Chapter 576

Ye Chunyang watched the Azure Dragon King turn into blood mist, his face expressionless.

At this time, the two gates of the Immortal Trace shrunk and flew back to his hands, and several phantoms of real dragons also returned to lie on the gates, as if nothing had ever appeared.

Ye Chunyang stared at the two fairy gates, with a strange color flickering in his eyes.

When he went to Zhongzhou from the Northern Territory, he came into contact with the Gate of Immortal Trace for the first time, and then obtained it by accident in the ancient mine of the Northern Territory, and now he has won this one from the Qinglong King.

"It turns out that the treasure of the Heavenly Soul Sect is the gate of the Immortal Trace. No wonder I felt a strange movement before. It seems that Dao Ling Daoist used this thing to fight against the Azure Dragon King." Ye Chunyang murmured softly.

He carefully measured the two gates of fairy traces. Judging from the time, this one of Tianhunzong was obtained by Master Dao Ling 200 years ago, obviously not the one that appeared in Zhongzhou.

What surprised Ye Chunyang was that, except for him, there seemed to be no one in the world who could activate the gate of the fairy trail.

When he got one of them in the Northern Territory, Ye Chunyang felt that it seemed to seal the soul of the real dragon. The blood of the dragon clan is the most noble of the real dragon, and the Azure Dragon King is just a mutated demon dragon. Naturally, he was suppressed to death in front of the soul of the real dragon. Yes, the Dragon Soul can kill him without Ye Chunyang doing it himself.

Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, and closed the two gates of the fairy trail.

He can feel the extraordinaryness of this thing, maybe it will be of great use in the future!
Finally, Ye Chunyang raised his head and looked in the direction of Tianhunzong, his eyes were far away.

Now that the Qinglong King has been beheaded by him, it can be regarded as a comfort to Dao Ling's spirit in the sky!

Withdrawing his gaze, Ye Chunyang didn't stay here any longer, after waving Ye Xiaobao away, he turned into a startled rainbow and flew away into the distance.


When Ye Chunyang caught up with Ye Yao and the others, it was evening, Ye Yao was always worried about him, until he returned safely, a happy smile appeared on his little face.

All the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Sect looked at him with gratitude, but when they asked who was chasing him, Ye Chunyang didn't mention that the Azure Dragon King himself was chasing him, in order not to panic the crowd, but only briefly mentioned it.

Although they saw that Ye Chunyang didn't want to mention it, everyone could still feel that the person who was chasing and killing must be a great monster in the cave realm, and Ye Chunyang was able to escape safely from the opponent's hands, and they couldn't help feeling a sense of admiration.

The rest of the journey was extremely smooth, and there were no more pursuers, and the hearts of the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Sect finally gradually settled down.

But at the same time, they were puzzled. They were still in the demon realm, and with the strength of the various branches of the demon clan, they could easily get their whereabouts, but why no one came after them?
However, how did they know that in the fierce battle of the Heavenly Soul Sect, almost all the high-ranking monks of the Yaozu were killed or injured, and the Patriarch Jinpeng and the Qinglong King also fell one after another. , I have no mind to think about other things.

In this way, when Ye Chunyang and the others went forward for another seven or eight days, a huge plain appeared in front of them, and there was a city of cultivating immortals in the middle, where the monks of the two races came and went, and it was very lively.

"We're back in the Far Lands."

Guan Ruoruo stopped and looked at the Immortal Cultivation City shrouded in the enchantment from afar, his eyes could not help showing a relaxed look.

The heaviness of the disciples of the Tianhun Sect in the past few days was finally swept away at this moment, and the smile of the rest of the life after the catastrophe appeared on their faces.

She looked at the young man beside her, and the scene of everyone coming here together to resist the demon tide appeared in her mind a few years ago.

At that time, the young man was just an outer disciple who had just entered the Kunlun Ruins. He seemed to have a low level of cultivation, but he was actually the most dazzling existence among the crowd.

Now, in just a few short years, he has already stood at the top of the world of cultivating immortals, standing side by side with those all-powerful experts. The change of time is really huge.

"We just left the Holy Land of Blood a few months ago, and we didn't expect to come back so soon. I really miss that immortal Bai Feng a little bit. Daddy, where are we going now?" Ye Yao stretched her waist and smiled. asked.

Ye Chunyang looked back at the disciples of the Tianhun Sect, thought for a while, and said, "Go back to Kunlun Ruins."

These days there are more than 300 disciples of the Soul Sect, and there is no place to house them for the time being. Ye Chunyang plans to take them back to the Kunlun Ruins first.

"Okay, since my father died, I may not have been back to Kunlun Ruins for a long time, and I don't know how Senior Sister Gu is doing now." Guan Ruoruo nodded.

"Oh, of course Senior Sister Gu is waiting for my father at Kunlun Ruins." Ye Yao said with a playful smile.

Ye Chunyang was speechless.

However, he also remembered that beautiful figure in his mind. Ever since the spirit world fell into the demon god world, he and her seemed to have formed an indissoluble bond, and Ye Chunyang would also be concerned about her safety.

"There should be a teleportation array leading to the Kunlun Ruins in the borderlands, why don't we go to the city to have a look." Lin Yu said.

