After the ascent failed

Chapter 633 Blackwood Forest

Chapter 633 Blackwood Forest

It didn't take long for Ye Chunyang to adjust his breath, and soon recovered his vitality, and the two of them went back on the road.

Having met Mo Man before, Ye Chunyang is also a lot more careful this time.

Since this person can appear here, it means that other Void Returning cultivators should have arrived, and maybe there will be many unpredictable crises on the road leading to the Fairy Spirit Hall.

Ye Chunyang beheaded Mo Man's spiritual pet, he didn't simply think that the other party would let him go.

There are also Ghost Patriarch and Gu Mu Lao Dao. The former has already noticed that the Diyuan Sword Talisman may be on him, and if Gu Mu Lao Dao finds out that he is still alive, the consequences can be imagined.

But wealth and wealth are in danger, and it is precisely because of the pressure from these strong men that Ye Chunyang desperately wants to become stronger. The Fairy Hall is obviously a shortcut.

Maybe the treasure inside could give him the power to protect himself in front of Void Returning cultivators.

However, he put on a mask at this time, and concealed his aura, so even if he met the Ghost Patriarch and Gu Mu Lao Dao, they wouldn't recognize him.

"It has been more than two months since we entered the Abyss Realm, and in about half a month, the Abyss Realm will be closed again, and everyone will be sent out by then. We don't have much time."

Halfway through the journey, Hua Fei'er reminded her.

Fearing that what happened before would happen again, she looked vigilant.

Ye Chunyang nodded and asked, "Can you see where this is?"

Hua Fei'er stopped and looked forward.

At this time they were in a wild and ancient forest.

The mountains, rocks and ancient trees in the forest are different from what we have seen in the past, as if they were stained with ink, they are pitch black and filled with a thick layer of miasma.

Hua Fei'er pondered for a while, and said: "If I guess correctly, this ancient forest is called Black Wood Forest."

"Black Wood Forest?" Ye Chunyang looked suspiciously.

Hua Fei'er nodded and said: "The Blackwood Forest is the first pass leading to the Fairy Hall, and there will be many ancient creatures haunting it, but since this forest is left over from the ancient times, there will also be some rare natural treasures , if you are lucky, maybe we can meet."

Ye Chunyang's heart moved when he heard this.

All treasures of heaven, material and earth, the longer they exist, the higher their spirituality. In the past, although he could ripen spiritual grass with a spiritual spoon, he was not as good as these naturally grown spiritual things.

However, all treasures of heaven, material and earth are hard to come by, even if Ye Chunyang wants to find them, he can only rely on chance.

Suddenly, he thought of something, a light flashed in the spirit beast bag, and the rabbit elf appeared.

Hua Fei'er was taken aback: "What a spiritual rabbit, fellow daoist, is this your spiritual pet?"

"This...not really, it's just a rabbit spirit that I accidentally took in many years ago." Ye Chunyang rubbed his nose and vaguely mentioned it.

Strictly speaking, Lingsu is not his spiritual pet, but Lingsu has followed him for many years, and sacrificed her true energy to obtain Wuhua God Ye for him when she was in the demon god world. By his side, try to help him recover his body.

"Fellow Daoist released this rabbit spirit, so it must have some supernatural powers?" Hua Fei'er was smart enough to see that Lingsu was extraordinary.

"This rabbit spirit is indeed a little gifted in sensing the treasures of heaven, material and earth." Ye Chunyang smiled.

"Oh?" Hua Fei'er was a little surprised, looked at Lingxu and said, "I never imagined that this little elf would be so capable. Fellow Daoist released it, is it because you want it to take you to find treasures?"

"Exactly." Ye Chunyang smiled, not hiding anything about it.

Since there are treasures of heaven and earth left over from the ancient spirit world here, there may be treasures that are helpful for Lingsu's recovery.

Although Lingsu has lost most of his true energy and can only appear in the form of a rabbit spirit for the time being, his ability to perceive heaven, material and earth treasures has not weakened.

This place is suitable for her to play.

Maybe it's a woman's nature, seeing Lingsu's eyes full of agility, Hua Fei'er smiled, and stretched out her hand to hug Lingsu.

Just approaching, Hua Feier suddenly froze.

The rabbit spirit in front of her was covered in fine hair, staring at her coldly, then turned around arrogantly, and jumped onto Ye Chunyang's shoulder.

Completely ignored what she meant.

Hua Fei'er froze for a moment, looked at Ye Chunyang and said, "I didn't expect that Daoyou Ye's spiritual pet is full of spirituality."

As soon as the words were finished, Hua Fei'er saw Ling Su who was lying on Ye Chunyang's shoulders turned his eyes hard again, full of hostility towards her.

Hua Feier was a little strange.

This rabbit spirit is a bit too anthropomorphic, right?

Also, did I say something wrong?
Hua Fei'er was a little confused.

Ye Chunyang smiled slightly, and after passing a divine thought to Lingsu, he put it down.

The latter understood, and after flashing his eyes a few times, his figure flickered immediately, turning into a flash of white light, disappearing into the black wood forest.

Seeing this, Hua Fei'er couldn't help being startled, and said: "The dark wood forest is full of dangers. I don't think this rabbit has a high level of cultivation. Daoist friends, don't worry, let him go away by himself?"

