After the ascent failed

Chapter 561 Advanced Distraction

Chapter 561 Advanced Distraction
Ye Chunyang's consciousness was released, and both Dao Ling and Mu Kui were shocked by it.

The power of the soul manifested in the form of Ye Chunyang is better than many soul cultivators in the late stage of leaving the body.

The strength of his soul is almost three times that of the same level. It can be said that if he fights at the same level, he can completely fight three with one.

This surprised Dao Ling. When he was in the same realm as Ye Chunyang, there was a big gap between him and Ye Chunyang.

"This kid, I don't know how strong he will be if he cultivates his mind." Dao Ling exclaimed. It seems that his decision was not wrong. When Mu Kui sent back the news, he did not take strong measures. But to help him resolve the crisis.

With Ye Chunyang's talent for spirit and soul, if he is strong, he must be an extremely terrifying existence. If this kind of person stands on the opposite side, it will be a disaster, and may even bring disaster to the sect.

Of course, he hasn't fully grown up yet, so it's easy for Dao Ling to kill him, but Dao Ling has seen that Ye Chunyang is different from ordinary people. If such a person can win his favor, it will be of great help to the future of the sect.

"This seventh wordless celestial scripture is extraordinary. Our sect has passed it down for so long. Only the Patriarch can comprehend the power and soul technique from it. I'm afraid he may not be able to succeed." Mu Kui said.

He is well aware of the strangeness of the seventh wordless celestial book, and there is only one chance to comprehend the wordless celestial book. Once he fails, he will be rejected by the seven wordless celestial books at the same time. Always be extremely cautious, no one has ever chosen this one.

So Mu Kui is not optimistic about Ye Chunyang, even though his soul talent is amazing.

"Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, our sect should make friends with this person." Master Dao Ling said with a smile.

Mu Kui saw a hint of admiration in Dao Ling's eyes, which was unprecedented among his disciples, and he couldn't help saying in amazement: "Why does the Grand Elder value this person so much? Is it just because his talent of soul is different from ordinary people?"

In fact, Mu Kui was a little puzzled at the beginning. When he sent back the news of Ye Chunyang's appearance and his intention to trade with the primordial spirit to transform the virtual supernatural powers, he never thought that Dao Ling would appear in person.

Now, he even shows that he attaches great importance to Ye Chunyang, which makes Mu Kui very puzzled.

Dao Ling chuckled, and said: "This kid's soul talent is outstanding, but what is truly extraordinary is the many identities behind him. Those Zhongzhou sects are not fools. If it weren't for the amazing things about this kid, how would they treat him?" He so?"

Mu Kui's body trembled.

Dao Ling looked at the young figure in front of him, his eyes revealed a bit of deepness, and after half a moment he said softly: "Now I have reached the peak of the late stage of distraction, I don't know when the thunder disaster will come, and whether I can survive it safely It is not yet known, if... I fall in the thunder calamity, it will be difficult for the future Sky Soul Sect to gain a foothold in the demon realm, and someone needs to succeed me."

"Why did Grand Elder say that, with your cultivation base, you will be able to survive the thunder calamity safely and advance to the realm where no one has ever existed." Mu Kui's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice.

"The realm of no one in the ages?" Dao Ling suddenly raised his head and smiled, and said, "I wish I could enter such a realm, but the closer I get to the thunder calamity, the more I can feel the horror of this calamity. If I can't get through , is the end of my mind and soul being wiped out, and even if I can get through, I have to ascend to the spirit world, and the Heavenly Soul Sect will still not be able to gain a foothold."

Mu Kui was stunned when he heard the words, and said: "But even so, Ye Chunyang's cultivation base is still shallow, and he hasn't even entered the distraction, how can he take up the beam of our sect."

"Of course I won't pin all my hopes on him. This time is the key to verifying his ability. If he can comprehend the cultivation of distracted soul art skills from the wordless book, it will really be worthy of my admiration."

Master Dao Ling looked at Ye Chunyang's back with an extremely firm expression, and said: "If he can really advance to the stage of distraction, he will definitely reach my level within 200 years at most."

Mu Kui raised his eyebrows, and looked at the young man with complicated eyes.

Ye Chunyang, who was immersed in comprehension, didn't know the conversation between the two of them. When his consciousness came into contact with the Wordless Heavenly Book, he seemed to enter a misty world, and his spirit was clear.

Strands of primordial aura surround his world, and he can feel that there is some kind of mystery contained in these auras, but they are sealed away so that no one can know.

Ye Chunyang's consciousness is like water, walking in this space, closing his eyes and meditating on it.

Unknowingly, he had a wonderful strange feeling, and couldn't help but look towards a certain primordial aura in the space.

Under his gaze, the aura is changing, like stars, sun and moon, dimming and brightening, and then turning into delicate flowers, but gradually withering under the passage of time, and then there are spring grass and jade trees, from vigorous to exhausted, from newborn To defeat, it seems to contain some kind of heaven and earth truth.

Ye Chunyang stared at it with spiritual consciousness, and gradually realized a little bit of enlightenment in his heart.

As if it is an opportunity for the revolving of heaven and earth, the changes of all things include all phenomena of life and mystery.

