Chapter 618
Ye Chunyang did not express his familiarity with this place.

And for a while, he was not sure that this was the parallel plane, at least, there was no extraterritorial demon here.

Maybe this abyss world is very likely to be just a mysterious interface in the spirit world. Given the vastness of the spirit world, this is not a strange thing.

He looked at some people beside him, and there were quite a few masters in the middle and late stage of Huashen who came, and they all looked at the old man with fear.

And these people also have their own goals. After being sent here by Xia Guang, they didn't have the slightest intention of staying in place. They either went together with a few people or walked alone, and quickly fled away.

"Look at what is here, where is the place we are looking for?" the old Taoist said suddenly.


Hua Yanxi nodded in response, and a turquoise jade pendant appeared in her hand.

This thing emanates aura, and it looks like some kind of high-level magic weapon. I saw Hua Yanxi pointing her fingers and reciting a mantra silently, and a ray of light suddenly flowed out of it.


There was a low beep from the jade pendant, and the light distorted slightly, turning into a pattern and appearing in mid-air, with several light spots flashing on it, like a map.

Hua Yanxi glanced slightly, pointed to a certain place in surprise and said: "I found it, that place is six hundred miles north of here, but..."

Just as he was talking, Hua Yanxi looked to the other side, with a somewhat hesitant expression, and said, "It seems to be the territory of the Diyuan race. If we go in, we will definitely alarm them."

"It's okay." The old man waved his hand, and said lightly: "Although these abyss races are powerful, they have not yet appeared in the mid-stage of returning to the void. If you want to stop the poor road, they are not qualified enough. You just need to prepare things That's all."

Hua Yanxi cheered up and nodded hastily.

"Let's go, after this is done, we will go to the Fairy Hall."

After the old Taoist finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Chunyang intentionally or unintentionally, with a strange look on his face.

After that, he didn't stop, and took the Shenhong to fly away first.

Hua Yanxi and Hua Feier immediately followed.

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered slightly, the old Taoist didn't want to go to the fairy hall, what exactly did he want to do?
He didn't think too much, since he came here, after going with the old Taoist, he will naturally understand his purpose.


There is a mist between the sky and the earth, and the blue mist seems to never dissipate. Walking in it, it is easy to lose your way.

The old Taoist party seemed to have a clear purpose, without stopping along the way, they flew directly in the direction of the north.

Ye Chunyang has been observing the surroundings carefully. Although the abyss world looks like a yellow dragon, there are some building ruins along the way. Although it looks different from the cultivation race in the spirit world, it can be seen that people have lived there, and the traces are still very new. look.

This is enough to prove that there are indeed creatures in this abyss world.

But Ye Chunyang didn't ask anything, and when they flew away for about five hundred miles, the old man suddenly stopped.


Hua Yanxi spoke with some doubts.

Beside, Hua Fei'er seemed to sense something, and a trace of vigilance flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The old Taoist stood still, and after a while, he suddenly turned his head and looked aside, grinning.

"call out!"

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking wind in the void, as if something sharp was flying towards it at an extremely fast speed.

There was a cloud of blue ahead, and the thick fog blocked the line of sight, making it impossible to see what it was, but everyone in the group looked serious.Ye Chunyang also had an ominous premonition, and the magic power in his body was mobilized rapidly.

Just at this moment, a piercing scream came out, and when the sound was approaching, a ferocious monster emerged from the blue mist.

This monster was more than seven feet tall, and its figure looked like a human being but not a human, like a demon but not a demon. Instead, it had a ghostly aura, and its bloody eyes stared coldly at the four of them.

When he felt the breath of this monster, Ye Chunyang's heart froze slightly. The opponent actually had mana cultivation, and it was also in the early stage of transformation.

"Whoever trespasses in the abyss will die!"

The monster roared, and it was able to speak clearly like a normal human being.

"This is a monk from the Dark Abyss Ghost Clan!"

Hua Yanxi's eyes froze.

"This family can rank among the top five in the Abyss Realm. Now we are less than three hundred miles away from our destination. The Dark Abyss Ghost Clan appears here. It seems that they are the Abyss Race guarding this place."


As soon as Hua Yanxi finished speaking, there was a sudden roar from the opposite side.

The creatures of the dark abyss ghost clan roared like thunder, shaking the world, and the surrounding blue mist was dispersed under his domineering aura, with an astonishing aura.

"Xiao Xiaowu dares to act fiercely in front of the poor, and seeks death!"

The old Taoist didn't even look at the ghosts from the dark abyss, so Penny was more direct.

A turbulent breath came out, and the void seemed to be stagnant. The monster from the dark abyss ghost clan had just rushed in, and his body suddenly stopped.

Afterwards, there was only a burst of "cracking" sound, and with this monster as the center, the surrounding space was like a broken mirror, showing twisted arcs one after another.

Under the inconceivable gazes of Hua Yanxi and Hua Fei'er, this ghost from the dark abyss suddenly wailed, and its body was cut into several pieces on the spot, dying beyond death.

The old man took back the penny lightly, and continued on his way.

