Chapter 625
Ye Chunyang doesn't want to participate in these powerful battles at all. Right now, the three major returning to the void are fighting for the robbing of Lingyuan Xianqiong.

After recovering to the stage of transforming gods, Ye Chunyang's physical and supernatural powers were beyond comparison in the past, and with the blessings of Wuyingdun and Qingyunyi, his speed was almost like lightning, and he escaped into the ghost mist all at once.

There are countless demons and ghosts raging around, Ye Chunyang did not hesitate to kill them all!

Tear out a bloody path abruptly!

Seeing Ye Chunyang flee without a trace, the old man was furious.

You must know that there is no condition to pass through this ghost fog except for Ye Chunyang's thunder power. Now that Ye Chunyang has escaped his control, no matter how high his cultivation base is, he will probably be trapped here.

Yuan Xian's face was also extremely ugly.

The reason why he was able to come here just now was probably because Ye Chunyang had opened up the road, but even so, he still consumed a lot. After going through some competition at this time, it will become a question whether he still has the energy to fight out later!

Yuan Xian glanced at Hua Ling coldly, and cursed angrily.

Unknowingly, Ye Chunyang, who was originally inconspicuous, has become a key figure in reversing the situation.

But at this time he had disappeared without a trace, even Yuan Xianyi and Lao Dao could only jump around.

Hua Ling's face was ashen. He never expected that Ye Chunyang's supernatural powers would be so strong, and even his mid-stage cultivation would not be able to stop him.

The patriarch of the Dark Abyss Ghost Clan hid in the gray shadows, and also glanced at the direction Ye Chunyang was escaping from, his eyes flashed a little surprised, but he didn't pay any attention to it, his whole body was filled with ghostly aura, driving a thick fog straight Go to the stone basin on the platform.

"It's not that easy to want Lingyuan Xianqiong!" Seeing this scene, the old Taoist was furious, and he quickly cast spells while speaking, drawing a blue light wheel in front of him.

With him as the center of the entire stone platform, the vitality of the surrounding world is rioting and converging into the light wheel.

He picked up the Penny Flying Sword and pointed towards the middle of the light wheel.


A turbulent wave filled the air, and it was about to take the Lingyuan Xianqiong into his hands. The gray shadow was under the cover of the light wheel, and he couldn't get in. At the same time, the Penny's flying sword circled up and down, crazily strangling!

"Puff" several muffled sounds came out.

The gray shadow suddenly exploded, and the clouds and mist in the big canopy were all turned into blue smoke and lifted into the air under the slash of the flying sword, revealing an old man wearing a black cloak inside.

It is the patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan.

Repelled by the old man's blow, the old man's eyes flashed with fury, and he pressed it with one hand in the air, and the Immortal Execution Blade was brilliant and generous, and its murderous aura shot straight into the sky.

The old man clenched the handle of the blade with both hands, and swung it out in the air.

A [-]-foot-wide horse stretched across the void, and if it wanted to tear the sky and the earth in half, the ghost fog that shrouded the front would be severed.

Seeing this, the old Taoist couldn't help but stare. The penny flying sword drove the cyan light wheel to meet Zhu Xianren again. The blade and the sword collided in an instant, making eardrum-shattering roars, and terrifying waves of aura surged up.

"What a veteran of the human race, to have such supernatural powers!"

The patriarch of the Dark Abyss Ghost Clan looked at the old man with serious eyes. This old man seemed to be unattractive, but Zhu Xianren repeatedly had no choice, which showed that his methods were astonishing.

"Hmph, for this Lingyuan Xianqiong, the poor Taoist has been waiting for 300 years, whoever dares to stop me today will be buried here forever!" the old Taoist said furiously.

Originally thought that everything would go smoothly after capturing Ye Chunyang, but he never thought that Yuan Xianyi would be recruited first, and then the patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan would appear. stuck here.

"What an arrogant tone, my patriarch wants to see what ability you have to get Lingyuan Xianqiong?" The patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan sneered sinisterly.

Before he finished speaking, he stomped his footsteps suddenly.

The void rumbled and trembled, within a radius of a hundred feet, all the space was solidified, and the Immortal Execution Blade lifted into the air like an angry dragon, and its power was several times more fierce than before.

"Hey, let's fight to the death, this Lingyuan Xianqiong, Yuan is not welcome!"

The two who were fighting fiercely, suddenly heard a faint sarcasm, Yuan Xian stretched out his body, and quickly fell into the Qingshi platform.

There was a layer of light on his body, covering his body, and the aftermath of the two people's confrontation with the Fa had no effect on him at all.

It is conceivable that he used some kind of protective treasure.

"You dare!"

The old Taoist was terrified and furious, he only fought against the patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan for a moment, but he didn't expect Yuan Xianyi to take advantage of the loophole.

The patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan also had ferocious eyes, and he waved his hand without saying a word.


Suddenly there was a piercing roar behind Yuan Xianyi. The old man had just urged the tactic a moment ago, and the Immortal Execution Blade reached Yuan Xianyi's back in an instant. With unparalleled murderous aura, flanking left and right.

If this record is true, even if Yuan Xian has great powers again and again, he will still have hatred for it!
"Get out of here!"

