After the ascent failed

Chapter 571 tragic

Chapter 571 tragic
As Mu Kui's words fell, Bai Yu and Chi Huo saw a scene that they would never forget.

Above Mu Kui's head, a phantom of the primordial spirit escaped, and his body dried up quickly, as if the essence of his whole body had been integrated into his primordial spirit, turning into a raging fire.

Chi Huo's body approached, and was suddenly submerged in the flames. He only had time to let out a scream, and then evaporated into the world, disappearing without a trace.

"Soul fire!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu was terrified.

At this moment, why didn't she understand that after Mu Kui's soul state reached the stage of distraction, he entrusted his soul in the spiritual fire and used the flame as his body, while the previous human body was just an illusion presented by the technique of transformation, Chi Huo was caught off guard directly burned into nothingness.

"you are vicious!"

Without hesitation, Bai Yu took the jade bracelet magic weapon and quickly retreated under the control of the evil wind.

The soul of the monster race is weak, and it is already restrained when confronting the soul cultivator at the same level. Before Chihuo teamed up, Bai Yu naturally had the confidence to contend with Mu Kui. Now that Chihuo was killed like this, she absolutely Don't want to take that risk.

"Hmph! Yaohu, why do you have to leave now that you are here?" Mu Kui Huoyan Primordial Spirit chased after this woman.

Bai Yu's expression was gloomy, and he retreated while fighting, but he didn't dare to confront Mu Kui head-on, and only hoped to return to the monster army as soon as possible.

At the same time, the fighting situation on the square became more and more tragic.

There was blood and rain everywhere, and various spells and instruments collided, bursting out bursts of dazzling brilliance, as brilliant as fireworks.

Although the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Sect restrained the demon clan with their soul skills, they were ultimately outnumbered. Surrounded by the demon clan's army repeatedly, they suffered heavy casualties and lost more than half of their number.

"Bang bang bang..."

A muffled roar sounded, and at the edge of the square, a phantom exploded, and three powerful monster clan masters who had completed the cave-heaven realm besieged Han Feng, destroying his primordial spirit and physical body on the spot.

"Elder Han!"

The eyes of the surrounding disciples were red, and each of their souls came out of their bodies, and they wanted to fight desperately with the strong monsters. Turned into fly ash on the spot.

"The old ghost Han Feng has also gone..."

Seeing this scene, Mu Kui felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Two elders in the distraction period had already fallen before. Apart from Dao Ling Dao Ling, the only one left in the Tianhun Sect was Elder Han Feng, who had a strong temper. Qiu, seeing him die now, Mu Kui can't help but lament.

"The Heavenly Soul Sect's energy is exhausted, and it will be a matter of time before it will be defeated. Not only him, but you will also fall here." There was giggling from the opposite side, Bai Yu smiled coquettishly, and sarcasm appeared in her charming eyes.

"Hahaha..." Mu Kui smiled up to the sky, and said, "Even if you attack and kill me, as long as my spirit is still there, my Heavenly Soul Sect will never be destroyed! Today, even if I, Mu Kui, finally end up completely destroyed In the end, I want you to follow me to the Nine Layers of Hell!"

His laughter echoed for a long time, and the sky could not cover his arrogance. Then, his primordial spirit wrapped in flames suddenly stopped, and a wave of violent spiritual fluctuations rose steadily.


A strange sound suddenly came from Mu Kui's primordial spirit, and everything around him was instantly burnt to nothingness under the envelope of his terrifying soul fire.

After that, the fire wave spread inch by inch, and the speed became faster and faster, covering half of the square in an instant.

Bai Yu only felt a terrible aura that burned the world, and the mana in his body collapsed uncontrollably, and his body was frozen in midair.

Looking at the fire wave spreading from Mu Kui's primordial spirit, Bai Yu suddenly thought of something, his face changed wildly, and he exclaimed in shock: "Mu Kui! You are going to blow up your primordial spirit, you are crazy! So you It will be destroyed in body and spirit!"

"Hehe, I can destroy all of you by myself, why not?" Mu Kui smiled calmly.

He regarded death as home, as if what he was facing was just a very ordinary thing.

The soul fire was blazing, Mu Kui couldn't help but glanced at the distance beyond the sky, presumably, they have already escaped from this place with the power of the teleportation array...

Thinking of this, Mu Kui had no more worries, the flames in his soul rose sharply, and he rushed towards the edge of the square.

There, the three strong monsters who killed Han Feng were still beheading the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Sect. Suddenly, they saw a burst of flames rushing towards them. Before they could take any precautions, they were suddenly engulfed by the flames.


Bai Yu's beautiful eyes widened, and he saw the three people screaming repeatedly, their figures disappeared on the spot, and even the monster monks at the Golden Core Realm and Spirit Transformation Realm beside them died instantly, turning into green smoke one after another.


Bai Yu vomited a mouthful of blood, and her seductive face turned extremely pale.

She looked at the place where the three strong monsters fell in horror. Just now, Mu Kui blew himself up and his soul was mainly aimed at those three people. She was able to keep some distance away. It's over.

"This lunatic!"

Bai Yu cursed angrily, turned into a nine-tailed white fox in a flash, and fled down the Tianhunzong Mountain without looking back.

Although she was lucky enough to survive, she was also seriously injured, and she couldn't even maintain her figure. Although the demise of the Tianhunzong is a foregone conclusion, she doesn't want to stay here for a while, otherwise she will meet some lunatic soul again. Xiu self-detonated his primordial spirit, she really had to explain it here.

