After the ascent failed

Chapter 603 Leave

Chapter 603 Leave
Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, took out a talisman, and said: "This is the Wanli talisman I personally refined. If the nobles are in danger in the future, you can sacrifice this talisman. If I hear the news, I will come."

"Of course, Ye can't solve everything. If something difficult happens, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help you."

Although the Huoyuan Spiritual Liquid is precious, it is a hot potato for the weak Sky Snake Clan. The Lingtan Clan and the Motu in the middle stage of Huashen came here to attack because of this thing.

Although there are no treasures now, but with the protection of the great monk Ye Chunyang, the Heavenly Snake Clan can be stable for a long time.

She took the Wanli Talisman and said with a smile: "Senior, don't worry, if our clan really asks Senior for something, we should be cautious and will not let Senior do things beyond the scope of ability."

Ye Chunyang nodded, and put away the map and Huoyuan Lingye together.

"By the way, when the ancestors of our clan collected the fire essence liquid, they left a list of materials for refining the Void Return Pill. Now that the fire essence liquid has been handed over to the seniors, this list is useless for our clan , seniors will take it together." Xiao Yun suddenly said again.

"Oh? That's the best way to go." Ye Chunyang showed joy.

Although his alchemy skills have reached the level of a master, he does not own any alchemy formulas, and he has only heard of such high-level panacea as Void Returning Pill, but he has no connections.It will undoubtedly be a great joy to get a complete list of materials and refining methods.

Xiao Yun raised her hand with a smile, and a simple piece of parchment appeared in her hand, and Ye Chunyang immediately took it.

But when Ye Chunyang opened the parchment and looked at it, his face became serious.

"The materials mentioned in this list are all rare things in the world. It may not be easy to collect them all. Take Lingxu grass as an example, it can only grow in a certain kind of bitter cold place." Ye Chunyang frowned and sighed softly. tone way.

That spirit void grass, even though he had practiced in the spiritual world for 300 years, he had never met a single one by chance.

"That's right. This list includes fire essence liquid. Every ingredient is rare. In the tens of thousands of years of our clan, there is only one senior who can gather it all and successfully refine the Void Returning Pill." Xiao Yun said: "If the seniors are destined, maybe they can gather all the materials."

Ye Chunyang smiled wryly in his heart. According to the list, besides Huoyuan Lingye, there are at least six or seven kinds of medicinal materials that take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to grow. Without clear clues, it is basically impossible to obtain them.

But Ye Chunyang is not in a hurry, after all, his cultivation base is still in the early stage of transformation, and the search for the medicinal materials of the Void Returning Pill can only be done step by step.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao's generous gift, Ye is very grateful, but Ye has been bothering the nobles for many days, now that the crisis of the nobles has been resolved, I will leave now." Ye Chunyang put away his things, and said with his hands clasped.

"Senior has made up his mind, and I dare not stay here any longer. However, if I really want to go to the Tianhan Continent to use the teleportation array of the Tianpeng Clan, I still need to be careful. After all, the Tianpeng Clan has never been very friendly to the human race." Xiao Xiao Yun slightly bowed and spoke solemnly.

Ye Chunyang nodded, and after thanking him at last, he didn't stay any longer, and drove the Shenhong to the outside of the island.

Everyone in the Sky Snake Clan watched him leave, until Ye Chunyang's figure turned into a black spot and completely disappeared into the sky, Xiao Yun gradually withdrew his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"This Senior Ye is no ordinary person." Mu Yan sighed.

Who would have expected that the strange monk who was accidentally rescued from the island that day was actually Longyou Shoal, and when he left, he would fly into the sky.


The Divine Sea Realm is a vast sea, which is many times wider than the South Sea of ​​the Demon God Realm.

After leaving Sky Snake Island, Ye Chunyang flew thousands of miles in one breath, and stopped on an island after more than ten days.

According to the chart instructions given by the Sky Snake Clan, this place has reached the boundary of Tianhan Continent, and Ye Chunyang needs to inquire about the situation here before making the next plan.

There is a city of cultivating immortals on the island, and there are many monks coming and going nearby. It seems that the scale is not small.

After Ye Chunyang returned to the spirit world from the parallel plane, his supplies had been exhausted, and he was able to purchase some necessary things in the city.

After overlooking the island in the air, Ye Chunyang immediately put away his light and fell down.

Just when he had just settled on the island, he suddenly had a premonition and looked back with a slight frown.

"call out!"

A stream of light tore through the void and suddenly arrived here. A figure was wrapped in the light, and he seemed to be in a hurry. Because Ye Chunyang's kung fu has the effect of restraining breath, the other party did not notice his existence.

This person was a middle-aged monk, wearing rough linen clothes, his hair was messy, and his body was injured, as if he had just escaped from a dangerous place.

After landing on the beach, the middle-aged monk glanced around vigilantly, as if he was sure it was safe, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Chunyang was in a dense forest not far from this person, seeing his expression, he couldn't help being a little curious.

Judging from the breath, this middle-aged Mai's cultivation has reached the late stage of transformation.

