Chapter 594

Walking in was a snake woman who looked about 30 years old, with a charming appearance, and a pair of long and narrow red phoenix eyes that were uniquely charming, as if they could attract people to fall into them.

The woman is noble and elegant, and her cultivation has reached the Great Grotto Realm, she has a leadership temperament. If I guess correctly, she is probably the leader or elder here.

After coming in front of Ye Chunyang, she bowed her head slightly, with a curious look on her face, and then opened her mouth to say something.

Also like those snake people before, Ye Chunyang couldn't understand her words, so Ye Chunyang could only shake his head with a wry smile, expressing that he didn't understand what the other party meant.

Seeing this, the snake lady seemed a little helpless. After a moment of silence, she took out a disc-shaped magic weapon from her sleeve, with a faint rainbow light emitting from it, and she put her hand on it.

Then, she looked at Ye Chunyang, pointed to his hand, and then to the magic weapon, as if asking and signaling something.

Ye Chunyang understood what she meant, and wanted to put his hands on it himself. After a day of breath adjustment, his mobility has recovered a little. Although he still can't speak, he can raise his hands at this time.

When his palm touched the magic weapon, a sense of warmth and coolness came, and then the woman spoke again, but this time, her words were as normal as that of a normal human being: "Are you a human cultivator? What's your name?" , why did you come here?"

Ye Chunyang looked at this magic weapon, obviously this thing is a treasure of language translation.

After thinking for a while, he said: "In Ye Chunyang, dare to ask the fairy, what is this place?"

"This is the Heavenly Snake Clan. We have been living in seclusion for tens of thousands of years. Few people in the spirit world know of our existence. How did you come here?" The woman stared at Ye Chunyang, seemingly vigilant. color.

"Spirit world!"

Ye Chunyang's heart skipped a beat.

"This actually the spirit world?"

A look of disbelief flashed across Ye Chunyang's face, could it be that he crossed from the parallel plane to the spirit world?
"I came here by accident, and I didn't know that this place is a secluded place for nobles." Ye Chunyang thought for a while, and said.

Unexpectedly, the storm brought him back to the spirit world.


The woman looked at Ye Chunyang with strange eyes, and said after a while: "You have injuries on your body, it seems that it was not your intention to break into the territory of our Heavenly Snake Clan, so let me trust you."

After saying this, the woman's expression softened a little.

Ye Chunyang felt weird, but he didn't say anything more.

The woman continued: "I am Xiao Yun, the patriarch of the Heavenly Snake Clan. The Three Emperors Ancient Realm of the human race is three continents away from here. It is a miracle that fellow Taoists can come here, but right now our Heavenly Snake Clan does not want to have too much contact with the outside world." More related, fellow daoist is injured, you can rest here temporarily, but if you recover from your injury, fellow daoist, please leave on your own."

Ye Chunyang could tell that although the woman didn't have any malice towards him, it seemed that for some reason, she was very wary of outsiders breaking into the clan's place at this time.

Ye Chunyang had a vague premonition of all this when several snake men carried him back. The island seemed peaceful and peaceful, but in fact it was heavily restricted and heavily guarded.

If Ye Chunyang guessed correctly, they were on guard for something.

"Fairy, don't worry, I am inconvenient to move now, and I will leave naturally after the injury is fully recovered." Ye Chunyang said.

The woman nodded.

Ye Chunyang immediately asked: "Fairy Cai just said that this place is three continents away from the Ancient Realm of the Three Emperors of the Human Race. I don't know which three? How can I return to the Human Race?"

Ye Chunyang ascended to the spirit world 300 years ago, so he has some understanding of the spirit world.

The spiritual world is vast and endless, and there are countless cultivating races, and the human race is just a weaker race among all races.

Millions of years ago, the human race was oppressed by various races. Later, the Three Emperors rose up and joined hands to repel the foreign races, creating the ancient realm of the Three Emperors, allowing the human race to survive. After a long time, the human race gradually became stronger.

However, compared with the ancient true spirit races such as True Dragon, Kunpeng, Qilin, and Phoenix, which coexisted with the heavens and the earth, the gap between the human race is still very obvious.

When Ye Chunyang ascended to the ancient mirror of the Three Emperors of the human race, he also visited many places. Unfortunately, he was tricked by Mo Yao and fell into the world of demon gods.

Now that he was returning to the spirit world for the first time, he had to learn more about the human race before he could return to the Ancient Mirror of the Three Emperors.

Xiao Yun, the patriarch of the Heavenly Snake Clan, said: "The name of our area is the Shenhai Boundary, separated from the Ancient Mirror of the Three Emperors by two continents, Tianhan and Tianyun. It is possible to cross, the only way is to use the teleportation array to teleport between continents."

"Billions of distances!"

Ye Chunyang pondered.

This gap can no longer be estimated with normal values.

Xiao Yun didn't say much, and after looking at Ye Chunyang for a while, he said: "Fellow Daoist, there is no need to be impatient. Our Celestial Snake Clan is relatively safe at present, and Fellow Daoist can rest assured to recuperate here."