Yuan Xian's face became gloomy, a white light shone in his hand, and the shield covering his body became more solid. Under the simultaneous attacks of the Immortal Killing Blade and the Penny Flying Sword, there was only a slight spark, and then quickly stabilized.

A cold look flashed in the eyes of the old Taoist, and he didn't take back the flying sword. Instead, he appeared in front of Yuan Xian and grabbed Lingyuan Xianqiong.

Given the distance between the two of them, it is very likely that Lingyuan Xianqiong will really fall into the hands of one of them.

Hua Ling, Hua Yanxi, and Hua Fei'er saw the battle, they couldn't help but retreat far away, completely unable to intervene.

"Lingyuan Xianqiong is the property of my dark abyss ghost clan, and no one can take it away!" The patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan shouted sharply, and the immortal blade was suspended in the air in front of him.

After saying this, he didn't flee to Qingshitai, but looked at the ghostly mist ahead, a sly smile flashed in his eyes.

Afterwards, he picked up a formula, and uttered a low and obscure spell, like some kind of ancient magical method, and a round of mysterious magic seal with gray light appeared in front of him.


The surrounding ghost energy suddenly fluctuated violently.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, gray air currents appeared in all directions, and the ghost fog heading towards it seemed to be drawn by some mysterious force, and quickly converged towards the light wheel.

The gray mist that had just disappeared from the old man's body filled up again, exuding an incomparably cold aura.


Before Yuan Xianyi and Lao Dao had time to snatch Lingyuan Xianqiong into their hands, expressions of surprise immediately appeared on their faces, and they saw that the ghost mist had been absorbed into the seal by the patriarch of the Dark Abyss Ghost Clan at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their bodies swelled accordingly .

At first glance, it looks like an inflated ball, but the breath it emits makes people feel palpitations.

"Ghost curse?"

Yuan Xian lost his voice.

From the incantations and supernatural powers cast by the patriarch of the ghost clan in this dark abyss at this moment, he thought of the records in an ancient book in Xuanji Palace, and his expression became solemn.

"Ghost curse?"

"This is the sorcery of the ghost clan that has long been lost in ancient times. How could the ghost clan of the dark abyss possess it?"

The old Taoist also frowned, apparently he had also heard some rumors about this spell.

"This spell can forcibly absorb ghost energy, allowing the caster to instantly have a cultivation level beyond the realm. It seems that he intends to use this ghost fog to deal with us." Yuan Xian gave a cold look.

Even if he is as cultivated as he is, seeing the scene where Ghost Mist was forcibly absorbed by the patriarch of the Abyss Ghost Clan, his expression became extremely ugly.

"With his current strength, we can't fight against him alone, old guy, why don't you and I work together to solve this problem first?" Yuan Xian looked at the old man and said.

The old Daoist's eyes flashed, and he nodded, "Okay, Pindao will join hands with you for now!"

They are well aware of the power of the ghost curse. Although casting this curse will face some terrible disadvantages, if the patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan succeeds in casting the spell, it may be difficult to get this Lingyuan Xianqiong.

Although the two have their own ghosts, they don't want to watch Tiancaidibao being taken away by each other.

"Hmph, do you really think I came here unprepared?"

The patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan saw the two flying towards him, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and he absorbed the ghost fog even more frantically.

Standing in the distance, the three of Hua Yanxi could only feel a painful feeling that their primordial spirit had been absorbed, but fortunately, this ghost curse was not aimed at them, otherwise they would have died suddenly by this time.

Now, they didn't even dare to get close, and fled desperately everywhere.

"Damn it! That kid surnamed Ye has already fled, without his sword array, we can't leave here at all!" Hua Yanxi gritted her teeth and hated.

Ye Chunyang's sudden outburst was beyond everyone's expectations. Now that he escaped, everyone became a shackle.

"This person has never been simple." Hua Fei'er sighed.

She looked at the middle stage of the three major battles on the Qingshi stage, the expression on her pretty face was extremely serious.

After a while, she slowly said: "If it is a last resort, I can only use that method to forcibly break out of the ghost fog."

Hua Yanxi was slightly taken aback, but then her expression changed when she thought of what Hua Feier said.


"The big man in the family said that that method can only be used when you are most in danger, and once this method is used, you will have to bear an unimaginable price." Hua Yanxi shook her head decisively.

"Is there any other way now?" Hua Fei'er asked with a wry smile.

"But..." Hua Yanxi opened her mouth slightly.


She was about to say something when suddenly there was a strange noise.

The two women focused their gazes, and saw the ghostly aura surging in front of them, and there was a low cracking sound in the thick ghost fog, and then a figure was pulled out from it.

The figure was surrounded by a strange light, as if he appeared passively under certain circumstances, and when the light around him dissipated, everyone was taken aback.

This person is dressed in a black black robe, and his body is filled with the power of thunder, it is Ye Chunyang!

Appearing here suddenly, Ye Chunyang also showed surprise on his face, and then his face turned ugly!

After escaping just now, he didn't stop for a moment, and directly tore through the ghost fog to get out of the ghost eyes.

But unexpectedly, just when he was about to escape from the ghost fog, a huge force rushed into the ghost fog, and the ghost energy inside was madly absorbed by it.

And without warning, he was taken back here again by this turbulent force!
(End of this chapter)

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