Chapter 528
This thin-faced old man had a strong aura, and his cultivation had at least reached the level of Jindan Dacheng, staring at Ye Chunyang and his party with a sinister smile.

As soon as this person appeared, he beheaded and killed four of the five ghosts of Kangshan, and in a blink of an eye there was only a big man with a stubble, which can be described as arrogant and fierce.

"Yunling Sanren!" The bearded man's pupils shrank suddenly, showing a look of horror, "I, the five ghosts of Kangshan, have no grievances or enmity with my predecessors, why did they take their lives?"

This Yunling Sanren is a ruthless man famous in the South China Sea, occupying a huge island, has his own dojo under his sect, and is extremely powerful, but most people who see him retreat three feet away, unwilling to make enemies with him.

Hu Zha originally wanted to intercept and kill Ye Chunyang here and flee quickly, but he didn't expect that the Yunling Sanren would come so quickly, and he would kill them all if they disagreed with each other.

"This old man's cultivation is higher than yours, and his strength is stronger than yours. If you want to kill, you can kill, and if you want to fight, what can you do to me?" Yunling Sanren laughed contemptuously.

With his cultivation at the Golden Core Realm, looking at a bearded man is like looking at an ant.


The bearded man looked gloomy, but he didn't dare to make an inch.

"The mere spiritual transformation is complete, and I don't bother to kill you. Hurry up and get out of here to survive." Yunling Sanren said calmly.

The bearded man's face was livid.

The Yunling Sanren didn't care about him, and said coldly to Han Xiaoxiao and the others with his hands behind his back, "Princess Taiyun, I don't want to make things difficult for you, as long as you obediently hand over the person next to you, I guarantee that the rest of you can leave."

Han Xiaoxiao's face was cold.

They had already opened up their escape speed, but unexpectedly they were stopped by Jindan masters. With the strength of this Yunling Loose Cultivator, how could they be against them?

"Hmph, what an arrogant old man, if the old man hadn't failed to bring out the holy blood talisman, how could he be allowed to be arrogant here!" Bai Feng gritted his teeth and said viciously.

When he was in Tianxuan Mountain, he was able to let Ye Chunyang blow up the fourth-level upper-level demon Bai Ling with the holy blood talisman. Unfortunately, he couldn't bring this talisman out when he left the Holy Land of Blood Luo, otherwise he would be able to kill it with a snap of his fingers. Bomb and kill this Yunling Loose Cultivator.

"Senior Ye, this person is very powerful, I will try to contain him, you and your husband will leave first." Han Xiaoxiao said.

"No way! How can I let my lady take risks alone?" Bai Feng shook her head decisively.

"Don't worry, sir, although this person is strong, he doesn't dare to do anything to me. After you and Senior Ye leave, you can return to Taiyun City by detour. If I really fall into this person's hands, mother will definitely not sit idly by." Han Xiaoxiao said.

no!If there is an emergency, my lady, what should I do? "Bai Feng still didn't agree.

Han Xiaoxiao was a little anxious.

She wanted to persuade her again, but a faint voice sounded beside her.

"The princess is worrying too much, it's just a mere golden core, just kill it directly." Ye Chunyang said.

Han Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chunyang in disbelief, thinking that she had heard wrong.

She felt a strong wind blowing by her side, Han Xiaoxiao thought it was Yunling Sanren who made the move, and her heart shuddered, but when she looked up, Yunling Sanren was still outside, and Ye Chunyang was also sitting there motionless.

Just when he was surprised, he suddenly heard a loud shout in front of him.

The Yunling Sanren turned around and slapped his palm backwards as if he felt something. In an instant, the sea was shocked by huge waves, roaring and rolling, and the huge palm print split the sea.

Kuangba's aura swept across, and Xiao Rou and the others couldn't help but retreat a few steps and fell back on the spirit chariot.

The bearded man was the first to bear the brunt, and before he had time to prepare himself, he was sent flying dozens of feet horizontally by the blast.

But the next scene was surprising, where the palm prints of the Yunling Sanren landed, there was no one there, only countless dead fish floating on the sea surface, washed away with the waves.


Yunling Sanren himself also had a look of surprise.

Just now he seemed to feel that there was someone behind him, but at this moment, he couldn't see the other party when he shot, it was really weird.

"Could it be that I felt wrong?" Yunling Sanren looked at the chariot, Ye Chunyang and his party were still inside, obviously there was no one else.

Just waiting for this moment, suddenly there was a tsunami, and the raging waves surged up. I saw violent fluctuations in the void. Yunling Sanren had just noticed it, and suddenly his pupils shrank.


The roar of mountain crashing resounded, and Yunling Sanren's body arched. He wanted to activate the body shield, but there was no time to wait. As soon as the light curtain was lit, he was scattered by an inexplicable force, and his whole body was as far away as a sandbag. Fly far into the sky.


The face of Yunling Sanren was startled and angry.

This time someone made a move, but no one was seen. This scene is really weird.

"Could it be other masters who came here to hunt and kill?" Yunling Sanren was puzzled, and said with a cold snort: "I want to see, who the hell are you!"

While speaking, his eyes flickered, and his spiritual consciousness gushed out like a tide, and he searched the surroundings carefully.

But then Yunling Sanren was completely shocked.

There was no one around, not even a breath.

"To hell with it!" Yunling Sanren felt a little uneasy.

The shot just now was like a ghost, so he didn't even have a chance to defend. It can be seen that the strength of the opponent is very likely to be higher than him.

