Chapter 567

Outside the enchantment of Tianhunzong, the evil wind was billowing, and the thick fog rose to the sky.

Figures of different shapes gathered here, and the breath was all piercing and compelling.

In the sky, a high-pitched dragon chant resounded, and the blue light cut through the void and fell in front of everyone.

With a stalwart figure and an incomparably majestic aura, he is the Cyan Dragon King, the patriarch of the Monster Dragon Clan.

"Meet Father!"

Long Xuan and Long Ting were ordered to wait here, and when they saw the arrival of the Qinglong King, they immediately bowed down with them.

Behind the Monster Dragon Clan, many branches of the Monster Clan also showed shock on their faces, and they all lowered their heads not daring to look directly at the Azure Dragon King.

"Is everyone here?" Qinglong King looked around the field, and saw a series of figures with strong aura approaching, among them were several auras around the Dacheng of Dongtian Realm, and they were the patriarchs of the monster clan of some second-rate forces.

"The Azure Dragon King is long overdue, I've been waiting here for a long time." A burly man from the monster clan stepped forward and said.

I saw him with wings on his back, a mighty expression, and his cultivation was at the peak of Dacheng in the Dongtian Realm. When all the demon cultivators saw him, they couldn't help but give way.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Tianpeng of the Feipeng Clan. I made some arrangements on the road, so I delayed some time and made you wait for a long time." Qinglong King looked at the burly man in front of him, nodded slightly and said.

"The Azure Dragon King was planning secretly, it seems that this trip is sure to win." Tianpeng, the patriarch of the Feipeng Clan, complimented.

Seeing this scene, many monster monks scoffed in their hearts.

He is Feipeng's younger brother. Feipeng took refuge in the Nether Evil Venerable in Tianxuan Mountain and was killed by King Nanxuan with a single sword. At the level of Chi Huo and Bai Yu, bowing their knees in front of the Azure Dragon King, they no longer have the prestige of the strong clan in the past.

Of course, even though they were not ashamed of Tianpeng's hypocrisy towards the Azure Dragon King, they had no choice but to come forward to pay respects to the strength of the Yaolong clan.

Among the monsters, Chi Huo, the head of the Tiger Clan, and Bai Yu, the head of the Fox Clan, also smiled and bowed to each other.

Qinglong King nodded to everyone, but did not answer Tianpeng's words, but looked up at the sky.

At this moment, a golden glow came through the sky, and a golden-winged roc appeared in the sky, carrying the momentum of shaking the sky and the earth, and quickly fell in a hurricane.

Kuangba's spiritual pressure permeated the air, and the expressions of all the demon cultivators changed.

They raised their heads in unison, only to see that the golden awn had disappeared, and the golden-winged roc changed into a majestic old man wearing a golden-feathered cloak.

"Brother Jinpeng, you are here." Qinglong King looked at the old man in front of him, smiled and cupped his hands.

The face of the old man is not unfamiliar, it is the ancestor Jinpeng who just held a thousand-year-old birthday banquet in the cave not long ago.

Looking at the Qinglong King, he smiled faintly and said, "It is said that the boy who made trouble at my birthday banquet is now in the Tianhun Sect. How can I allow a small human monk to disturb a thousand-year-old birthday banquet? It is simply a great shame to say that today, no matter what, he must be taken out and crushed."

"Brother Jinpeng's words are very true." King Qinglong said, "Dr.o friend's birthday banquet was in seclusion at the time, and I was unable to go to celebrate his birthday in person, so I immediately sent Longxuan and Longting to go there. I didn't expect that there would be people mixed into Dao friend's birthday banquet. , and humiliate my monster dragon clan with an excuse, since the human race is so arrogant, how can I tolerate it?"

After finishing speaking, he looked back at the demon cultivators, and said: "The demon domain is originally the world of our demon clan, and the human race is arrogant and arrogant, occupying our territory. Today, we will eradicate the human clan sect and let them know about our demon clan. majesty."

As the two sang together, all the demon cultivators present were deeply impressed, and there was a burst of response.

"Brother Jinpeng, it is said that Dao Ling is already comprehending the thunder tribulation, and soul cultivation is the natural enemy of our demon cultivators. With Dao Ling's supernatural powers, none of us can fight against it alone. It takes you and me to join forces to defeat it And kill him." Qinglong King looked sideways at Patriarch Jinpeng, his eyes were as sharp as knives.

"That's right. On the day of the old man's birthday party, I specially tested Mu Kui. According to him, Dao Ling's spiritual cultivation is indeed close to the stage of thunder disaster, and he is almost No. 1 under the earth immortal. It is indeed impossible for us to be with him." The enemy." Patriarch Jinpeng said gloomyly.

Although he is also a great monster with a perfect Dongtian Realm, he has to admit that Dao Ling is powerful.

Glancing at the Azure Dragon King, he continued: "It's only natural to join forces, but the thing that the Heavenly Soul Sect obtained 200 years ago..."

"Naturally, you and I will share!" Qinglong said kingly, he didn't have the confidence to deal with Dao Ling alone, and needed to rely on the strength of Jinpeng Patriarch.

"It's best to be so natural." Patriarch Jinpeng smiled.

If it wasn't for that treasure, how could he appear here.

However, after the Azure Dragon King finished speaking, he said unexpectedly loudly: "Not only you and I share the treasure, but also the leaders of the various veins present. I think you have heard that the treasure obtained by the Heavenly Soul Sect has a lot to do with the spirit world. Or you can use this thing to ascend to the spiritual world, and then you can all understand together and prove the way to ascend."

"Qinglong King, do you know what you are talking about?" Patriarch Jinpeng's expression changed.

And when the Azure Dragon King said this, a wave of voices suddenly swept out from behind.

