Chapter 580

The thousand-beaded Bodhisattva is the treasure of Buddhist monks sitting in meditation. It has the effect of purifying thoughts and improving the soul.

The theory of Buddhism has always been vague, and only in the spiritual world will there be some people who practice Buddhism. It is said that after the Buddha cultivates into a fairy, it is the Western Heaven Buddha World, not the Immortal World, which is different from the traditional Taoist people.

When he was in the spiritual world, Ye Chunyang was fortunate enough to travel to a Buddhist sect. He heard that the abbot of the abbot mentioned this thousand-bead bodhi seed. It is only available in some Buddhist sects with profound background.

At that time, Ye Chunyang held the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure "Vatican Gold Holy Lotus" in the spiritual world, which was also somewhat related to Qianzhu Bodhi.

Ye Chunyang never expected to meet this thing here.

"Who actually set up this space? Not only are there such gods as Wuhuashen Ye, but also a thousand-bead bodhi seed."

Ye Chunyang was holding the thousand-bead bodhi seed, both surprised and delighted.

This kind of treasure that can enhance the soul is extremely difficult to come across even in the spirit world, but now I have obtained it by myself.

With the Wuhua God Leaf activated by Lingxi, coupled with this thousand-bead bodhi seed, his mana and soul can be greatly improved in a short period of time!

Surprised by Ye Chunyang's surprise, he quickly put away the thousand-bead Bodhi seed, and after returning to Zhongzhou, he was looking for opportunities to practice in seclusion.

"Huh? This breath..."

Just when Ye Chunyang turned around again and wanted to leave this place, his eyes narrowed again, and he walked towards the mountainside ahead.

There was a distinctive aura faintly exuding there.

This space is full of heaven and earth spiritual grass, with a delicate fragrance everywhere, but suddenly there are other auras that seem abrupt, and Ye Chunyang is suddenly attracted.

He has all kinds of doubts about this space, and wants to find out what's going on.

When he came to the middle of the mountain, he saw a cave in front of him. The inside of the cave was low and damp, and walking in it unconsciously felt a chilly air.

But as he went deeper, Ye Chunyang felt that abnormal aura became stronger and stronger, as if his target was not far away.

There was a slight thought on his face, but he didn't stop walking, and continued to walk deep into the cave.

The further you go, the darker the space becomes, but it is not an obstacle to a monk of Ye Chunyang's level. Before long, a stone room appeared in front of him, which seemed to be opened up by means, and there was a stone table inside. And the alchemy furnace, and there is also a stone bed.

The aura that made him feel strange came from this stone room.

Ye Chunyang's eyes froze, and there was a figure sitting on the stone bed.

It was a middle-aged man in black, sitting there cross-legged, exuding a unique aura, like a wave from the soul.

This fluctuation seems to be clearly perceivable, but it is actually very slight. If Ye Chunyang's divine sense had not increased greatly after entering the distraction stage, it would have been difficult to detect it.

However, the middle-aged man in front of him is a long-dead person, but his body remains intact, except that his eyes are closed and lifeless, he is no different from a normal living person.

"Is he the master of this space?"

Ye Chunyang looked at the sitting man, his eyes flickered slightly.

At this time, he saw a piece of black jade hanging on the man's chest, emitting bursts of coolness, blending into his body.

"It seems that this thing keeps his body immortal." Ye Chunyang sensed it for a while, and instantly understood.

This jade has no other effects, but it has a unique aura, which allows the man to preserve his body intact after death.

He looked at the Qiankun bag on the man's body, and after thinking for a while, he took it off, maybe there would be something in it to prove his identity.

The middle-aged man had been dead for a long time, although there was still a seal of spiritual consciousness in the Qiankun bag, under Ye Chunyang's powerful spiritual cultivation, it did not hinder him at all, and he quickly found out what was inside.

After sweeping his spiritual thoughts, Ye Chunyang found a flying sword, a gold and bronze mirror, and an unknown black ore in his front trouser pocket. It seemed that his aura had been exhausted and he was completely useless.

The ranks of the Feijian and Jin Bronze Mirror are not high, they just look like low-rank innate spirit treasures.

"Using such a low-level magic weapon, it seems that this person's magic power is not high." Ye Chunyang thought for a while, and then roughly judged that the opponent's magic power was about below the golden core level.

Because although this person's physical body remains intact, there is no golden core in his body, which shows that his cultivation level has not yet reached the golden core level.

After the two treasures and the strange black ore, there are some commonly used elixirs and spiritual stones in cultivation, and Ye Chunyang didn't pay much attention to them.

He even became more and more suspicious that the low-level treasure on this middle-aged man is really the owner of this space?

He continued to check the Qiankun bag.


Suddenly, Ye Chunyang's expression changed, and he took out a jade slip from inside, and his spiritual sense probed it, only to see an ancient text, densely packed like tadpole script, esoteric and difficult to understand, and exuded a strong wave of spiritual thoughts.

"Soul art?"

After comprehending the seven wordless heavenly scriptures in Tianhunzong, Ye Chunyang naturally recognized the exercises recorded in the jade slips at a glance, and looked at the middle-aged man's corpse in surprise.

"It turns out that he is a soul cultivator, so it's no wonder that he can leave behind such a powerful divine sense after death." Ye Chunyang understood, it's no wonder that this person's magic weapon is so low-level, which is completely useless for soul cultivators.

He looked at the middle-aged man again with a solemn expression.

