After the ascent failed

Chapter 588 The catastrophe is coming

Chapter 588 The catastrophe is coming
Feeling the terrible coercion from the sky, everyone's expressions became extremely dignified.

"This spiritual pressure has already surpassed the Heavenly Cave Realm. Could it be that he has really stepped into the legendary Earth Fairyland?"

The faces of the monks in the Northern Territory changed wildly.

The earth immortals are all ants, and in the face of this realm, none of them can compete with it.

Gu Qian couldn't help looking at a certain void, if Mo Yao really cultivated into an earth immortal, would Ye Chunyang be able to compete with him?

And the enchantment of the Northern Territory, in front of the strong earth immortal, can't stop it at all.

Could it be that the end of the factions has really come?

"Return to Shuizong immediately to meet Uncle Dengxuan!" She looked at the crowd with an extremely heavy voice.

Are monks from all sides gathered in the Water Sect now? There is no other way but to combine the strength of everyone to defend the barrier.

Qing Chen, Ye Yao, Bai Feng, Han Xiaoxiao and others all boarded the flying boat, and all the monks in the Northern Territory also hurriedly drove the Dunguang, and the group left the city and quickly gathered at the Water Sect.

Above the sky, Mo Yao stood with his hands behind his back, like a god, looking down at the land of the Northern Territory indifferently.

Within a radius of ten miles, the spiritual energy was boiling like a tide, setting off his body, as if he was one with the heaven and earth, controlling a world.

He looked at the enchantment covering the Northern Territory below, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Little ants, do you think you can compete with me with this? It's just a mere enchantment, and I can refine it with a flip of my hand."

Mo Yao raised his hand and waved lightly, a golden light flew out.

The golden light gradually rises against the wind, turning into a golden lotus suspended in the air, exuding fluctuations that make the space tremble, and it is the Fanjin Shenglian.

"Ye Chunyang, Fanjin Shenglian was originally your magic weapon. It is destined to be used to deal with you now. Now I want to see how you will feel when you see your companions die one by one with your own eyes."

Mo Yao's arrogant laughter gradually expanded, and under the urging of Fanjin Shenglian, he quickly fell towards the lower barrier.


A low buzzing sound came out, and the enchantment covering the ground suddenly stirred up ripples, looking down from above, it was like throwing a boulder into a calm lake, instantly stirring up thousands of waves.

But to my surprise, after a few shakes, the barrier gradually healed as before, making it impossible for the Vatican Gold Holy Lotus, the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, to make an inch of progress.


Seeing this scene, Mo Yao raised his brows slightly, with a look of surprise on his face.

"It's unexpected that there are people in the lower realm who can arrange such a strong enchantment, but they are quite capable."

Mo Yao looked down, spread his five fingers, and the spiritual power of the Vatican Gold Holy Lotus surged, and the dazzling golden glow fell fiercely in the enchantment like a tidal wave.

The terrifying power of the spirit treasure impacted like mountains and seas, and in the next moment, cracks suddenly appeared on the barrier, like a broken mirror, shaking to shatter.

Under the enchantment, Taoist Dengxuan, Gu Qian and the others gathered together, each holding a formation flag in their hands, looking at the rapidly fading enchantment in the sky, with a stern look on their faces.

"This person has such a cultivation level in the lower realm just in his avatar, what realm should his real body be in? Is a person in the spirit world really so powerful?"

Daoist Dengxuan's face was solemn like never before.

There is a huge difference between the Dongtian Realm and the Earth Fairyland. Mo Yao who has reached the Earth Fairyland is almost above the heaven and the earth. One thought can mobilize the vitality of the heaven and the earth, which is far beyond what they can compete with.

"This enchantment exhausted all of our efforts. It can only be formed by gathering the power of all the magic circles from various factions. It can't be defeated by this treasure. It can have such power. Could it be... a heavenly-level spiritual treasure?"

Patriarch Wuji looked at the Fanjin Shenglian covering the barrier, his eyes showed horror.

"Tiantian Lingbao?"

The hearts of all the elders of the six sects in the Northern Territory trembled.

No one knows the strength of this enchantment better than them. With their joint strength, it is enough to resist the attacks of several masters who have completed the Dongtian Realm, but they will collapse at the touch of this golden lotus.

Such a shock is not insignificant.

It is not that there is no Tongtian Lingbao in the lower realm, but with the passage of time, it has long disappeared in the long river of history.

Even so, many monks have heard the rumors of the Tongtian Lingbao. A magic weapon of this level has the spirituality of heaven and earth, and any treasure is not worth mentioning in front of it.

There used to be some amazingly talented people who refined some imitations of Tongtian Lingbao by chance, and their power was already capable of burning the sky and boiling the sea. At this time, Mo Yao is holding the real one, and the power can be imagined.

"He actually has the Tongtian Lingbao in his hand, I'm afraid this barrier will be broken soon." Daoist Dengxuan sighed.

Everyone's heart trembled.

Could it be that catastrophe is coming today?

"Do we... still have hope?"

Patriarch Wuji, Aoki and the others muttered to themselves.

Everyone's face was sad.

With their strength, they have no chance of winning against the last strong Earth Immortal. Now that the opponent has a powerful magic weapon such as Tongtian Lingbao, it is easy to kill them.

