After the ascent failed

Chapter 559 The Wordless Book

Chapter 559 The Wordless Book
"Fellow Daoist Ye insists on this, so of course I won't stop it, but I have something to say first, no matter whether fellow daoist can get the practice of distraction in the Wordless Heavenly Book, your primordial spirit and virtual supernatural powers must be handed over to the Heavenly Soul Sect." Master Ling looked at Ye Chunyang with a smile.

Dao Ling was not surprised by Ye Chunyang's decision. When Mu Kui sent back the news of the birthday banquet and Ye Chunyang's appearance, Dao Ling knew Ye Chunyang's identity through the intelligence relationship of Tianhunzong. Regarding those related rumors, Master Dao Ling knew that he should not look at him with ordinary eyes.

When it came to Ye Chunyang's unyielding arrogance when he confronted Master Tianyun, Master Dao Ling was even more impressed by him.

"Elder Dao Ling, don't worry, no matter whether this matter is successful or not, the transaction will never go back." Ye Chunyang said.

The supernatural power he gave is only the first level, if it can be exchanged for the practice of distraction, it is naturally worth it.

"Okay, since that's the case, fellow daoist, let's go down and rest. Tomorrow, I will ask Mu Kui to take you to comprehend the Wordless Heavenly Book." Dao Ling said.

Ye Chunyang nodded, got up and said goodbye.

Reverend Dao Ling looked at his leaving figure with a strange look in his eyes. This kid is indeed different.


After getting the result he wanted, Ye Chunyang temporarily lived in Tianhunzong.

He was still a bit curious about the wordless heavenly book that contained distraction skills, and he would try it no matter whether it was successful or not.

When Mu Kui ordered his disciples to take him to a separate courtyard, there were several figures inside.

The three daughters Ye Yao, Lin Yu, and Guan Ruoruo were talking, and they laughed crisply from time to time, and they looked like they were having a good time.

"Daddy is back!" Ye Yao saw the young man walking outside the courtyard, her eyes showed joy, and she rushed to meet him.

Ye Chunyang smiled and nodded.

"Friend Daoist Ye." Guan Ruoruo also stood up, looking at Ye Chunyang with a smile.

"Fairy Ruoruo, I haven't seen you for a few years, don't you come here without any problems?" Ye Chunyang showed a gentle smile, and waved his hands to let the girls sit down.

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for your concern. I'm fine. Back then, all factions thought that fellow daoist had fallen, but I didn't expect you to be alive." Guan Ruoruo's beautiful eyes showed hope. The figure is extremely clear.

"My father has a lot of life, so naturally he can't die." Ye Yao hurriedly said.

Ye Chunyang rubbed her little head, nodded and said, "It's a fluke for me to be able to get out of Tianxuan Mountain safely, but it's a fairy, how did you become Dao Ling's disciple? Who killed your father Yichen?"

When Guan Ruoruo heard Ye Chunyang's words, he was slightly taken aback, his expression darkened.

Lin Yu also looked at Guan Ruoruo, asking with her beautiful eyes, "Ruoruo, what happened to this matter? When you came back from the mountain with Master, you were already at the foot of Kunlun Mountain. Why did Master suddenly be attacked? Unexpectedly, when I arrived, you were also taken away by people from the Heavenly Soul Sect."

Guan Ruoruo's eyes were a little red, she lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something, and said after a long time: "That day, my father and I did return from the foot of the mountain, but on the way back to the mountain, my father suddenly found a mysterious person. He acted suspiciously and went to track him down, but unexpectedly his whereabouts were exposed, and my father was defeated and killed by the opponent."

"Master's cultivation has reached the Golden Core Realm, and ordinary people are no match for him, let alone at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, who is that person?" Lin Yu's body trembled slightly, and he clenched his hands tightly.

Guan Ruoruo raised his head and said with a wry smile: "That man's cultivation base is very high, neither my father nor I saw his face, after he defeated my father, he wanted to kill me, but fortunately, the seniors of Tianhun Sect took action , I was able to survive."

"So, it was the people from the Heavenly Soul Sect who saved you?" Lin Yu said unexpectedly.

"Yes." Guan Ruoruo nodded.

Lin Yu smiled wryly. It turned out that she had misunderstood all along. When she rushed to the scene, she happened to see Guan Ruoruo being taken away by a powerful soul cultivator. Later, Daoist Yichen left his last words. That person was a monk of the Heavenly Soul Sect, so Lin Yu thought It was people from the Tianhun Sect who killed Daoist Yichen, who did not expect the result to be like this.

"Sister Yu'er, you came all the way from Zhongzhou to Yaoyu to check on me, thank you." Guan Ruoruo said gratefully. She could feel how many dangers Lin Yu had experienced along the way. Heart.

"There is no need to talk about this between you and me." Lin Yurou said: "Speaking of which, I was lucky enough to meet Elder Ye, otherwise, with my own strength, even if I could sneak into the birthday banquet of Patriarch Jinpeng, I might not be able to compete with the heavens." It is even more impossible to inquire about you if you come into contact with the Soul Sect."

Guan Ruoruo's beautiful eyes smiled, although the young man in front of him seldom reveals his heart, but in Tianxuan Mountain, as long as the people around him are in danger, he will stand up without hesitation, which shows that he is a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

"I didn't expect this to be so twists and turns, but I don't know who is the mysterious person who entered Kunlun Mountain?" Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered slightly.

"This person's identity is mysterious, but he is definitely not from my Kunlun Ruins." Guan Ruoruo said with hatred.

Ye Chunyang frowned secretly. The sudden appearance of such a mysterious person in Kunlun Ruins did not know whether it would cause any disturbance. He was a little worried about Gu Qian's safety.