At this moment, Yunling Sanren's body suddenly shook violently, and an overwhelming force surged out of thin air, directly pressing down from above.

Yunling Sanren was extremely frightened and furious, the other party made no trace of his attack, leaving him no time to prepare himself.

In a hurry, a golden talisman appeared in his hand. After swiping his fingers a few times, he quickly recited the spell and slapped the talisman on his body.

A layer of dazzling spiritual light flickered, and Yunling Sanren's body was covered with a layer of armor, like poured gold and steel, with a majestic aura.

But soon Yunling Sanren's face showed horror.

That invisible force fell straight down like a mountain and sea waterfall, and the armor made a crackling sound as soon as it condensed, turning into broken light and annihilated.

Yunling Sanren's shock was no small matter. The talisman he used to condense his armor was a high-level spiritual armor talisman, which could easily block monks of the same level, but at this time, he couldn't even see the opponent's figure and was shattered by the blow.

He didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly used the evasion technique, wanting to escape from this place.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Yunling Sanren's body just came out of light, suddenly he felt a pain in his head, and then his eyes went dark, so he didn't know anything about him.

Everyone saw Yunling Sanren's head burst open, and his body was also crushed into meatloaf by some invisible force, which turned into blood mist and sank to the surface of the sea.

Han Xiaoxiao gasped.

In just a few breaths, the Yunling Sanren who had reached the golden core state died so strangely, but no one even knew who made the move.

Just when Han Xiaoxiao's heart was trembling, a phantom hovered over the sea and flew straight into the chariot, and then a strange young man with eyebrows somewhat resembling Ye Chunyang appeared in front of him.

Han Xiaoxiao seemed to be facing an enemy, but saw the young man standing motionless in front of him, seemingly harmless towards them.

Not far away, the bearded man was about to flee, when he saw the scene of Yunling Sanren being killed in seconds, he was so frightened that the souls of the dead immediately jumped up, and the six souls ascended to the sky, and there was a chill behind him.

"Yunling Sanren Jindan Dacheng's cultivation has been killed, how can they have such a powerful helper?" Hu Zha felt that he had made a wrong decision, and quickly ran away without thinking about it.

He really kicked the iron board this time, and if he stays here, he will die here.

"It's like an ant."

Ye Chunyang's faint voice came from the chariot, and the indifferent young man who looked a little like him pointed at the stubble man.


A huge aura of spiritual light, like a startling rainbow, stretched all the way from the young man's hand, and quickly reached behind the bearded man.


The bearded man was terrified, he used his life escape technique, and flew away as fast as his life, but unfortunately, the fingerprints were as fast as piercing through the void, and he chased after him in an instant, the bearded man saw a sharp tearing pain, The figure was submerged in the spiritual light, and when the fingerprints dissipated, this person disappeared out of thin air, and just evaporated from the world.

On the chariot, Han Xiaoxiao and the others took another deep breath.

Killing two people instantly, what is the origin of this young man?
"Thank you senior for saving your life. If you dare to ask senior your name, I will definitely repay you when the little girl returns to Taiyun City." Han Xiaoxiao stepped forward and bowed.

"Hey, my lady doesn't know yet, right? This is Master's avatar." Bai Feng said with a strange smile.

"Clone?" Han Xiaoxiao was shocked.

She looked at Ye Xiaobao with a suspicious look, not daring to say anything: "I have heard of the technique of incarnation outside the body in ancient times, but this senior appeared here silently, how can he be the clone of Senior Ye?"

"That's what it is."

Bai Feng looked at Ye Chunyang, and kept babbling: "Master, Master, it's hard for you to hide it from me. When I was in the Northern Territory, I really thought that Ye Xiaobao was your big brother. Never I think he is your clone, if it hadn’t been made public in Kunlun Ruins a few years ago, I’m afraid I wouldn’t know it until now.”

"You didn't ask me either." Ye Chunyang replied with a half-smile.

The corner of Baifeng's mouth twitched, consciously unable to answer the conversation.

He glanced at Ye Xiaobao, and said: "But having said that, Master, your avatar actually has the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm, and you directly killed Yunling Sanren, which is really powerful."

The scene just now is obvious to all. Ye Chunyang's avatar looks like it has only a small golden core cultivation, but its real combat power may be able to compete with a strong man with a perfect golden core. Such a strength far beyond the surface is shocking.

Ye Chunyang smiled and said nothing.

As soon as he waved, Ye Xiaobao immediately returned to his side, and then said to Han Xiaoxiao: "I'm afraid it won't be peaceful going back this way, let's not delay here, let's go."

Han Xiaoxiao was still in shock and couldn't extricate herself. She woke up after hearing Ye Chunyang's words. After nodding quickly, she urged the spirit chariot again.

Immediately, the group headed back towards Taiyun City without stopping.

Ye Chunyang sat in the chariot with his eyes closed, meditating and recuperating.

He was not worried about the pursuit of the monks in the South China Sea, not to mention his own spiritual cultivation in the late stage of leaving his body, Ye Xiaobao's strength alone could sweep the Golden Core Realm.

Just like the Yunling Sanren just now, Ye Xiaobao didn't need to use mana at all, and directly blasted him with his physical strength, such a thing was completely out of his eyes.

At this time, what he was thinking in his mind was instead thinking about returning to Zhongzhou. The teleportation array they had come to the South China Sea before had been damaged and could no longer be used. If they wanted to go back, they had to find a new teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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