"Senior Dengxuan, can you contact Daoist Ye?" Aoki asked with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

If there is still hope, then only him.

Although I don't know if he can really compete with Mo Yao, but I don't know when Ye Chunyang has become their backbone.

In their hearts, Ye Chunyang is the undefeated god of war. Whether he was famous on the top of the mountain or came and went freely in the demon realm, he has accomplished all kinds of impossible things.

Ye Chunyang at this time is their spiritual leader.

Taoist Dengxuan looked at a certain void, opened his mouth to speak, and finally gave a wry smile and did not speak.

At this time, a voice came from the side: "Once the door of life and death enters, it will be isolated from the world. Unless he uses the seal of life and death to break through the void, we will not be able to have any contact with him."

Everyone looked at him in unison, Gu Qian was wearing a light veil, and looked at the void with firmness in his expression, "I believe he will definitely come back!"

Next to him, Bai Feng, Ye Yao, Xiao Yu, Murong Zhu'er, all relatives and friends who had a close relationship with Ye Chunyang also showed affirmative expressions on their faces.

They have the same belief in their hearts.

Ye Chunyang...has never let them down.

"At this point, we can only defend the barrier with all our strength and try to delay the time." Daoist Deng Xuan said with a serious expression.

In the current situation, they have no other choice but to stick to the Northern Territory enchantment.

He looked up at a magic circle in the air, and said: "This enchantment is set up according to the secret method of my ancestor of the Kunlun Ruins. Back then, the patriarch was also a strong earth immortal. The enchantment he set up should be enough to withstand it for a while. Cast spells with me, and stabilize the enchantment first."

"Senior Dengxuan is right. Rather than sitting still and waiting for death, it is better to fight to the death. Although Mo Yao has a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, it is impossible to kill all of us at once. As long as Ye Daoyou can successfully exit the customs, we will have A glimmer of hope." Aoki encouraged everyone.

At this moment, he thought back to the first time he met Ye Chunyang on Biyun Peak in the past, and he was deeply touched by the energetic appearance of the young man.

From that moment, Aoki knew that he was not an ordinary person.

The eyes of the monks from various factions in the Northern Territory flickered, but in this situation, there was no time for them to think too much, and they stepped forward one after another, each urging their mana to fight towards the barrier.

"Get up!"

Taoist Deng Xuan opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

He stood at the front, several rays of light of different colors flew out from his sleeves, and only heard the muffled sounds of "Pu Pu", one after another array flags floated in the air and flew out along the mysterious trajectory.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

There was thunder in the sky, and under the joint support of everyone, several formation flags erupted with vigorous spiritual power fluctuations, which were equal to the golden glow emitted by the Fanjin Shenglian, and the cracks on the surface of the barrier were also quickly repaired.

Outside the barrier, Mo Yao raised his eyebrows in surprise!
"I underestimated these ants."

"However, if you think that you can compete with me based on this, it would be too whimsical."

Mo Yao quickly showed his disdain. He waved his hand lightly, and there were Sanskrit characters flowing faintly on the Brahma Holy Lotus.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A sound like the hammering of bells and drums came, and the barrier in the air became thinner again under the suppression of the golden lotus, and the surrounding clouds were also torn apart one by one by the Sanskrit.

Rays of sharp golden light penetrated along the surface of the barrier, and before Taoist Dengxuan and others cast a spell to remedy it, a bloody smell suddenly came out.

"Bang bang bang..."

Flowers of blood floated in the sky, and the golden light was like a bloodthirsty sharp blade. Before many people screamed, they were shocked by the coercion of Fanjin Shenglian and exploded on the spot.

"The light of the fireflies also wants to compete with the sun and the moon. Today, I will let you know that in front of us in the spirit world, you are just some insignificant ants."

Mo Yao rested his hands on the golden sacred lotus, strolling in the void, like a god.

With a wave of his hand, the golden light fell like rain, and dozens of monks from the Northern Territory fell in a blink of an eye.

The enchantment, which was already on the verge of collapse, was about to shatter at any moment.

"Go back!"

Daoist Dengxuan yelled at the crowd with his eyes wide open.

The coercion of a single wisp of the Vatican Gold Holy Lotus made them unable to resist, and they couldn't imagine what would happen if Mo Yao really broke through the barrier?
Everyone's complexion changed drastically, they didn't dare to make any more progress, and hurriedly flew back.

Mo Yao looked at the crowd, with mockery flashing across his face.


He flipped his hands lightly and pressed down, a big golden hand suddenly slapped on the barrier, and the entire barrier was immediately dented by three points.

But after all, this enchantment was passed down by the ancestors of the Kunlun Ruins, and its power is no small matter. Although Mo Yao has the cultivation base of the earth fairy realm, his avatar is limited by the interface after all, and cannot exert the real strength of the fairyland. This enchantment Although riddled with holes, it is still tenacious and unbroken.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yao's expression darkened.

"Do you dare to stop me for mere protection?"

"Ye Chunyang! If you don't show up for a day, I will kill one person every day after I break the boundary, until you show up!"

Mo Yao said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the spiritual power on the palm prints increased greatly, and the barrier was finally completely shattered with a deafening roar.

Everyone raised their heads, despair welling up in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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