After inquiring about the beach with a full face of wariness, the middle-aged man in linen suddenly raised his hand and slapped the ground.

Under his powerful mana and true essence, killings swept all around, revealing a deep and secluded pit.Cultivator in linen squinted his eyes and looked around again, then something seemed to appear in his hand, and he threw it into the pothole on the ground.

Afterwards, he quickly made another formula, and cast a magic seal into the hole, the pothole quickly disappeared, and the ground returned to its original state.

Ye Chunyang was a little puzzled by the behavior of the monk in sackcloth, obviously he was hiding something.

But Ye Chunyang didn't care about it, and walked away.

But when he just walked out with his front foot, his expression suddenly changed!
On the distant sea, a group of waves suddenly exploded, a huge water column rose into the sky, and a turbulent breath came out from it, and then another figure appeared in the midair, rushing towards here quickly.

The middle-aged man in sackcloth seemed to see some kind of terrible scene, his face changed suddenly, and without even thinking about it, he was about to run away under the control of the light.

It was obvious that the figure rushing out from the bottom of the sea was running towards him.

"Void return period!"

Ye Chunyang looked at the figure who was riding the waves, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The opponent's aura is vast, and the flying escape is blessed by the power of the void, and it turns out to be a great power in the void return period!
Ye Chunyang was surprised. During this journey, he met quite a few monks, but most of them were at the level of Dongtian Realm and Nascent Soul Stage. Occasionally, he could sense one or two auras of the Spirit Transformation Stage, but the Void Return Stage had never appeared. Pass.

"How could there be such a strong man in this place?"

Ye Chunyang restrained his breath and hid himself.

According to his intelligence, although there are many races in this sea area, there is no Void-returning level power to sit in the command. Such a strong man suddenly appeared, I am afraid that something is unusual.

"Mice! Do you still want to escape now?"

A cold shout came from the sea, and the man appeared on the island in an instant like a ghost, and his aura enveloped the monk in sackcloth.

Cultivator in Mai Yi showed panic on his face, and after the light on his body brightened, he quickly fled towards Xiuxian City on the island.

There are various ethnic groups in Xiuxian City working together to maintain order, so he will be safe after entering.

Although the monk in sackcloth was wounded, he was not slow at all in flying away, and within a few afterimages flickered, he was about to escape from the aura blockade of the monk returning to the void.

It's a pity that the gap in the realm is like a moat. The monk who returned to the void suppressed it with one hand in the air, and the void within a few miles was immediately imprisoned by a terrifying mana. The monk in sackcloth was immediately trapped in place, unable to move at all.

"You are so brave, you dare to sneak in and take things away when you are fighting with other people, but do you think you can escape from my palm with your little cultivation?"

A majestic voice came, and the Void Returning cultivator slowly fell from midair.

Only then did Ye Chunyang see that the other party was an old man with a skinny face, wearing a black and white Taoist robe, he looked a bit fairy-like, but he had a ferocious animal head tattooed on his chest, adding a bit of a ferocious aura .

"The junior and the senior are strangers, so why did you say the sneak attack, let alone what the senior said, did the senior misunderstand." Brother Mai's eyes flickered a few times, and then he pretended to be calm and said.

"I chased you for hundreds of thousands of miles, but I didn't want to listen to your nonsense." The old man in the void return stage had cold eyes, and before he finished speaking, he gently pinched with one hand.


A low cracking sound suddenly sounded, and the monk in linen clothes couldn't say a word, and his body turned into blood mist and exploded.

In the dense forest, Ye Chunyang's pupils suddenly shrank.

That monk in sackcloth was an existence in the late stage of transformation, Ye Chunyang had to do his best to deal with such a top figure, but in front of the Void Return Stage, he was crushed to death like an ant!
Ye Chunyang's face was gloomy, and he restrained his breath even more so as not to be noticed by the other party.

He didn't think that this old man in the Void Returning Stage would let him leave with a smile and a kind face after he found out that he was here!
But at this time, after the old man in the Void Returning Stage killed the monk in one move, his huge consciousness searched all around, and then reached out to grab the place where the monk fell, and a universe bag flew into his hand.

There is a restriction left by the monk in sackcloth on the Qiankun bag, but it is almost like a decoration under the terrifying cultivation of the old man in the return to the void period, and it is easily broken by him.

The old man released his consciousness to search carefully, but his face darkened after a while.

"It's not on his body. Could it be that he hid it somewhere else?" A cold murderous intent appeared on the face of the old man in the Void Return Stage, and under the surge of majestic mana, the sackclothed monk's universe bag immediately turned into powder and exploded.

Ye Chunyang looked at this scene with cold eyes, without showing any breath.

The old man continued to let go of his consciousness to scan with an angry face, but at this moment he seemed to sense something, and his eyes suddenly looked at one place.

Ye Chunyang's expression froze!
The old man's eyes were on his hiding place!
At the same time, the old man is also walking towards this step by step.

It seems that he has discovered the existence of Ye Chunyang!
(End of this chapter)

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