"Fairy Hua, don't worry, although this rabbit spirit doesn't have any magic skills, she has no worries about self-protection." Ye Chunyang responded.

Seeing the confidence in Ye Chunyang's expression, Hua Fei'er was even more surprised.

She suddenly realized that this rabbit spirit might not be as simple as what she saw on the surface.

Ye Chunyang waved his hand, and then said: "Let's go, the next road to the Fairy Palace, and Fairy Lao will lead the way."

Hearing this, a wry smile flashed in Hua Fei'er's eyes, and she nodded silently.

I almost forgot that I was planted with a restriction on my body...

At the beginning, Hua Fei'er was wary of Ye Chunyang, but when Ye Chunyang rescued her from Mo Man, Hua Fei'er's view of him changed.

Hua Feier glanced slightly from the corner of her eye, revealing a somewhat complicated expression.

Finally, as if thinking of something, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Although this person's temperament is good, my Huazu and human soul cultivators are natural enemies. If he is really a soul cultivator, we will still be hostile after all."

Hua Fei'er secretly sighed in her heart, and didn't think about anything else.

The two continued to fly.

While Ye Chunyang was moving forward, Shen Nian contacted Ling Su, who helped him find a lot of treasures when he was in the lower realm. Now, although his real energy has dropped sharply, his talent is still there.

If it is true as Hua Feier said, there are really treasures from the ancient spirit world in this black wood forest, and Lingsu's talent should be rewarding.

As for Lingsu's safety, Ye Chunyang has already left a spiritual note on her, and if there is any danger, he can feel it immediately.

And at the same time as the two of them were moving forward, a streak of rainbow light quickly appeared outside the Blackwood Forest.

The light faded away and turned into a beautiful woman, appearing right where Ye Chunyang and Hua Fei'er had just stopped.

After stopping in place, the woman looked around, then lowered her head and pondered.

After a while, she squeezed a magic seal with both hands, and shot the magic formula into the void.

A strange picture suddenly appeared in front of him.

Streams of light as thin as needlepoints appeared, floating in the void, wriggling up and down like fresh fish, as if they were showing something.

The woman stared at these streamers for a while, and her face suddenly became gloomy.

At this moment, the sky fluctuated violently.

A figure slowly descended from the sky. He was dressed in Taoist robes with fluttering sleeves, holding a fortune-telling penny in his hand.

"How, are there traces of the two of them?"

The old Taoist put away the light, looked at Hua Yanxi and asked.

"Their location cannot be determined yet." Hua Yanxi shook her head, and said with a sad expression: "Before Fei'er sent a message to the junior, she was held hostage by the monk surnamed Ye, but because of the restriction planted in her body, she could not be released Now I can only use the Hua Clan's secret technique to temporarily find her location."

"That kid surnamed Ye is so lucky that he survived the restriction of ghost eyes." The old man Gu Mu said with a smile that was not a smile.

"Senior, what should we do now?" Hua Yanxi gritted her teeth and said, "Fei'er is the hope of our Hua Clan, there must be no mistakes, otherwise our Hua Clan's plan..."

In the middle of the conversation, Hua Yanxi saw that Gu Mu Laodao's face seemed a little gloomy, so she couldn't help but stop talking.

"Originally, I just planned to use that kid's Tianleimu Flying Sword to go into the ghost's eyes to get Lingyuan Xianqiong, but I didn't expect this kid to be so unexpected."

The old man sneered and said, "It's a pity, no one has ever been able to escape from my grasp."

Hua Yanxi's expression flickered slightly, and she said: "I will tell you what I said, the first time Fei'er and I saw this person at the Lingxian Mansion auction, I felt that she was a little different from ordinary people. I didn't expect him to hide so deeply. It is also the cultivation base of the early stage of transformation, and his magic power is far higher than that of the younger generation."

"This is not surprising." The old Taoist said lightly: "That kid was outside the city gate that day, and he was almost able to escape under the joint suppression of the ghost ancestor and Taoist Aoxie alone. Naturally, the mana and supernatural powers cannot be obtained at the ordinary early stage of transformation. measure."

"One person against two Void Returning cultivators?" Hua Yanxi's shock was no small matter.

Only at this time did she understand why she was defeated so thoroughly!
"Speaking of which, how did senior know that this person is carrying the Heavenly Thunder Wood Flying Sword, which can help us enter the ghost eye?" Hua Yanxi asked again in surprise.

Hua Yanxi has always been a little puzzled by this matter, but because of this, she is extremely jealous of Ye Chunyang.

The supernatural power shown by Ye Chunyang at that time terrified her to this day.

"Hey, it's okay to tell you." The old man chuckled and said, "My ancestors once cultivated the sky thunder wood, so I can naturally sense this spirit tree, but it's a pity that the sky thunder wood no longer exists in the world, otherwise Why do I need to use that kid's power to enter the ghost eye?"

Hua Yanxi nodded suddenly.

At this point, the old Taoist's face darkened, "I thought I could get the Lingyuan Xianqiong smoothly, but I didn't expect it to fall short in the end!"

"But it doesn't matter, as long as we can get the items in the Fairy Spirit Hall, it can make up for the loss of Shanglingyuan Xianqiong, and... in the first few levels, the boy's Sky Thunder Wood Flying Sword is still useful to us. "

(End of this chapter)

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