"This thing is called Huoyunjian, and it can understand our language. If you need it, you can hold this thing to call the clansmen who are here at any time. I have some important things to deal with, so I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yun left the magic weapon behind, and then ordered several snake men to carry Ye Chunyang to a stone bed, and finally took his leave and left.

"Thank you, Fairy." Ye Chunyang nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

The stone palace soon became quiet again.

Ye Chunyang was still lying on the bed unable to move, but at this moment he clearly felt that his mana was beginning to recover.

If this continues, it will take at most three days to completely lift the cross-border ban.

Unexpectedly, he returned to the spirit world by mistake this time. This was a surprise, and it spared him even the link of crossing the tribulation and ascending.

However, thinking of the void storm that he encountered after entering the parallel plane, Ye Chunyang couldn't help but feel lingering fear. The danger at that time was no weaker than when he crossed the tribulation from the human world 300 years ago!

Fortunately, he was able to survive by luck and come here safely, otherwise Ye Chunyang couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

"I don't know what happened to Yao'er, Bai Feng, and Gu Qian. Are they also involved in the void storm?" Ye Chunyang was a little worried about the safety of several people.

After escaping into the gate of life and death and entering the parallel plane, before he had time to find the whereabouts of the others, he encountered a void storm and knew nothing about their situation.

Ye Chunyang tried to sense the spirits of Bai Feng and Ye Yao, but he didn't know whether it was because the mana was temporarily sealed, or because he was attacked by the void storm. At this time, he was unable to sense the spirits of the two.

"It seems that we can only try to find their whereabouts after the ban is lifted."

After several attempts to no avail, Ye Chunyang had no choice but to put the matter aside temporarily.

The most important thing right now is to recover from the injury first.

After pondering for a while, he picked up the Fire Cloud Appreciation Tool and immersed his consciousness into it.

Now that he is in the Heavenly Snake Clan, he still needs to know more about the relevant information. It is much more convenient for him to learn the language of the Heavenly Snake Clan through the Huoyunjian.

While he was meditating and cultivating, there was a completely different scene in another magnificent stone palace of the Heavenly Snake Clan.

Xiao Yun sat in front of the stone hall, and below stood three snake-man men, all of whom were in the Dongtian Realm. The snake man who met Ye Chunyang at the beach before was impressively in the row.

"Patriarch, how is the situation? Where did this person come from, and why did he appear in our Heavenly Snake Clan?"

On the left, an old man of the Heavenly Snake clan, holding a strange big iron staff, stepped forward and asked respectfully.

The snake man who rescued Ye Chunyang and the man next to him also looked over, showing doubts.

Xiao Yun closed her beautiful eyes, and her dazzling snake tail swayed slightly, looking a little lazy, but it couldn't conceal her elegant and majestic temperament.

After a while, she said quietly: "The identity of this person is still unknown, but what is certain is that he comes from the human realm of the Three Emperors' Ancient Mirror. Judging from the restrictions on him, it is likely that he was accidentally teleported." here."

"Right now, our clan is facing great troubles. If an outsider appears at this moment, I'm afraid it will be bad for our clan." The old snake-man said with a frown.

"I have to ask Brother Mu Yan about this matter. You know that our clan is in a critical situation at this time, why did you bring an outsider back to the clan? If something happens, can you take the responsibility?" The old man just finished speaking. The other person next to him looked coldly at the snake man who brought Ye Chunyang back, and said tit for tat.

"Wu Han, isn't that a bit too much for you?" The snake man named Mu Yan replied coldly.

"Really?" Wu Han smiled, "Aren't you afraid that he is a spy sent by the enemy to find out the truth about our clan?"

Mu Yan frowned, and said: "Our opponent is the Lingtan tribe, not the human race. Given the distance between the Human Race and the Three Emperors Ancient Realm, which is hundreds of millions of miles away, do you think it is necessary for him to travel thousands of miles to become the leader of the Lingtan tribe?" spy?"

"Even if he is not a spy, in the current situation, it would be inappropriate for you to bring him back to the clan!" Wu Han refused to budge.

"You are making too much sense!" Mu Yan's complexion also darkened.


There was a soft scolding from above, and Xiao Yun looked at the two arguing with an angry look on his face.

The two trembled slightly and immediately stopped.

The old man next to him shook his head and sighed, and didn't express any opinion, but he obviously agreed with Wu Han's statement.

"Elder Mu Yan, you saved this person because you received favor from the human race 300 years ago, right?" At this moment, Xiao Yun looked over and said to Mu Yan with deep eyes.

Mu Yan's expression moved slightly, and he nodded silently.

He encountered a catastrophe a long time ago, and was lucky to be rescued by a human monk. He always remembered this matter, but he didn't see the face of that human monk clearly at that time.

Now that Ye Chunyang is in such a difficult situation, he feels compassion.

"Elder Mu Yan's emphasis on friendship is certainly a good thing, but not everyone is a kind-hearted person. Fortunately, I have tested this person, and he really just fell here by accident. He has no other intentions. After he recovers from his injury, let him Just leave on your own, right now, the biggest threat to us is the Lingtan tribe."

Xiao Yun moved her body, walked up and down from the first seat, and looked out of the hall with a dignified expression.

(End of this chapter)

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