"I see."

Ye Chunyang suddenly understood something.

"The reason why the Wordless Heavenly Book is wordless is that it has no fonts. Everything needs to be visualized and realized. The principle of transformation of all things in the world is the deepest mystery in this Wordless Heavenly Book."

He concentrated his mind and meditated on the change of the aura just now, a sense of mystery arose spontaneously.

But when Ye Chunyang's heart gradually became enlightened, he didn't feel the golden light shining all over his body. From the outside, he had a sense of mystery.


Mu Kui stared.

Dao Ling also looked up slightly.

I saw that the golden light on Ye Chunyang's body became brighter and brighter, when the light reached its peak, suddenly a pleasant sound came out!

Bursts of fairy sounds echoed, lingering in the hall, and the sky above Ye Chunyang's head was filled with golden light, like a rain curtain and tide, shining brilliantly, that noble and majestic aura, like a fairy descended into the world, looking down on him for life.

"Why is his primordial spirit so pure?"

Dao Ling looked solemnly.

Such a majestic aura has never been seen on any soul cultivator's soul, and Ye Chunyang has too many differences.

At this moment, Dao Ling saw a scene that made him feel unbelievable all his life.

Ye Chunyang's primordial spirit radiated a bright light, and the seventh wordless book suddenly trembled unceasingly, and then, as if inspired, the other six pieces roared one after another, surrounded by majestic breaths.


Mu Kui was shocked.

Reverend Dao Ling stood up openly, staring at the seven wordless celestial scriptures with his eyes slightly open, and said in a low voice: "The seven wordless celestial scriptures were actually sensed at the same time."

"How is this possible?" Mu Kui widened his eyes, showing a look of horror.

"It's really impossible. The seven wordless heavenly books have been passed down from ancient times, and no one has ever been able to comprehend the soul art skills inside at the same time." Master Dao Ling muttered to himself, and couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

But the scene that shocked them was yet to come.

The seven stone tablets trembled one after another, as if echoing Ye Chunyang, and bursts of gray light reflected into his primordial spirit.

A series of ancient and mysterious runes appeared, surrounded Ye Chunyang's body, pouring into his body like freshness, his pupils turned golden, the radiance in the primordial spirit flowed, and a vast divine power diffused out.


Suddenly, a huge aura shot up into the sky, Ye Chunyang's primordial spirit was suspended in the air, and seven wordless heavenly books surrounded him, as if worshiping a god, and the primordial aura blended with it.

The disciples under the peak shook.

Countless people looked up at the sky, only to see the golden glow like clouds, as if a banished fairy descended, surrounded by auspicious colors, and the vision lasted forever.

A golden phantom suddenly rushed out from the Temple of Heavenly Soul, swallowing mountains and rivers with unparalleled majesty.

The expressions of all the disciples down the mountain changed suddenly, facing this golden phantom, they couldn't help being in awe, some of the weaker ones even felt trembling physically and mentally, and couldn't help but knelt down on the ground.

"His soul has advanced!" Mu Kui said suddenly.

"This kid... is really extraordinary!" Dao Ling's forehead also twitched, both shocked and a little appreciative, "I thought no one could comprehend the seventh wordless book, but I didn't expect him To be able to get a mystery from it, and it also stimulated the resonance of the other six pieces, and directly entered the realm of distraction."

Mu Kui did not expect this scene at all.

Seven wordless celestial scriptures have visions at the same time, which has never happened since the wordless celestial scriptures were handed down. Moreover, even those who have realized the exercises in the wordless scriptures have to go through seclusion to slowly understand them. And Ye Chunyang advanced in his perception, which is simply too monstrous.

Also at this time, Ye Chunyang's eyes suddenly opened in his primordial spirit, a sharp look flashed by, and a bright sword light shot out from his pupils, surrounded by seven wordless heavenly books, as if he had met a proud lord, exuding Out of awe.

Ye Chunyang's soul was shaken slightly, and the golden glow on his body was as bright as the scorching sun.

I saw his primordial spirit flickering, and countless rays of light shone out. His primordial spirit disappeared in an instant, but those with keen perception could feel a strong majesty filling the void, as if he had merged with the heaven and the earth. One, everywhere.

At this moment, Ye Chunyang has really entered the stage of distraction, his soul has become his own body, and he can completely perceive the world without his body and practice independently.

"Is this the supernatural power of the distraction period?"

Ye Chunyang's thoughts circulated, and he felt the change of everything in the world, just like what he perceived in the wordless book just now, his spirit seemed to be sublimated.

This qualitative change has never been realized even when the human world ascended.

The entire Tianhun Sect was shaken, and several distracted elders rushed to the Tianhun Temple.

The vision of Ye Chunyang's advanced level of distraction might not be that shocking to them, but when they saw the seven wordless scriptures revolving around Ye Chunyang, these elders in the distraction period suddenly showed shock, and then looked at Ye Chunyang His gaze was clearly different.

"Ye Daoyou should have the hope of revitalizing the soul art!"

Real Dao Ling felt the pressure of the ubiquitous divine sense, and not only uttered a compliment. .

(End of this chapter)

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