All the demon cultivators were shocked, and then greedy eyes welled up in their eyes.

Chi Huo, the head of the Tiger Clan, and Chi Huo, the head of the Fox Clan, looked stunned. The two of them stood together. They had already agreed that they only needed to fish in troubled waters to get some benefits this time. They never expected that the Azure Dragon King would reveal the secret of the treasure of the Heavenly Soul Sect. public.

"Is there really a treasure in the world that can prove Dao Ascension?"

"What kind of treasure was held by the Soul Sect that day? No wonder the Azure Dragon King would not hesitate to come out and bring the masters of the clan."

"It is said that 200 years ago, a secret treasure appeared in the demon realm, which caused great competition among all parties. Finally, this treasure fell into the hands of the human race's Sky Soul Sect. It seems that it is the treasure that the Azure Dragon King mentioned."

"If we can really get this thing, wouldn't we have a chance to ascend to the spirit world..."


There were waves of voices among the demon cultivators, and countless strong men were all excited, looking at the enchantment in front of them as if they had a huge attraction.

Everyone is ready to move, ready to attack the Heavenly Soul Sect at any time.

"Qinglong King, what exactly do you want to do?" Patriarch Jinpeng's expression darkened.

He thought that only he and the Azure Dragon King were qualified to own this treasure, but he didn't expect the latter to throw out this secret, and now everyone is coveting it.

Qinglong King chuckled, and said, "Brother Jinpeng, please be safe and don't be impatient. Although all the monster tribes have gathered, they are actually like a mess of scattered sand, and the supernatural powers of soul cultivation just restrain us. If they don't have enough motivation, they will definitely die." After being defeated by one blow, now that they have common interests, they will naturally become angry."

"Having said that, wouldn't it be risky to do so?" Patriarch Jinpeng frowned.

He knew that what the Azure Dragon King said was indeed a good way to guide everyone, but that treasure was of great importance, how could he allow others to worry about it?

"Hahaha... Brother Jinpeng is so unconfident in himself, so what if we let them know the secret of that treasure? Who among them is qualified to compete with you and me?" The Azure Dragon King raised his head and laughed, his eyes revealing A touch of disdain.

Patriarch Jinpeng's eyes flashed with thought.

Finally, he nodded secretly.

What the Azure Dragon King said was right, with their cultivation levels, who would dare to fight?

"Qinglong King, Patriarch Jinpeng, the time has come now, why don't we directly break through the barrier of Tianhunzong and kill those soul cultivators!" Tianpeng stared coldly at the mountain gate ahead in the enchantment.

"it is good."

The Azure Dragon King nodded.

He stared ahead, and spit out cold words: "Everyone obeys the order, kill the Heavenly Soul Sect, and leave nothing behind!"


A group of demon cultivators stepped forward one after another, either riding monster beasts, or controlling treasures across the sky, all kinds of spells and magic weapons bombarded the barrier, shaking the mountains suddenly, the whole mountain range rumbled, and the murderous aura shot straight into the sky .

But what happened next was a little weird.

Any spell that fell into the barrier disappeared in an instant, as if it was swallowed by the barrier, without leaving any traces, and then there was a wave of water ripples in the barrier, and those demon cultivators who rushed ahead Suddenly, I felt a stabbing pain in my head, and then my body froze in mid-air, and suddenly fell down.

Looking at their eyes again, they were already empty and lifeless, and their souls had been wiped out.

"Soul Array!"

The expressions of Qinglong King and Patriarch Jinpeng changed at the same time.

"The means of soul cultivation are indeed strange. This large array of guardians should have been left by their ancestors in the past. They used soul magic powers to gather formations to specifically attack and kill the opponent's soul. If they are not careful, the primordial spirit will be wiped out by it. Eliminate." Patriarch Jinpeng said.

The Azure Dragon King's eyes flashed, he suddenly took a step forward, and said coldly: "Hmph, this soul array is indeed powerful, but this king has already prepared for it."

I saw him shoot a blue light into the air, and the loud rumbling sound echoed continuously, as if there was a thunderbolt falling.

Afterwards, the blue light dispersed and turned into dozens of formation flags of different colors, flying towards the surroundings, shooting dazzling rays of light from them, interweaving and falling down into a mysterious formation.

The magic circle enveloped the air, and it was on equal footing with the soul circle in the barrier of the Heavenly Soul Sect. There was the sound of a dragon's chant, and the fluctuations of the soul spells on the barrier were all shaken back.

"Dragon Soul Formation!" Patriarch Jinpeng looked a little moved when he saw the formation set up by the Qinglong King, "I heard that there was an ancient sage in the Yaolong clan who gathered dragon souls into a formation, which had the power to shake the heavens and the earth. I used to fight against the strong Earth Immortals with this method, but it was not passed down to the world, I didn't expect this formation to really exist."

"Fellow Daoist Jinpeng has a vicious vision. This formation is indeed the Dragon Soul Sealing Heaven Formation." The Qinglong King looked proud, and said, "This formation is not lost, but only the patriarchs of the past are qualified to control it. Now it has been handed down to my subordinates for 360 For the seventh generation, besieging the Heavenly Soul Sect today is precisely to break its protective array."

Patriarch Jinpeng nodded when he heard the words, his expression was normal on the surface, but a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The power of the Dragon Soul Sealing Heaven Formation is famous throughout the ages, and all the monster races who know this magic circle are afraid of it. With this formation, can the Qinglong King be able to disdain all the monster tribes?
However, Qinglong King ignored Patriarch Jinpeng's thoughts. After offering the magic circle, he urged the formula with both hands, and with the power of the magic circle, he rushed towards the barrier of the Heavenly Soul Sect!

(End of this chapter)

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