Chapter 605

After finishing everything, Ye Chunyang was going to find a place to start cultivating spirit grass.

Since this place is far away from the ancient realm of the Three Emperors of the Human Race, countless resources will be spent to cross two continents, so Ye Chunyang plans to ripen more spiritual grasses for alchemy this time, and naturally it will take a lot of time.

In this way, finding a suitable place for retreat becomes particularly important.

In the spirit world, even the spirit stones needed for food, clothing, housing and transportation are a shocking amount.

According to Ye Chunyang's current social status, it is estimated that he can only deal with it in an ordinary inn for a few days.

Ye Chunyang smiled wryly at this. In the lower realm, he was the elder and holy son of various sects, and he never worried about the spirit stone. Unexpectedly, after returning to the spirit world, he became completely poor.

However, there is no other good solution at present, only to endure for a while, and when the spirit pill is refined, it will naturally solve the current predicament.

Thinking of this, Ye Chunyang chose a relatively ordinary inn in the city to stay temporarily.

To say that it is ordinary is really nothing.

When Ye Chunyang walked to the room under the guidance of a waiter from a foreign shop, he saw that the inside was clean, without any training facilities, it was just an ordinary guest room.

However, Ye Chunyang didn't have any requirements for this. After he made arrangements and set up a barrier or something, the place would naturally be completely sealed.

"This fellow Taoist, does it count?"

Just as Ye Chunyang stepped into the room and was about to close the door, a Taoist priest came downstairs.

He has gray hair and white eyebrows, and holds a bamboo pole in his hand. He has a strange face, a thin body, and he looks like a crane bone fairy. Five characters.

Ye Chunyang took a look at the old Taoist priest, who looked at him with sleepy eyes, smiling.

"Sorry, I don't believe in fate." Ye Chunyang said.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, what you said is wrong. The Dao is destined by fate. Only those who have a glimpse of the mystery can find a chance on the road to longevity." The old Taoist stroked his beard, and said : "Pindao sees the appearance of Taoist friends. Although he is heroic and handsome, his breath is not smooth. He thinks he is a person with ill-fated fate. He may also encounter disasters recently. If you don't let Pindao make a divination for you, maybe you can To drive away evil spirits."

Ye Chunyang's complexion sank slightly.

This old man is full of nonsense, how could he take it seriously.

But what surprised him was that the other party had no aura of cultivation, as if he was just a mortal.

Ye Chunyang has practiced Taoism for more than a thousand years, so naturally he would not care about anything with a mortal old man, so he immediately ignored it and closed the door to practice alone.

The old Taoist looked at the closed door, smiled slightly, and didn't say anything else. After shouting "Little Er serves the wine" to the bottom, he walked to the other room with a penny in his hand.

It's just that the moment he turned around, there seemed to be something inscrutable in his eyes.

The meeting with the old Taoist priest was just a small episode, and Ye Chunyang immediately sat down cross-legged after entering the room.

After a little inspection, he flicked his sleeves, and several banners were shot out in the air, and a glow of light shone across the room.

Soon, an invisible barrier sealed the place.

After confirming that no one was looking, Ye Chunyang waved one hand, and the jade gourd hanging on his chest slowly flew out, hanging in the air and emitting a faint blue light.

Immediately after his spiritual consciousness moved, there was a golden light shining between his eyebrows, and the primordial spirit escaped from his body, and moved towards the jade gourd.

At the same time, the avatar appeared on the side, responsible for running the original scriptures to meditate and practice, and then transferring the aura of heaven and earth to the main body.

In this way, he can cultivate spiritual herbs while not delaying his practice.


ten days later.

When Ye Chunyang regained consciousness, he had more than a dozen wooden boxes containing spiritual herbs in his hands, and the whole room was filled with the fragrance of medicinal materials.

Satisfied, he spread out the medicinal materials one by one, and then set up the alchemy furnace, ready to start the alchemy.

"Pillions are divided into three levels: ordinary pills, panacea and elixir."

"Each level of elixir is divided into four grades: low, middle, upper, and even supreme. The spirit world is rich in materials, and the elixir that has been ripened this time is enough to refine a batch of low-grade elixir."

After Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, he released Jiuli True Fire.

In fact, with Ye Chunyang's alchemy technique, there is no problem in refining high-grade spirit pills. It's just because the spirit stones are limited this time, and the spirit grass seeds purchased are not high-level. Even if they are ripened for ten days, they can still be refined. It's just a panacea.

As for ordinary pills, in the spirit world, except for some weak races or casual cultivators, big forces and high-level monks don't look down on them at all.

In order to solve the urgent need, Ye Chunyang would rather spend more medicinal materials, and could only choose to refine panacea-level pills.

Medicinal pills of this level cannot be refined in the lower realms. First of all, the medicinal materials are one of them. The other reason is naturally that the spiritual energy in the lower realms is far less dense than that in the spiritual realm. Refining can only end in failure.

When Ye Chunyang ascended to the spirit world 300 years ago, he was at the level of a master in alchemy. Now that he has returned to the spirit world, it is naturally handy to refine the elixir.