"By the way, how could the people from Tianhunzong show up at that time and rescue you in time?" Lin Yu asked the court official Ruoruo who was a little confused.

Guan Ruoruo glanced at Ye Chunyang, then lowered his head, and said, "My father is originally from the Heavenly Soul Sect. He has been collecting information in the Kunlun Ruins for these years. This time, someone from the Heavenly Soul Sect came to join us. They valued my soul. Because of my talent in martial arts, I rescued me and brought me back to the Heavenly Soul Sect to practice."

"Are you Dao Ling's disciple now?" Ye Chunyang asked, remembering the scene outside the hall just now.

Guan Ruoruo nodded, and said: "Reverend Dao Ling measured that my spirit is stronger than ordinary soul cultivators, so he accepted me as a closed disciple."

"How is your spiritual cultivation now?" Ye Chunyang continued.

"It's in the middle of leaving the body." Guan Ruoruo said with a smile, her beautiful eyes showed pride.

Ye Chunyang looked at Guan Ruoruo with a thoughtful expression.

After a while, he said, "Since you are a direct disciple of Dao Ling Dao Ling, have you ever heard of the Wordless Book of Heavenly Soul Sect?"

Regarding the wordless heavenly scriptures, Ye Chunyang still listened to Daoist Ling's one-sided words. Although the other party didn't need to deceive him, it would be best to learn more relevant information from Guan Ruoruo.

"A script without words?" Guan Ruoruo was visibly taken aback when he heard this sentence.

She looked at Ye Chunyang suspiciously, and said, "How did Fellow Daoist know about this?"

"Dao Ling told me personally." Ye Chunyang said, there is nothing to hide about this matter.

Guan Ruoruo looked surprised, no matter how he looked at it, he looked a little strange.

She knew that the Wordless Heavenly Book was one of the big secrets of the Tianhun Sect, so she would not tell others about it. She didn't know what Ye Chunyang had talked with Dao Ling, and Dao Ling even told him such an important matter. .

"As far as I know, the Wordless Heavenly Book is a treasure handed down by the Heavenly Soul Sect since ancient times. It contains many profound soul arts, and it is said that there are also peerless exercises that can be used to practice advanced distraction. However, the Wordless Heavenly Book has spirituality. , the higher the level of the soul technique, the more powerful the divine mind is needed to comprehend it." Guan Ruoruo said.

Although she didn't know how Ye Chunyang learned about the Wordless Heavenly Book, since Dao Ling told it personally, there must be a reason for it.

What's more, she and Ye Chunyang are good friends, so they are naturally willing to answer them.

Speaking of this, Guan Ruoruo couldn't help but paused, and looked at Ye Chunyang in disbelief: "Brother Ye is not trying to distract his mind through the practice of soul art in the Wordless Heavenly Manual, is it?"

She knew that Ye Chunyang's spiritual cultivation had already reached the late stage of leaving his body, and now that he came to Tianhunzong and mentioned the Wordless Heavenly Book, it was not difficult to guess his purpose.

Ye Chunyang smiled slightly and said, "I do have that intention."

Guan Ruoruo looked at him like a monster, shook his head and said, "Brother Ye may not be able to fulfill his wish."

"Why do you see it?" Ye Chunyang asked in surprise.

Guan Ruoruo showed a wry smile, and said: "Thousands of soul cultivators in the Tianhun Sect, very few of them can go from the soul-shaping stage to the out-of-body stage, let alone from out-of-body to distraction, it's not because of their talent. Not enough, but because the Wordless Heavenly Book is not easily recognized by people, the chances of obtaining exercises from it are really slim."

What she said was all the truth. Only a few elders of the Heavenly Soul Sect were lucky enough to be recognized by the Wordless Heavenly Book, from which they realized the advanced distraction soul art skills, but most of them stopped at the state of leaving their bodies forever.

It is also for this reason that soul cultivation is so rare in the world.

"There is one more thing." Guan Ruoruo continued: "There is also a price to be paid for comprehending the wordless heavenly book. Because the wordless heavenly book is extremely spiritual, every time a person who comprehends it will hurt the soul. The primordial spirit cannot recover from the injury, if Brother Ye really intends to do this, I advise you to think twice before acting."

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Chunyang rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

He didn't expect that the Wordless Heavenly Book had such secrets, and Dao Ling didn't mention these things to him.

But since he's here, he can't give up just because of this difficulty, right?
Guan Ruoruo stared at him with beautiful eyes, seeing the calm and firm expression in his eyes, he couldn't help but smiled wryly in his heart.

Obviously, her warning didn't make Ye Chunyang change anything.

"It seems that my master has already agreed to allow you to comprehend the Wordless Heavenly Book. Since this is the case, I can't stop you." Guan Ruoruo said: "However, Brother Ye, if you really want to comprehend the Wordless Heavenly Book, I suggest you choose The one in the middle."

"Oh?" Ye Chunyang showed suspicion.

Guan Ruoruo said: "There are seven wordless scriptures in total, which are hidden in Tianhun Peak. According to the experience left by the predecessors, the fourth piece of wordless scriptures in the middle is the most collected and the easiest to comprehend. Brother Ye may as well try."

"So that's it." Ye Chunyang nodded suddenly, and said curiously: "Have you ever tried to comprehend those wordless scriptures?"

I saw Guan Ruoruo smiled awkwardly: "I have only entered the Heavenly Soul Sect to practice not long ago, and Master has not yet asked me to comprehend the Wordless Heavenly Book."

Ye Chunyang's expression faltered, the news of Dare Emotional Officer Ruoruo is actually just hearsay!

(End of this chapter)

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