Rao had seen the old Taoist attack four monks at the stage of transforming gods outside the gate of the abyss. Seeing him easily killing the monsters of the ghost clan in the dark abyss, Ye Chunyang couldn't help but gasped.

What surprised him was not his sophisticated methods, but his determination to move forward.

The old man has a clear purpose, nothing can stop him, if the other party really intends to use him to do something, after the thing is done, he will treat himself as worthless, and he will end up like this ghost!
Ye Chunyang felt a great chill in his heart.

It is absolutely impossible for him to be at the mercy of the old man, and he must escape from the opponent's clutches as soon as possible no matter what.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at Hua Yanxi and Hua Fei'er beside him.

Judging from Hua Yanxi's use of the jade pendant to identify the direction of the old man, the two women also have a lot of effects on him. If it is really necessary, he can only capture them and force the old man to submit!
"Huh? My good apprentice, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and follow the poor man, we will arrive at the destination soon, and then the poor man will give you a chance!" The old man saw Ye Chunyang stop at the original place Unmoved, he turned around and grinned at him.

Ye Chunyang cursed secretly in his heart.

The old man was very bad.

Send a chance?
I'm afraid I'm going to send myself to hell!
Although Ye Chunyang slandered the old Taoist, right now is not the best time to make a move. With the opponent's magical powers, he only has one chance to make a move. If he fails, he will definitely end badly.

After several considerations, Ye Chunyang decided to endure forbearance for the time being and continue to follow the old way.


The four of them didn't know that shortly after they left, there was another sound of breaking through the air.

A gray glow appeared, and a figure was wrapped in it.

Judging from the appearance of this person, he was somewhat similar to the ghost that was killed by the old Taoist before, but his body was a little shorter, and he was no different from a normal human being.

But there are mysterious ghost lines on his face, and his eyes are not as scarlet as blood like the previous ghost, but dark and gloomy, without white eyes, giving people a sinister and strange feeling.

After stopping in mid-air, the ghost-patterned figure bowed his head and looked, his powerful spiritual consciousness constantly searching.

After a while, he suddenly locked onto a certain place, and his figure fell towards it in a flash.

After sweeping his eyes slightly, he stretched out his hand to this place and typed a formula, only to hear a muffled "bang", a burst of green smoke filled the air, turned into a ball of spiritual energy and flew into his palm, presenting a picture .

Suddenly, the four of Ye Chunyang and the old Taoist waved to kill the ghosts.

"Human Race and Flower Race? It seems that the 300-year period has come again."

The face of the ghost-patterned figure darkened.

"Since the Abyss Realm has opened up again, and the Immortal Hall has also appeared, I need to report this matter to the patriarch as soon as possible. But these people dare to kill my clansmen, no matter who they are, they will definitely pay the price for it! "

The ghost-patterned figure muttered to himself, raised his hand and pinched it, the aura in his hand exploded, and then flew away.

Soon, he disappeared in the vast blue mist.


On the other side, Ye Chunyang and his party have flown hundreds of miles away again.

As it got deeper, Ye Chunyang felt that the atmosphere here was a bit abnormal.

The aura here is thin, but it is filled with a strong ghost aura, as if you have come to the ghost world of hell, and there is a sense of coldness all around.

Ghost Qi is also called Nether Qi, which is a great tonic for ghost cultivators. Generally, only those who practice the ghost way will enter these places to practice. The old Taoist is a normal human monk, so I don’t know why he came here?
As he continued to move forward, the ghost aura became more and more dignified. Fortunately, Ye Chunyang's true essence was purer than that of ordinary monks, so he was not affected by these ghost auras. Otherwise, it would be difficult to mobilize mana in this environment.

Of course, the most important reason is that the 81 perishing swords in his body have the power of heavenly thunder, which is the most powerful magic weapon to restrain evil spirits and ghosts.

Hua Yanxi next to her was not so lucky.

Her complexion was faintly pale, and she took pills from time to time to stabilize her body. The Hua Clan's physique was inherently special, so walking under such a heavy ghostly aura would naturally greatly affect her.

This is especially true for Hua Fei'er, her cultivation base is the lowest, and there are faint signs of ghost energy invading at this time, and her breath is a little vain.

When Ye Chunyang saw this scene, a dark color flashed in his eyes.

Normal people walk through the ghost energy, and their true essence will be affected by it, and he has the ability to restrain the ghost energy, if he makes a move at this time, the chances of winning will be higher!
He couldn't help but look at the old man.

The other party walked in front and didn't notice his strangeness.

Ye Chunyang stared at his back with half-closed eyes, and used the soul technique to perceive quietly.

If the old man is also affected by the ghost energy and cannot display his cultivation in the void return period, it is the best time for him to escape!
But after feeling it for a while, Ye Chunyang's heart sank, the old Taoist's true energy surged, his magic power was unbelievably strong, and there was no sign of any damage to his vitality!
When Ye Chunyang was secretly probing, the old man suddenly stopped, and turned his head to look at him!

Then, he grinned heavily.

Ye Chunyang looked terrified!
The other party discovered his intentions?

(End of this chapter)

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