Within a few days, there were bursts of clear sounds coming from his pill furnace, and there were streaks of spirit patterns flowing on the surface of the pill furnace, like rippling water, full of medicinal fragrance.

Seeing this, Ye Chunyang showed satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, several spirit pills flew out of the pill furnace.

This time the refining was extremely smooth, without wasting any medicinal materials. Ye Chunyang also inquired about it when purchasing the elixir of spiritual grass. According to the market price of the major cities of cultivating immortals, a low-grade elixir can be sold for about 100 million spirits. The price of stones is between 300 million and 500 million for middle grades, and as high as ten million for top grade panacea.

"According to the ordinary market price, the spirit pills I have refined now total eight, at least they can be sold for millions of dollars, right?"

Ye Chunyang rubbed his chin, and secretly calculated: "However, if we can find an auction, we may be able to sell at a higher price."

After thinking about it, Ye Chunyang went out immediately.

He didn't plan to sell the elixir in a package, but wanted to find out if there was a large-scale auction in the city. Usually, in this kind of auction, after some bidding, the price of the treasure would increase.

In the past, Ye Chunyang was naturally too lazy to spend so much thought, but now that he is poor, he can only do so.

Just walking out of the entrance of the street, there was a sudden commotion nearby, as if someone was talking about something.Ye Chunyang didn't know it, but when he walked by and heard what one of them said, his heart was shocked.

"Have you heard that a powerful person came to the Lingxian Mansion yesterday and directly stayed in the Xuan-level spiritual room. To be able to receive this treatment in the Lingxian Mansion, he must be a strong man in the Void Return Stage!"

"That's natural. The Lingxian Mansion is above the sky level and is the Xuan-level spiritual room, and the higher level is the Spirit-level, or even the Holy level. The heavenly-level spiritual room can only be lived in by the monks of the transformation god stage and the earth immortal. The Xuan-level spiritual room Not to mention, and I heard that there were two Void Returning cultivators who came yesterday."

"Speaking of which, the Lingxian Mansion is spread all over the spirit world, and it has a long history. I don't know who is behind it. It must be very human to be able to establish such a huge force."

"Who says it's not? For example, the two Void Returning Stage experts yesterday came to Lingxian Mansion with a three-pointed politeness."


A few people sat around a table drinking tea, chatting loudly and happily.

Suddenly, a figure sat next to them, "Dare to ask a few fellow Taoists, where is the Lingxian mansion you just mentioned?"

Some of these foreign monks practiced the cave, and some practiced the Nascent Soul, and one of them had reached the late Nascent Soul, and when he saw someone sitting next to him, his face suddenly showed anger.

But when he found the aura of transforming spirit that was in harmony with the heaven and earth coming from that young man, his complexion immediately froze, and then he showed a face of apologetic smile, and said: "Senior, I don't know where the Immortal Mansion is in the city, it seems that it should be from outside. Did you come to the island?"

"Well, I have just entered the island not long ago, and I want to go to the Lingxian Mansion to practice, but I don't know where it is. Please tell me a few friends." Ye Chunyang nodded.

Several monks of different races looked in awe, and one of the Dacheng monks in Dongtian Realm hurriedly said: "Senior, it is normal to not know where the Lingxian Mansion is when you come from outside. You can see it after walking two streets from here."

"Thank you." Ye Chunyang said, then got up and left.

Watching him leave, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't care, and continued talking.


According to what those monks of different races pointed out, Ye Chunyang walked along the streets in the city, and after a while, he saw a towering tower in the distance.

He stopped and looked up, compared to the Immortal Mansion in the Demon God Realm, what he saw here was more majestic and majestic, and the fluctuations of the teleportation array coming out of it were also countless times stronger.

"I didn't expect that there is a Lingxian mansion in the spirit world. I didn't notice it 300 years ago, and I don't know if there will be news of that kid Baifeng here?" Ye Chunyang murmured.

In the Demon God Realm, everyone thought that the Lingxian Mansion was built by the Holy Land of Blood, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Or there is some kind of connection between Bloody Holy Land and the spirit world.

"I don't know if the Tianzi Token in the lower realm can be used in the Lingxian Mansion in the spirit world?" Ye Chunyang touched the Tianzi Token of Lingxian Mansion in Qiankun's bag, recalling that Baifeng gave him the token to be a teacher. At the scene of the ceremony, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

After separating from the parallel plane, he had no news about them, and he didn't know how they were doing now, did they also come to the spirit world?

After Ye Chunyang thought for a while, he walked towards Lingxian Mansion without thinking too much.

According to what those monks from different races said, the scale of the Lingxian Mansion in the spirit world is dozens of times larger than that of the lower realm. There are higher-level spirit rooms above the heaven-level spirit room, which are not accessible to ordinary people. From this, we can guess The Immortal Mansion in the Spirit Realm is much more mysterious than the Demon God Realm.

When Ye Chunyang stepped into it, there was a burst of noisy people's voices. In the middle of asking, there were many people gathered at this time, whispering to each other, as if they were waiting for something.

(End of this chapter)

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