzzled.

"Young Palace Master, you are here."

The two of them cultivated at the same Golden Core Realm, but this elder actually treated the woman with the utmost respect.

When Ye Chunyang saw this woman, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

This woman is none other than the former eldest lady of the Shen family, Shen Ruyan.

(End of this chapter)

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