Judging from the fluctuations of the divine sense emanating from this person, the cultivation base of the spiritual soul in his lifetime is probably not low.

Then, he dug out another thing from the man's Qiankun bag, which was a scroll made of animal bones, without any words on it, but Ye Chunyang could see a text recorded with divine thoughts.

"I have practiced for more than 360 years in my life. I have reached the peak of the soul realm. In the late stage of distraction, I can see the stars in the night and see the outer realm of the sky and fall into the world. Whether there are some Huashen leaves and heaven and earth spirit grass. I have cultivated the soul, and it is useless to take it. There is also a divine object, the Thousand Beads Bodhisattva..."

"With the help of this fetish, I hold it to advance to Thunder Tribulation. However, the catastrophe is unpredictable, and its power gradually increases. Even though I have divine sense, I will never be able to withstand the power of the catastrophe. I sit here with hatred... I hope for future generations Those who are predestined to enter this realm again, and hold the thousand-beaded Bodhisattva to overcome the thunder calamity, should smile at the Jiuquan... Moshangren's masterpiece!"

Ye Chunyang read the words recorded in the scroll, and suddenly froze there.

"A stranger?"

Ye Chunyang had heard this name more than once, and he had heard it when he was in the Northern Territory.

"He is the Moshangren mentioned by Wan Xiuzhu back then. I didn't expect his spiritual cultivation to reach the stage of thunder tribulation, but unfortunately he failed to cross the tribulation and passed away." Ye Chunyang looked at the middle-aged man in black, with a feeling in his heart A touch of emotion.

When he was in the Northern Territory, Ye Chunyang had heard that Mo Shangren used his soul skills to run across the Northern Territory, but then he disappeared suddenly, and no one knew where he went.

Then on Lingshan Island, Ye Chunyang accidentally obtained the mysterious copper piece that contained the supernatural power of Yuanshen Huaxu, and heard the name of Mo Shangren again. The piece of copper was left by him on Lingshan Island, but he failed to penetrate it. mystery.

Ye Chunyang took out the thousand-bead bodhi seed, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"Thousand Pearl Bodhisattva is a Buddhist sacred object. It is a great chance for you to get it, but it is a pity that you failed to pass the catastrophe in the end."

Ye Chunyang muttered to himself.

It turns out that this space fell from the upper realm to the demon god realm, so it also makes sense why there are such gods as Wuhua Shenye and Qianzhu Bodhizi.

Moshangren is a soul cultivator, and the Wuhua God Leaf is useless to him, and the God Leaf cannot exert its magical effect without the same heaven and earth spiritual objects to stimulate spirituality, so Moshangren did not take it, but used the Thousand Beads of Bodhi to break through the lightning. robbery.

But in the end, he failed to cross the catastrophe and ascend, and his spirit completely dissipated in the world.

"Based on your achievements, you are considered an outstanding person in the lower realm. Since I met you here, I will bury you."

Ye Chunyang sighed softly.

Put away the Thousand Bead Bodhi Seeds again, then take Mo Shangren's body out of the cave, bury him in this space, and let him be accompanied by spiritual flowers and rare herbs.

Ye Chunyang finally bowed his hands in front of Mo Shangren's tomb, and stopped staying here any longer, and urged Qing Yunyi to fly up into the sky.

Now that he has obtained the two fetishes of Wuhua Shenye and Qianzhu Bodhizi, he just wants to go back to Zhongzhou to retreat and practice as soon as possible, because there is a person waiting for him in the spiritual world.


After seven days.

When Ye Chunyang reappeared, he was already in an immortal city in Zhongzhou.

After returning to the borderlands from the Outer Realm, he found the old man guarding the formation again and asked him to activate the teleportation formation with a bottle of elixir.

It is not far from Kunlun Ruins, only a few hundred miles away, and Ye Chunyang only needs to make a short journey to go back.

However, when he came out from the exit of the teleportation array, he looked a little surprised.

This city of cultivating immortals is actually not unfamiliar. It is the Wujiang city that returned from the South China Sea with Gu Qian and the others. This city is quite famous in Zhongzhou as a city of cultivating immortals. At this time, the popularity is deserted, and there are not many people coming and going.

Ye Chunyang frowned inwardly, the Borderless City at this time was very different from what he had seen before.

But he didn't care, after all, no matter how prosperous Xiuxian City is, it may not always be the most popular.

He immediately left the city and left here.

Now that he has returned to Zhongzhou, Ye Chunyang is no longer in a hurry, he just flies slowly in the low sky, looking at the strange scenery of the surrounding mountains along the way.

After saying that he came from Tianxuan Mountain, he traveled from the Northern Territory to the South China Sea, and then to the Demon Territory. He has not returned to the Kunlun Ruins for many years, and he does not know what is going on now.

Just as he was thinking like this, Ye Chunyang suddenly noticed something, his body paused slightly, and he put away the light and fell down.

The place where he landed was a mortal village, but at this moment it was silent, with dilapidated houses and no one inhabited.

Ye Chunyang glanced around, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

After pondering for a moment, he flickered and disappeared quickly.

Not long after, he appeared in another mortal village nearby. However, this place was as deserted as the other villages he had seen before. Weeds had grown in front of every house in the village, as if it had been abandoned for a long time.

Next, Ye Chunyang went back and forth to other surrounding villages, and the result was the same as the previous two.

"It's strange, mortals under Kunlun Mountain have always lived and worked in peace and contentment, how can it be so deserted now?"

(End of this chapter)

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