Ye Chunyang nodded, it would be much more convenient if he could use the teleportation array to return.

A group of people immediately crossed the barrier and rushed to the city.

Hundreds of people were mighty and mighty, instantly attracting the attention of many people coming and going. It is rare for such a large number of people to appear in this city of cultivating immortals in the borderlands, but seeing that they are all human monks and not monsters, everyone is also relaxed. a bit.

After entering the city, a disciple of the Heavenly Soul Sect at the out-of-body stage took the initiative to ask Ying to inquire about news. Ye Chunyang saw that his spiritual cultivation was not weak, so he was relieved to let him go, and then led everyone to wait in an inn in the city.

It wasn't long before the out-of-body disciples of the Heavenly Soul Sect left, and soon came back with news.

"Report to Senior Ye, according to the information given by Jiuyun Pavilion, there is indeed a teleportation array in the city that can reach the vicinity of Kunlun Ruins."

This out-of-body disciple of the Heavenly Soul Sect is a young man in his 30s. At first Mu Kui entrusted them to Ye Chunyang. The young man was very dissatisfied. Ye Chunyang alone defended them against the cave-level monster, the young man gradually resolved his knots and felt admiration for Ye Chunyang.

"When can the teleportation array be activated?" Ye Chunyang asked.

"You can do it at any time." The young man in the out-of-body period hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But it is said that the guards have a weird temper, and there is a rule of three don'ts."

"Oh? Why don't you give it away?" Ye Chunyang was a little curious.

"This junior doesn't know about it. The news I bought from Jiuyun Pavilion is only these. As for the three rules of the guard who don't give away, you have to meet this person in person to know. He didn’t disclose it to the outside world either.” The young man in the out-of-body period shook his head, he was also deeply surprised when he inquired about the news, and decided to report it to Ye Chunyang.

"It's interesting." Ye Chunyang smiled, and said, "Let's go, let's go and see what is the rule of this teleportation formation?"

Ye Yao followed closely behind.

Guan Ruoruo and Lin Yu looked at each other, then followed them out.

More than 300 people were marching in the city, and the surrounding crowd couldn't help but get out of the way when they saw it. Not long after, they came to a tower under the leadership of the young man who was out of body.

The tower building is spacious and can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time without being crowded. It is really rare to have such a building in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

And this tower seems to be tall and majestic, but after entering, it is discovered that there are actually only two floors, each of which is extremely high, giving people an extremely weird feeling.

Everyone stared forward, only to see a formation arranged in the tower, filled with astonishing spatial fluctuations, but no one was seen here.

"See if anyone is here." Guan Ruoruo ordered to his side.

"Yes, Senior Sister." The out-of-body disciple nodded, and then stepped forward to inquire.

At this moment, there was a coughing sound from the tower, the voice sounded a little low, and then a figure came out from the cabinet.

"Are the seniors here to borrow the teleportation array?"

It was a gray-haired old man, with a stooped figure and a thin face, coughing from time to time, as if he was a dying old man.

Ye Chunyang looked at the old man, who only had a cultivation base of about Dao base level, and looked like he was approaching his lifespan.

"Yes, we want to teleport to the vicinity of Kunlun Ruins, I wonder if you can make it easier?" Ye Chunyang said.

"Teleportation is naturally possible, but since the seniors have come here, I have heard of the rule of not sending them away." The old man coughed and said with a chuckle.

The young disciple at the stage of leaving his body turned cold, and wanted to stand up, Ye Chunyang raised his hand to stop him, and said: "Your Excellency's rules have been heard, but I don't know which three are not sent?"

"Not for non-humans."

"Non-high-level innate spirit treasures will not be given away."

"Non-top-grade panacea will not be given away."

The old man looked at Ye Chunyang, smiled slightly, and said with cupped hands.

When these words came out, all the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Sect were stunned, and then someone said angrily: "Old man, you want a high-rank innate spirit treasure and a high-grade spirit pill, why don't you grab them?"

The young man at the out-of-body stage stood up and said coldly: "The old guy is so talkative, why don't you ask yourself if you can handle this strength?"

"This senior's words are wrong. Although this junior is not high enough to control high-level treasures, I like to collect these things. If you seniors don't want to send them, you can fly to Kunlun Ruins with treasures yourself." The old man said. Hehe said with a low smile.

With such a low-level cultivation base of the old man guarding the teleportation formation, if it were changed to other places, he would have been forcibly taken away by someone, but the city of Xiuxian prohibits fighting, so the old man can survive until now.

So even in the face of Ye Chunyang and his party, he is confident.


The young man in the out-of-body period was startled and angry, and couldn't help but want to kill the old man with a divine sense, but in the end he had to endure it.

Ye Chunyang raised his hand to make everyone retreat, and then stepped forward and said, "Your Excellency's first condition goes without saying, as for the second high-level innate spirit treasure, we have not been able to exchange it with you for the time being, but the third One condition is high-grade spirit pills, I happen to have some in my hand, but I don't know how many spirit pills I need to wait for everyone to send them all?"

The old man's eyes brightened obviously when he heard the words, he grinned and said, "Not many, just three."

(End of this chapter)

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