"Mu Kui, Han Feng!"

In the middle of the sky, Master Dao Ling saw the scenes below, bloodshot eyes welled up in his eyes.

Is it true that Tianhunzong cannot escape the situation of extermination?
There was sadness in his heart. Fortunately, those disciples with excellent aptitude had escaped safely. As long as they were still there, the sect would have hope.

Master Dao Ling looked out of the sky.

There is the direction of Zhongzhou.

"With him here, he should be able to protect them well, right?" He muttered to himself, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Ye Chunyang looked calm, even a little cautious, but he was a kind and righteous person, and what he promised would be done.

"Did you see it?" Qinglong Wang retracted his battle axe, stood in mid-air, and said sarcastically, "All of this was caused by you. If you handed over the gate of the fairy trace early in the morning, maybe the Heavenly Soul Sect can still be preserved. Now, they can only I will be buried with you for your selfishness."

"It's unwise to lose the entire sect for one treasure, Dao Ling." Patriarch Jinpeng also said.

"The gate of fairy traces?"

Dao Ling suddenly smiled and looked at the two of them calmly.

Qinglong King and Patriarch Jinpeng frowned slightly, secretly vigilant in their hearts, Dao Ling felt a little strange to them at this moment.

At this moment, Dao Ling suddenly reached out and grabbed in the direction of Tianhun Temple.

There was a rumbling sound, billowing dust and smoke spread from the ruins of the great hall, and a huge black hole appeared in the void, sweeping everything nearby like a whirlpool, and then a gate of light appeared from it.

In the portal, the eight real dragons lie in coils, which are lifelike and reveal the majesty of the world.

"Don't you guys want the Gate of Immortal Trace? The thing is here, it depends on whether you have the ability to get it."

Master Dao Ling held the light door with his hand, facing the two of them calmly as usual, without any fear.

"This is the gate of the fairy trail!" Patriarch Jinpeng squinted his eyes, staring at Master Dao Ling, with a greedy look on his face.

He has never really seen the gate of the fairy trail, seeing its true face at this time, how can he remain calm.

"That's right, this is it." The Azure Dragon King nodded with a gloomy expression.

In the fight 200 years ago, he was defeated by Dao Ling, and he watched him take the object, and now he finally saw it again.

"Dao Ling, hand over the gate of the fairy trail, and spare you!" Qinglong Wang said coldly.

Dao Ling's face was indifferent, and he ignored the words of the Azure Dragon King.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly made a move that shocked the two of them.

I saw him raise one hand, the gate of the fairy trail flew high into the sky, and then his illusory body flashed, turning into a black and white beam of light and rushing into it!


A low sound like a bell and drum resounded, and ripples came out in the void, and a huge divine sense diffused from the gate of the fairy trail, turning into a series of mysterious runes and printed on the gate, Dao Ling Daoist actually merged with this gate .

"Dao Ling! You actually take the fairy gate as your body!"

The Qinglong King's expression changed drastically. He did not expect Dao Ling to attach his primordial spirit to the gate of the fairy trail. At this moment, it was different from when he attached the battle axe just now. He obviously activated some kind of secret technique to engulf himself. Really refining into the gate of the fairy trail!
"Soul cultivators are all lunatics!" Patriarch Jinpeng also gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

This is the weirdness of soul cultivation in the distraction period. Their souls are separated from their bodies and can be attached to everything, and at the same time they can choose a new body for themselves.

The former can escape after being possessed, but the choice of a new body needs to be refined by soul art to make it become one with itself, and it cannot be changed in the future.

Therefore, even after reaching the stage of distraction, general soul cultivators do not easily choose a new body. Unless they really encounter some kind of treasure or body that can be of great benefit to them, they would rather stay in their physical body.

At this time Dao Ling took the Gate of Immortal Traces as his body, and he was the Gate of Immortal Traces.

The Qinglong King's face was extremely ugly. Dao Ling's move, if they want to get the fairy gate again, unless their soul is erased from it, it is impossible to get it.

The use of spiritual consciousness has always been the weakness of the Yaozu. Even if he and Jinpeng Patriarch can defeat Dao Ling together, it is impossible to erase him from the gate of the fairy trail.

But when the two were shocked, Dao Ling's spiritual sense was fully opened, and he drove the gate of the fairy trail to sweep across the air, and suddenly arrived in front of the ancestor Jinpeng.

Patriarch Jinpeng's expression froze, but he was also very human. After sweeping his eyes over the gate of the fairy trail, he suddenly yelled.

"Peng Ling Golden Sword!"

The golden feathered cloak on his body burst into brilliance, and the dense rain of swords spewed out again.

The overwhelming sword brilliance rushed down, in terms of momentum, the golden pengling sword of ancestor Jinpeng definitely surpassed Ye Chunyang's 81 Daqian sword array.

But then a very strange scene appeared.

The sky filled with sword brilliance shot out, but suddenly disappeared in the gate of the fairy trail, as if there was an invisible big mouth, swallowing all the flying swords.

Immediately, Patriarch Jinpeng felt that more than half of his true energy had been lost, and his mana dropped by a few points.

"what happened?"

Patriarch Jinpeng looked astonished.

In the Gate of Immortal Traces, Dao Ling Daoist also let out a surprise, it seems that this matter is also somewhat beyond his expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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